HomeMy WebLinkAbout77966A_Pate, David & Sharon_2020122911 VCAMAI DREDGE&FILL N9 '117966 a C 9�wYERAL PERM ' IT Previous permit . Modificauon Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As auttiorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Enmronmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC :r14 K) Applicant NameProject Location; Counry_Co4f..;..4§� k- Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s:) OCY-Y'r6l L L'A­ State. VA.- ZlP...qJ4K4:__ Phone # E-Mail Authorized Agent city K-O* S Z Cw 14W VIRTA ES PTS Affected Phone# River Basin AEC(s): OEA H"F tH IJIM MIA Adj. Wtr. Body..0 4o FIN& Closest Maj. Wtr_ Body cdr� ORW: yes PNA yes 1& C4 Type of ProjectJ Activity &&J 2.s C�A AL-L1__L-' �-' Pier (dock) length 'I ',I( (Scale: tAJ V; Fed P,atbrM(S) loatirg Natforn-'(S) . . . . ............... ... .. .. .. Finger pier(s) C"ro", length .. . ..... .. J_ number___ avg distance offshore.� max distance offshore .. .......... .. I 4L L "Ibic Yards 41- Boa" TAmp dift .............. Bich Wwoling q Other # 'Y Sh.,Iine b�ngth SAV- not sure yes Ito Moratorium - Photo$;: can /V Waiver Attache?,, 110 Z5*,tf A building perrnit may be -required by: See note on back regarding River � Note Local Planning jurisdiction) Notes! Special Conditions 9*60hi A-9 _&Ikly at, )Prin . 2I "Pa - 1read Z. 44 1"."'Iw-o.c� . .. ... .......... ... .. ... ..... ... . . ..... . .. .......... .. ApplicationFee(s) Check,* I 0R0!r_t+ ermtOfficer's tees Issuing Date Expiration Date ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to 0,4"4VP AA�)b'YNAj�Cx ?,,7 s (Name of Property Owner) property located at [ b K,V OS ',ANicr- r A,7y G (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on , in KN q—k T5 7 , N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above catio ' I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. utat.ttJt' IVN AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual proposing development must Fill in description below or attach a site drawing) WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. Print or Type Name 3'4 €?A w -s; `'r� � Mailing A dress citylStatelzip 7r-) 7 (a ` 2y C"o Telephone Number/email address Date *Valid for one calendar year after signature* (Adjacent Property Owner Information) Si W > m Print or Ty e Name lU� c�-Notf5Mailing YGN o rlf; CjtylState/Zip Telephone Number/email address 7 - ! 't - 7-02p Ua1e (Revised Aug. 2014) ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to 17gy,n f S !-�1+:�2 (�, "'C>✓ _'s (Name of Property Owner) property located at 10 7 (<�{ 71!5Nor (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on , in t�NoT-s �scAcv. N.C. (Waterbody) (city/Town and/or County) The ap i t has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above locatio I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. ur-MoKlr I IUN AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (I ndividual proposing development must rill in description below or attach a site drawing) WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be seta ck a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If ypuANi h to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) rb do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requ Print or Type Name Mailing Address _V A. 15 City/State/Zip _7r- 7/ 9 47- y to Telephone Number! email address /- / 7- Zn Date Information) Print or Type Name i�e�i"�S /tea In/ Marl Address City/S;ate2/p Telephone Number/ email address 75 7 Gf� o'>e �fi4 Date* *Valid for one calendar year after signature* (Revised Aug. 2014) 11:46 1 a LTE 1=60 Done 102 KM,M I Vhfing j4omieo%s-ncr% k-WAXIatiOn Meeting for May l9'201 1 11c meeting was tailed W ond" blY Shorty FIX-9- ai 6:4o Pna, In attendance were ShOft and, sharon Fiarmagan, Tammy Broeslin. John and Kim Davis, V(Au%hY Pratt} were Jam and Elizabeth Parker, Ron and Pam Phelps- Tim Tepper, James TCPPa- and Jahn Wunder' 'Amittcs, Of the lam metting were read bYS at- FlannaPo' and arim)ved as read by Kim Davis andsewod by Tammy Breslin, Shorty passed out Win" Of the budgd and went over them and was appro%ed Kim Mvis and second by'Vammy Brc-AM, pay Shorty told us that there was finally imotigh money in AX &*wtion funds Ic' for the bulk head to be completed. Howeva.we now h3vt to wait for the ccaiftwtor to fit us Onto his sdwdulc beeaasc of the delay in some of tlw homeowners paying thitr money on t=c-. Shorty stated that several homcowncrs hate approached him about what and how thcv aan build on their property artol the answer is "YOU must (oil" the Associatioult covenants and bylaws and also county regulations". UWx C'rttrixy (it kv-VAAx,4JW- It will now be the k-A owners responsibility to sce: that their lots are cut three timesayear (last wvckofMay, last week of)'utyand last wceloof Sept. or first week of Oct.) occotifing to the Association covewmlt. yOuamalso ftspomblCfor taking care that the Pass cutter 14 paid in a timely manner. Asofnew Favniond(Puzzy) William takes can: of the cutting. You May contact him at -cell 757-651-23" Of lumie phone 252-424-1552 and twill provide him with list ofoarricsand PhOW numbers OfthnSc Prilwn) womm" you may also contia"t the new dit"for. Shorty, stated that he would like it) turnover being the dimtor to another homeowner as he had hcjj the position for about I oycm, -Nominations were asked for and them being mine Shorty nominated John Daviat and Tammy socond ft motion, and neryone agive& John Davis is new the new director and any concerns or questions may be directed to him. You may reach John via the itacnixt at (juhIlrd—AvAAAI#XJnett or cell phone (757-64644941 Kim passed akw* some qocsti4mrs and statements t1rom Sentry Scott which are ansive" below. 1, ('ambirang lots u) make them one- We had discussed this at a previous meeting and the consensus is that regardless weather you combine them or not you still owe dues and other monies for each lot PROPOSED PIER CROSS SECTION SCALE: 1 /2" =1.0' 2"x6" BLOCKS NAILED TO STRINGERS AND HEADERS (TYP) *2"x8" STRINGERS AT MAX 24" O.C. 2"x8" HEADERS EACH SIDE (PILE BENT) *STRINGERS TO BE 16' LONG W/BUTT JOINT STAGGERED OVER BENTS (HEADERS) — CONNECTION OF HEADERS OVER BENT SHALL BE A 2"x8"x16" SPLICE BLOCK FASTENED W/20d NAILS — SEE DETAIL BELOW VARIES — SEE PLANL — DRIVE PILING TO MIN. 50% PENETRATION 2"xB"x16' STRINGERS AT 2%8"x16" MAX. 24" O.C. SPLICE BLOCK 2"x8" HEADERS (PILE BENT) PLAN VIEW NOTES: 1. ALL FRAMING TIMBER FOR USE IN THIS MARINE ENVIRONMENT SHALL BE PRESERVATIVE TREATED CCA 0.8#. PIER DECKING SHALL BE #1 SYP. 2. ALL HARDWARE SHALL BE GALVANIZED I.A.W. ASTM A-153. • 2"x6" •WOOD DECKING - ELEVATION TO MATCH ELEVATION OF EX. BULKHEAD 5/8" 0 BOLT, NUT AND WASHER (TYP) 8"0 WOOD PILING MAX 8' O.C. - LENGTH TO BE MIN. 16' \\\\�\11111111/��//// \` �K Cool ••<< S 1 ••• i SEAL ; • 027121 - �• 12/02/20 ;• •'•.FNG I NEE;•••• \\ ENGINEERING/99"OES. � BY: CAE, Vld. PHONE: (757) 271-1576 EMAIL: HELUSOCAE-INC.NET PROJECT LOCATION: PRIVATE CANAL PROPOSED PIER, BOAT LIFT FOR: DAVID PATE PURPOSE: BOATING ACCESS 4107 KNOTTS ISLAND LANE DATUM: MLW 0.00' KNOTTS ISLAND, NC 27950 DATE 12/1/2020 SHEET 2 OF 2 .urrituck County GIS Data Viewer v Addresses Communities tt Bertarcu Colnjock corolla Currituck - Gibbs Woods Grandy ° a Harbinger Jarvlsburg Knolls Wand «, Maple Moyoek Point Harbor poplar Branch 1.11. Point Bhawboro 7 Sligo - Waterilly k:': County Boundary -� B1eM '• —County Streets Major Streets —Arterial_Principal Arlerial_Major — Col lector_Major Parcel Land Hooks Parcels 17 Currituck County Aerial Photography (2016 ERed: Band-1 Green: Bond-2 Blue: Band-3 Currituck County GIS This map should be used for general reference purposes only. Currituck County assumes no legal liability for the information Phone: (252) 232-2034 shown on this map. E-mail: gis@currituckcountync.gov i � g7) i