HomeMy WebLinkAboutWallace, Scott 77379C/_DREDGE&FILL NER/AL PERMIT ew aModification i-Complete Reissue lPartial Reissue aut horized by the State of North Carolina, OePartment of Environmental Quality Previous permit # Date previous pe rmit issued B Do concern pursuant to l5A NCAC t X)aLand the Coastal Resources ission in area of Applicant Name Proiect Location: County CERules hedc(< Address ci oRw I sarc M( zr Street Address/ S Subdivision tate Road/ Lot #(s) ^ E*"..-..a /D' Phone #E-Mail Authorized Agent .)n J^,u J City ry ztP ir:6t =#.,4,# IES f UBA f PTS I, N/A 6)/ "" Phone # ( ) Closest Maj. Wtr. Body Ri 6 l.--0-4 unkn (./,rnl PNA yes )<) Type of Proiect/ Activity (Sca,., , ,,) Pier (dock) lenSth Fixed Pladorm(s) --a-T Floatint Platform(s) _ - FinSer pier(s)_-TTGroin len$h _i---+!l -ffi \n*(t Bulk avg max distance offshore Basin, chennel . ffi\ cubic yards Boat ramp +---.i--i--1- Boathouse/ Boatlift Jc.t Beach Bulldozing Other Shoreline LenSth SAV: not sure Moratorium: \la Photos: yes ves yes w lrt fuo,kl c, A building permit may be required by ( Note Local PlanninS Jurisdiction) ?r.K 14 Es* L,-i,. note on back Notes/ial Conditions ,+t2 u--l' O-+lt 6 I ,lt PTAP Agent or Applicant Printed Name Permit Signaturelease read compliance statement on backofpermit ** (t s)Check#n8 Name t/\ Pr Date N9 77379 Ca Adi. Wtr. Basin lrt-'\rrY 5 r regardin8 River Basin rules. Satement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subiect to compliance with this application, site drawing and atached general and specific conditions. Any ;::11:i:["*" terms may subiect the permittee to a ,ine or ..iminaio. civit action; ina iay cai.rse the permit to become This permit must be on the Proiectsite and accessible to the permit officerwhen the project is inspected forcompliance. Theapplicant certifies by signing this permit that I ) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant willconfer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this prolect is consistent with the lical land use plan and all local iltJ:ffi?ilt 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adiacent riparian The State of North carolina and.the Division of coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best availableinformation and beliei certify that this project is consistentwith th;North carotina ioartal i"nrg",n"n, e.og,..*. lf indicated on front of Permit, your proiect is subiect to the Environmental Management Commission,s Buffer Rules for thefuver Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffei rules are enforced by the NC Division ofWater Resources' contact the Division of water Resources at the washington Regional ollrce (252-g46-64g 1) or thewilmington Regionaloffice (910-795-7215)formore information on how ro.J.py,riit iit" uritl..rr".. Division of Coastal Manatement Ofrices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead Citf, NC 28557 2s 2-808-2808/ t -888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247 -3330 (Serves: Caneret, Craven, Onslow - Nonh of New River lnlet- and Parnlaco Counties) Elizeb€th City District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste.300 Elizabeth Ciry, NC 27909 252-264-390t Fax:252-264-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Patquotank and Perquimans Counties) E othe., Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax:252-948-M78 (Serves: Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, Ty'rell and Washington Counties) http://ponal.ncdenr.oB/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/(r/i7 River Basin Rules Applicable To your project: lj Tar- Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules I Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules Wilmingon District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. WilminSton, NC 28405-3845 9t0-796-72t5 Fax: 9l 0-395-3954 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) AGENT AUTH IZATION FOR CAMA PERM]T APP LICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit:Scott Wallace 146 Kingston Orive Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Phone Number:919612-0235 Email Address: I certify that I have authorized NC Coastal Federalion & R€storation Systems, LLC Ag€nt / Contracior to act on my behalt for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits living shoreline installation at mv orooertv located at 412 Erne,ald Drive, Emerald lsle, NC in Carteret County. Propefi Ormet lnformation : V r'1-rttti"-,.---- Signature 6. LooLlo..- Pint or Typa Name Ou-l 4ar Title lA,a'-,,o:." Date Sco*,, This certification is valid through - !-l- L -t 204 Mailing Address: swallacebenefits@aol.com necessary for the following proposed development: I furthermore certify that I am authoized to gnnt, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Offtcer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. 4lo Erv'uctld TrkzczSn*U CERTI FIED MAIL 'RETURN RECEIPT REOU D OIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACEI{T RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORU 3r hh lace Address of Property 2 (Lot or Street #, Street or , City & Counry) Agent's Name q)x lol.7 Agent's phone #:233 q Z ) * I he,reby -certify that r own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individuarapplying for this permit has describeo to me as snown on ttre attacned oiawing_ihe o"r"ropr"nithev are proposinn o o"."nooon o, or"*,n.. rr'rn o,r"ii 6ni]ir", * ororidEi ilti-riiJ-f,t"i' n ,have no objections to this proposal. - t have objections to this proposal. It you have objections to what is being prorysed, you must notify the Division of Coas&,l Management(DCrl) ln writing within 10 days ot r*eipt ot this notice. Contact lnfotmation for DCM offices isavailable at t. i understand that a pier, dock, ,""r'rn'lfl1,Hloi5r"rl,3} or."**"rer, boathouse, or rift musrbe set back a minimum distance of t s; iro',-ry "rea oi,ii"ri"n ,"""ra unress waived by me. (rfyou wish to waive the setback, you must inltiil the appropriate blank below.) ,Vo is considd,td thA same as no (Property Owner lnformation) n ce, Mailing Address ll W'noi4q9.btz.o 2s= Telephone Number / Email Addrcss I do wish to waive the 15, setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15, setback requirement or by catling I -8884RCOAST. rt have be€', nof,lied Cettified Mail (Riparian Property Owner lnformation) or sl'gnoture ba-.r.., Pint or Name Us)< Lrr^,iLDr Mailing Address !oCity/State/Zip slo,1o}8}oottL <-o\na ,\5 \5-"^). c-r"^ Telephone Number / Email Adctress {LcDale Z '?-AZD l.cun Dqle (RevisP'd Aug. 2014) Name of Property Owner: Mailing Address: €ddr+r,n,li(' n1q3z Y 4W qvyftldDnue Ncu/lan . I hereby cerlify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced prope(y The lndrvidual applying Ior this p€rmit has described to me as shown on thg atlached drawing-the development they are proposing A d*cnotion or dtawino. with dimensions. must be orovided with this letter. *no objections to this proposal. - I have objecrions to rhis proposal. oz-b CERTIFIED MAIL . RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL iIANAGE]IIIENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONrWAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner (v,Vrlr:r lnC (- Address of Property:ltL Flmrra)c1 T)Y.t1t4(r tA l4c'- Ql *tr .t) (Lot ot Stre€t #. Stre€t or Road. C y & Counly) Agent's Name t q)Bo,r rol-i Agent's phone #c1 lhare )b I do ryish to waive the 15' setback rsquirement. I do not wish to waive the l5'setback requlrement ./Jn' ll you WAIVER SECNON I understand that a pisr. dock. mooring pillngs, boat ramp. breakwater, boathouse, or hfr must be set back a minimum distance ot 15' ,rom my area ol ripadan access unless warved by me (lf you wlsh to waive the setback. you !!!ElLh@! the apptopriate blank below.) irrJ q'f" q-4 -2 hay€ oblectons to whaa i, betng prcposed,you m|,stnorily,h. Oivision ol Co.sbl n.n gemont (OCM) in writing 'rithia 10 days ol racaipa ol this oo{co. Contaca lrrtonna on lor DCn ofrces is availebla aa h or byca lng 1,.EE81RCOASI. No response is conside,ed tha sa ea5no objectlon you h.ye becn noaitled by Certiflqrl Mtil. Y r* WVvt Pnnl ol (Rlparlan Property Owner lnformalion) Sigrrot rc thunas N*alirrr Pnnl o. Type Na,,,e 541 vVi ko Mat,[lg A&,rss Corutzbon ic zt O fyp Name, ,It ltrrtt(c2 ace- Matng A NO L1 r.l C y6l ql btz ozlg= Telephone Numbet / Emal A&,€ss AryRbblZtp ltom 7rb t44ful+\tef felephone Numbet / E Addles-s oellso Aa.olr lt?n,+ ZA iRev,sed Aug 20t4) Mailrng Address' €clemtcvt.w L14'2- (Property Owner lnfomation) U:?D)o fi *& s s Photos taken July 16,2020 Proposed Oysbr Shell Bag Offshore Sill Oate Prepared: Mapping Source July 16,2020 Google Earlh, 07t11t2020 Figure 3 - Existing Conditions Aoplicant(s) Scott Vlrallace 412 Emerald Drive Emerald lsle, NC 28594 PO Box 1017 Edenton, NC 27932 (252) 33!9E52 1101 S Haynes 51 Suite 211 Rsleigh, NC 2750ir l[l t:: ,':;ri.r-, :.r 'b.L t t' r1, rlr ii t4l TT\ J.\:t ) -* f' RESTORATION SYSl'E]\,IS LLC Proiect Location Map The location of the proposed oyster shell bag ofishore sill at the property shown to the lefi is shown in the photograph below (yellow line). The total length of the offshore sill will be approximately 77 linear feet. The offshore sill will be constructed by layering oyster shell bags perpendicular to the shoreline. The location will be no more than 30 feet waterward of the normal high water and no more than 5 feet watenarard of existing coastal wetlands. Coir fiber/jute matting will be used for the bottom layer of the offshore sill. Site Plan Proposed Oyster Shell Bag Offishore Sill July 10, 2020 Google Earth, 07l11no20 Figure I - LocaUon liap & Site Plan Aoolicant(sl Scott V\hllacs 412 Emerald Drive Emerald lsl€, NC 28594 PO Box '1017 Edei on, NC 27932 (252) 33398s2 1101 S Haynes St Sulte 211 Raleigh, NC 275(x Proiect Descriotion Sub.iect property I tr Approx property line - Proposed Offshore Sill .: t I -.1 t 1 I RESTORAI ION SYSTET'S LLC Date Preparedl Mapping Source: Mlnimum Slopo 1.5:l7 --tttHt---irw- --:Erlstlng Coastal Wotlands Max 5 feet Max 6 feet Oystsr Sholl Bag Sill - Exl6tlng Coastal Wofland3 7 .-: IUlax 30 fe€t Max 6 feet Oyster Sholl Bag Slll - No Eristing Coa3tal We0andg July 16,2020 Google Earth, 07t14no20 Figure 2 - CrossSection Aoplicant(s) Scott \.Vallaca 412 Emerald Drive Emerald lsle. NC 28594 RIS1'ORATION SYS'I'EMS ] LLC PO Box 10'17 Edenton. NC 27932 (2s2) 33998s2 Oy.t!r Shell NHW Normal Hlgh Water Llne Minimum Slop€ ,t .5:1 NHW d}j-.;..t, 'ji,, i:j tn .-::Example of Oysbr Shell Bag Offshore Slll. Z *,,.t ., .!r' Proposed Oyster Shell Bag Offshore Sill Date Prepared: Mapping Source: Oy3t r Shell 1101 S HEynes St Suite 2ll Raleigh, NC 275(x