HomeMy WebLinkAboutRackley, Frank 77173CONV rr.5 !r{r '*{?Cb.d ,.t{. \ arr Sody Pamlico $o!nd ?pa o, f..in<t lcritit,j .1 (&r!c:,lr ,i!*rx **l .,"--. 'i-*< .1. 1r 1..:! i ', ' , \...' ;,1t.1 I T t t Xorfr tp.(r, C6.ld(lart3 L.,ur o.r b.* rtr*ni &rr arrl d., ll L i.t G,{II,..- ,r!rk.-t, ri' . - '$ i.r'.,i ' '; ]*.1 . , ) CAMA /,{DReoce I rtuL GENERAL PERMIT Hodrficatron Complete Rerssue Panral Rer:sue As authorrzed b7 rhe Srxe of No h Carotna, Depanmor o{ Enuroonrcntrl euatny and the Coasral Rcaources Cgmmrs:ron rn ln yra ol onvironarcmel co.r<a.h p!6{rtnt (o l5A I.fCAC Apphcant Name F AB o P.erour pamit # Drt prcvix.tt pafrtnt ,s$cd o Propct Location: County C Sr.eet Add.e$/ State Ro*ll Lot #(r1 *rlA/vVLAddresslolf;"ckley ,[ffX;, fi€@ o ztP "*," /ylg,a -s g \/ 8f -@ .,,",, runr.r t o 54 u4a4l \d,5. c'ty /]zu krn en"^" n ffii$l-tfri,.,^u Subdmsron Ciry Phooe # I ) _ , ltli.wt,.wy JW Cloi€fl M4. Wt/. 806/ Authonued ASenr Afiected cw AECI!): o€a PWS ORW yes fO 'l ton tt 3 -\i: Prs UAA ,.1,A Wsf. l\ t Y ^qvl, )-€tt HHF G _i-zra IH t PNA rt,{V Type of Proiect Activity 6-* f EO ) Froa,anS Ptattorm! r l 6.o.i l..tth r -e- ^*u,,@o,r.))0'.Yt ,,t:.rt<. ol{3ho.c 'nr, a,n:'Kc offrr'o.c l0 / Bi19,r.. ch.'vtl a-t'luae (, vs:r '.--^-- F Ygc..n &ridorrE Od'c. {,f t*f ,a (laotn) ? tL A b(,lldtnt Parflt tn , bc rcqurcd b,(X 5.e no{r o.r b.d( rta.rdrot R.tr Brsrn nrcr r No!. Lo'(al Phn^tnSrur'd -.t Notca SPGci'l Conditiont To.ri .'r ^Ccir'.$,|P/hta< Jt14/L \Qnu5 Bt^) (snne P..r{ Oltttr't Poilld 't . t I W,*'t''. -" a uf '{I,t::./ *,"/fu SdrEi,r, B.drt -,/' 4arsl - shor.,,c. Enttn ,r'rAJ sAv ',ot ,.re n 6) Hor-.!o'o- * @ Phord l*-r[/ w,r!r Atrh€d U *[',Llo'Y a AGFNT AUTHORIZATIOiI FORM FOR pERtUtT AppLlcAflONS lo rJ l.r,,.- urr.)\- )*)4r) ^)<- -g-rz'c Telephone Numben -4t3 F,$ oF ?n(b7J/1b Pt*/c- at my proper$ located at This certification is valid lhrough l-at-at Plnt orType Name Ttle, a. owner or trustee for property tlelJ.,roz-D it;te )sz- zaa-q-ze I Telephone Number o r0/l L rJz) ?zt) ,.t<iZD (date). N$8oo Ltl+3711 RECEIVED sEP 16 2o2o DCM-MHD CITY Email Address Z..t NarneofPropertyOwnerApplyingforPermit FZ+"v . t. ko|c*-l Mailing address: I certify that I have authorized Bobby Cahoon Construction, Inc (agenucontractor), to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the proposed development ol 4r-- ButLoJ/i-- DZ€,k Ai- (Ptoperty Owner lnformation) 81 c T L DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENTADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPER' i'WrIEiiIiiIrir-rcETION/WAIVER FORM Name of Property 6wnsy Frank Rackley Address of property 101 Vida Lane , New Bern, NC Craven Cou (Lot or Street #, Street or Road, City & County) Agent's Name #' Bobby Cahoon construction , lnc Mailing Address: 6003 Neuse Road Grantsboro , NC 28529 I hereby certifi/ that I own propefi adjacent to the above referenced property. The individualapplying for this permit has d escribed to me as shown on the aftached drawing_the develo pmentthey are proposing. /''44 r lnu" 'oobjections to this proposal. - I have objections to this proposal. lf you have oblecfrons to what is being proposed,you must now the DMsion of Coestat llanageinent(DCtl) in wrtting witrin 10 days of rccaipt of this notlce. Contacl information foravallable at or by ca ing 1-&BA4RCOAS[.No ,s considercd the same as ,ro it haYe been notified Ceftified Mait. I understand rhat a pier, aocr, ,oo,insvlfii:::;:i.:'fl breakwater, boathouse, or rift mustbe set back a minimum distance of 15;i;ffi;-;;iiiii"rirn access unress waived by me. (rfyou wish to waive the setback, you muet inifil the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive thie 1S' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15, setback requirement () by (Riparla n Pro perty Owner lnformafl on) Pint or Type Name 3oo 1,7J,/,TL Mailing Address o City/StaterZip -s Telephone Numbar /Address 2- n Construction, lnc Pint or TW Name 101 Vida Lane Mailing Addrass New Bern, NC 28560 City/Statezip 252-2294781 e,'/. < o *tTelephone 1-27-20 Number / Email Addrcss e Date /o -Ioao (Rovised Aug. 2014) Agent's phone #. 252-249-1617 DCM ofices ls Dde FIE RNR EIPT U TED I hereby certifo that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individualapplying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing_the developmentthey are proposing. e o"""rio,ion o, dr"*ino. ,,ritn air"n"ion". .r* o" or*id"d *ith thi" r"tter.i.- n\ N- I have no objections to this proposal. - I have objections to this proposal. Name of Property 6rrirng1. Frank Rackle v Address of Property 101 Mda Lane, New Bern ,NC Craven Cou nty (L ot or Street #, Street or Road, City & County) Agent's Name #: Bobby Cahoon Construction , lnc.Mailing Address: 6003 Neuse Road Grantsboro, NC 28529 WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pirings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathous€, or lift mustbe set back a minimum distance ot 'lsi fromhy area of riparian accesi unless waived by me. 1ryou wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the ls,setback requirement. :. ryl- - I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. on)(Riparian Proporty Owner lnformaflon) DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWr.rEN r.rOrririATPN'WAIVER FORITI .lr*r).,-tv.,tr \ r L-4, Signatureran by Bobby Ca n Construction, lnc. Pint or Type Name 101 Vida Lane Mailing Addrcss New Bern, NC 28560 City/Statez.ip 252-2294781 Telephone 1-27-20 h eLt;e fx., , kn.{ Pint or Type Name t0o i/cl a- Lo"( Mailing Addrcss lJt ,D 4,, . U t)L ) tS{' O CiU/State/Zip :s) Gf I 5o))De5O;e , r ; .Lo-rf Telephone Number / Email @) e r-L7.r','/, '^ q'' ' ' Co'''! 3C Number / Email Address Date /.t> (Revised Aug. 2014) Agent's phone # 252-249-1617 lf you have obj*tions to what is belng proposed,you must notify the Divlsion of Coasfs,l llanageinent(DCM) in wdfrng wltrin 10 days of tecetpt of this notico. Con'6]c/. hformation for DCH ofrices isevailableator by ca irrg 1.8881RCOAST. tl Date FRANK RACKLEY lol VIDA LANE NEW BERN, NC DESCRIPTION We propose to install a new concrete 9' wide x 20' long platform at the end of existing wooden walkway. Drawing by Bobby Cahoon Construction for: Frankie Rackley 101 Vida Ln. New Bern Proposed Dock Modification 8"x20 Pilings New 9 x 20 Platform Existing Wooden Walkway This drawing is the sole property of Bobby Cahoon Construction lnc. and is not intended for use by any other entity. lill il iit Parcel lD : Owner : Mailing Address : Property Address : Description: Lot Oescription : Craven County Geographic lnformation Sysfem Craven County does NOT warrant the information shown on thls page and should be used ONLY for tal assessment purposes. This report was created by Craven County GIS reporting services oh 1/2712020 11:50:12 At4 7-039 -124-A RACKLEY, FRANKIE J & NAN W 101 VIDA LN NEW BERN NC 28560 101 VIDA LN #36 RIVERVIEW HGTS Assessed Acreage : Deed Reference : Recorded Survey : Estate Number : Land Value : Real lmprovement Value : Total Value : City Name : Drainage Oistrict : Land use : 1408-0839 $372,990 $273,100 $646,090 Calculated Acreage : Recorded Date : 2.570 3 11 1994 Tax Exempt: No # of lmprovements : 3 SALE DATE 3t11t1994 Fire tax District : Special District : RESIDENTIAL . ONE FAMILY UNIT Recent Sales lnformation Sellers Name Buyers Name HAMILTON, OLIVER RACKLEY, FRANKIE J & WENDELL & NAN W TOWNSHIP 7 Base Area lst Floor 1934 1332 1 Sale Price $292,500 List of lmprovements to Site Type of Structure Year Built RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION 1986 BOAT DOCI(PIER-RESIDENTIAL 1998 RESIDENTIAL BOAT LIFT 2013 Value $252,650 $14,8'r 0 $5,640 Sale Type STRAIGHT TRANSFER Craven Gounty GIS oavoncounryd@BNoTwarfnttheinlorm.rionshowion$ismapandshouldb.u6.doNLYfo.t rassos6denlpurpos6s, PrinledonJanuary27,2020.l11553PM Hffibry# wS ''s h-dF I irry f \\I #f, 1b \ {*. '1,$I d' rS tn:s$ ,tsT#% ,"S"4-sv & t h \ ry @ ,g f ""S(a{ +j i5 4 "'rt dd ' ,rr'" ?t'r" 6!q ds' ^idt-\$'F I + 'ia. ur? ?* 1N (€@ ffirfr {-} o s,J z'&e+w4fliia5l+l V aa9 r$ 6 q & k rl)B fi I !I .fi, qt tu $$ \d ?o t,I t1 inch = 206 feet )