HomeMy WebLinkAbout77683D - Wang ,_cuz II 'w eu6-) P1ruw U 'LAMA I ❑DREDGE & FILL N. 77683 A B C D EN ERAL PERMIT Previous permit# >Z ►a ew ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality r f and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC .1' 0 1"1 ❑ Liles attached. Applicant Name 1\-n .a.S `..BAN b Project Location: County (✓,n 5.1.. t(, Address t0 R �rvv\A-CA.0.. LT Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) j 70 City Pot . S V t(1-Z State N(-- ZIP 2 1S(Qa Q.,I e•} , ,le , Phone#(1\C) G`tc1 $4 KE-Mail G." .\AC,. I (u`Subdivision Authorized Agent Qvc.•.. City '''.)"Sec' QyQt..0 VI ZIP ZAffected cW PfW ¢1PTA ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin (- tj- w✓ AEC() ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH O UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body ( ..0,AC" (naK_' inkn) ❑ PWS: Closest Maj.Wtr. Body t N.V.S. C✓u,G ORW: yes //J PNA yes(11 no Type of Project/Activity k �D N b \\/A '� .-.c . k- -CO��c! .A e ' S \\ NQ.w 1 —c\ ,41 (Scale: N T3 ) Pier(dock)length J 9 '&i S t } fixed Platforms) Q1•1 lC f, , I Floating Platform(s) 8'�6 t _ N fr , : ,I �`;"�, n A Finger pier(s) `l I N 5, ' ' \\ k Groin length I ' , , s+c -r-� _ I , number I 1'4` t-.._......_; Bulkhead/Riprap length (�' i 0 ii avg distance offshore �' , j max distance offshore Po .�1 4 S fit, I � F Basin,channel a,Gvw A , ��� j5iii cubic yards '^ Boat ramp V �'. _ A y1•All'Z1 Y �, I. ,r. It i Boathouse/ oatl' 2 x IV I I ' ` N..N�,! ' b ht}� y - 'l Beach Bulldozing 10 t. MAS o I , 1 -` Other l' c>t .-c.� ` j I Shoreline Length '" 5-0, i L.ac (05 j I I 1 L Ur W J ' SAV: not sure yes o j ' - ---- Moratorium: n/a yes I ; Q Photos: yes _._._..-..-._...... - . %30.1.. ...-. _......... Waiver Attached: no ! i 1 �uS k� —~ ' 2-A building permit maq equired by: 3J i' ark) ❑See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction � {{ Notes/Special Conditions 1 ^-- C3C(L i 1 c l Al 4,.\\ n ' L(.0 a e S \ok'_' \ pA 4 r \Q c \ k..+-L.: 0�uG.l� lc.(1' (.A.M rod rn(iaxc�• •'.-`b Co 'c,.t4c- t.N`,t\k'•u._ AS -A f a EN / ---i Agent or • plicant' . e ; P- • icer s Tint-d Name m. ,Signature * °t•�-.- -d'•m••li, ;statement on bac of permit Signatur- �"� Z �2`( 2o I.) 2 z v 3 2 t Issuing Date 1, Ex i io, 2oDate Application (s) Check# g P Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that I)prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit,the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adjacent riparian landowner(s). The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief,certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: Tar-Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Other: Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules if indicated on front of permit,your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office(910-796-72 15)for more information on how to comply with these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Offices Morehead City Headquarters Washington District 400 Commerce Ave 943 Washington Square Mall Morehead City, NC 28557 Washington, NC 27889 252-808-2808/ I-888-4RCOAST 252-946-6481 Fax: 252-247-3330 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves:Carteret,Craven,Onslow- (Serves: Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, North of New River Inlet-and Pamlico Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Counties) Elizabeth City District Wilmington District 401 S. Griffin St. 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Ste. 300 Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 910-796-7215 252-264-3901 Fax: 910-395-3964 Fax: 252-264-3723 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, (Serves:Camden, Chowan,Currituck, Onslow-South of New River Inlet- Dare,Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans and Pender Counties) Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/17 I 1 : ,.�. ,� ._. CAROLI NA BLUEWATER CONSTRUCTION I 'Q. , Custom Beach, Mainland, and Golf Course Homes Complete Design / Engineering / Building 6934-9 Beach Pr. SW, Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina 28469(910) 575-7100 JINKS CREEK FEEDER CANAL EDGE OF DREDGE--_CANAL — 1.-C" 13.-4" 9-8" 10.-0" 16'-0" T i 7 — ESTABLLISHED PIER HEAD ALIGNMENT 16'x 8' Pier Head alignment has been 6 ockwi 10 PiFltles I Future Boat Lift li established as 5'outside the • 12'6x1 8 existing edge of channel, I "'-o; Boat per Town maps 10"Round MaMariner,ne —— 1I 8 10"P' I Grade Pile(Typ.) Iii 4i_ —_—i-I I -J Covered Deck I • • 4 PT1 D king g 10' 10' w :Ill 5'x4'Walkway $ wl 6.1' 1')n9 �Q PT Decking (11' 1') m m m r ;r • v e w fm • N w cf I N a"Round Marine • S . Grade Pile(Typ_) 4,15'-0" 15'-0' Setback I Existing Bulkhead _— _---- _ o S79'01'54"W 33.44' Mean High Water Line r' 587.04'53"Vy Determined by N.O.A.A.Tidal 16'-0" 16,94. Benchmark at Elevation=2.01 (N.A.V.D.88)Per MC 90,Page 83 ALL of Bulkhead to be replaced with new deadmen, tie rods,vinyl sheet,and whalers. PT top cap exe Pilew Shower '1 JOSEPH P.8 PAMELA J.CARTER } ■ ————1 DEED BOOK 4122,PAGE 87 AboveDeck LOT 63,BLOCK 40-E II 1 1 House AboveTIMOTHY R.8 KRISSTINA D.BURGESS DEED BOOK 4113,PAGE 669 LOT 65,BLOCK 40-E House Above ® ® ■r to ■ r Lot 64, 1308 Riverside Drive r. .....,,Sunset Beach, NC � ® ' I ' House Above li 1 I CAMA- Pier Plan MI " pack Above — — I —— \` Bxe Pib L_— p L iz_o emay�Typy _ AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: AA/(,-L13 U /411)& Mailing Address: L.01 bk*fietfe Ut 44141z/S \i,LL-" /L b Phone Number: c I q- 0(1 - '5 n" r Email Address: .u>tI k 0,��I , �3/wa t ) . Co iv\ I certify that I have authorized C.ra.1171 0A-rt 12e))i L•e_ v--te►^ C0PIth'ut.4-1'0 , Agent/Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits n necessary for the following proposed development: /' 1i (A) j(5) 1--e1 3A-t - kt)1\&-Q 19447Qf at my property located at 1 3Ot RtteZ5.itC 1h?, l3E01,, /Uc, , in ORI VS WW( County. 1 furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: 410/17( Signatu / lUGLI-5 1 A)& Print or Type Name Title 07 13 / ava,J Date This certification is valid through / / ! 2-0 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT (FOR A PIER/MOORING PILINGSBOATLIFTBOATHOUSE) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Noo S V\.!Q cm (Na a of Property Owner) property located at I 30 6 K‘ V`e ji d_52_ ,(Lot,Block,Road, etc.) in L(..V6e4 1VOCI-N ,N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) He has described to me,as shown below,the development he is proposing at that location, and,I have no objections to his proposal. I understand that a pier/mooring pilings/boatlift/boathouse must be set back a minimum distance of fifteen feet(15')from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. --7-- I do not wish to waive the setback requirement. if�I do wish to waive that setback requirement t. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by individual proposing development) (Applicant Information) (Riparian Proper Owner Information) loct3L1-61--eQ0d1-A7ak_.) Mailing Address e MCkY\ Es Q , Z -(` Pi . Uo�� . 61,0--"--Ci /Siate/Ziip IY�Print or �/� e Name 1 0 CIS- Telephone Number Tele one Number Date 1 �S1 /6//72o 2-V Date • ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT (FOR A PIER/MOORING PILINGS/BOATLIFTBOATHOUSE) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to kl C Cj V `%u fie' ,s (Name of Property Owner) property located at I )O S\ 51 dit_ .1)-Y , (Lot,Block,Road, etc.) on Yt�5 -{'.Q.G�.e'v l ,i ,in 01 r &CC-1r)(Waterbody) ,N.C. (Town and/or County) He has described to me,as shown below,the development he is proposing at that location, and,I have no objections to his proposal. I understand that a pier/mooring pilings/boatliftiboathouse must be set back a minimum distance of fifteen feet(15')from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. I do not wish to waive the setback requirement. Y2"" I do wish to waive that setback requirement. 4 DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. (To be filled in by individual proposing development) (Applicant Information) (Ripar• operty Owner Information) O N ,61 CC�it 77 r sw - __A, Mailing Address Signature Oceavi (S L , c7 �S City/State/Zip ` Print or Type Name c to 6^7S -71o0 q,ct-35�1-(6SC, Telephone Number Telephone Number I G I S`121) c o Ill 20 Date Date ` 4 41106,••'CAMA/ ❑DREDGE&FILL N9 77683 A B C D v NERAL PERMIT Previous permit# �-=L j'•, ew OModification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina.Department of Environmental Quality '^_ T O and the Coastal Resources Commission In an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC �( ❑ attached... Applicant Name N- ,A., `„!AN% Project Location: County f✓"s,...tc,1----- Address k n Ci CA" Street Addres State Road/Lot#(s) )7a a City$4,ry.,SlltN.ie_. State_sLZIPZIS(� K\Jees,dq 1c. Phone# ) Gici„plfir E-Mail.�! rtinG;I•to6Subdivisbn Authorized Agent �vr.•.. r City S "Selt--Qgf•.Ciel ZIP Z ft0 g Affected l "EW911PTA IN ES 0 pis Phone# (_) River Basin L u M A✓ AEC(s): ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑WA Adj.Wtr.Body (219,ACA (nal nkn) 0 PWS: ,5 s A.-VA. G/u.‘e....0 ORW: yes (� PNA ��yjjes(I' L Closest Maj.Wtr.Body.. Type of Project/Activity K-Q\O N ° \p.a\ 6 ... SG.rw �eu- I.-A" y•-S—2.` �s•�`k. L\A-•^� ,k, - (Scale: 1s J TS Pier(dock)length if Vac t rF ed` jLPi tform(s) 11 `11.t t' - I [ Floating Platform(s) 9'A A' -- , I I Groin / ,�I I �i , ��C`�11. �t �.tn number 1 1� i t , ..1 t�. Bulkhead/Riprap length 2,--'- ---4 avg distance offshore I r • max distance offshore Q►o0,u, [r fee 1 Basin.channel ar4u �, ` I • I cubic yards " , �• Boat ramp } v _� �r YI r Hli ..k. [ s'LjBoathouse/ 11s lit 1 ` fJ N� I` I I P t� VIL I. Beach Bulldozing IMM4k C i1 Other C �, t_ Shoreline Length ''5U1 i Lor , - Lick—- 'D _ SAV: not sure yes A P i Moratorium: r✓a yes r ` $�_A 21 �ji Photos: yes _ 1 O. • __ Ea Waiver Attached: 2 no J ' A building permit may required by: `)JAN(lc k. c.ekrin • ❑See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction I Cr- 0 Special Conditions t l i t^4 {L.G•O t..;•W r. c e1LC e S �•�►...�► v ( �l �Itl 6Al.\ AVS c l CtI2t.[L • CO G.l�` IA\&v.�AS �d 1 • i3 , 1 w� • Ce,V\ �n c(e, Age ` �; �,� Nimpp. P ter . Name e�"� 11 ,� \\)) e ���.. � �e statement on bat of permit N $Ignatu Signature 22I2 I J 4u 1"1°l 2c�2c� 3 f 20 �katon (a) Check# IssuingDate I Expl Date AP Scanned with CamScanner Check Date Received Dab Deposited Check From(Name) Name o/Permit Holder Vendor 11/ amount Permit Number/Comments Receipt or Refund/Reallocated , • Columnl Coeunal Column3 Coh,mn4 Columnb Columnb Cettafatt7 Columnb Cotumn9 Minor Modification Fee#47-87,Kinder Morgan NC Ports, 11/4/2020 11/5/2020 Matthew Mooney Kinder Morgan for NC Ports Wells Fargo 230 $ 100.00 Wilmington NHCO KE rct.12409 11/3/2020 11/5/2020 Robert Allan same Coastal Federal Credit Union 8263 $ 200.00 GP#778400 PA rct.11554 11/3/2020; 11/5/2020 EZ Docks Plus LLC Elwood Petchel BB&T —t 1140 $ 200.00 GP#77624D Ben rct.11723 11/3/2020 11/5/2020 Jerry Ennett Molly Bland Coastal Bank and Trust —r 3426 $ 200.00 GP#77668D _ JD rot.11764 11/3/2020 11/5/2020 Andrew Barnes Susan Brady/Andrew Barnes Chase Bank —r 376,$ 200.00 GP#73585D JP rot.11657 _ 11/3/2020 11/5/2020 Carolina Bluewater Construction,Inc. Angus Wang BB&T 23124 $ 600.00 GP#776830 BB rct.12430 11/3/2020 11/5/2020 AMW Docks and Marine Construction L LC Tracey Watkins&Kelly Webb BB&T 6039 $ 400.00 GP#77681D BB rct.12499 11/3/2020 11/5/2020 Grice Construction of Brunswick County In'.Brenda and Barry Hooks BB&T � 14211 $ 400.00 GP#77684D BB rct.12431 11/3/2020 11/5/2020 B and B Marine Construction - Jay Plummer Wells Fargo — 1514 $ 400.00 GP#77688D BB rct.12433 _ 11/3/2020 11/5/2020 PFL Construction LLC Robin Timmons Nacy Federal CU 1927 $ 200.00 GP#77676D JD rct.11658 --. _ 11/3/2020 11/5/2020 Clements Marine Construction Edgewater HOA FCB 5572 $ 200.00 GP#77891 D KE rct.12412 _ 11/3/2020 11/5/2020.B and B Marine Construction Harold Fowler _ Wells Fargo - 1515 $ 400.00 GP#77886D _ BB rct.12434 11/3/2020 11/5/2020 Timothy Powell James Jackson First Bank 9206 $ 200.00 GP#77868D BB rct.12495 11/3/2020 11/5/2020 B and B Marine Construction Wiliam and Noreen Moody _Wells Fargo 1516 $ 400.00 GP#77887D BB rct.12435 11/3/2020 11/5/2020 Spencer and Carol Rogers Channel Haven Property Owners State Employees CU 6792]$ 100.00 Minor Mod Fee,#141-90,Wilmington NHCO ,PArct.11558