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78756A_Lifsey, John & Barbara_20200930
-(CAAAA DREDGE & FILL V) 78756 ► B �' GENERAL PERMIT Pmviowpa# - `loux f,ca:?om ConVictc Rcnsm PXL41 Pemt Dac pccr+onti pe —*,d As a xnonwd cy the Stale ,.t Nonh C WO&M Dapwarw+t of Emwonoe r" Quaky and ft: CO— P W"Wces Coax+% s&vn on an anew of *rwcnn+encal concem p,rsta>r to I SA NCAC _ —3 �^) � k. %Am �d Apo<w*Name S4S1n : t3carb:c. ,�s<•� Locniott AA.,6 La% t Dr Sweet AddroW Sure Ruadl Lot *(s) CNLr-,i4-_li. -me K State Na_-23P.-)'iYJ CLtc•�4)C.- Jr- Lei �tI Pnorw # (aSA) q.L-' 33 - 3 E-PW _ subdrWWO11 l s fly i� Eir.�t cay Cot.�}..� Zr-a`tn&iY Aga _ Cw XEW X Frw YES x r n PF,om s t —) — - Rivw Basm P,,ee, it AFC( :) �► Ins _ IN t,.n - WA A4 WCr- Body Cc, -4 t ► • (+ t ws. C'S.,reet Mai NUtr Rer1n AA /' � ��1� /1C _ rJ► • ..\ e� ORWL y.'f7 1`94A yes (!2!p/ 14 A i x r�s) I b- X'y • '�'�'`�' ! � ram\ � r a s% w.tQ m(s) nrv*- aa , rta x 4fvAJIB ni,Jef J �•+- i •t �' S�f .� �..—. r . �. l 3� Boac ramp eo�tnusc _I dX t >• � ' ' t f ! ! l ! ! t I ! / I ! X a _ &Mc,__ s.aeinc r SAv: floc sure y- C . MVraLO.�Mn rf�a ) 7n m � I Ptmev+ `- flo 1 W,w~ A Ached r e, (so A buRds% per+tut mar be mqu,rod br. �c• ! L C. .:. r � ,t See note on back roAareicrt� River Bassrvlr ( Note I_ocat Plarrw g jLwisdic:xx1 Notes/ special Cottdtrwm �%11 Q L e j k. Y.a I t -pik's r v►1.. " )a& w .) .' • - -� .1 1.. � k r` 1 � . � ,�. ) c� t � e . r-a � .�.• ms: t t ►� ,. T..,,. -G. t%••. �, t� st• pl A S pr�tu*e " Pvw- reed compW" statement on back o(pemw App+csoonFee(s) - - C.t+Rks bmiMOkete E,apwar mo (]ate T Name of Property Owner Requesting Perml*L John and -Barbara Litsey, Wiling Address A 16 Seascao Dr HAwK NC 27959 Phone Number: —t2§.21 207-3363 Ern all Address: I certify that I have authonzed AlbeMgrle BulkheAsj§ & HouseRilinq5, LLg Agen, " —"nzr3cto, 'o ar-** on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA. permits necessary fc�r the fo4owing proposed development 88'Vi"LlBulkhead. 5* x 32- Finwr ftr. Difings-for Boat ILqin-stall boat Ijft at MY Properly located at -2,5-8-Outrigger Qr in Dam ounty. I furthermore cerfify that ' am authorized to grant, ai7d do in fact grant permirs,,vor; to Dwision of Coastal Maragernerf staff' !he Lor-ai Permi! Officer and their agents to erter on the aforementioned J'ands in xnnectw mth evaluating information related to this PermitapplicaPon I PnW or Type Name ,(- TWO �_ t Date This cerlifiCation is valid through t l� J -a!d'' h z t-. -ER7lFtgQ, MAIL - RgIURN RECEIPT REQUESTSZO :;!VISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPER n�'OWNER NO7F!CATIO&VVAlVER FORM k aS t SCnz4c 2 It 04#snow Am p'g zrnplosocl' you won nomy I !hl- Zry rvor of Cwszx Acar-agerrvr. V CA, wn?'mr' iv 7 ni of loco 0, 7 cont3c., imlommvOrt for Dom ol*rces <'� lavoodo Z! or by cals'trg !- W-4RCCAS 7' NO MS;�*07,- T If - 7 Wit- 11 v"�4, -'"e- -1�4��Ad L; :C'tifed Man, 1. it! 2jZK L py M-r-"T' 7 in. do not j Pro pr llo- tac ,�vty Owner -r, n, 7 Owner f �A -W,;:--iw -.0ne—sm 7-77- DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFf"TIONMAMER FORM L(-- I hereby certify that owr property ad.acent +01 me above referenced property. The ir4ividial apptrrg for tit perm, 4 has des vi*ed to me as shown or, t.�e arached drawing_the deveaprre.*7* they are proposing. A q4g=� c':or Mt), d4m nstr"'Is, mst Do wirn !hIs Wto-r' havc no obiccuons to this pToposai i ha-ve objecumN to thlspropo.4�21 WAIVER SECTION 1 understand t?,at a pier, dock, moortmg plugs, boat rarV, breakwater, boat use. or 5-ft 7'hus! be set back a rmnimum distance of 15 from my area of riparian access Lmessi waived by rr*. !I If yovw,ist, te., warve tle setback, you must inifial the appropriate blank below.; I do "Sri to waive the 15' Setback requirearat. I do not wtv,, to waive the IS' setback reqturcrneM m sigmn" k-�hn -t rotor Type Name ty S rl M&*nq Adftn 'Ita -q , L r, , �' t+r) f A (," 4 u MA&V Adtftss (RvvisedAug. 2074) F gv1�G�+ L IZ.A.rI. 3 Agent's N ' N .' 3 -J" . f 5 . t havc no objeatons to this pr+t rK4sa3I havic:t to € € , proposal , r WAIVER SECTION understand that a pier, dock. mooring pifings, boat ramp. breakwater, t>oalhouse r • from of you wish #waive the setback.You'a,the Appropriatebelow-', 1' 7j. 1 do not',Ars1h,to warw; 1 "s C*reqem:.., I i Type ul r Teknwwov Num f (Rim wnr Property owner jn t.;on,, e 1 9, law �_- -tD1.1 V%OT fe%006-4— V, It ll� CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIP7 REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER N071FICATIOWWAIVER FORM L:l Address of Propwv- FM .Axjervrs Name #-AkWfMl'W' biAkOAMA MaihngAddress:J-)o I►OA 6 Agerit's phom k ItAks(o �± 1! r', "�'A ffitls' 'klL' L414Y ereby certify that I Own prop" adjacent to the atove referenced qroperly The indiwdt;3i 4 ' apOrn`; for this Permrl has described to me asshown on -)e ata--h,--,d draw ng_the development they are PrOPMN, 6jr-sc qn�Or MIL_ ._qWbg_ym M Mmgnfim' must twc�- have no objections to, this Prol)o�al _ISvc obtecti(wmtoL�lisr--tt)posai, If you have ohtecti`01M to **W ig bti"g ArOPO."d, Sow muV rro&fy the Davisjor of Coastal 4knagement �DCM ' ) in writing wtdVn 10 days of receipt of this notm Cwftc-1 tftftmiation for Z)CM offices i.-S available at fir -or by callmg 1-888-42COAS T .040 respo'nS* ts considered Me Same. as no 2jbectior f You hft* been notfflod bX ef,*$ticd Mz,& WAIVER SECTION I Urw$erst3nd thM a pier, doCk. MooliN peMr�qs. boar rarlp, breakwater, boathouse �f ifft must be se! back a rranimm distar.ce of I 5'from my area of riparian access unlesswaiv*d bVme, of u Y,msh to waive the setback, YOU MMIC1-244-1 the aPPMPriale blank b<%ArAv')- 0 1I CJO eft to w3rve ft 15' set-b-acx rcquTremen',, Vl-7 A0 I Q"-- I do not wish to waive the 15' setback req uirt--mert 5'gwlure Pnig or 7Av Vatre hear 4V Adft= C�l (R�Orfsn P Sid pro* OrTpe Nwft _I I) LP'24 Vl; i I M&br,gA=esS C'; i at—w\.es4 -e A ZG T**PhOm lJqeV,WdAuV 20f4; Albemarle Bulkheads and House Pilings Post Office Box 50 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 (25P) 261-7466 Ofte (752) 715-1986 Fqx whOerfersonOWO gma#. com aIb&mwA9bu&fwadsobx@9"%0cm Whit Patterson ownerl, operator 0 V(+f Waterfront Solutionsi --thmgh quality workmarfshp and environmentaffy senwtve marinve c*nstructicnl » �� \. . "/�\�. < y . <�\».����f�§>. - - �,� \�4� ^\� ^�� �/ . 2ƒw <» � a.^ ..�.. �_y�:.,m �,. . x,y:v .� .� � \/.� �,\� \ `yam /� ©»ice // /� ��;� ~ � � � � \. / � , � � �� � +��� %� � d`^< .. . m>� � y.� � � y. . �w.,. .2 . �� <. \ .� ��`:«<zz: .� ., � /,' � \?� � � � « � �\ ° . :� � �,� \\�� mow; � ..�:w�� : � \ �� . .�,�._„��,� ,� RECEIVED JAN 0 6 2021 CERTlF3 4Ali- -RETURN REC ElP- R QUESTE , 1,VISON OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT DCM-EC ADJACENT R11PARIAN PROPERTY OWNER I OTIFI ATt{'NIWAIVER FORM f P, rty hex got or Si:Get # St�:t or Rom °.a�„:°'fit'',€ �F�$f:°I£`. �, L"" .� , ?' _._i ' •� ' �%t� i�e�C"5::. �; ,f �.._... ; � �',• that a own P4`opaily ;a1C'•'s if ttn' '.F tie at;* `e :'a'`E'ran „Ci,"-aly< '7--4f#°stt{;El:ai .''gthas. =ri to �€"iWYe1' 48 2 a3:x3m,�i t a �w@it i€ e> '. s ,it ?i? tag a,r€ tr�;aJ g5' & f?. ti•e€ + to t+I@S s""mpo€ u` i ifyouhaye objectjons ro wnjt� s Oem propos+ you rrr=noti y 0ivrsion ofA nogc mmn-1 XCM) in writing withir, 10 ^s cf rc apf of Mfs "Ofto. C*M*" information f" C1Ckf omces is avaslablo at _ err by tl a°ig f-M- 2CCAS T. No responsv derW .1Pa 71t of a oG°�a n ff rou have aem no PY Ctnifthd maid, W Af VC— R SECTION ,. "xea a .4:: 4,s M .'-'u..i^i„ing f :ng:s. - x�.a-. 's.n:t;'i%i''c$ L:''s a;+{.ria .(s3e. ,.. [ . - j,ax a : m i 'n r'k ;4 vNmr csm dicta f ' �) �i"= m a4ea ul. a",;psx?ian access ur*,.,%s watvW ty, me, ','; you mWN. to wswe the setback, yam.: LnUM Mi t• a"rogriate biank be.,ow,, ,ram ? ar - yre , V sme wis-li tcz Ural" tt-t t S s£ CdK f 4 s€fc-vum, Recei"id DEC 2 3 V-1 CERTI ED M - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DMSION OF COASTAL MA :GEMEN ADJACENT MPAMAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONMAMEER FORM NaTW Of 'rCapeerty OWE,& li.lDi Or sueet 4. 1' 4 or Reid, 01ty & Z 7* Ages, it's NwreF f i t � : i f .i� . G� a+s't :1 ii afftrzj ,� dd : i' t CJ 4� k.' Agent's phone 4::16 � - - � �a �f � I- %.F -' • 1 #. 4 �L,.. �,f i 1 h&rebyr ceilify tha; € own property ad}ac M to Me above referer;ced property_ The mild. al a � for t�.- permit km fi of to rw as shom on ttN2 attadnd drams ha, devQl=rer thlev are preposinc_ +; 3c nri: oc vwit. d� �s .rr ' , c� 1;7is Ott _ . rt € have w nsjrctrothis proposal. t haze obicc UOM to rills }4"Ovo . ff you havd objec6ans W- what & being p roposed, yov r .gut rA3 jrthe Diviwon or Coaswl KwiaWn m7t, (DCfop it w idug within 10 day-s of roceipt of this notice- Caa&wf enforniaVa r For D,--M o#fices f- osa cable at ?A:#:8i= .ifr« or by calling 1-83-ARC0nS i _ No re -span -se m etwsidrrzd L e sane as ra ab eefrrr1 if mu have been in otafoed b_y Carv� yak. WAIVER SECTION i understand that a ter, dock. moonng p-Ttrgs., t ramp; brealcwwier, b;r thouse. e:, lift mu�t be set back a minir-wrn distance of 15 from area of Hparian acmes Limless wa.�d by ram. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must in D 2 w 3010r =ate bank beftow-) I Wit+ wistr _G ,true Me 15' suck requ:re-nmoosiL ki- J,-' ! do not Mich tg wive the 75 sock rgsara xalt. i'Propeoty Owner tnforrnaf on) <,�;fae3s;� P . Lan C4, 41tiy'r?Qla1F4' �J�?lltiiStF'£ L471ie �anM &e r � Ss -- L1 �11 ff LjtA, c.. TZ el. irk T,z�pptearrY frtam,acr/Ema it Address tr ilh jj -esi �1- i s Tckplitme Numberl-Ethaa Adafess (MeMed AtiiV 2014i • DEC 2 ) AUxomade BuNdveads and tkxssepwnw M E c Post OMM B= so KM DeVN HNs, NC 27948 (252) 261-7466 Office (252) 715-196 Fmr --j, fl-L I kvial'.1 I vat 1, L4 7,)T 0 V,'tv I V. watedront Solutions! �Zfcur; quiall '4 WVWt Paderson OwnerlCWaior t,Pp� 17- I F',(VF050? 'w 1 .4- Jl-