HomeMy WebLinkAbout77539D - Watson 0 CAMA/ DREDGE & FILL N9 77539 A B C 0
GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# /
Y lew _ Modification ❑Complete Reissue CPartial Reissue Date previous permit issued /
As authorized by tie State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality /�� /Z G U
and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC 7f� //
, / ElRules attached.
Applicant Name t'1JJ v`�'I f U� Project Location: County g r I,(j., r w1(k
Address I U LI Ga] r )el,e PIQ6-(' Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s)
City CoorrtdOr0 State NC, ZIP ?7S10 / U SE See fi '
Phone#( 9Kl) Zq 518) E-Mail ert-aI-ra'i G(o 9 Cal "Subdivision ...- -------- /
Authorized Agent (la I McV4'i�...i C • City 6O(1L �j/' - ZIP e y/0
Affected ❑C:w E XPTA fS COTS Phone # ( -./"r River Basin L F i2
AEC(s): ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body 0Ot u I 5 t,-Cch Q 1 (nat /man (an)J
❑ PWS:
ORW: yes i' ) PNA yes no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body
Type of Project/Activity SYl (jam/I u)lG. .Qc� /-}I XF �l e C_
(Scale:/ -- 30 )
Pier(dock)length 'E x 15' I
Fixed Platform(s) �� lrJ 5'` f ChAfr� 1
Floating Platform(s) ' i
Finger pier(s) I �.._.._.. QV/NA_
.._._ --_.._.. —...a
_ I
Groin length t A
number -- —...� '—/b G
'Bulkhead Riprap length 9 Z
avg distance offshore 0. i i l
T -
max distance offshore 0 i I _
i {
+ ; t I Ncolie
cubic yard i �jJC
Boat ramp I
%Aft' 5
iiigLit- - __....1
Boathouse/Boatlift 1 -
.-,C �`Beach BulldozingI
Other KZ ` otn�lnuC ITV 1 v/�FDCx�'t�6.,_ i+K�' 1 1•
I Stlatm _ ti`� 8if,111 Sistko ji 3r'co2
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�Iv, WGtI 'N'''" I � ` ft wry �` ��cYi an9�
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I;� �RZ, T , 1 t
Shoreline Len i f� � ' } i
SAV: not sure yes i I
Moratorium: n/a yes F ' S�-3
�, � 1.._. .... -�o 5� __._ .-. ..
Photos: yes �IOU-St � �.--- � ---___ _ , i/ � i
Waiver Attached: yes111; � ��I ! w �n } -
A building permit may be required by: Q_a It TS!And d . n See note on back regarding River Basin rules.
(Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) n` _if/''
Notes/Special Conditions I r 'e S � 7 COS ! Z OQ /'OC4 1, rt 7, �67l 4 f
re �, -i0"1 1y , n0.,A-,,,,, oc;+C p`rv,,; -� , Nn cI Clih e:aas41
cti-,.t S e No �t/ .r � c €X c ta .) et dds/ JP' Ie1J.
Agent or Appli t Print�ed IWa t%��Y `.!' ( PermitOffce 's Printed
' nature ""Please read compliance statement on back of permit� Signature
Uo - ! S(4 11/ //Zô zo / 11/20Z/
Application Fee(s) Check IssuingDate Ex iration Date
Statement of Compliance and Consistency
This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any
violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become
null and void.
This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The
applicant certifies by signing this permit that I)prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit,the applicant will
confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local
ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adjacent riparian
The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available
information and belief,certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program.
River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project:
Tar-Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Other:
Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules
If indicated on front of permit,your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the
River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of
Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the
Wilmington Regional Office(9 I 0-796-7215)for more information on how to comply with these buffer rules.
Division of Coastal Management Offices
Morehead City Headquarters Washington District
400 Commerce Ave 943 Washington Square Mall
Morehead City, NC 28557 Washington, NC 27889
252-808-2808/ I-888-4RCOAST 252-946-6481
Fax: 252-247-3330 Fax: 252-948-0478
(Serves:Carteret,Craven,Onslow- (Serves: Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde,
North of New River Inlet-and Pamlico Tyrrell and Washington Counties)
Elizabeth City District Wilmington District
401 S. Griffin St. 127 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Ste. 300 Wilmington, NC 28405-3845
Elizabeth City, NC 27909 910-796-7215
252-264-3901 Fax: 910-395-3964
Fax: 252-264-3723 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover,
(Serves:Camden,Chowan,Currituck, Onslow-South of New River Inlet-
Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans and Pender Counties)
Revised 7/06/17
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Name of Propertytwner_Rew:sting Perniitt
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Mailing Address:, r /41 V 6-z76-i1-:c.4.-
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Pho'n Nikriber: -Fe,
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neCeSsary fOr the following proposed developMent:
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1 furthermore certify that 1 am aiithorized to grant, and do in faot:grant pertniSsion to
Division of Coastal Management staff; th.e,LOcra1 Permit Officer and their agents to enter
on the aforementioned lands in connection With evaluating information related to this
Property,bvvner rrnation:
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Brink, Benjamin
From: Brink, Benjamin
Sent: Fri y, tiara ber 18, 2020 10:31 AM
To: chris lovell
Subject: FW: [External] 108 se 39th st
From: Brink, Benjamin
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2020 8:51 AM
To: chris lovell <chrislovellsmc24@gmail.com>
Subject: FW: [External] 108 se 39th st
Friendly reminder, see below. I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.
From: Brink, Benjamin
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2020 12:48 PM
To: chris lovell <chrislovellsmc24@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: [External] 108 se 39th st
Please sign and return for the permit to be active.
From: chris lovell [mailto:chrislovellsmc24@gmail.com]
Sent:Tuesday, November 24, 2020 12:11 PM
To: Brink, Benjamin <Beniamin.Brink2@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: [External] 108 se 39th st
Hey Ben, here is the dock layout for 108 se 39th.
‘N/ %
,�CAMA I /t�REaGE& FILL '1ct'.' -~"' "} A B C O
GENERAL PERMIT Prewouspermit#
/Ne:: Modification Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued
As authorized by the State of North Carolina.Department of Envy,cnrnenvl Quaay
and the Coastal PP‘rytlrtccles Commission in
an area of environmental concern purriant to ISA NCAC 7I/ //66/' � F,�/
Applicant Name �'aLii 1/% 4 fr�v } Prolectt Location. County gj rii i f ctit Ck.
Address I�) LI Gci�d.-l der ))/4G.e Street Address'State Road'Lot (s)f�.
City �.{4,c,r , state NC ZIP g'75 (J i o ( U S -�
Phone#t ar?1 7-C/ CIS I Eq-Mat r'�fc-c* ion&c(G EJ 'ec
Subdivision '
Authorized Agent T 4I.I h�IL'M IllC.• Gty Ga e-z.5/G-c- / ZIP . e. (lb 5
ow Nw XPTA /-JES >#Ts Phone# ( -l/ River Basin 1-F t
Affected t T
AECts► oEn HHF tH UBA NA Adl.Wtr-Body 01-avl j Can c2f tnat man unkn,
PWS_ VV -1..,jt
^ Closest Maj Wtr.Body
OM yes o/r PNA!Jya� no �^
Type of Projecti Activity [[[ n fa"'I1 :�l l�ufceJ/(Ti ' CC;C t
�1' (Scale:/ = 36 )
Pie:'dock length 5s(�1.5' F�,.�(� �
F:xed P„form s Sly L'J„N -"."i- �/�\t�
Foac;r£Plxfa-s• / \ y Caine&, J
Fair,-pier s /t v` (�-
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Groin length 7 i �lccd gap
rr mher /\
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V d ter C offshore O
max e.szor+ce ons`.ere u
Bain &siv d
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sca =-:yar' L (( A1
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Bos.: -se Bx `r/ t1i,�J��7.,M 2t'kci
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Beach e.r darng 51 - - ��rtrs +kg t�� �``�'
other 32 i zA ` 1,.,iinac sow...( C S7 -aZ' i - i•kt ., ti/3lZc z
J r NR"a t Fr��crx�0,41,1.ii rem
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SlcreNne Length !Z I --
47' L r
SAV no:Lure Yes ra c//
. Mora'-ovum n a Yes f f]t c SE 7 ' t o S t 2q
Photosiz ,,,„,
-ro ,1t�} _ ! �.a. �-'9 Cycle)
Waver poached yes no and
A building pemrt may be required by CM IL Di nd See note on back regarding River Basin rules.
f Note Local Planning Jurisdiction, I -7 / r f lQ Qf •�•
Notes!Special Conditions ,, S - / 0)(��z t:ei , 4(! t� t!'c?
'C1.1 I 6v1 / K- i-fr`tLIJ cs: t�1 f t fft-i ,,S
ti4 S -I+tl J wax W4y` C , .c �- (ck,�a L.., J s
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( c CC' �lS(� 11'2 i/2C'G 2/ ttl?a?/
iscanon Fee,s�
Check: lsw•ng ate Ett Hy ranan pate
Allpt4AIVIA/ REDGE & FILL N9 77539 A B C 0
IiirgENERAL PERMIT Previous permit#
mew .❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued 7
As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality jDDOZD d
and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I5A NCAC IN �/
R ❑Rules attached.Applicant Name li�,1 � f UL Project Location: County 8 r k fitA,i C',k
Address 1 D Li Ga /- - ;d9 e P140e Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s)
City Chsf-rbYa State INCi ZIP ?IS-ID 1 0 CJ SE 3cleti fl,
Phone#( q/q) Zcg 5181 E-Mail Pfw cI fO,1 66 9 +�u Subdivision
Authorized Agent -rived mp(i+''i wL 1 ir.C• City Oal,e---- 14.4-id ZIP .V-6 lilL S.
Affected ❑CW 1 W 'TA ' .ES [OTS Phone# ( ...)---'--- _ LE-Basin Le
AEC(s): ❑0EA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body flOvL I SC�'C �'�'% (nat /man C�kn)
ORW: yes /(, PNA yes. no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body fjJwkJ
Type of Project/Activity J Vl c h j �L(,I��l'LL�1(:f / 't-1 de c IC
r1 N
(Scale:/ =36 )
Pier(dock)length tj)(c
25% i
Fixed Platform(s) ` G+ ,� I
Finger pier(s) I I ----- I_. �lJ I i
Groin length I I i1u i 1
' ✓ ` �� I I
number — —• b
ulkhead "iprap length Z I — -- — —
avg distance offshore D I 1 - ii a I I j i
[ i _ ..—
max distance offshore O I
Basin,channel i i 1 I
cubic yard j i
Boat ramp i
I I 1 _
%two,Boathouse/Boatlift� — —--I —-- — ...........— -- _..
—Z1rt i _
! i
i. i n p��
Beach Bulldozing —_ !• i� c _ "1�
Other %x I I ogi}Ivuc.l�LA tz �e„!^ C O g,1 1- lt^141- I I
S eA i i 1 12`-0u�' ' fit. l tt� II �• 1 c
MIA9. vial t ib •
Shoreline Length t L 7,' I ! j i j 1 l i
SAV: not sure yes ob I ^ ( —_
Moratorium: n/a yes I D �7 _ _ I 1 [— —�
Photos: yes tip ) � _.. �_� _ �` _ _ _
Waiver Attached: yes no I
A building permit may be required by: 0t(1{- ,.I c . ❑See note on back regarding River Basin rules.
(Note Local Planning JurisdictionA-\ I_rulccf
/-� _ /
Notes/Special Conditions7 iV D /z m local f47e„ 4'ia pV'era
oh l cvN doci pco,,114- , N6 -c11li►'15 6t aetS4
w S. .errs. e ' . 0 vjaor v-k (6 , 6V Pa^ r b.sd-0. 1.,i 41.dolt S v
cfri rie, ---
Agent or Applica t Printed i a Permit Off;iP's Printed
nature Please read compliance statement on back of permit** Signature
91 ("CO r CV 4(I szo 1 117 yko 2-6 3/ ,-Oov
Application Fee(s) Check# IssuingDate G Expiration Date
Statement of Compliance and Consistency
This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any
violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action;and may cause the permit to become
null and void.
This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The
applicant certifies by signing this permit that I)prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit,the applicant will
confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local
ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adjacent riparian
The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available
information and belief,certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program.
River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project:
Tar-Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Other:
n Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules
If indicated on front of permit,your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the
River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of
Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the
Wilmington Regional Office(9 I 0-796-7215)for more information on how to comply with these buffer rules.
Division of Coastal Management Offices
Morehead City Headquarters Washington District
400 Commerce Ave 943 Washington Square Mall
Morehead City, NC 28557 , Washington, NC 27889
252-808-2808/ I-888-4RCOAST 252-946-648 I -
Fax: 252-247-3330 Fax: 252-948-0478
(Serves:Carteret,Craven,Onslow- (Serves:Beaufort,Bertie,Hertford,Hyde,
North of New River Inlet-and Pamlico Tyrrell and Washington Counties)
Elizabeth City District Wilmington District
401 S. Griffin St. I27 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Ste. 300 Wilmington, NC 28405-3845
Elizabeth City, NC 27909 910-796-7215
252-264-390 I Fax: 910-395-3964
Fax: 252-264-3723 (Serves:Brunswick,New Hanover,
(Serves:Camden,Chowan,Currituck, Onslow-South of New River Inlet-
Dare,Gates,Pasquotank and Perquimans and Pender Counties)
Revised 7/06/I7
Date Received Date Deposited Check From(Name) Name of Permit Holder Vendor 11/ amount Permit Number/Comments Receipt or RefundRealloceted
Columnl Column2 Cokrmn3 Column/ Columns Columns Column? Columns Columns
1/25/2021 1/26/2021 Elizabeth Edmunson Robbie Edmunson State Employees CU 5021 $ 400.00 GP#77736D JD rct.13605 _
1/25/2021 1/26/2021.Holden Docks and Bulkheads Cathy Louden CresCom Bank 3650 $ 400.00 GP#77726D _j BB rot.13505 _
1/25/2021 1/26/2021 Allied Manna Contractors LLC Janet Friday FCB 9757 $ 200.00 GP#777370 ,JD rct.13606
1/25/2021 1/26/2021 Brandon Grimes Money Order Barry and Seena Gudelsky Wells Fargo Bank 19-088347337 $ 400.00 GP#77652D BBB rct.13581
1/25/2021 1/26/2021.Brandon Grimes Money Order Kelly Coy ,Wells Fargo Bank _19-088347328 S 400.00 GP#71860D 138 rct.13579
__-1/25/2021 1/26/2021 CLTMC.Inc. Paul Watson FCB 1156 $ _600.00 GP#77539D :Ben rct.12456
1252021 1/26/2021 Allied Marine Contractors LLC Barry Sheppard IFCB 9737 S 200.00 GP#742820 Tmac rct 13582
125/2021 1/262021 Allied Manne Contractors LLC Paul 0obranski IFC8 9738 $ 800.00 GP#777040 Tmac rot 13583
125/2021 1/26/2021 Jerry Ennett David Moore Coastal Bank and-Dust 3580,$ 200.00 GP877527D JD rct.13608
1252021 1/26/2021 Rainwater Coastal Construction Herbert and Michelle Siner First Bank 358 S 200.00 GP#718840 ,Tmac rct.13585
1/25/2021 126/2021 Kevin Morse same BB&T 2696 $ 200.00 GP#77841D __._ IPA rct.11579
125/2021 126/2021 Overbeck Marine Const./Daniel Shirley Came Fales Suntrust 5388 $ 400.00 OP#761720 PA rct.11580
1/25/2021 _1/26/2021 Phyllis Smith money older same BOKF.NA 20944262475 $ 200.00 GP#775900 KE rct.13665
125/2021 - 126/2021 Roger Davis Roger and Perry Davis 5446 $ 400.00 GP#764930 PA rct.11581