HomeMy WebLinkAboutHawkins, Dean 76631Cftv, 3ur lo l)eq uo tuauatt.la aruzldtuof )l .., 2/'1'/ -Ipog ..rr A 'lpv -(-) # auoitd 2 A!l /v\Vtt N\, @a vNd 53l :AUO (urtunIuEtllf -Zrt ) ursEg Ja^ru V/Ntr vaND sr.d tr tfr- HIO JHX trVIE P. Sr\AJ nff ,s,BiY lrtf .)dtz ) '!rr,- NeEv pazuorflnv ) g auoq6bL t,,2 -pansst tttu.rad snonald aleo 'p lru.rad sno6a.r6 uorsr^Pqns G)#atEts /ssalppv raols 1)Aunof :uotrslo'l rraloJd f,\DN VS I ol luensJnd uJo)uo)ut uols9luruJol &Fno Fru.u.ruoJ! u3 p ruaruuedaq 'eu11o.e-1 qloN Jo elsls .ql an$sleuFluEdD ansspXarlduo3a uollsrulPol^lE rlullu3d ]VUfN o az !o/ ssaJpw aurEN luEfl |grseo) aqr Pue Iq pazuoqrnr .ry' tddv C c0l glL,'laz: o')-'o.r,t*1o)/x ,?,a.)/) I >)F.ION sqru uFeg Je^$ Suprrtar ,r, a"nl orou ..S f].., '/, (uo!l)!p6!rn[ 8u!']ueld E)ol aroN ) iq poJrnb€J eq lEru IuJJad Sulpllnq V I 6)no"l /-lA ?l I t---t--t---+---F rtl,u3-'t au'raroqs \l Y1t {l la'rc - tutzoplFg qrie€ \'lnpto€ FdloqEog - di.l,rJ rog -ipJil rtqn! t) FuuttP 'ulrtl ..roqtlo .rutalP xrur eroqrgo eruastp t^P qr3u.t dPJdB /psae n€ qruat uprC ?,n --(s!ad .ta8ull (.)@opqd 3ulioll l l,'1/, I (s)uuorrqd F.xH ql3uq ()poP) J.!d (alsrs)r fX4r:V A,.lord lo od& o I I .l1tJ ! 3:)(t 3aoP,r # r-ql {pog r1i1 fe4 uesog3 d :PnrErv r.^PM :roroqd iA :(llnuol?-joN alm rou :AVS --i-.l-...+ i+t r 4-l'ffi :( It99f oN y'/o.,,o.nrr* NERAL PERMIT As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Depanment of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Applicant Nam Address ntal concern pursuant to l5A NCAC N9 76631 C D Previous permit # Date previous permit issued_ /0o E B Resou Commission e a./'l in an-area ofenvironme [(euJ1;".,Project Location: County C, Street Address/ State #G)T"; Dr) ciry-5t+c c,/0lv t flwEl-1@,n ztPeiDlt)d11- Phone #Subd City ivisaon a*;tr="-zlP cAuthorized Agent cw Affected AEC(s): oEA P}YS & zna --g6 trPrs JHHF 'IH f UBA trtVA *","*,G76^ )C Adi. Wtr. Body Closest Maj. Wtr. Body tuL-man kn ORW: yes PNA ,/* d co or(-Cal,?r.-- 7 Type of Proiect/ Activity ,/'Y/rr ) -i--T---]Pier (do<k) len$h Fixed Plat orm(s) Floating Platform(s)\-/rV Finter pie(s) max distance ofilhore Basin, channel Bulkh€ad/ Ripr.p len$h _ av8 distance ofrshore cubic fards_ Boad ramp _ Eoathousd Boadlft Groin hngth number Beach BulldozinS Other Shoreline L.rydr -SAV: not aune Moratorium: rva Photoc: Notes/ yes Glyu (fi,*c /)t,ro L, A buildinS permit may be required by: ( Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) . See note on bac.l reSardinS River Basin rules. {u.-" ct' kd? ?a-ll(<L,-l /ct^C )7x R-4Ll',-, Caq,c ffrtiti[ -l (1" Agent or Applicant Printed Name PermitOffi ssread compliance statement on back of Check#lss az.J E LrModification []CompleteReissue flPartialReissue Phone # (-)- t i1 Statement of Compliance and Consistency This Permit is subiect to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may sublect the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become nulland void. This permit must be on the proiect site and accessible to the permit oflicer when the proiect is inspected for compliance. The applicant certilies by signing this permit that I ) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with aPpropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adiacent riparian landowner(s) . The State of Nonh Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best ayailable information and beliel certify that this proiect is consistentwith the North CarolinaCoastal Management Program. River Basin RulesApplicable To Your Proiect: Tar - Pamlico River Basin Euffer Rules I Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules lf indicated on front of permit, your project is subiect to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Otfice (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington RegionalOffice (910-796-7215) for more information on how to complywith these bufferrules. Division of Coastal Management Of,ices Morehead City Headquarterc 40O Commerce Ave Morehead Ciq/, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ r -888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247-3330 (Sewes: Caneret, Craven, Onslow - Nonh of New River lnlet- and Pamlico Courdes) Elizabeth City District 401 S. Griflin St. Ste. 300 Elizab€th City, NC 27909 252-264-3901 Fax:'252-2&4-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gate.s, Pasquoank and Perquimans Counties) Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-648t Fzx:257-948-04.78 (Serves: Beaufort, Beftie, Hertford, Hyde, I/rrell and WashinSton Counties) Wilmin$on District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7215 Fax: 9 l0-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.orglweb/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/ I 7 f o.t"r- CERTIFIED MAIL .RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERW OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM Name of Proporty O,vne,:A Addrass of Property:I lvrl h,re\oO Sac.bJ,o^,-I)r-NL Z&Sla (Lot or Sreet #, Street or Road,City & CountY) Agent's Name #: Agent's phone #: MailingAddross: fi you htye ob)ccdo/l, to whrtlt bahg ptpposod, you fiutt now tho Dlvtrlon ol Co.sbl Uan.ga,nonl (DCrl) h trrldng *fihln l0 d.ls ol .rc.lpl ol thlt nodca. Conetqondaoc.shoatd ba ma .d to 12f Ctdln.l Odv. Exl, Wlmlngtoo,NC, 28/1,'.3E15. DCll rap,rten,fues can .bo b. cont clad .t (91 0)79Gf215. ,lo rcspon o,t con-tldand the am. aa no oblecdon wl)hrv6 baen notlllod by Cedillad Ma . WATVER SECTION I understand that a pi€r, dock, mooring pilings, breakwator, boathouse, lifl, or g back s minimum distance of l5'from my araa of riparian accass unlass waivod wish to waiva thg sslback, you l4ggllEElglfie sppropriate blank below.) _ I do wish to wsive the 15'setback tequirement. c 9t.I do not wish to wsiv6 ths l5'selback requirement. (Ptops -)eat lJat",tr'"'l Signanre (u0,,,. il 11,1,J", "('ilT"Ko-7n^, htoL cant P or lntormatlon) Mailing Address f*t r.,"r,l 1,. Nc Lgtlo CWStdte/Zip fio'?jl - 7?v{ ,Telephone Nunber s-0u n) Prinl ot fW Nane I rz.lzu.L^- blro Mailing Addrass CMStatoaip c_D Qo4-931 -b'e7 Tdlephone Numbar (o- 1-Lozo Date Dole G Scanned with CamScanner I hereby cartify thst I own property adjac€nt to the abova rofelenc€d property The indivldual apptyin! tor rrii permit tras ieicriolJ to ma as shown on the attach6d dtswing-tho d6v€lopmont ttieyirJ proposing. A doscrlolion or drawino. wlth dimenslons. must be orovided with thls lettor. / {L- ruuo" oo objections to this proposal. - I have objcctions to this ProPosal', , r ma. (lf you t/ j Rofied AlW012 CERTIFIED MAIL .RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTEO DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERW OWNER NOTIFICATIONMAIVER FORM Name of Property O,rrnen Address of Property: tn cIo.. Blrt (Lot or Street *, Street or Road, City & Coun tv) 1l&,".'l t, uc zB5{o Meiling Addr6ss: I hereby certiff thst I own proparty adjacent to the abova referencod property The indivldual ,pprv,nri ro, r',--i" p"-it 1r* i"t:*iulJi,i.a 8s shown on lhe attachod drawing-tho development ttidyiripipo"i,ig. A d -crt- ti- --dr'.n , th d'mengtons. must be orov'ded w'h th's letter. M 0 tr t f^o. no objections to this proposal. - I have objections 1o this proposal' tf you h.v. obl.cdons lo wrtrt ls bcln, pmposod, you fiusa now Ao OlYlston ol Cossat Man'ge'ncn' (DCH) in witUng wfdtd tO 6.ts ot ncapt ot 6L a6tco. iornspoadenie should be n.ll.d lo 127 C.dlnel Ddvc Ext, w[n6gton, NC,2EZo5-3815. 'oalt nftrf,t.natlvcs cin elso be cont cts/d st (910) 79&7215. No rcsqonso ls coflsldend lhe ,nna ts no oblecdon wu hava beao not led bv Cotdllad Mall. WAIVER SECTION I undorstend that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, br6ahflat6r, boalhouse, lifi, or groin must ba set back a mlnimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian accels unl63s waived by me. (lf you wish to walv6 th€ seback, you @LEU3! thg appropriato b'ank below.) M 0t\I do wish to walv6 the 15'sEhack roquirement. - I do not wish to waivg the 15'setback requirement. Pro n)(Adlacent Proporty Ownsr lnformatlon) O'N*.. Signature ML(aaqy Or\oruur;cr Plnt ot TW€ Name vo lo EAsT Bg :lsuoo( Bf u 5 Mailing Address Nc 28540 TEc ksop u,l l( City/StdteEip A&f4o 9ro^' l)o s2/t t ! Plnt ot TW Nane 8 t Bxfftrnt 0, Mailing Addross {qapts,tvrr-ct, CWBtatszip 7o{ 3o}frs{ Tolgphone Number qlo - 330 g tsL a/r/a* Revised A1V20t2 Date C ZoZO I Dale Scanned with CamScanner AgenFs Nama #: __ Agent's phohe #: -.- Toldphone Nunbdr reuuecsuec qIM pauuess F -\ o Tc.I .,r -rYoo g$ ! 3/^ -9 r!<t 3 s \./1 (.l-o c{ \ o>$gJN \\) r.J ?'r lso2 -l .: tojitu '20 ,-d012lv r,,.t Er ti o(5oo\at $JoI H Untitled Map Write a description for your map. Legend ? SEBayshoreBlvd O Featurel ,,,, t, t 5 6 69vt*"*")--.-__hare Btvd .<-{rl"\t I I I I t t". 'I ',i,t ,, , B E Bal,sh \tr, ,/l a I , t r',:,.\).-r, I 3. ore Blvd--, i ,, att I,IIt ,II i1 t. 1t , 1.II rAtr\!Ii\ t ,t ,tf ,/I Google Earth I t )t) aI A N @ 2020 Google I t 200 ft NC Division ol Coastal Management Cashier's Official ReceiPt 11837 ^{OD ,o@Oate: $o Check No.: County: Date: Date: ( t-{,I q Permit No.: Applicant's Name: Project Address: Signature of Agent or APPlicant: Signature ol Field Representative: Please retain receipt lor your rocods as proof of paymgnt tor pormit issued' )a q qReceived From:t