HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayette, Michael 76666C'_ DREDGE & FILL RAL PERMIT -Modification Complete Reissue Panial Reissue by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concem pursuant to l5A NCAC Applicant Name Address Previous permit # L-- Date ore\rious oermit issued -.111.\l Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) BCO E Prolect Location: County Phone # ( )_ Authorized Agent State ZIP E+lit _ I Subdivision City fl ztP , CW EW PTA ESAllected aEal.\. oEA HHF tH UBA PWS: tr PTS u lva Adi. Wtr. Body (nat /unkn) ORW: yes / no PNA yes / no Closest Maj. Wtr. Body >C (Scale ) Type of Proiect/ Activity A Pier (dock) len$h _ Fixed Platform(s) Floatim Pldorm(s} Finger paer(s Groin length t) E+H -+ -t-ffi' Eulkhead/ tuprap length av8 distance ofrshore max distance offshore Basin, channel ! -! .1 T 1W E E I I -.1I t_ L l- T ]Shoreline Length sAv not sure yes no Moratorium: Photos: A building permit may be required by: ( Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) E See note on back reSarding River Basin rules. I -at i 1- iI l \l H \ ffi I A$nt or Applicant Pnnted Name Signaturc * Please read compliance statement on back ofpermit * PermirOfllccr's Printed Name Signature Applicataon Fee(s)Check#lssuing Date Expiratioo Date EN Ciq/_ N9 76666 Phone # (-)- Rjver Basin +=.+-.i-+ I cubic yards __ Boat rarnp _ Boathouse/ Eoatlift Eadr tulldorhr I I - Ott'.r r -:----a u i21tl-l It'I+T Note, Specid Conditions Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the perrnit to become nulland void. This permit must be on the proiect site and accessible to the permit oflicer when the proiect is insp€cted for compliance. The applicant certifies by signingthis permitthat l) priorto undenaking any activities authorized bythis permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail retum receipt has been obtained from the adiacent riparian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coasal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and beliel certiry that this proiect is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin RulesApplicable To Your Proiect: Tar - Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules lf indicated on front of permit, your prolect is subiect to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the fuver Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office (9 l0-796-72 I 5) for more information on how to comPlywith these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Ofiices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead Ciq/, NC 28557 2s2-808-2808/ r -888-4RCOAST Fzx:. 252-247 -333O (Serves: Carteret, Craven, Onslow - North of New River lnlet- and Pamlico Counties) Eliz.beth City District ,Ol S. Griflin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-3901 Fax:252-264-3723 (Serves: Camdeo, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gate5, Parquotank and Perquimans Counties) - l Other: Yvashington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 2s2-946-U8t Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves: Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counti6) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 9to-796-72t5 Fax: 9 I 0-395-3964 (Serves: Erunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) hnp://ponal.ncdenr.orglweb/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/17 l8- az: \=- <-- € 4f) ,?-^- I a5\ l=4 (QaAn:Ac- \J<- Ldl Oog I \ ,f ,$o s' Ei ! \ I si r & \$'v ) 9tr3 EE:i C;; X ic3? A-ei!, d;< sYlE rB rbE 6-I I l. NI N N \ si 6, ilr ilil I "lt dl I I I I) q I (lxa.e no, rs. n EH e ,,a ^9 I q \To,JI .l la)cdlity- l'.tuil Nunrb$- 3ccs,i llaad - Estuorinc SltoNlim- ORv/ sho.clin. - Public Trust Shorclinc- Oth$- !F.r olrtcidl ts. o],h) G[,tif, ItAL ltit-oRJrlArlo\ I,AND OWNl:R - I'tAII,INC AI}DRESS OTEAR PERMITS M,{Y A[ REQUIR.AD: Tt lcivityyou ue plrmiEA nly nquirE F,rmils otbc-r thlr drc CAMr\ minor &r\ clopm..lrt pcnllit. i cldtrg. but n1't iimilcd lo: DrinknB walcr ttll. Sepric Tank (or orhe' sarihry wasre lrealmmr s)st.m). Buildin& Eldtricrl. Plumbing. He1ing and Air CoflditionhS. lnsulstiorl ind En€r8) Co!$.Nrtion. FIA ceni6.orion. saad Duo.. scdjoNnt control. SuMir i\ion Appmul Mobilc tlomc P,,t Approrl. I [Bnw6] Conn.ction. and oders. Chcck wirh your Locil Pcmrir OtErer for morc informalion. ST,{TEM ET"T OT O\T'}'ER.SHTP: l. ihe uode$i8ne( an lppliclor for 0 C.{\l.A miDor der.lolment pcrmit being eilher U. o*mr o[propfi] in aD /\fC or a pc on i(rhorizcd to ac(.s an ugeDr for purposrjs ofapplying for a C.{}L\ rninor &lclopmcnt Frmil. ccrtiry rtiat drc pel:oo lislcil s landoqrier or rhis ipplicalion has r siglrificanr inrerssr irr rhe rcalpropony dercnb.d lhcrc lhis illrrr6r ci. b{ dN"ibd os: (chcck onc) G 251 A(k \a AR&)- :ny <-zi&ag!rl.* nt413B ++-7 6 Ue-t \rft rroRlzuD,\cENl Sln!. - zip-Phon€ _1n owuu u ncord rillc,Tnl. js vesl.d rr nsmc ot pagc _ in thc_Courry Rlrisuy ofDccds _M ownc. tiy lirLu. ol;nrr.itLuree. r\ltrliernl is rl[ir lo rl1( cstrlo ol County. _if otlcr inrcrcsr. suchas wrilcn contracr or Lcas.-.rplain bclow or usc a scparotc shcq & 0t0ch lo ftis opplicarion. lir) LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address. sue.l name ad/or dirc.ctions to sit : 'lamc of lhc ldjr('cnl iralethny.) DESCRI?TIoN oF PROJDCT: (Lr$ all proposed coaskuction and land djstu$Ilnce.) jIZE OFLOT/PARCEL: - squr. feet PRoPOSED USE: Residcnlinl E (Sinsle-family fl tllnlu-kmiry E ) Cornm.rcial'1nd$trial E Other E :r) OCEAN HAZAR"D AlCr: TOTAI FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRU( rURX: - squflrc f!'cl (iDcludcs rir condilio'cd living Jp#c, pa*ing clcl0led ibovc grornd l':v.|. notrtonditioncd spacc cluvalcd abo\'c ground lcvclblit rxcludioanoolord-bcar g,ttic sp&D) .2) CO,ASTAI, SHOR f,Ll\I AOCs: SIZE OF BUll,DlNC F'OO'[.|)RlN I AN D O rHER l\'IPERVIOUS OR BU ll l' JPON SURFACE S I qulrc fcel (includes rhe a.ca of the loundation of all buildinFs. drive*ays, co! trtd decks, jon.n:tE or nrrson y patior. .lc. lhnl are s'ilhin th. applit bleAEC.Atticl tour calcutatrorls {rth Ihc projectdIa"in8.) NOTITIC.,\IION OFADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPf RTY O\TNERS: I funhennore cenify lhor rhe followinS persoD! are om.rs ofploperte$ adjotuing llir propedy. I affinn dmt I havc gileD ACILALti(rllcl- ro cach ofthc coDcr'mmg my inlcnr to dcvclop tlis prop.'ny.nd loipplyfori (.d\{-^p! rir- lNomc) ("{ddrcss) (t) (2) (l) (4) ACKNOIt LEDGEMf,NTS: I, th. u!i.r3i!ltr.4 sclnolvl.dSc tlnt tb. land owncr ir awarE thar tlr. prop6s.d d*elopru.lt is pleD!€d l'or an arcl \t hic|l may bc susccptiblc to crusio! ed,ior flooding. I acknor{cdgc i[at Ac Lo.al Pndil o6c$ Ia! crphitrd r. mc thc psdicu- lar h.zard probl.ms asrociri.d wifi rftis lol. This exlhoaiion rvls a.compani.d by rc€omrordrtionr conccminS s.abiliz.- rion d floodproofing tcchniqn.s. SOMPLf,TE lil fHf,R (r) OR (2) BILO}1 (a'orrrct.rot,t Locul Pc tit Ollic.r il ),ou nrc notsurc thich AEC a?Plics I ffrnhcrmorc ccrriry rhor I am rulhofizcd ro gxml. atrd do in f.ct !mDr. pcnrrissior lo Division ofcoasbl Mlorgcnrcnl 6rsfr. the l.ocnl Plmir Onicer snd thct ogorls lo cnl on lhc aforcmcntiurcd lands in conncclion eit cvilllnlnrg infonnarior rel,rEd to dtist)Lrnil application. This llrf _ dsyof_.20 _ Landoqncr or pdson authorizcd to act rs his'bcr gert for purpos. offiliog s CAIVA pemil spplicalior This o lcarloh lncl.td.s: gene.al i't/omaid (thithon). a lite d,ueug at d.t.ribed on th. bt& ofhts opplicatiod, the owac$hip sutten e',t, th. Occat, tlo'ad AEt: Notict rhen 'rccejJn\., o chlcklor 5t00.00 Dadc Wabl. to tht localn)', and an)t infodotid tB nq he ptoinc.t oto y hr thc owk@L Th?. detoik oithc apptidtih 6i6til\.d h.\, thesc rou'."r u't ituotpdrutul $,iho , ,".lLtenu in !t!'p$o $hich ndt be i!su.Ll. D^i.rtionJ,o,rt ttutc dqoik nilltonstitlta d vloldtion ol an| pzmil- At) p*son dcrelop ,g id aa A EC n ilhdut pe,,nn B suhject k cit'il. .ridinal atd adhniruoti\'. dLtio,t- iTAfE STO*.V\r^TER y^NACEMf,NT PE&VIT: It the pro.ier lo(!tr'd in ,n arca etrhicct lo ! Siar. J(omwst(.r Mlnl8tjnlcol Pcmi! i$rc{ by l[c NC Dilision of Encr$', Miootll tnd Lllnd Rcrouccr OEVLR)1Ytis_ No_ :fy.s, lisl 6c ioral buill rpoo 0redimpcrvions su ac! allowcd for yotr Io! or parccl: - squar. fcel SITE DRAWING/APPLICATION CHECKLIST Please nrake stue your site drawing includes the follorving information required for a CAMA minor development permit Thc Local Permit Officer will hclp you, if requested. PHI'SICAL DINIENSIONS - Label roads _ Label highways right-of-ways _ Label local setback lines _ Label auy and all structures and driveways currently existing on property _ Label adjacent waterbody PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS --. Draw and label nomal high ivater line (contact LPO for assistance) _ Draw locatior of. on-site wastewater system Ifyou will be working in the occan hazard area: _ Draw and label dune ridges (include spot elevations) _ Draw and labcl toe ofdunes _ tdenti& and locate first liue ofstable vegetation (contact LPO for assistance) _ Draw and labcl erosion setback line (contact LPO for assistance) _ Draw and label topographical features (optional) DEYELOPMENT PLANS - Dralv aud label all proposed structu.rcs _ Drarv and label areas that will be disturbed and/or landscaped _ Notc size ofpiling and dcpth to be placed in ggound _ Dmw and label all areas to be paved or graveled - Show all areas to be disturtrcd _ Show landscaping Have you: . completed all blanks anrVor indicated ifnot applicable? . notified and listed adjacent property owners? . includcd your site drawing',' - ^:--^l --.,t ,I-.--J rL^ ^--l:-^r:^-t Coastal Manage EN VIRONM ENTAL GU In I974, the North ( (CAMA) and set the border thc state's so build and develop, tl (CRC) to implement This application for Commission's effort designed to be straig the applicant. Please locality in rvhich you or she needs trefore r Under CAMA rcgul: complctr applicatior process generallv tal cerlain that your apl spccifications givcn i Other permits are sr are not CAMA-relat which of these you n Wc appreciatc your and your willingness productive co,rst. Ifyou will be working in a coastal shoreline area: _ Show the roof overhang as a dottcd line around the struchrrc _ Draw and label landward limit of AEC _ Draw and label all wetland lines (coltact LPO for assistance) Draw and label the 30-foot buffer line NOTE TO APPLICANT Coastal CAMA General Permit (CoastalArea Management Act) What Activities Require This Permit? You must obtain a CAMA (Coastal Area Management Act) permit for your project if it meets all of the following conditions:r it is in one of the 20 counties covered by CAlvlA;. it is considered "development" under CAMA;. it is in, or it affects, an Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) established by the Coastal Resources Commission (cRc);. it doesn't qualify for an exemption;. the project requires another state or federal permit(s). What Are My Payment Options for Permit Application Fees? The application fee may be paid by check or money order. If Paying by Chec& who do I Make the Check Payable to and Where Do I Send the Check? Checks should be made out to the Department of Environmental Quality, or DEQ. They may be given to the field representative at the time of the site visit or delivered to the DCM district office. Where Can I Get The Application For This Permit? Applicants should contact the DCI4 district office and request approval for development. The applicant shall provide information on site location, dimensions of the project area and the applicant's name and address. In addition, the applicant shall provide (1) confirmation that a written statement has been obtained and signed by the adjacent riparian property owne(s) indicating they have no objections to the proposed work; or (2) confirmation that the adjacent property owners have been notified by certified mail of the proposed work. The notice shall instruct property owners to provide written comments on the proposed development to the Division of Coastal Management within 10 days of receipt of the notice. The notice must also say that no response shall be interpreted as no objection. How Long Will It Take To Review My Application? Most general permits are issued on site. Where Do I Submit My Application? Contact the DCM district offlce that serves your area with the requested informatlon. A list of district offlces is available on DCM'S Web site located at the following link: nc.a divis c a n ff-tn How Long Is My Permit or License or Certificate Valid? The activity authorized by most general permits must be completed within 120 days of the issuance of the permit. If more time is needed to complete the project, it is necessary to re-examine the project to determine if the general authorization may be re-issued. NC DEQ Permit Directory What Is The Purpose of This Permit? General permits are used for routine projects that usually pose little or no threat to the environment. CAMA general permits are intended for major development such as, but not limited to, docks, piers, bulkheads, the placement of riprap and maintenance excavation of canals, channels, basins and ditches. Its purpose is to protect, manage and promote the environment, public trust rights, and the economy of the Nofth Carolina coast. Who lssues This Permit? Contact the Division of Coastal Management (DCIY) district office that serves your area. A field representative will visit the project site to determine if your project is eligible for a general permit. If it is, the representative will help you complete a permit form with your name and address, the location and description of the proposed project and a project sketch. How Much Will This Permit Cost? You must pay an application fee to cover the costs of processing the application when you apply for a general permit. This should be paid with a check made out to the Department of Env4g166:ohJ-- Quality or DEQ. T[e fee for most general permits is 9200, but some have a fee of $,]00 dercftliig-UF6ffie type offfi Coastal CAMA General Permit (CoastalArea Management Act) (continued) Notes/Comments: The Coastal Area lYanagement Act defines development as: "any activity in a duly designated area of environmental concern ... involving, requiring or consisting of the construction or enlargement of a structure; excavation; dredging; filling; dumping; removal of clay, silt, sand, gravel or minerals; bulkheading; driving of pilings; clearing or alteration of land as an adjunct of construction; alteration or removal of sand dunes; alteration of the shore, bank or bottom of the Atlantic Ocean or any sound, bay, river, creek, stream, lake or canal" {NCGS 113A-103(5Xa)}, The 20 coastal counties are: Beaufoft, Bertie, Brunswick, Camden, Carteret, Chowan, Craven, Currituck, Darer Gates, Hertford, Hyde, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Pender, Perquimans, Tyrrell and Washington. Legal Authority/Statute Reference: North Carolina General Statutes 51134-118, 5113-229 and 15A NCAC 07J .0201 Link: httos://deo.nc.oov/about/divisions/coastal-manaoemenUcoastal-manaoe oermits/oermit-tvoes Statewide Contact Informationl NC Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557-3421 Telephone: (252) 808-2808 NC DEQ Permit Directory o a_2!?N -a '-7 l.oc |ry licdiil Nutnber- o.Mr 1ltrz.id - Rstuainc shor\:litc- oR1"v shorclinc - Public Trrsl sholllinc- othcr- tror oficiat t( nhbt GLNXI{AL TNIORr\I,\ITON I.AND OlVNtilR - 11.\ll,lNG ADDRIISS iJee\ o'fHIiR IERMT-IS lllAl tsl; REQtrtRf,D: Ihc icrivio tou arc thnuins nuy rcqt,iro pem rs olhrr lhan drc CAMA rnnror dclcbptrrcnt pennit. ntcludnrg, trut rrn lnni tcd lor Di rkiirS watcr wtll. Scptic -lirnk (or othli sanit ry \vrsrc rrcalmcnl systqd. Building. flcctrical. PIu,.bius, Hc0rins ondAtr Co'rditionitU,Insulation ar noery) Conscn flion. IllA Crllificorio , Sand Dune. ScdiDcnt Conltol. Subdi\ isloD.Appro\ai, Mobilc Homc Park Aftno\!l, Iliglrva] Connectiof. ar)d others. Cb.ck whh ynrr Locnl Pe rn Of6Der l'or nrore intbrmarion. ST,{TEMENT OT OWNEILSHIT: l.lhe unddrsi$ed an applicmi for a (AMA nrinor delelopmenl perDit. beirs either lhe owncr of propeiy in an AEC or a p.rsor rurllolizcd Lo act {s ar ogout for prupuses erl upflvug for i CAlvt\ mircr dclctopur$( pcrrri{, cc ily thfi thc p.r'son lisrcd s ll do\1le! ol rhi! apflicnrion hrs i siArillc.rt inl.resl ir rhc rcrl prupotry d.!6ibed the.en'. [his n]roar catr bc dcs.rihcd .sr (chock onc) hm.ril AU'{ HOLJZlll} lGllN l' Nrme -\ddrer! Cir) Iimail E G'v srare NC: zrflldeno""qrq73 .+*16 e LOCATIO OT PROJECT: lAddr.ss. sr|eet name a,1d^n dirEclions lo sitel oan. ofthe dia.enl $arcrbodv') rJ tu {f R.aRa tJc- DIISCRIPTI0N ot PR()JD(]T: (l.i\r all prupo\c,l consLnieiion tlnd l.rnd tlislu brtncc )o\*.?toR*t _on owlcror rlcold till.,Tid. is vrslcd ir nanrc of _, p.g. in thc Co(mry Regislry ofDr.ds _.ur olvrcr by !i1uk of i.hcLitduc. -{I!li.dl is.ull[i.lo dr csl lcot' _j pbbale $rl5 ir _Courty t P} u)J\\; hrr,5' t6\ La bR (r\dd (t) 12) (l) (4) I s"*t ta La r". SlzE OF LOTIPARCf,L: sqocr€ fcEt - {ctes PRoPOSTD Uso: R.sidential E (sinsle-thmilv E I'luln-fam'ib'E ) Connerciolllndnstrifll D other tr CoMPLt lE EITHf,R (r) OR (2) Bf,Lo\4 ((brr.,./ row Lo.ot P.ttttt Oflic.t il vou or' 'tot $aP ohtch AE( dtvttcs (t) OCilAll HAZAf,D AEC!: IOIAL ILOOR Atl[A O$ PROPOSED S IRU( ttrRD: - squaN fccl (inuludcs iir condilion.d living spacc, pa*i 8 clc\fled .bovc sround leeel. no .condiLio cd spacc cl'r!ared abu\t Sround lei,el brl cxchdinB non-lord-brariDg rtic sprco) (2) COAS'IAl, SHORT:l I:{}:AuCsr SllE Ol BUll l)lNC rOO't'PR lN I AND (IlHfiR ll'*lPERvlOuS OR BUltlI UI'ON SUR FACIi S T - \qu.tre lccl (inc ludcs rltc rrca of l h. loundrtioi of rll buildinss, 'lnvervavs coveild dcc\\ doncrctu ormlsonry pali.rs. clc.lhrl are $'ilhin tlle rprlitdblc AIC. A lcll vout 0alcutadons *'illt llr proic.ldmwi'g ) ST.\TE STORMIII{TER M,\N^(iEI\{ENT PERIIIT: Ii rhc PrcjNt loc cd an sn !rt! itrhje'l lo r St!1" Strnwarcr Munrgcncrl P.mir i\tucd l,y tho NC Dilisioo oflin(r8Y. Minctul rnd Lund Rcsources (DIN{LR)'l \'tis No_ Uycs,list rhe roralhuift Upon aEa/jnpervious surlhceallowed fol vou lotor Farcel:-squor. teel ^CKNOlt LEDGAMINTS: I, lh€ unde$i8ned, dcknowiedge ut th. land orvrer is nvDre thri the propoAed developDent is plunned tbr .n rrca wlich fuy bc susr.ptiblc lo crosron ud/or nooding. I ackro{1cdg( dut thc t cal P.mit Ollic$ h.s cxplaincd ro,D. tlN panicu- lnr hazrrd Fobl.ms associtrted with rhis lot. fhis exptration teas nccouDsnicd b) recomueudarions corceminS nabiliza- tion and floodproofing lechniqncs. I ftrlhcrmorc clrtify llul I rm auihorizcd to granl. lnd do in foct rr{nt. ponnission lo Divirionot ('oasrol Mnnrlcnrcnt srall, rho l.oc{l Pomi! OIlcer md theh igctrls ro i".nrcr on rho aforcmeDliored laD(ls rn connccrtun wirh evali$riig infonnsliotr rctrLed l0lhis pcn nil ,ppli{ution. T--_--t Ihrs ll!: _ da) ot_.20 _ Lnndowncr or pel\or aull$rized io acr fls his/|ler,18e.1 tbr purpos. of filing. (lAMl peflDil applicrLro 'thitia ltc. io htcktd.s: Ec .t.1t i'to ndtiu (thisJonn).dstte dru'qotg dr de!.nppd on lp bdtti oIthts ttppli.tlio,t, th4 otrrcdti? *ntht.rl,l,c Ot.at tla:nd 1r(: NotiL! whcr. t.tc!!a\', < ht(t lot S I 00 00 nadc ?n\abh' to th? Ioctlti., tutl dn|pe il 4t) pz&tn d^el'r)i EinanAECtttourpendn6luhie.tbti,il-lrn nala Llutl litti\tttti!dltio. _if ollN intcrcst, stlch as wrillcn conkacl or lcasc, crnlain bclow ot usc 0 sclamlc shccl & atIs ch lo ih is ,pplicBtiol NOTITICATION O''ADJACENT RIPARIAN PRoPERTY OTT NtrRS: I liuihermoR cenify thit tlrc fnllownlg persoN are orvneft ofpropenies adjoining this propety I afifln tll.lr I lrave gn,en AC'I trAL NO'I IC[, ro cach ofthcu.onucming Dry inlcnl ro dcvclop lhis prop.r ry ind ro lpply lor a ( 1\,MA r}.Ilnir. Srirc - zip- Phonc I Ii P<- e-{{t ln box.this /-# @r.n^rXe. lililt Uruneo Srerps posrAr SERVICE ,ii,i;rriiiil!ill,iirii;f ii First€laso Postage 8 USPS Mail Fees Pat? Permit tl,o.G-10 ZIP+4o B. Received by (ftirfed Name) r Complete items 1, 2, and 1. Article Addrossed to: 2. &ticle Number ffrarrsrbr Na Do-i- {a.^ fohPsav"to)l wHSm;il'dud- @ r..uui llc lL aWs* fltffi Htflilililfifl ]llilflilil lt]t D. ls ddi'/€ry addess diffuter* forn item lf YES, €nter delivory address below: E No 3. S€wice Typo n Adult Sidi&rl€ tr ld' Slg*arr€ R€stlcbd D€liuEy tr Csffid dlo x tr Ase.( tr I Print your name and ddress on lhe reverse so that w€ can rctum the cad to you, I Attach thiscard to the back of the mailpiece, or on the tront if space permits.iJ'"" gsg(, 9403 025/ s155 81 13 37 tr Gerffbd t rll Br*tc1ed D€lii,€ry El ndrn tte€ht tor tr Collect orl D€liv€rytr R€sr*{€d Delv€ry tr Sis'd.Ee Conendim , tr 5ISrEtE6 Conftndirr fiElirsd D€IPery"r0 DE03 0C1? 0555 Blvery : PS Form 381 1, April 2015 psN 75so-02-m0-9osg MbR6tumR(ieipt SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTiON ON DFLIVEBY q n 412712020 lnbox Unread Starred Drafts Se nt Archive Spam Trash 2. Less 99 t Views Hide El Photos f Documents J. Travel Folders * New Folder Notes H ide 1t1 (99 unread) - pboyette2@att.net - AT&T Yahoo Mail Find messages, documents, photos or people €Back | <t + farchive tltMore fro"let" Qspar,, W W W & Yahoo/lnbox * 1 I I I i i : I I I I I I . : Johnson, Jay B q ibiohnson(itrrcdot.qov + Add to [,rnt{ctsoJohnson, Jay B <jbjohn & iI Mor1, Apr 27 at 4:44 PM To: pboyette2@att.net Cc: Cabaniss, Jeffrey D Thanks, Jay CAMA - adjacent landowner statement I Mr. Boyette, Good to speak with you today. Please find attached a copy of the adjacent landowner form that you will send to me (certifled mail with return green card receipt at the US Post office) include a copy of the application, vicinity map. and proposed work you plan to do - Plan drawing. Should you have any questions please call me al 252 341 9802. Jay Johnson Division 2 Environmental Oflicer North Carolina Department of Transportation 2524392a21 olfice 252 341 9802 mobile CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 4/27 DO20 NCDOT - Jay Johnson 1037 WH Smith Blvd Greenville, N.C- 27834 Dear Mr. Johnson: This conespondence is to notifr you as an adjacent riparian landowner that the ( Put your proiect information here ) in Carteret County. The sketch attached accurately depicts the proposed coostruction. Should you have objections to the proposed corstruction, please check the appropriate statement below, sign, date, and return as soon as p,ossible to: Mr. Davenport N.C. DENR Div -of Coastal Manasement Morehead City Disnict 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, N.C. 28557 Written comments must be received by the Division of Coastal Management within l0 days ofreceipt ofthis notice. NO RESPONSE WITHIN l0 DAYS of receipt of the correspondence will be INTERPRETED AS NO OBJECTION. '4;lt:;u; kH. /'a doO,o. I have no objection to the proposed project as described in this correspondence. I have objection to the project as presently proposed and haye enclosed comments ' 1lO lon Leaf a&(Signature) (Date) CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 4127/2020 NCDOT - .lay Johnson 1037 wH Smith Blvd Greenville, N.C. 27834 Dear Mr. Johnson This correspondence is to notiry you as an adjacent riparian landowner that the (Put vour Droiect information here in Carteret County. The sketch attached accurately depicls the proposed construction Should you have objections to the proposed construction, please check the appropriate statement below, sign, date, and return as soon as possible to: Mr. Davenport N.C. DENR Div. of Coastal Management Morehead City District 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, N.C. 28557 Written comments must be received by the Division ofCoastal Management within l0 days ofreceipt ofthis notice. NO RESPONSE WITHIN l0 DAYS of receipt of the correspondence ivill be INTERPRETED AS NO OBJECTION Sincerelv n;w&'vw 1e11g8*'t7L I have objection to the project as presently proposed and have enclosed comments. Ort:$fl"J- 6) J,l^"-* IGI J 0, (Signature) '/ /ab /c^",(Date) 7 bd , have no objection to the proposed project as described in this correspondence. ,-raq Computed Point (ilor Acce5sible) t STTE Corlcr.t \?\6Viclnlty MoP (t{ot to scolc) TOTAL LOT AREA 17,000 Sq. Ft. (Coord. Melhod) ![ Foiwiew Pork M.B. 7 Pg, 80 lron Plp€ set 4 s 7so o2 t,5Z "€1 lron Pip€ Se, \lron Pipe sel 4 (\ () 4,{ to-v ..1 o,B\ N @o o--l I oo +, 4 €(o Er. Mog. Ndil C,,L \ \ \ \ vb \r' 2- CrE.t'1\ z \ tq i -o\,? \ r Cul'-dc-Soc of\\Longleo, Dr. \f*".,t ?r,o SURVEY FOR MIKE'BOYETTE lyhite Ook Tisp. Corleret Co., NC Scole l" = 40' July 17, Zxfr REFERET'ICE: Deed Book 365 Poge 241 Correrel Counry RcAl5try 20 o lron PiD€ >D x. lron Pipc 96 2 7' c,--l C) \z {t-A ^ o @ t{,Yll-o pu(,tI 9tuo ,r'Ffbs GRIPH IC SCALE - FEET l, Pole D. PhllllDs, Profe3sionol Lond Surveyor, tta \ \ \ o ao ^F 4.. \\ t-q) & (D (r, o't- P rri. - I Computed Poinl (Not Accossible). .---.....\ 7so 2 F* 57,€- Er. Moo. l{oil C/L -de-Soc of Looqleol Dt. lron P,ps Set tr?'.i lron Plpa Sot \ \lron Pipe Se, TOTAL LOT AREA 17,OOO Sq. Ft. (coord. M€lhod) !{ z\ \ o.,.1 0 \ ocl e F q \ L q (oo b, x N or @ o_ oo\NN @ ttl ,:! \ \ E1ozClt:\ \ ., \ r Cu, SURVEY FOR MIKE BOYETTE ,t^?+*,_l*.2 Er. lron Plpe (A '{-<2 lvhile Ook Trsp. Scole l" = 40' Cqrtsrel Co., NC July l,7, 2W .\ "".:'X'IIX':,,,, ,-}'.....,E.F6DFA''F' o GRAPH IC SCALE -_ FEET l, Pote D. Phllllps, Professionol Lond Surveyor, hercby certlty ihol lhls mop ros droBn under r0y lup?wlilon lrom on ocluol lurvey modo under my 3uperylslon; ihol the rollo of precislon os colculoled byl/lO,W lollludes ond deporlures ls r'.-q ',7r .t' P'.\ : lhot lhls mop fl03 Drepored ln dccorddnc€ ylth G.S.47-30 os omended. uTNEss my hond ond reol lhir-ftdoy ot .\u L+, 2oo-o-' pr-s ro. -l-3919-- PATE PHIII-IPS and ASSOCIATES, P.A. P. O. 8o, 214 Swonsbor o Nor th Corollno C} \ I r. lron PIp. 96 \ E.A { \ \ 2. F ,2 7' o-l N @- / ViclnltY MoP l ot ro 9cotr t04 l t2tt ) o dpa1 \ FoiNien Pork M.B. 7 Pg. 80 'h;r... Cor la? al UNITED STATES PoSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No, G-10 usPs iRaekiNc# l[![ryl[Uffi[|[[[ut[ililulill ',,li'll',hli,tii 1,il'iillii tilill . Sender: Please print your nam6, address, and ZIP+4@ in this box' {V\i\<. 3o1-tte'';; t ,tA;Jk €d'*ncls \ZA- /-ft Gr-n"r1e "rrr*, I Complete items'1,2, and 3, I Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you, r Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. Na M-i- -.--r^ - TohrJSo x, i-, j, w*snn'+h tlvr- @ r.erou;[[ellt-aWS* illffit ilt illt ililtil llillltil ltil il il 9590 9403 0257 5155 8113 37 1. Article Addressed to: SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION A. Signature x tr u Ag6nt 11*' D. ls dolivory addrcss dtff6r6nt lrom jt€m 1 lf YES, ent€r delivery addrBss bolow:[]No tr COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON OELIVERY 3. Service Type tr Adult Signaturo tr Prlodty Nlall ExpI€€€@ tr R6glal€rBd Ma{ tr Adultslgnaturc R$trlct€d D€llvsry tr C C€Itilisd Mail@ tr Cedifl6d MallR6trlcted o€llv€ry tr 5 tr Signature tr Conli Oel 2. tutlclo Number OIa stoI ftqn safllco labdl +D EEEI 019? u tr D€liv€ry PS Form 3811, April2O15 PsN Tsso-02-oo0-9053 5 1 Domestic Beturn Receipt g. Recaivod 6y (tuintod l.latc)