HomeMy WebLinkAbout77664D - Talbott „ C'-C L (/•/ 1 —” L) // 14) 411 CAMA / ❑DREDGE & FILL N° 77664 EN,ERAL PERMIT Previous permit# A B /C �� = New ❑'Modification El Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality '\Z� and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC (1-4-‘A ❑Rules attached. Applicant NameeLJ&.1k.c✓ c2)42.YJt"a T (o + Project Location: County aim n 5,..• t c`'— Address 'l O D ()r. \Le. S._ C ay-6,,r�.• C A Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) kU K City -1 \^1/4r3.--,ccy State v A, ZIP 22Zy t! x(a,�,.,� \v k} ., S-- Phone# (C{(l)) (PCl`, tO (3E-Mail LIe"(`f _t.-,gb Me ,4t ti•«d^Subdivision Authorized Agent .,e k r uin J City VAON r t-�C• ZIP 2 R`R 2- Affected ❑CW yyEW KPTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) //�� River Basin L.,/..�a-c AEC(s): ❑OEA C HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body l'/),,,,,cA (nat /unkn) ❑ PWS: NO ORW: yes / PNA yes / no ) Closest Maj.Wtr. BodyVK Type of Project/Activity evk (Uw r• l.Jc Sh Sk&.c.. CA- 1AL(Sk-)A r Uc.-.,• • -11) lik SA nP •.O n C k ,� ` t\1 e- a 6kcA 6 f 2 c - i c $ (Scale: N T S ) Pier(dock)length f �ql1�` ( t i + / i Fixed Platform(s) 1 - I I f\ ( ' y4� � Floatin"Platfor s C�1 C\vw h - 1IL, iii ` Finger pier(s) ( j....... ' 4 Groin length j I I .4 I c number ���`■ — �r Bulkhead/Riprap length '� ..r fCAI�:AILP' ® I avg distance offshore L ;• C�k dPwr.A(A � �'� max distance offshore . G- t•r ► 1.1 P. ., �; G A • 'NIMBI ' G a Basin,channel i�K~+ '�"-"T�' ■■ _� iiialiscubic yards �OP`� " Boat ramp j I I ' A 1 �¢k(r,, + Boathous oatlift I; 1!13 _ +_. ,-i----.._ .--- - ----_� - ..._ � -- -- --.4 --- _,_.■_ Beach Bulldozing _ _ ., ■■ , _ 7 1 1. • Other ■1 - 14 11 ;I '• cl1111 II -'I i 4 I s . ei. Shoreline Length g 91 ' Qlei ru• I i SAV: not sure yes no A C. UEj Q ,-i i Moratorium: n/a yes no "* i__.;..._._..._..._......_.__.._._._.__. Mil , , 1 Photos: yes __—_ 1 Waiver Attached: yes no I_: I 1 1 . A building permit may b fequired by: kOi\k ( (A C Y 1 . n See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) Notes/Special Conditions C5 E1,1 S'It,n) -Ck6 4.4t Ca..." be (i..j 1 co-,. ' AID l•• 5 1\ `UOG,�‘i-F h�k S\or•\` (.6\ be Mc.4? cco \ eX1 Sk 1r�r\ RX��e r i A �Z 1)[�ccf1�t *-vtkI Ade4 2ae► t-.+r^t ea• lSV�wcA ctr PX1S4-,, -c\GG�r, 01 1(... ) 2( Sl,ps rnogc. c,,,M , 1,ic ,.{ f(n' s ad�refs _ S-et, pk (ti.e,A. ' 3(e-sikckc rucL Agent or Applicant Printed Name Permit, ' Printed Name !! \ .....%,_ 6%4\C .• Signature "Please read compliance statement on back of permit** Signature :t e2f3U`° - 'ZysO 10 2n 2020 2 2� 12011 Application (s) Check# Issuing Date Expi tion Date Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that I)prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit,the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adjacent riparian landowner(s). The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief,certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: Tar-Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Other: Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules If indicated on front of permit,your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office(9 I 0-796-72 15)for more information on how to comply with these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Offices Morehead City Headquarters Washington District 400 Commerce Ave 943 Washington Square Mall Morehead City, NC 28557 Washington, NC 27889 252-808-2808/ I-888-4RCOAST 252-946-6481 Fax: 252-247-3330 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves:Carteret,Craven,Onslow- (Serves: Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, North of New River Inlet-and Pamlico Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Counties) Elizabeth City District Wilmington District 401 S. Griffin St. 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Ste. 300 Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 910-796-7215 252-264-3901 Fax: 910-395-3964 Fax: 252-264-3723 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, (Serves:Camden,Chowan,Currituck, Onslow-South of New River Inlet- Dare,Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans and Pender Counties) Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/17 1rr, 77664 Pampas pent*# and1 As of �,tof£nv,noneeen4 Quart' rate previous pear*booed APPRcee Nauei AL Ai .t_r Addr A+ p+.iea Location camq• Gam.. city__ �,..1/4p\,r State V ZJP2 2 �� l.r aiid�abR klr CW �tt,z mooed a s O Ems Phone# e�-c IA 2 El�� ow OSSA p —�---�_ River Basin !- OiIW ClosestpasPM Mai.Vitt •Body � e yes 000 Ipei a Prgecy qcp Ivor )W al-Ski s N T S ) - `—` ;t1 riallix gli 1 NMNNW. , : , III 1 : I I , c- -el ; i Einar Pift(s ma ifn�p _ . - in 4- . ----- -'," , '1: i ' e - &�Id+e.Jr�aPb6A ember � r � l Y t l_ �'ia�ar�!■IOf•a'ra'--d _ Ingliagnimmnal M . Ill BR HilltInvil03111/_ Bede.demo ... !!ni!!/ awl ``- =..'+ � , ,„,„, -L,...anisia v, mi 7 EC,A."4"• 1111111111111111Mar athic rims 111/1111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIMIR MUM iif /■//// .11111 gyp �/% IA jIMP! � � Beach s �/!i'!S!!/ t!!!■!." 1od.r �f!/!i/ NNWMI �.lIfr'iidiay� IIII �lis��t% il�ittlr�� '�!/!!!� �«..�es.,,ptb ,•_ tsa ii iri iz/1r1r �iiii1� i mra SAV natsu� i Ij�}� * lMERHOMMMIntillialMIRMUR tm at4er s� �limit �� nminor 'e` et 4/9 ! /!!/!!ii/i l�� t ��watwrAw ■!MINIM /!>N1!!! fii !! � Mi �.. iedr�'��+�er(noeelogf{feR;� Notes/SpacilCadillo= OSee moot ,.i. 4_ I ,_ 'rat' g. 10.,_,14' l{ 4 ` �v or a Nana �L/.il sr, AlhiwMti� �� *ma" ��aoe�pisxest+ tani�dtdperneit• r. 0 atonic Ow** ,d 3 2pZ� Dare 2 2 T "1- Scanned with CamScanner AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: W a l 4-ts 3 Ta Mailing Address: (0 Pc,AC155 alcn\t'‘t Ck' Ent;talui9 ,U 4 2-2- Li Phone Number: ylo 6q3 633s Email Address: U.,o. LA--, Lcx,#+@ 30no..L -c`^^ I certify that I have authorized t 1 5 C-c 0-v vc_d We, LL C- • Agent/Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: at my property located at Rog De ec4., W Kdg e, %ecic,i4 bic 2$`;C in c-\<- County. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: mac., . r Signature 4Jal�t� 5 TAlbar Print or Type Name Title (1;7 / / 2m2© Date This certification is valid through i Z / 31 / Z°20 I CERRY RAT 06 MP MS ORMI UNDER W SUPERVISION F1RI M ACTUAL SURVEY I i WQ UNDER MT SI TORSION(RFD DFFA'RN Rffi11{I D IR BOCK TOME PAGE 411;THAT W/'20 PAID PPOPOSE$ 0' RBE6 DE BOU NY SURE111 ARE EEICATED/6 Mal EA MON RBWION IN WOO 4 I B i7 OPEhOECK NID /, PAR 1Y.MAT RE MATO CO RE:C6U1 6 1:10DO0 AND MAT MS S W 6 OF AM $� I(J; I fi easso WO-OF(MO. MS BM WETS ME REOIWIE IRS OF THE •• ./4� \\' SMOMS OF PRACTICE M NORM CAM.*(21 TACK se.Rea)_ ~11' /j.0 ,.'+49 ulN. . _ — -- — _ -- - - -- - - - 9/1 RBA �,� 116 ISM arR 1 - , SEAL i _ a1_ PROE4510Wv LAID $ L 67 `4i_ — — — — — — — CANAL N0. 3 Er I — — I lili, - MDEB I dJll- LATE OCEAN BLVD WEST — — — — — — — C 6 VICINITY MAP I ADJACENT a E� o m Nu S(;AIF. — - PROPOSED E�� ROSA& LOCI MONTESANO 2 —I BOAT LIFT J I. D BOOK 3761.PAGE TAX wacUt.246AL03287 °ao I EaSPPO REYRYIL7S OWOFFICE ON CURRENT.POaW2Ia TIM INI AIU=Off TAX �ENK -- K LOT 159 PA 4'1r�TI 2 ACCYRDAIC TO CURRENT FDA 1988 NAP,ZreD1000 THISPA/EQ Y�' p, aCZ- m I q .? WEARS TO BE LOCATED IN THE FULAR8 ZONE'AC.1zO BASE F1000 LOT 166 p 6100.E DM. 12 5' < Z 153' Qt 3 MS PBOF4RIr 6 BRACT TO AR MO ALL EASEMMIS,ODIOIWIS. -- 9 NSON. EnET-Cf-WAYS M IE0390. 10.68 ITAI 6POERIMS AID/da CECURBEKIS IMa MY LW IRE USE OF MS PROPERTY: I - ' I_ ' OCHER SWAN OR NOT WAN ON MS SUMP NW. �f A E� A MS SLRfY vubOREP MP WP PJEIMED wllwr TEE R1c1R R A — r —— FLOATING II' +"'-. 1&60 OOt WOOD BULKHEAD ( ~1111E REPORT AND 6 1EOEB1 EJECT TO MY FACTS R01 WY BE _ W (6RDND OF A FAu MD ALL.RAIE MIL WALK USERS R II6 MAT DOCK _ o SICCED OABR M ACCURATE 1f(A OPMON AS ID 696689E'WOO RE I II CLEANi I - BQ/dMIES CO R6 RAT. / AREA I 6 1 RPM NUMMI A6W12E PROPOSED EXISTING S1NRS PROPOSED I% p ]c Q T ■T 2aEc:HB-A-I I OPEN DECK TO BE F 1 STAIRS £ i zD '�` 8 15 SURELY FEET. 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RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES STTOWN 1Vr Imw a1 R' sW lava w wet,AHY SEAT SMOG NRITT OW a RE MPrn16 — ARE BAUD ON GIS DATA car ORE M MEWL n Eyd_G C f=" stow#6 DES INP.11(EATSTENM OF SUB OM.MIMES,R Mr. - 11U9091 FUME WY*FM THE USE R 116E PRR9E16 MOW M CDRRI1 R If CV IEIGAEON YEAS 9*61M Ugh M MS NC.MAO 1FER ASB06,ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED TIRE 1EO1@®1101ARE ZONE MID ARipELED(E TWIT AIRY OOPCE RESUURC MON MR NUT SHOO RPM OW U E108t METER OR NOT SNOW DN MS YAP IS RUT RE RESPR41B111Y OFllE S1RS00R OR EAST OOGT E NIWEROL A SU RMG PC. CP coon caw rr p Rh MONT CC Mr 1 `z s l SCALE.I._p s In � 0 10 10 O 20211101Av'iR &wale Fended a side n•p1 Alai EMS PROJECT AO.26C1 ACNE anIMEI��PAMIEn MMEMMRa.Rr3Rw AewNTE1RRMNIM wRa/�1 .. .. _.. _ 1-&.' e/TS l q IA 8 A ),/ a 1_0 si-i-v.) CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED , DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONJWAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner: Talbott Address of Property: 908 Ocean Blvd-West,Holden,Beach,NC Brunsviick County ,Lot or Street St^ee:or Rod Cry&Cw^:y Agents Name#: HS Construction Matting Address: 2164 Holden Beach Rd_ Agents phone i#: .910-827-6966 Supply, NC 28462 , heIe cy certify that 1 own ;ropeP.f ay,a:e: to the above referenced property. The itdividal applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are A proposing. A description or drawing,with dimensions. must be ocovikled with this letter. . -.... V I have no objections to this prop sa.. --- I have objections to this 3ropsai- If you have objections to what is being proposed,you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (Dell) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices is available at http:lfwww.nccoasialmanagement.nerAvelz'cmtstaff-listing or by calling 1-888-4RCOAST. No response is considered the same as no objection ifyou have been notified by Certified Mail, WAIVER SECTION I n de:stand tret a pier, dock, mooring pings. boat ramp. breakwater. beat-house, or lift must be set back a minimum mum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me- t,lf you wish to waive the setback, you must initia4 the appropriate blank be,ow.) ,...12fija i452rC✓Iffi) cA.. NoYhb ON A co wish to waive the 15 setback requ;remen:. Ci€rcrAlN 3uaC✓f y P1-A.r e,cD e i,.iG- Pvta1r,Drtt) aK H 5.ezkt5r2cxeTr do not wish to waive the 15 ser ack requirement. • (Property Owner Information) (Ripar' rope ner Information) Signature �,na ire - Signature t4-r- - r ;\•-,r-*-^'" WiCNSdif 4Z•pi-Ar11 s Pnn;or Type Name ant or Type Name c Sl o DAIt t 141vM.i r44lrf 26. Mailing Address Mailing Address Ciry/5rre/Zip City/State/Zip • _ <- _.. ctlo- ‘38-3-533 gs1 ���es(3�G�1w/c .to,.r, Telephone Number/Email Address Telephone Number/Email Address > , 2 1 - 8 -/6-- ao Parr Dale (Revised Aug. 2014i t__z• . _ Est 9jj oltru • c i • - ss-E=py iectorj'.;wouda,'ar STS,PrY ifeea st.i$Cdt.1ew auciteafa� Jf7�18r`'L3a�l�+�y •r i7 MZSIfilf xt.,1c-i>a Si X)°41.P`'1 -a5,) .� z .-` w �A/41 tri 6W "1 ' re:e7ta NORetataitri 3ah IVVO&WOO#d s F fy.pogettax4tri 1a4:Mo fa.:ado; ) •Zliattiarbai xce.T.les G. £' z aR A a:I.'s?";o!t op mialze.'rtba:xzeq s,r.a:.;aNEHL o;ws7"o f r•'MO C k,ie%C azEpzio:,,,C`d2 ..i vaglusi Wsmu no `yper4zas et.4 eN,.E-M Gs 4 9M noac A; e f q,fpaNe.I.SSz' Ssa7.1r3:;E:.;ectp £}ease d:,w i ir^o x,S ;a ao:se t#ar urai )?.sea zes as `rya:w`: !o 'est aLa 'i3;.mmes *dux;wog -' 43.:`'ol Je .?E:'Si ` rcf^c> ^ ; 'tled pa ?47 pjzoo t t,eAerf no t p'encecoefero a&se ewes act parapesuo0 Sp ast odsar ussvoojp b'8e-€Surer,AC/io '°?i.4 1uu.'gaf:.;2.3 ,3.a :etsE=. rE<se� ..t.•'.4- ..k:,4tx.a;e OK/EWE seayja ::(3 x.,t vopleuJJQ;w 1=4103 'a3!QL° s7:/1 rQ i rase 0 siiep 0; un1441 ELW;.... u; CiV3C1 waaniatv 'ly gnsecro#a Gvispipc acc irewora lsirat poiiWsodoicr+5e6eq mcbsto sueg..7eko e eti ref .r ti ,�'•,rn+'i.Elm Cs�.:..'tn^•� 4'�. A'ta s:A"Lpc`;c:o '..._.— _ 3i3 Wit**pap:N.010 4stl s Sltalsiatii`. .`-Liwv.A''.lode:3o uniJap3S9 y 5U!SEdOX ale fawn Iuau do1eA;ap au;5utMeJp p3t4)ErcE at,1I UO UNOWS SE au;OI paqInsan SEW iiU J&I S il2.icq$u;fidde r•^A .31GEx 8 NE '3: E; .r,.c la vE kiaGE::. um() le1.4 h-w3 o j3LZ :ssair,PY a5s7E7t tx : t : e:ceN 5 5'd 1utr0O) JtMStnu9 uaPiO-i i "W49 UE O 9C36 :r ,lio:d_=o sS=:0oy Mt104 H3AIVIWNOIIVO/41,1,0t4 1014.4700 A . O %' mv4^IM.N3 v IN-BW3DYNYWViSVO s O )SLAM 3.sS3f203�i litt3Q3?t NMtli3 • ?t(w a3tatia33 . SENDER:COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY • Completeintyour itemse 1 2,and s EMU-■ Print your name and address on the reverse 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. 0 Addressee • Attach this card to the back of the maifpiece, I. ' r. Da=of e [very or on the front if space permits. l V 1. Article Addressed to: D.is delivery address d"FT rom item 1? 0 Yes 041?), ^Q/�� v • If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No i'Lif. 7- . s pc_ irvc... 9..EST-4 r 3. Service Type D Priority Mall Expresal 0 Adult IfIIIIIIIIII IIIIII I II lIII III I I III it II I I 0AdultSignSignatuureRestrictedDelivery 0R giseredM Restricted ❑Certified Mahe Delhrety 9590 9402 4906 9032 2607 66 0 Certified Mall Restricted Deivey ❑Return Receipt for 17 Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) 0 Collect on Deivery Restricted Deivery ❑Signature Confirmation,' =-. ed Mail L]Signature Confirmai ui 7 018 0680 0000 7026 8643 ved Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Deliver' r ssoo) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt • • • • • • • • • • • • 00$Z gg� .00009 $,Et869000t BOd I,EP90 PeW6 1epi0 Aeu0W.00 Pue0 OZOZIOE/Ot 860Z1 lai ge, -- __ _O089LLO dO'i 0000Z $ 8E09 18g8 ve4leW esil Pue P�emP3 011 uoPnusuo0 euueW Pue syx '— _ O MAN. 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