HomeMy WebLinkAboutSheldon, Don 76340CCAIVTA/UDFEDGTTHLL NER/AL PERMIT No. 76340 A Prcvios prrit t I r|ddrCd !t o,rr,tlrtdffin F ri to ISA tlc C Pr,oirt bdon: CoutqT Strs Addrqr/ 5o PhqE 44. lttr. Eody Cbtf f4.i. vl/tr. Eody Apptam llrnr AddB Cir,Z? Pho.r Affr<td AEC(I): i:l6r nc/r o6 OI..A o?f3 o !{l o OIW: yr / l(r) Bdt a Afa t 1 + --+-+ ..i# \- 't -F ) II )--l- e tl1,t 0., rFL It i- ++ (I I -t rt -l-#- I (Sc.L. 't -,]r rrn I t ^\a I t-I Iq + ,,l lr -.1-{I I I 7I g I 1 ,a'+ I ItgG o{ P"olxt/ Adt, ?brcq -t _ hrd hdstr(!)n H Fdrb.lr(,Ltuc't-+-+-1G.oh lrt6 I + f-r-++-)-l- I b\ffi- +-Hld 8adr.aa,d.- t. - i--+ ldr Odr.. gE-.L.fdr sAY rltt . l,l'.crrtt rl,. ,lc \rr*,-Art.dtd F F b IE A UiAl prntt rryt rqitd h Nd l-od PhnnLr.l'tdcdo.i) I AE b, Dtloocrton Ocomfla Rar llEol ns: rh. h oa i.lo.t r Crtll., Dfrrsrn of Enrtorra adv D Drc prstnl pan* isuGd- AdraE d ,larn OH c!a* o 7ra trtl tl{A F / a-zLr) l}3d f!.?lrfdr - il(bE.-t.a==:_ rE&oE a-\.-_ --1 Eslro-u,na( tl * /l \ -t---l- _F -ff I l+ Itll ,I tlI iltrr II/ ,,/L I a j L I -r I l x t I F -I ttrlIII + J--L --t. Fr.(0 (,!dt !GBr{ UJ CAMA / DREDGE& FILL ENERAL PERMIT New L iModification ECom plete Reissue iJPatil Reissue by the State of North Carolina, Deparrment of Erwiroomental Quality No. 76340 Previous permit # Date previous permit issued_ AB D and the Coastal Applicant Name Address' City Phone # Authorized Agent Affected AEC(s): ORW: yes / State ail 931 Commassaon i an oI environmental concern pursuant to l5A NCAC Proiect Location: County Street Address/ State E Subdiv Phone # Adl. Wtr. Body Closest Mai. Wtr. Body s City ES UBA ru) zt Basincw OEA EW HHF PTA IH (nat /man-1!qkd PNA yes I {e ASent or Applicant Printed Name oermit* .46r )a Type of Pro,ecv Actiyity Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s)txp'Floating Platform(s) FinSer pier(s)- Groin lenSth number - ay8 dlstance oGhore:- rnax distanae oftshor€-- Basin, channell-- ] cutllc Frios BoatrarnP:_ Boathotrs€/ Boadift-- ,- Beach Bulldozi Othe. \a4 g\n Shoreline LenSth 1 W SAV: not sune l'{oratorjum: rVa Photos: @ e:/ A building permit may be required by See note on back regardi Basin rules ( Note Local Planning.lurisdiction) N al tions Appl ion Fee(s) compliance statement on backof Check #lssu q E,P ion Date #G) o ztP ) PTS - N/A t ffi (Scale: r-]---'r-T-r-r---r-rr---T---r--r- u+-] TI Statement of Complianee and Consistency This permit is sublect to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subiect the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the Permit to become nulland void. This permit must be on the proiect site and accessibletothe permit officerwhen the proiect is inspected forcompliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that l) priorto undertakinS any activities authorized bythis Permit, the aPPlicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this proiect is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adlacent riparian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this Permit under the best available information and belief, certifythat this proiect is consistentwith the North CarolinaCoastal Management Progrirm. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Proiect: Tar- Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules Division of Coastal Management Ofiices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead Ciq/, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ r -888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247 -3330 (Serves: Caneret, Craven, Onslow - Nonh of New River lnlet- and Pamlaco Counties) Elizabeth City Distret 401 S. Griflin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth Ciq,, NC 27909 zs2-264-3901 Fax:252-264-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Oare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) ] oth".,-- lf indicated on front of permit, your proiect is subiect to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Olfice (257-946-6481) or the Wilmington RegionalOffice (9 l0-796-7215) for more information on howto comPlywith these buffer rules. Washington District 943 Washin4on Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax:252-948-M78 (Serves: Beaufon, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Coundes) Wilmington District I 27 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 9t0-796-7215 Fax: 910-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New fuver lnlet- and Pender Counties) http://ponal.ncdenr.orglweb/cmldcm-home Revised 7/06/ I 7 !- I t I Utinojllt ptle^ st uorteguJlJsf stql ateo(1'zo Z I o? | qlt fo euey dlf )o lUud-n'v v anteu&s dluno3 PgJrr? ur le palecol Apedo.rd ,{ur p /fry :uopmolul lorng ff.dord 'uouecldde yud slqJ ol pelarer uo$euJalu, autnnlene qt udtstJuoc u! spuq peuaaueu€Ja]E aqJ uo.rapa o1 s;ua6e r!"tll $)e reoqo lured r,col a.|il,*e$ wdnaiieyl iilseog p uo$1nno, uorssru.ued yet6 pe1 u! op g)e ,ye$ o1 pazuoqlne we I : .qt rgpec ifuaatayni t 'zva: ?efu;,eZl/%1fi vt^&ryt ?/trt 4? /tw-!ez/sq 7.-,ry yn;o/rsZr,g , Vt| VrJstr2 la ?{aaard,:luauldqaaap posodoJd 6urruol1ol aq1 jo1 fuessacan s1ulJad VWVO lle Oururelqo p.re rc1 6utlpde 1o asodtnd aq] Jol 'Jeqeq Au uo lce ol Jope4uoS / peov gy1fl ttwrvl/ ---fr;z=3_Jr@--ctl -Tty'"ftzV5t"/q-:ssarppv lleuJl i lolq'E? tla T'559 -- €5t :.EqurnN at otld J2l014dSg Taantd4. <inmrld/UZ sse:ppy 6utlteyt1 1tru76 *1/-uuued 6u0sarbeu JaJ,sO ,{uedo.ld p euep ?/sF ? ) pazrroqqne a^eq I leql ,{Jlp€o I sfrPy'ln Fi I tErelry stfy that I o*rl p'oPeny eq@{ t'o (Name of /or (Addre3 S,Lot, Block'Road , ctc.) 'oN pro on Th Perty loceted at Llrlr'/? u,!t WE N.c &,.g- ic ' to (wenstocYt (CWrIown andror Countyl hss desc,tH to me, as sho^'n blo" I have no otlt€cton to tlxs proposal' I have oliotfims to this Proposal' . tho devdoprnent proposed at the above e apparcant RIPNON AND/OR DRAWING OF PR@OSED DEVELOPM DESC (, nM{ at P te{E6,i ng cleveb,,,t efit nust lllt in &scrtNon ldow or sttoch rr/4K,r> ENT a s e dnwing) - Bturoil €7ltfir6 ? t'/l' F,torP - krt"* (t Bft,,,6 8't zr'/aiaa ?xz - i*rro /ltu <r'7 //fr*/ rw fu* - {,rS/rt, Nb A, ,r, *r|^ir'* ' fi<r a gut g,a,q,o1s (e*p1 a-, i<6l* ?, Soe.r>/,1 { (,n2. h ri,pi 8'il1 6Prt;rot 7n,AItqfd/L 5t1? P {I WAIVER SECTION breahrrater, boathouse lrff, or groin lundeGtand lhat a der, doc& m@ring filings, boat ramp, must be set back a m inimum distanc€ of 15' from mY dea of riperian access unless waived by (lf you to warYe tle s€lbacft, yoJ mu3t initill tle appropriato blank bdo" ) I do wish to waive the 15 selback requiremefit I do not wish to walve tfle 15' setback requilement Orrner lnformation) NarP z7/'7oCxt'et' ,ff:*mrnrormat,on) i$"ti-,.tt {rft)t-u:' W:trqZr:r- rfi^€6 I n t: il i I l,€i,.,glddtass f-?St1 ss ,,)rL+v N( 2€ " *14< / erDarl add€ss tl / efirail yssr alter s0nature' [)att. Zo Zo /RovisdArg. 20t.t) -Firy' 74ptu*P tioql'l I / -l I here!ry Bftity ttat I oNn propotu aqrc€nt to p.operty loceEd at (Addre5s'Lot,Block,etc. ! ,s N,C on The apdicanr hes d,escrib€d to me as shoivn bolo't'' ths dev€lopmsnt pfopo3d d tho Sbov€ (CityITown andror County) 7po**c uoct - Fb,rovl Qqrfit| 9./l' Oatp - *rt"( (l4ln6 8'y ?t' /t*7, nt Va,i: - fitro u ftr. {/t / /F;*p tu b** - /^,s/tt, &1, g, ,0, ,Sr*"* ' fitr Cu {asa loaTt& r'aw I have no obFcion to tl|ls Proposel I heve oti€c{ions to this Proposal' ->_ - - rrr..r( P/tJ' \-- DESCRIPTION AND'OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ?odfvi{,,rs,, W@ing dewloqfienl '/ust fill in &cri,,ion &low or al'l,,ch a slte dnwing) - (*"2a I l (tt <rr,1!tda 8, zs 'fuz 5oe.,> tt tsi,pa 81 6Pui,ot lwto Jr /4(,ns. IL h*i 5t7F ?WAIVER SECTION that a pler, dock, mooring pilings. boat ramp'brealorvatot, boathouse, litt. or grorn beck a minimutn distance ol 15' from my area of ripanan ac@ss unless waived by to waiv6 the sdback, you must lnitial ttE appropfiate blank bdo\ '') I do wish to waive the 15 setback roquirem€ftt I do nol wlsh to waive the 15' setback require{nent. lnformation) Nanle Print u f/{ Bltl / enlB,il &dtoss FT r{c 285 Teled]oflF Nmt!(r-/ eflrailt30 year aier shflature' 7/zo/"o (Reus6d Aug. 2Or4) I (Nsme of Road,_ ( Orrner Z ,raiw A<t&oss