HomeMy WebLinkAboutHodges, Mickey 77127CCAMA/Y6ReOCeertll GENER/AL PERMIT New Hodificarion ComPlete Reissue Panial Reissue At ardlofl..d bt rhe S{rG of No.th Carclina. Dep:rtrnent of Environrnelol Qudity a d tt* Coritll FEaourc€a Commiiron ln an erea of environnreofal concern pu rsuant to l5A NCAC Ruier.rn;rrtr Appr",rtNanE l'l ick"v H.,Jqg: ::':iJfl r*lT+,*ffi *stuo enones{fp P*f&)'e.nnr AnrhonzedAsent ?Fl^ Lrngfr"fiion Proiect Locadon: county On SIO tl StreetAddrosdstateRoad/Lot#(s) J*m ( & 07H .'l '100 kn) SuMrvision Afr€ted AECi:r: cr,, xEw OEA HHF FWS XPTA IH .#PTS UBA ]VA >- ac?4ow/\-A Lf Ens;"o I (Scale:I %)) 0 '/h+b 3 ^,-)LctJ "-') j-: - !-:1- 5a*r E?C 'L4{c-rp h.trh n )tr! ,V3 b t ,*f*'5+a 0 ..J \"P ?1G ( '/(t, '* lZ'- l")\el+csJ *d*J tiif [*;n Crrt ) 17ls,ld.ir!. LciAtn sAV: rEt 9.F! Horarorium .!r !i,qo>*Proposed bulkhead shall not extend more lhan 2' wateMard of the existing bulkhead alignment. A burldrry perm'l m.Y be .equrred by:Sce note on back regarding Rive. Basin rules r Nore Locai Plannrnt runrdictr Not., SPG<i.l Conditions I Ir l. B^il !j|tc, J Pcrmir Ofii..r'r Gnn, ,{il^?* N! 77127 e a 6fJ o Prwious prermit # Date pre,rious Permlt Etued ORW veri PNA Typ€ of Proiec Actiyity cAann.'l -ci.lst naa ofirliorr - I i,t hr ttatcment on brck of oelmt 6 l?"tr* fift{ .f;(oReoce a rtll IW N9 77127 G NERAL PERMIT PreYious permit # ew lModification nComplete Reissue f Partial Reissue Date orevious oermit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern Purs uant to l5A NCAC es attached Applicant Name tc Project Location: Count),Ons LN Address Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #1s1 *p. c State CAMA / enone * (p1 ta ,%9 B D @ Authorized Atent cw A{fected AEC(s): I oEA PWS E-Mail _ Phone # ( ) SubdiYision City Adi. Wtr. Body Closest Maj. Wtr. Body ztP Basin]Ew L HHF f PTA ltH ,#! UBA tr PTS r-t N/a nat kn ORW: yes PNA Applicant Pri Permit Offi cer's Printed Signature statement on backofpermit **Signafure IblLtllo )o rI Type o, Proiect/ Activity o 5 (Scale;I ) Pier (dock) lenSth Fixed Platform(s) T *FloatinS Platfo.m(s)5@ rF Finger pier(s) Groin length r-i-t---i--L LI l ILILber tuprap length t1 av8 distance offshore '-l_lJ d stance ofishore .-1 ^ th'*N*5-,J 4 A cubjc f.rds I '3 +++-t 1 t-t t f -! geach Other 1 I LL I {bs n Shoreline LenSth SAV: not sure l'4oratorium: ^laPhotos: l l l-i-1-.1 I A building permit may be required by I See note on back regarding River Basin rules. ( Note Local Planning.lurisdicti N otes/Con ditions o lication Fee(s) m oliance,e Check# LN r-FsDF @ ry'r ),e Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is sublect to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subiect the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become nulland void. This permit must be on the proiect site and accessible to the permit officer when the proiect is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that I ) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with aPProPriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adiacent riparian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, certifythatthis project is consistentwith the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. lf indicated on front of permit, your proiect is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-5481) or the Wilmington Regional Office (9 I 0-796-7215)for more information on how to comply with these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Ofiices I otter Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washin4on, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves: Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 9t0-796-72t5 Fax: 9 l0-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ | -888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247 -3330 (Serves: Carteret, Craven, Onslow - North of New River lnlet- and Pamlico Counties) Elizabeth Citv District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth Ciq/, NC 27909 252-264-390t Fax:252-264-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/ I 7 River Basin RulesApplicable To Your Project: L l Tar- Pamlico River Basin BufferRules L ] Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules N q xName of Property Owner Requesting Permit:Mickey H Mailing Address 1 15 Grant Street Sneads Ferry, NC 28460 Phone Number: Email Address:signs@signandawning.net lcertiff that lhave authorized Josh Barber/PFL Construction Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development:Bulkhead, Boatlifts, roof and piers at my property located at 1 '15 Grant Street in Onslow County I fufthermore ceftW that I am authoized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this rQroperty Owner nvh lnformation: Signature Michael "Mickey" Hodges Pint or Type Name Owner Date This certification is valid through t I permit application. Title CERTIFIED MAIL . RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ATNACENT RIPARIAN PROPERW OWNER NOTIFICATION'TYAIVER FORM Name of Prop€rty Oryner. Mickey Hodges Address of Property:1 t 5 Grant street, Sneads F , Onslow (Lot or Street #, Street or Road, City & County) Ag€nt's Name #. Josh Barber/PFL Construc{ion Maiting Addr€6s: 135 Virginaa Lane Agent's phone ;; (910) 330-5569 Sneids Ferry, NC 28460 I hereby certiry that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attiached drawing-the development they are proposing. A description or drawino. with dimensions. must be provided with this letter. I have no objections to this proposal. _ I have objections to this proposal. lf you hava obJeclions to what is bolrrg proposad, you must no(rly the Division of Coestal Neneg€,nent (DCH) in wriung wttfiln 10 days of rccolpt of Aris notice. Con',ct infomadon for OC orfc€s is evaitable at hltp://www.nccoastalmanaoement.nevweb/cm/staff-listino or by ce lng 14881RCOAS7. iro ,€sponse is corsrdercd t re s€flra .s no obi*tion if wu have baen notlftod by Cerlifred atl. WAIVER SECTlOlrl I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, or liff must be set back a minimum dislance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (lf you wish to waive the setback, you @gllbElg! the appropriate blank betow.) I do wish to waive the t 5' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. ln (Ripa n Property Owner lnformation) Signature Michael "M Pint or Tw€ Name 'l 15 Grant Street Anthony a ren Pilo Pint or Type Name 11937 Springpoint Ln SE Mailing Addrc$ Sneads Ferry, NC 28460 Meiling Addrass Chadotte, NC 28278 CityBtate/Z.ip Telephone ( Number / Email Address Date Z(J (Revi*d Aug. 2014) X 2 CM&atetzip IY1'2io - {tz-' Tolephone Numbr/ Emetl Addrcs Date C TI MAIL'R TU N EC IPT Neme of Property Offner Mickey Hodges 1 15 Grant street, Sneads Fer . Onslow (Lol or Stre€d r. Str€et or Road. Cty & County) Agent's Name *Josh Bad€rlPFL Consdruclion Maiting Address. 135 Virginia Lane Ager*'s phane * (910) 330-5569 Sneads Ferry, NC 2 8460 ,IVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMEJ'IT ADJACENT RIPARIAT{ PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION'WAIVER FORTYI Address oi ProPerty t he6by Cxftfy tt1at I ow'r proparty adiac€nt to the above r€fefenced pfop€fly. The indrvidual apptyin! for nie permit has describ€d to me as shown on the attached drawing-th€ development tttiy iri proposing A descfloton or drawino. with dinre-osions. must be orovided with this letter. tl you have I have no objections 1rl this ProF)sal. ----- otiadora l| xdrd L &,*tg prory.t, yo! tnuat i (DC[tl)in wrlting wt hin 10 dtya of rccoiPt of lhis notice' avaitabte ,l halr :/lttww. n c c oasta I m an a qe m en t. net/w ab/c nistaff'l i sti n a ot by ca ing 1-8881RCOAST to ia considafid the samo as no lf you haYe be€n notifiod bv Cdt1.ified Mail. WAIVER SECTIOI{ I uid€rstend lhst a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp. breakwater, boathouse, or lfi must be sct bsd( 8 minimum distance of 15'ftom my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (lf yo{,r wish to waive the setback yo u must initial the appropriate blank below- ) _ I do wish to waiw sle 15' setback requirernent L I do not wi rve 1 3 setback requir€rnent rl {Riparirn Ploporty Owner lnf ormation ) ,fignatwe Michael "M E ElderPint ot Name I have objeclions ltr this praposal notly t rc Divislon ot Coa.t t an,gemcnt @na(, tfilo',,,,rdon lot DCn orilcar is Pint or Typ lVarne 115 Granl Strcetffi 113 G rant Mailing ANre Sneads F Street Sneads Feny sl q €lrarri ,NC2 8460 -3t1-yt €1 , NC 28480 Da,e sel .ie. 1b .livur I".orlr h.*__.-..- -..-.- ----- by F*Ua t*r'rc) U4 ! Complete ltslrE 1, 2, 8nd 3.I Print your nano and addrssa ori li€ rw€rse so that w9 can rotum ths cad to you. I Attach t s cad to ths bd ol the malldec?, or on tho ltront f spaca p€.mib. 9590 9403 020E 5146 1547 06 2. Articl6 Numbe (tiE43ls. non a\rl@ l&f,,) b q O1o0 NtL?jJ/ita1l mfl PS Form 381 1, April 2015 PsN 7(lo-02-oo().go5it o crtf.d Md adicbd lr.&irv tr a.t,Il M b O Cot ctm D.t\l!y ' M{rrlg1d.a' tr C!a.d oo D.rvri Hdkr.d D!|iEi, tr Signdu! Coflernlli,rr tr Inalid Mc tr Siqtr[llcq|ffiioo tr Ptidity li.ldl Ee.t..O tr B€guftd r,kr tr Fdhtrd MlI A6dln.d Ddvdy Rd{ct d O.a\,..y F.&lcl.d I,lv.Y Dom€stic Relrm R6cd'pt El A€ffr tl AddrE !.a trl Add.€sa€€ C. Date D6llvaf!/Ld' 1. &lido Adds.lsd ior 6rr1gn elder I l3 Clnax\t Strcet- D, b ddhay d(icus dfb.€nt tlorn it€rfl 1 ? It YES, €(lts. d6lk€ry oddrBs b6low: €n(ocls lVrnJ NC ZOt)ttO llllllllr ril l][ ilfl ililr Il ffi il illl ilt I tll 3. Sdvico Typo tr ldrslgnt,t o rdn $t|.tf! BdEd D.{r,..y O Ci{fdM.lo Y€s trNo rrro 0-trl rrJItm ruEEtr EErstr IT Er! Erro-E r!.! m ru EIE E) E}trIr!E E- EIr! l'46t'l i<tu eetp trcrrcnr.l a afr irr', Ecgilfi.d.,,t , B.&tct dD.tv..y a-__$lJ-$g_ E^drs/gtdEB.qntd a .r, .,t.lbr€ .tll?1.J?0:l r CornpHe it€m8 1, 2, ard 3.I Print yow nama and addr€se on tho rsv€rso so ttd wE can rBtum tha cad to you, r Attaah thb cad to ths back ol lhe mallplcce, or on lhe ,rort tf spac6 1, Article AddEss€d toi 9s90 9403 02@ 5146 1*7 13 2. A.tde Numb€. fflarsrbr ro,,e lca labe| 0 3ll 0 'Arnthonq{Kqren P,Jo llq 3l S-y'nr.,.1po,nr- Ln Sf Orqrtat-t(.Ni zazta ilillliltililfiililililfiililil|ilil of D. ls delive.y d(,ress dii€r€flt fom [YES,6rt .ddh/ay8ddBs bdo$a tr tb 3. Snvioe Type tr Adolt tr Adl]n Sigr6rs Sbners B.!tlc16d Odiffy El Cqtfi.d l/ldlo tr Pr*rty lrd EFlB.lO tr R.ol(. €d Md tr F6oA6€d Mdl Fl6ticn d B Cifi.d Md Rdldd tllvry O Fdrn R...d lb.tr C.asl6 D.I\iry Mtt .Id!. tr Ooc.dorl D*ycyBlcid Dr&qa tr SigdrtConfnntlonrx tr llurrld MCI tr Sis.utncd rnldio.r U.S. Postal Service'" CERTIFIED MAIL@ BECEIPT Domeslic Mail Only U.S. Postal Service* CERT Domestic IFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Mail Onty :r --tIi:J-[- *fr- |,fl strostr c. s le 6l www.uslts.cosn.) rn,55 gs $6.9,c For (blive.y informalion, visit oul website al r/ww.usps.como PS Fom 3AOO' Aprit aDts ps 7neo&sso47 See B46s tor toslrucdons x WndNdtE)B. PS Form 381 1 , April 2015 psN 753&o2-00e9$3 O lnsriEd Mllil natict6d O€llvBry SENDEB: CoMPLETE THls sEcTloN COMPLETE THIS SECIION ON DELIVERY B. '11,50J r:rl,/?1/?!?t:l c SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTI0N COMPLETE IHIS SECTION ON OELIVERY 20t5PSN Doridlb Blhr1r Boa€{,t 'y'our item lvas deiivereC to an individual at the address at '1 1:39 am on [t,'lay 28.2O2O in CHARLOTTE. NC 28278. Text & Email ljodates Status @ Delivered Get Updatee v, oP6'o l--t r-l t$/xl/1s?fjnJooo g' o ooPo (- REC$PI x B.(Pnnbd ,MPLETE rHIS SECTION ON DELIVER\ SENDER: CoMqLETE THtS sECTtoN r Complsle itfi|s ,2, ajrd3.r PdI* )oUI name and addGss or thg lay€rsoso that we can retum the cad to ygu,! Attach thts catd to ths back ol thE malhlsc€,or on the iont lt gpacs permits. t, Atde AddrBsed to: 2. &tde Nunb€.han tabi0q 4nthongl.(qren hlo 3i'.1"i*rr;;i{ * fl ilil] flt l]ll ilfl fl ill lt ililI ilillil flt 9590 9403 o2os 5146 1*7 13 tr Ag€Ilt ENo o Prioity Mln E'el!6seoO€niry D ffi"ot'aa*tra O. ls 3. trtr tr tr C-{t d .I tr Colh.l oi D Co{€ct or| O lrlsuld Bauct d D.&qy D 3t{0 D D.ttEy O Sbiut ! Corifnl|.fbnESie'ler! Co.iLnaddrRdici.d D.fitiriy PS Form 381 l, Aprit 2015 PSN 753G@dG9o53 o Dortr€suo Eet'm Roooht Tracking Number: 701 9070000023.+670970 fo,n c.tte. doliv{y addre3gIf YES, s$*-F-1 5 $\l,r-t <-. -+ -l-C. It l) a, -€ T (' n : () 7-s eio) =3\< a^-.-*- '.q tz"+ r--bJ-Ir.Y-q \ 4-t r t) tst- I I .t I I