HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCWRC 77313Ci F,LL PERMIT flffumc.don Dcomplcta R€Lsue EPanlal Rctssuc by $c SEtr of No.ti C-o0rl., Dlp..tnrrt of Eivironrneid qr.llty irlC th.R.rcur(.a Co.nmitCon in an conaG.n Frr'll'nt to l5A NOqC N9 773 t3 AB a D AFpllcam Addrses Namo fi ORIrY: ztP Proiect Locdon: County SuMiytslon Clty_.L/. Pho.te # (_) Adi. Wrr. Oosest Ma| Wtr. Body - - PrcYlo(8 p€rmh # Dab prcvo6 psfinlt issued H OU a ztP Easln /s?CN L,{Ct' xn Ut t**?T Staelo.d/ Lot #asll lL,t t J,. Af,ect"d ncw AECIr): Joca 3 Ft'rs: *( p.(^ tr l{Hf u tH OES N FTS D UIA tr ]VA PNA y.. (Scale:M )PL. (do*) lqdt_ Fb(.d Ph.bnn(r) _..- ndi8FM.nr(, FrtF p.-(4-+ I II rr-1 fun lcnsdt lnJtu d nlFp LE6_ .,td.lnE ofirur_ nE. d$arlaa ofiar..__ Edrds,a Scdn,ld ldlft l-d! *ddorhs_ Ods Sflor.lin. L.nSth p t/ 5A\4 lx,tan! Lo.ro.llll: |{r yla .'fl _J-t rlt It- .T.TT -l_L 1.tJlfr-trJt :t-ilr +tl-( l I II t-l-j-1+ ti +J -*--r- rF-+ I F-'.1- A hdlrin! p.rmla lYr., br rtqdrld brr ( Notc Lo(.l PLnnlng lu.idlc{!o) t\fl Scc noto on bect rrjar*a Rlrrr Srctn nlcr Conditlon.Ce./l^n-/ O^n,y' + tl + f-r t-T -l-- F-+- rypG of Proiect/ ActMty e tA SEnatur!r?ad complhnce 3tlcm6n! on brk dDCn tti -Elt L,r.rTrryf," Ch..k #lssuing a'" /Lt "< rc i =.<r_ts-- Phone # Authorized Agant r,l-i r i -f A i I ] I I T- I IIIH Tf r-E+:l +--{ -l- I i I r JJ DGE & FILL EN PERMIT ew LModification f Complete Reissue E Partial Reissue As autho rlzed by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resou Applicant Name Address D Previous permit # Date previous permit issued_ N9 773t3 AB e AH #//t<,t I turlcs aftached ado u City T.Lot #(sl/'.J,'* Phone # Authorized Agent ORW: )SubdivisionMai arC PNA yes ciq, Phone # (_)_ Adi. Wtr. Body_ Closest Mai. Wtr. Body rt*o*t^ztP Affected il cv' 'ui P{a AEC(s): DoEA trHHF trlH ] PWS: €S PTS UBA N/A River Basin o ifiu",/ G fuan lunl<n1ff,-*-, Type of Proiect/ Actiyity 3 (Scale:/Lrv ) Pier (dock) len$h_ '- Fixed Pladorm(s) - r"-r-_____r__'_r_'r--t- Floatint Platform(s) Fil€er pi<s) IGroin length ----i--------l Bulkhad/ Rjpr.p lentdr aW distance offshore max distahce ofishore 8asin. channel t{frt/otn t^5 cubic yards Boat rarnp )I w lrll Shoreline Len8th SAV: not surie Moratorium: nla yes yes p w I t l A building permit may be required by: ( Note Local PlanningJunsdiction) b See note on back regarding River Basin rules '"'tri al Conditions Ce/l^",1-/ C.t,\* Agent or Applicant Printed Name Signature 1 .-/ statement on back of oermit H [lr,6lno|z'Trpyk"a< 5 read compliance Che<k #lssuing Pri a)/tt ration Date I f-I T /20#*-]=*-* l Boathouse/ Boatlift 8.a.h BllHonn8 Other t + c.' Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subiect the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the Permit to become nulland void. This permit must be on the proiect site and accessibletothe permit oflicerwhen the proiect is insPected forcomPliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that I ) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this Permit, the aPPlicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this proiect is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obained from the adiacent riParian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this Permit under the best arrailable information and belief, certirythatthis project is consistentwith the North CarolinaCoastal Management Program. River Basin Rules ApplicableTo Your Proiect: - Tar- PamlicoRiver Basin Buffer Rules i Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules Other: lf indicated on front of permit, your proiect is subiect to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Of$ce (252-946'6481) or the Wilmington RegionalOffice (910-796-721 5) for more information on how to comply with these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Ofiices I.lorehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ l -888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247-3330 (Serves: Carteret, Craven, Onslow - Nonh of New River lnlet- and Parnlico Counties) Elizab€th City District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth Ciq/, NC 27909 252-264-3901 Fax:252-764-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) Wilmington District I 27 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 9to-796-72t5 Fax: 9 l0-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New RiYer lnlet- and Pender Counties) hnp://poral.ncdenr.orglweb/cn/dcm-home Revised 7/06/ I 7 Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 2s2-946-U8t Fax: 252-948-0478 (Sewes: Bear-rfort, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) North Caro lina Wildli Resources Commission Gordon Myers, Executive Director Apnl 16, 2020 CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT QUESTED*fo Sara Sherman's home office' Shell Rock LLC P .O. Box 2414 I\4orehead City, NC 28557 RE: CAMA Permit at Shell Rock Landing BAA Dear Sir or Madam, The North carolina wildlife Resources commission is preparing to apply for a cAMA permit for maintenance dredging at the Shell Rock Landing in Hubert, NC. Qur records show that you are an adjacent riparian landowner and under the provisions of General statute 'l 13-229 we are sending you copies of drawing(s) that illustrate proposed development. No action is required from you, howe'7ei the enclosed form may be used if you desire to provide comments. This is a nearly identical notice to the one you received in Novamber 2OlB. Due lo grant appticationsand other agency priorities that notice expired and must be re-sent. I apotogize if t:his is ; audicate notlce and creates any confuslon. I am currently teleworking during the cell phone is 919-758-9302 and my e Slay Home orders related to COVID-19. lf you need to contact me my mail is sara.sherman ldlife.oro Sincerely, Sara Sherman, Project Engineer Division of Engineering Services Enclosures Mailing Address: N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission . 1720 Mail Service Ccntq . Raleigh NC 27699- l70l Telephotre: (919) 707-0150 f I .q 6 ao u, :> o o- -:: 9; ! 9 6u E4 oP -5 E=35 T; !t*E:- flcceiWl \'.i ..'7t .t \n \I n I 'ly .:, I O {,\ J] fr !- 7a .{ I a ,:( ! (rL 1720 MejtSedce C.nEr . Ralcigh, NC Z?699-t720 B North Caroliaa \Uildlife Resources Commission B *'nr.ncwildlt{c.org .5trcrti !lor!r'roY- zto GQ<.\IY^ Da' Cloltor. , Nc Z15z? ilril ililtilt ililIIiltiltilil ilililI til 7013 ea50 0001 eeaE 56eq L-G- J a J/s2l +b- ( ! $E $8', Eg Eg EE E$*€ E€ hags eeae TDDo 05 ts6 a I iN j6 i:8 i<d iEB 6 E Fg ul C) IIJtr 5J.9<i=3o 6llJ3 tL ,qEouio t Qa. oql c 9l (, c 5 € 5 6 E .e F6o E q dI3 t] ! 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USPS Tracking" FAo! ) Track Another Package + Tiack Packagor Get tn6 tr6e h.crmed O€ vsrya teature ro recerve Anytlhe, Anywhere automabd notilications )n you packases L'arn Moro ftt$.r/Fc.!.!..cd./rDl? .pFu.p.loobard.hm.p.Fomt.pp JFL=hte.rA3A%2F%2F nm..d.Ify.!trp..q./borp.rD./in oL/.t rbcri6, Tracklng Numbor: 701322500001 22225824 Your it€m was delivored to an indtvtdual at tho Eddr.ss at 10:56 am on Juty 11, 2O2O in CLAYTON, NC 27527 @ Delivered July 1 r , 2020 at 10:i6 am O€liver6d, Lstt wlth hdividuet CLAYTON. NC 27527 G6t Updalos \,/ Text & Emall Updates T16cking History Jur 11,2020. 1056 €rn Doliverad. Left with lndividual CLAYTOi,{, NC 27527 Your it€m was detiv€red to an indivtdusl at th€ acdress al 10:56 am on Juty j 1,2g2O in CIAYTON, NC 27527 JUV 11, m2o, 8:2s am CLAYION, NC 27520 JUV 10,2m0. 10:48 p.n Arrivsd ai IJSPS Begonal Facility RALEIGH NC OISTFIBUIION CENTEA Product lnformalion See Less ..\ Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAOS seclion to find answers io your tracking questions. FAQs https://lools.usps cofiVgo/TrackconfirmAclion?qtc_tlabelsl =70132250000122225824 1/2 iJy '10, 2020, 1l :/l7 D.n o€partod usPS a6gbnat Facitity MLEIGH NC OISIFIBUTION CENIEB x (.v\O - l ,1 A. SignaluE can return tho card to you. e piece, the reverse of the mail permits. ls delivery addGss djtrsrBnt trcm it€rn 1 ? ll YES, ent€r d€llvery address below: C. Date o,ls ?01,? 1,0?0 0000 lt10 PSN 7 Type Dslivsry n Oolivery Fostrict€dt, Sorvice tr Prlority CI Ad\rI Slgnatulq o AdullSignatuIo RosLlctod C€rtifi6d Mail@ MallCsrtif,ed RostdcjFd Ddtuory D Collect D€llvory llegtCotr Rskictsd Dslir€ryDst!eryql,b ;]fs#.&6'ry'-'-r:<' p r I S€NDER: COMPLETE IH,S SEcI,oTv '1. Aticlc Addressed to: 5helt Pocu LLC PO. 9ox, Ztr\ ry\o,cv\eac{ CiY, NL 2t55") 9580 9402 3864 8060 6406 16 2.Articlo $ran$ler lrom seruice label) COMPLErE THIS SECTION ON OEUVENY E Agent tr tt f I t llilrilll llll ffi ilt I lil iliilIti ilil Iililil til tr tr fieslricted D€livory E Signalurg Conflrmaliooi. EI Stgn6tur6 Coonrmgtion PS furm 381 't,Domertia Roturn R€a6ht I Nama)by (Pnnted-)qRoceived 0