HomeMy WebLinkAboutDaniels, James 77314C/ DREDGE I FILL NERAL PERMIT ew n Modilication -L i Complete Reissue by the State of North Carolina, Departnrent of and the Coastal Resou in ah N9 773 t4 AB o D []Fanial Reissue Environmental Quality Previous permit # Date pr€!\ iotrs pemit PUIsuant to l54 NCAC 7u /u0,#n atta.hed Applicant Address___ Paone*AX Authorized Agent -__C{ Fa-.tGA il Pws ,aa* Wd^'cxxr rlx DES tr PTS f]UBA ETVA lo SuHivision City Phone # ( ) Lot (s) State ztP <q ztP Affected AEC(s):Adi. Wtr. Body Closest Mai. Wtr. Body cORW: yes /no PNA Type of ProiecU Activity o( 70 trlu f')frn_,(sc bt//W7/)her (do<f) bn$h Fixed Phdorm(s) 2O (\ L.r (L f,tc \I aat Fb.tkE Plafo.n(3) Finter Croan hitdt I t,t10 Bulkhc.dil Ripr+ ayg di:t ncc 6 max di tanca Sd4 dEi|rd /, o.6kEds_t\8d rarnp ,__ Boadrouier' Boatlift E!.<h Br{dozirE Odr€r ,**.urftf.C SAV: nol3uF! yla no tlorurlun: nt F no lo.1 ,'Ta//. -A/ A buildirE perrhit may be required by: ( Note Local Phnning Jurisdiction) a,[ ] See note on Uacf regudl4 tUver Bcin ndes. Notey Special Conditions 6-)/i?, k.( * tr\ r€ad compliance sdeme{lt on back of p€mit $ M3AfrAte tt L.^- Fee(s)Check # Name ,r"/ 3t Date ir$ed Proiect Locatbn: Connty Address/ State ? --i t-# / TDREDGE & FILL NERAL PERMIT New Modification Complete Reissue As authorize'd by the State of North Carolina,Department of E and the Coastal Comm ron tn an N9 773t4 AB Previous permit # Date previous permit issued7t Doo o D LlPartial Reissue nvironmental Quality ,#r^Applicant Address Phone # Affected AEC(s): oRlv: l- -M t-- rn pursuant to l5A NCAC Phone # Adj. Wtr - Proiect Location: Co U\teet Addressl Sate -zr I l turJes attachedunry Lcr/1.., 0 Road/ Lot t)P c (Authorized Agent CTp ] OEA PWS HHF IH ES UBA PTS N,/A ztP n 6i /mqn /uaLa) yes /no PNA Closest Maj. Wtr. Bodyo ,:-J Type of ProiecV Activity 2 oC ?0 trzu [t)A,-,lscate;rt€//Pier (dock) length ) Faxed Platforrn(s)70 r7c lr f'tc h --r-r ---r"---r--'_r_-.r L aat Floating Plattorrn(s) IFinter pier(s) Groin lentth Ii-j-l-+- Bt lkhead/ Riprap --Lavg distance otrs Basin. channel ffi _t cubia Frds_ Boat rlmp _Y lrrlr I Boathouse/ Boadift + Beach Eulldozint I Other ,*r**onJ@- SAV: not sune Moratorium: nla Photos: yes yes y€s ,es I or,l 'Tt,t-I A building permit may be required by: ( Note Local Planning.lurisdiction) a,. See note on back regarding River Basjn rules. Notes/ Special Conditions Cu)t'i'1. D( Atent or Applicant Printed Name 41_ Please read compliance statement on back of permit ** quio'l|a@ tl L,4 x on Fee(s)Check# 3t Date I Cary Subdivision ttt r tl tl -l I ll =---t- ,,1!L-l+4. A-4 Name Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subiect to compliance with this aPPlication' site drawing and attached general and specific conditions' Any violation of these terms may subiect the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the prolectsite and accessible to the Permit officer when the Proiect is inspected forcompliance' The applicant certifies by signing this permit that I ) Prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this Permit, the aPplicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to .onfir. that this proi-ect is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receiPt has been obtained from the adiacent riParian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this P€rmit under the best available information and belief, certirythatthis Proiect is consistentwith the North carolinacoastal ManaSement ProSram' lf indicated on front of permit, your proiect is subiect to the Environmental ManaSement commission's Buffer Rules for the Rjver Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of water Resources. contact the Division of Water Resources at the washinSton Regional o.lfice (252-946-6481) or the wilrJ; i"8'.nal office (910-i96-7215) for more information on howto complywith these buffer rules. River Basin RulesAPP|icable To Your Proiect: Tar - PamlicoRiver Basin Buffer Rules Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules Division of Coastal Management Ofiices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ l -888-4RCOAST Fax: 752-747 -3330 (Serves: Caneret, Craven, Onslow - Nonh of New River lnlet- and Pamlico Counties) Elizabeth City District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth Ciq/, NC 27909 252-264-3901 Fax:252-764-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates. Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) E ottrer Washington Oistrict 943 Washington Square Mall Washin4on, NC 27889 252-946-648,| Fax:252-948-0478 (Serves: Beaufon, Benie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and WashinSton Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 9to-796-7215 Fax: 910-395-3954 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) hnp://portal.ncdenr.orglweb/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/ l7 Carolyn Daniels 12421 Regiment Lane Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Mr. Davenport, RECEMED ,JUL 2 3 20?0 Dcir-irHD crrY It has taken some time to get our paperwork completed. r aporogize for the deray. l now have thepapenvork signed by my Father-in{aw & step Mother-inJaw (James M. Daniels & patricia w. Daniels) authorizing aBent status to me. This pmperty is located at 104 Tayror Rd. Marshalberg Nc, carteret county. tot f s95E (prN f 734612855956000). The prop€rty is located next to Great Marsh creek. we are applyinS for a CAMApermit to rebuild our dock, that Hurricane Florence took out. we understand that there is no grandfather clause applicable now. As shown in the attached drawing the dock is with 2G3 feet x 5 feet walkway and the 2 boat slips (includes a seating area is 20 feet by 19 feet) 20 feet by 4s feet. slips are intact. Decking needs to b€ replaced. 8 pylons need to be replaced as wellas decking. I also have the signed papenuork from Mr. Levert for 140 raylor Rd (Lot 4017?) (ptN # 73461286401 - 7000). Drawing was attached for adjacent property owner to review. Thank you for help in this matter. lf you have any questions, I am available at cell fl S4O 8O9 ?!7O or carolvn e daniels @msn.com wx"c.$ilL_ Mr. Ryan Davenport Division of Coastal Mgmt. / Dept. of Environmental euality 4(X) Commerce Ave. Morehead City, NC 28557 Also included is the paper work for Lot 7837 (PlN # 734612857837(m). This is signed by June Hackney who is Treasure for the Marshallberg Community Cemetery Program which includes the Thru the Woods cemetery next door to my Father-in-law's Lot- Drawing was attached for adjacent property owner to review. AGENT AUTHORIZATION FoR CA]UIA PERTIIT APPLICATIoN Name of Property Owner Requesting permit:J AS /Y.* P .iqU-boni.L Mailing Address: at my property in t/Du3i0tr a37 ldy bb6 A E;b @ Agent / Contractor to acl on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all at a County l_fyflermgrc eftify that t am authorized to gnnt, and do in fact grant pemission toDivision o_f coastal Management staff, the LoCal permit officer and in.i, "iini i.rtoon the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information ielated b tnispemit application. Prcperty Ovner lnbrmrtion : A-4.-,",.- /71-1, Signature O- AhL J I e.o0c\c tPint or Type Name Orune C Tidb- L>t'Zn-> {rt RECEMED 'JUL 23 202a DCI,I.MHD C'TY Thiscertificationisvalirl hrougn C? t D3 t 90A,1 t Phone Number: Email Address: I certiff that I hane authorized necessary for the bllowing proposed development: ATUACEI{T RIPARIAil PROPERTY OWilER STATETENT l hereby c€rt fy Urd loun property @to d..-/' ?) otxner)property locaEd a[ (CityrTown County) ,s N.C. tt edSv.rei- \Lot,) (W*rtoCyl Ptint or Type NanlE Mailing Addrcss CMState/Zb Te/€pt7o(rc Nu/f7/tE/r / email add/.€ss IL NC s53 g 74.<rrDf - (nffiud .7.*,1 tdo aet{,ishtewahre }le 1$ se&ed(reguirE ne{rt, (Property Owner tnformdon)(Adiacem Propedy Owner lnf ormdon) Signdre f lrrw €-W ods Ce mel{- 3 or TWe Name7 AddrEss City/&aletZip Tebphot e NumDE'r /3-e-] -arO Dale.Jsa- a8q -50a1 Jrrna F. |}acEn inar:ts.llbtrAgs6sgr5 ?/ro Date ryan br one calerdar yetr aftr signature. (ReYi#Aus.mlq3 -(*ea.srr*.ev"eo fr p- *.." tl-rt 5.nr^) ) on in The +dlcant has rbcrbed to me, .rs shfln behx, ore dodop,nenr propc€d d rE abo''locdion-.d3-A./ I havemWirntotrbpopocat- i, ",O. I hat e otidiorE to this propEl. ?e Nkr\od 0I*q RECEIVED |JUL 23 2020 DCM-MHDC|IY t un<terstand thd " ,,*, o*t-.*r,*ffi boatrorse, fift, or grcinrnrst be set bad( a minimrm m.nce * ts-tom rrv adi "f ,ipril';"""".'G'JJi uvm€- (r you wish to weive the serback, yor m,st rnrdir the appr6prae ua* oerorvJ- ------ do wish to waive the 15'se{back requirement. L33 (t.{ I-,-.,-.. |t, l.l L,-ng{,h ..1.r' ILL{a d f.r- l {sbt.'.l .t_+_ O (r-r- rr-idr .o o) DC,I,.MHD c,?J_ ICuffcnt i fl1a,i1r"l'u Lvlt('t | -s o 1 I -t..f ^OJ RECE luL 2s i I I -.i D,V_E 2A2l\t, 5 iee"t t^. i ci .L >A Eu lK h-J ---:-__.lt I I i I I t F- I I ! I I l I I I Narne of ftoperty Oxnet:flp t A )r,,n'ro l= Address of Property ilu (Lot StBe{ t, S-fBd of R@d, CiU A Cornty) Agenfs Name #: Agents phone #: M:SfngAddcss_ lhereby 4dying they are cedfy trd I own propedy adja@nt to f|e *o.lre rsftrencd properv. The Ldividualibr thb pGrmit has descrtbed to ns as sfioren on the aitached drawing_the dadopment I have no objections to this proposal. _ I have objections to this pmposal. I underctard tfiat a pier, dod(, r*n*ffi=ljlffX br€arsater, boarriouse, or rift musrbe set bd< a minimum distance of 15i fromhy area ot iparir you wish to waive rhe serback, you must inmar * ,**".i|iffi#|ff waiveo ffiffyeo \/ ldo wish to wdve the 15 sffi r€qutuement JUL 23 Zr,2A DC,U-MHD C'TY ) Signature (r€ Pint *TyW l,lan,a hit tuTyp Nan e Ma itry Address { City/&atszip lrlC-5o?CMslate/Zip Qtr . tl \- '{9r4 Tebphorre Tebpho,,/e Number / Enat y'ddrcs e0a0 Number / Email A&ress Da!. hA a,& (Rov*rodA.rS. 20(li DMSK'O{ OF COASTAL TAilAGEreNT AIUACEITIT RIPARIAN PROPERW OUU}{ER NOTIFTCATIONTWAwER FORil tt you hile oD,ecrraDs to wrraf is [€ftg,,[!fo6€d,W, ,f,[,€,rroffyd?€DMsiot of W,,,anags,rr€,|t(rcq h utidrrg yrfirin 10 .bys d t"cqfr ot frAr rro6ct M firffiotttor OC ofllcos is ,&-,RCOASr. -- i do not wish to w'airre A|e 15 s€bact (Pmperty Owncr lnformaton) &301 O(ot qq1 H,^/y' f,lariliEr Ad*ess I Date l-53 Ce"{ [-"'.,,,, Siee.t L- 'r f, .L It l.I t].r tLLza d t-en3l.h t---+---.1_o !1 t..-{S bl".\ r a_-+ o 0 oo o aT I I -{-.f r/)Jrv I -.1 i EIVEd i ,3 2020 -l REC dU L' DCM.MHD CIIV I Cv,ff cat i 41.,'.tt.n Crltt't I -..; x l- widrI I €%5*_ F- t) t I t I I I Bullh.rc[ 8n/2020 Mail - Carolyh Dani€ls - Outlook Re: [External] Re: General permit application Carolyn Daniels <carolyn_e_daniels@msn.com> Thu 8/6/2020 6:38 PM To: Keefe Madeline J <Maddy-Keefe@ncdenr.gorr> Cc Davenport, Ryan <ryan-davenport@ncdenr.gov>; Carolyn Daniels <carotyr_e_daniels@msn.com> Received the General Permit. Thonk you. The complionce stotement wos not with the permit. I om moiling bock becouse my sconner is not working. Corolyn Doniels From: Keefe, Madeline J <Maddy.Keefu@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, Au8ust 5, 2020 1:21 PM To: carolyn_e_daniels@msn.com <carolyn_e_daniels@msn.com> Cc: Davenport, Ryan <ryan.davenport@ncdenr.gov> Subiect: RE: IExternal] Re: General permit application Good Aftemoon. Attached you will find your General Permit. Please sign and retum (email or mail). Make sure you keep a hard signed copy for your records. Let me know if you have any questions! * +Check with your local municipality if they are going to require any further permitting. Thanks, Ma"dzlbv,'e Kule Administrative Support Division of Coastal Management Department of Environme 252.808.2808 Ext. 200 252.247.3330 Fax Maddy=Kee!q@ncden r. gov 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 : Nothing Compares--* Email conespondence to and from this address is sublect to fhe Nodh Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third pafties. From: Davenport, Ryan Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2020 1:12 PM htps://outook.live.corn/maiy0/s€ntitemsftd/AoMkADAWATlwMTAWACO,vni2FlLTMxOOQtMOACLTAwCgBGAAADvgoyu6YHbUeaDSgmooTqvwcAiCr... 113