HomeMy WebLinkAboutWind, Lute 76339CERAL PERM]T EN"oin don trfuplete ryp-DPrrdal Reissno / D OAEDOE I FILL OBT D }If O PfA BIH DES O T'BA tr ?TS trx/a PXI t- I No. 76339 A B D PreYhu! pcrmit It Date Fmthad- bt dE St lG oa tlorlh C{oXm, DlF.grElt of Eri'tgtrits*J qtdry Corirnbid in an ata arwiaorrrsttd concern F rEr to l5A IICAC Prt*rd Loodon: Col't, SEeet Ad&esJ Sr.r. Road/ Lot #(s) AP Crt, ard # AgF.'n o6rv BOCA CbB.* t4.1. Wtr. BodY ail tr ytal "01 -r {-I + # I I I o, Poiecv Acd\rt, (S<ab:) (do*) Lrrd! PLrlof'r(, ffi.m(r) lc.{th B9r+ L.Edr it dson<. olfltot! rn x dfrE€ ohho.. s&.h L.ngn rJr """ ,rr. F PIG )C "{"-. o-t'.t F hddfB pc.mh mry bG re$i'ld bY':on bacl r€8.rdLl R vc' Barh rub. Lodl PhoniE ? H- rA Date PiEn! # M.U/tr. I )a Type of Proiect/ Activity 1Serc, I ) Pier (dock) lentd' Fixed Platform(s) Floatint Platform(s) - Finter pie(s)_ Groin length _ number Bulkhead/ RipraP lenSth av8 distance offshore max distance ollshore ++- Basin, channel w cubic fardi Boat ramp ldifr **fi,nlorm# Wul-osx+A-' )) l .s (..{ Shoreline LenSth sAV: not sure l.lor.torium: nla A building permit may be required by ote on back reSarding River Basin rules ( Note Local PlanninSl urisdiction) Conditio / DREDGE & FILL NERAL PERMIT -'Modification .CompleteReissue'ilPanialReissue the St te of Nofth Carolina, Depanment of Environmental Quality rces Commission in an area envaronmental concern Pursuant to l5A NCAC W Prolect Location: Street Address/ S te ZlP Previous permit # Date previous Permit issued- County tate Road/Lot #(s) B D zed by and the Appl icant Name Address City m; Phone # Authorized Agent Affected AEC(s): ORW: yes / @ Subdivis City ail zlP River Basinlcw ] OEA -EW T HHF PTA IH ES UBA PTS N/A Body PNA yes I Ar"-r,-**^*.- Pe rmit*t S Application Fee(s) read compl iance statement on back of Check#lssui Date pirat Date No. 76339 A Phone # Adi.Wtr. Closest Maj. Wtr. BodY . ,,, , , r tr r |r rr IIIIIII: l T l +1---.i---H' --.l-....l.....,i---|-t--t-t--f--l I u ,oa lf indicated on front of permit, your project is subiect to the Environmental Management Commission,s Buffer Rules for theRiver Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division ofWater Resources. contact the Division of Water Resources at the washington Regional office (252-g46-64g 1) or theWilmington Regional office (9 I 0-796-7215)lor more information on how to colmply wiih these brife..rles. River Basin RulesApplicable To your proiect: -- Tar - Pamlico fuver Basin Buffer Rules Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules Division of Coastal Management Ofiices Elizabeth City District 401 S. Griflin St. Ste. 300 51;."r'g1h City, NC 27909 252-264-3901 Fax:252-264-37?3 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Cur.ituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) O'ther: Yvashington District 943 Washington Square Mall WashinSton, NC 27889 257-946-6481 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves: Beaufon, .Berde, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wilmington District I 27 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7215 Fax: 9 l0-395-3954 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.orglweb/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/ I 7 Statement of Compliance and Consistency This Permit is subiect to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Anyviolation of these terms may subject the Permittee to a fine or criminatr civil action; ind .ay ."use the p"rmit to becomenull and void. This permit must be on the Proiect site and accessible to the permit officer when the proiect is inspected for compliance. Theapplicant cenifies by siSninS this Permit that I ) Prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant willconfer with aPPropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all localordinances, and 2) a wrltten statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adjacent riparianlandowner(s) . The state of North carolina and.the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best availableinformation and belief, certify that this proiect is consistent with th;North c"rotin, iorstat N"n"g"*.nt p.og.".. Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-28081 I -888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247 -3330 (Serves: Caneret, Craven, Onslow - Nonh of New River lnlet- and Pamlico Counties) tr AGEIIT AUIHORtrATION FOR CAIA PERX]T APPUCATIOiT Name of Proporty Oxner Requosting p€rmh:Lule- Mailing AddrBss:lo2 SornJ D( + Phme Number: Enall Addrrss: I cordry thst I h8w authorLod / CdrLador to ad on my bohdf, fur the purposc of applying br and obt8intng a CAI,A pomtts nocassary for tho Hlouing proposod d€\relopmeflt t at Io7 S.'$A A+{-'k8t my p{oparty locaEd " C"OI.ra1- I tufih€rnF//r 6tfry td I $t adutd b gra , aN b h M g,er rf,flnbtim toDMtio/,offucdMarrEEenet*d;tfi,AE L,r,,ttuIfr/, qW qt i* fu*a errb,o,, tlp rffi tuk tn @mcfu1 vldt cvsf.rffiE Mo| tctg/Ed t ttbNmltqpllahn. FrlD.riy Oll[ Holttdon: hrL l"L- County hlntq flF tlanc Tb -Z-r-fl-za_D.b This ccrtificatir is lralid through a td\ t l A4'ACsIf l? ErX FroPer.IqFR3r ?EIr lhr*y olrtU {B I dr Fwty {.crt b /1,1/ d frDr, ,3 9iEqry bc.ld d q, < /.-/on (aucl 0^er.i L.( h N.C.ffi-r& rhc#tY l- Ostad b m, r rl t h. tt! rty*gt:f Fqrd stt &[ llrY!tDotlrclErb!aEF-. I h..ou.cabrbtaFqat ElCefTH Atdoit i/rtt.oe PIOFOACD OBtltrO"E aTmrtrrffif&r-rrr b**q&Elrrb!ffidt ngeipe B"al .4d/ d4"2.-,/ /o rxit/ig poc4 -- I & tlcrflib d!.t'. lf .dd( CllF.rqlOrrI Z 44-€ uu/;str4aer. ffi:ffi"ffiffiiffi*$snr. oE * b nrr *a. rr rr tuil hiarfi- bi;fr; - ,./ ,u*ro-r.tr rcft rqiur:rt 2- 'lfttsar*re y-.L.br-.rr >)o'&20 0WAq.d4 Ihidycrlly,ld| tEq.rryaFErb Fq..ty lqbd 8t t CFiD..O h N.C.trCdr{y) BlciPnoxArd(n Dtm of Pi@ tEEo-rrra,t,,',..*w-*rrtrnigl A Bo*t I;€l AJSqr<^+ +o 's m Ita Stsf lr.btdbm,rarrlt iabr, fr-rerrf pqo..d att! lbo'.ffirt/ I trf, lDoqdlbtaglpo-. I trt oaFoab. b f gBod. ,xit+rr^O D*K. ffi:ffi.ffiffiiffiststn OE *nr -E rr u, ro ru rd h;ffi EilE;. - L ' t6-tb-[th rc..E,!{trtrn.. - I & nC f,i b d[ rr tC tot,tqhrEd. orn- Ib (&,,-d,I{. n 4 ad. 18bor*lb y-.-.t -,r I r,lil- I I I II l I l a I I tl IiiI I liti I I I IIIiii lr \}\ii it t i I I I I I ! 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