HomeMy WebLinkAbout77514D - Ormond ifi l T ) /Z:2 =zozu W 0 .CAMA / ❑DREDGE & FILL N° 77514 A B C 0 GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality 1r i and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC V Ejtules attached. Applicant Name Alt L I-//r/N Ott AA O/N.D Project Location: County 14" Address 400 re-6 S OP - Street Address/Statea Road/Lot#(s) CityC f -I C State NC-- ZIP O I f ( O N , (1YA----- Phone#O 6+) Cit(1-f b4 20 E-Mail � Subdivision _�c C Authorized Agent N((.• 'nil-big v{,,1y�f ► City i ovf5 j L res ZIP S Affected ElCW [W NI/PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( - River Basin I / ' 0 AEC(s): ❑oEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑WA Adj.Wtr. Body PCN(t L4ff'rs!/J0— �{ an /unkn) ❑ PWS: ORW: yes /ono fa PNA yes / Closest Maj.Wtr. Body !&. S IDU 69 Type of Project/Activity 7A T Alt t/FPO P/ -.- / et 1-f0, ti,i2,4; yv u4 4_ ( f'1 L/ FT . (Scale: I%�p f ) Pier(dock)length L V Fixed Platform(s) "' YrIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIV _ �; Floating Platform(s) e. /� 2-4. EIIIIIIIIMIM Finger pier(s) tx i ' Groin length, - number _�._..--_� /!!_ Bulkhead/Riprap lenglth ! — avg distance offs re 4 1 -' ‹' i -4 max distance offshote ! 1' Basin,channel • j f i iC' cubic yards j • E Boat ramp ii� I - 1 • • .--4, Boathouse/Boatlift '3 T )( f 3 - Beach Bulldozing U 1 j I i ..i Other I I I i { Shoreline Length f0b I l I SAV: not sure no Y rr — — -- I �_.-..._.._t. 1 Moratorium: n/a yes <. ; I —_ - Photos: yes 4•00-k; / -t f11r� Waiver Attached: �I� i a 1 ��I' ; � . I � � �� I A building permit may be required by: ! O �f C ���-TT- -�See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) Notes/Special Conditions " ''t fl+6 ) l r -1-AC2clil 11(i1/4 ---_ Agent or Applicant Printed Name Permit er's Printed Name /z\ Signature ee Please read compliance statement on back of permit" Sign r U \WI It ' I . Zo 4- • I • 2l Application Fee(s) Check# Issuing Date Expiration Date Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that I)prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit,the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adjacent riparian landowner(s). The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief,certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: Tar-Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Other: Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules If indicated on front of permit,your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office(910-796-7215)for more information on how to comply with these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Offices Morehead City Headquarters Washington District 400 Commerce Ave 943 Washington Square Mall Morehead City, NC 28557 Washington, NC 27889 252-808-2808/ I-888-4RCOAST 252-946-648 I Fax: 252-247-3 3 30 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves:Carteret,Craven,Onslow- (Serves: Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, North of New River Inlet-and Pamlico Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Counties) Elizabeth City District Wilmington District 401 S. Griffin St. 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Ste. 300 Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 910-796-7215 252-264-3901 Fax: 910-395-3964 Fax: 252-264-3723 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, (Serves:Camden,Chowan,Currituck, Onslow-South of New River Inlet- Dare,Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans and Pender Counties) Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/17 _., _Js•D � - Y •.•11,1.... _- a,� , , -,1'..1" vr., i - • C Ue-. . P. — ..... t f EPK� STA c N N..nm CAROL...nuT � - j•R , j.�'' AT OALGLLATEn BY i • a f4 IS :LLA'E° it ' • c 1 LOT 47 . i t ' ur 16 j�y . m' �♦ \�'.. ,if \.R •f.•f•''NN*OA OF .L` �35. we Rar.wor N.wawa atn a AAMee ,HEM c0 4-4 E W K �y-'YDj 1 . r r .•—.—....... A I OENCHMM6C ViN ,1 L't O LL c t �41 ELLVAnc71 n.n !4 , 4, o f U I; 0 7 I i REEFT ENCL ITA NS`8 ""1411°m'm`s OP4tA1w w&23 � ill I` ,.,�4 DR < i A a m i3 F r .AT NOW 0R`i6R 3\ DM 4 I trio OOIE11 R-2 i A •s alarms {� �• ' Ie01M0 G ROOD[ mll6 SE716011 P _03;1 4443, P. TQ2 ) f1W1-7.5' •1, r 1 ' i ,- - I 1 f j 1 .+.. •} I I .f)� :, IA%B ,di.131A P.129 1'1 ' 15.7 .1. y i •EMN r K- 42 3-30-M�,,6-r M.B.S.P.66(APRIL!6.1996) i +<, '..Ti.7Ie-�• e 7, 1s -f ..>n.r, .De 77 _ 4 i "�-, � _ M.e.s3.P.a (cur•:zt,z000) F 3 .l`) • -' r I� • - • -j_ • Q N 5_- I. CC -' 17KL CIYRR .♦ •— \ - - ._ •.. tErla ' 1• ECU E3EiMG CW3 t M(1iAOlr(,g6 07tTIR commit) .- _ .E I ...R ; U Tr C)es^Nc Ina.PPE(MONO) A A + I I i� I a I OR -Oes?i"0 PO" (Koine)) 53. T _y- trle.-:ar l '4N�yi:_ - 4 +1 z Pw ELsnNO manioc was_ �[�N1RaL CORNER) ,,. y(y •�1,8 !S EPR Eg5106 PPA N31-4ALO1,AL X)(a1RaL calu) N. ' ;� It R_ A1t A - ERRS-DOS RAILROAD s � ...: �!►.ol� .v .ios_ayE, - wN I MIS-uwuu 4ylunwc.UNE M y .29'S4'W 429.32'' ) •.- '.„4; Rh'-FRONT af"d1 vr 0MAY W1[U POINT ECEN C5R1E11) Pq 1 • S , - I -SET cll. won canna.' �� / c ,- •' F NOW OR FORMERLY 1 • SRA s - 1 BOURNE 91N:,,,,,,Irl:."04f,,,m. (CON1R17t CQ•IER) If �' • D.B. 4429, P. 1,2 I 6 sill 9Er, NUF(OWTRDECDr6ER) ifs p - tIli' ( 1PJ•JN[ '1• io .+ 4s 17�a '� i SX 1'j . • o n `\ o . _..�.:. ■..'.'.. E-At' ,'' '�.. '. PL000 ZONE"AE' - • -WLEPNONE TA. N Q r ___ - ` _ a .. .1q0'+ )14. ♦ (ELEVATION.11.D•+J . I .TE1LN90N P 7TAL �'i- I .{9W OPTC GYIF MMCEJI LINE TABLE P •Mort POWIR POL d �� . I,12XO111 MECIKEI_ f• A -.• . .' \, : 0 LINE s r a I;• IC-ELICTRIC 1RAN)EL11 NER Ta U 1.16' 6J67f51 F —4 X. ER511MO SPOT CZVATON -,4 _ U 1�n'.:.se3151O•'E -4 "E:. itilatip1, ._._..-----.-.BANKS CII1ANr4EL:Cl ,•y .. dtriem fur...env M Na,.'-. y LT 21.2E'*stow* ) Oft NOY+��OR�LT _I a I za S SAC 1 (I . 1110 - `•y • •m,4. f 1 'Op .: AYAIVYa NOW OR,ORME6.r V 9 -ik* d IliF C. I. . t�•r. / p y r°.* 4. .. i 106N 'yu GRAPHIC SCALE • 'LES ' GG' & ASSOCIATES, INC.(G-730) •TA � \ I«�) •r. • LANE SURVEYING - 4 ZONAL A: GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTE _ • LAND t, + C & COMPUTER MAPPING LOT 47, ELISABE SLyW DIVISION M.E. '' 5/ f't�LiM�lJsV2YPL?P1�: -L9- F1f1D AUGUST 2 2015 NOfFOR'kEC( '� 1 - 4,1015-' 502 NE BRIDGE STREET LANDFALL EXECUTIVE SUITE TOPSAIL TOWNSHI DES)tOIJNTY,.NORTH CAROL,NA �� I.. ` >• ;,. P.O. '.9 1570 1213 CULBRETH DRIVE - RICHARD G. Fill'...���QE ER;O.B, 1828, P. 29 ���' "VANG S 5' r wE• CHECKED BY: = GSi, JACKSONVILLE. 28540-1570 %REMINGTON, NC 28403 '{` • FIELD DOOK: 97r r P/1 80 6 m' 1190 NORTHLAND SON BCULLJARD TELEPNONE: 91. 455-0877 TELEPHONE 910 a 1-74 L E-AUUL •en.cwn ( ) ( i' rr2 ECT NJVDE 15- -04 Z R � I. �, I‘se‘ toAtt&.tov' ' e ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to William J. Ormond 's (Name of Property Owner) property located at 1190 N. Anderson Blvd Topsail Beach (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on Topsail Sound in Tnrcad Reach/Pertidet Couri1_, N C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applicanthas described to me, as shown below the development proposed at the above location. INITIAL VL I have no objection to this proposal HERE I have objections to this proposal DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) N Anderson Pier SEE ATTACHED DRAWING Design - Ormond 1 1-23-2020#7-2 WAIVER SECTION . I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below) Iµ111A1. V,do wish to waive the 15'setback requirement HERE I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement (Pr.. : , ner j . ation) (Adjacent Property Owner Information) OW 1itt(t-it iiL/tS t Signatu Signature William . mond Vickie 1 ewis Print or Type Name Print or Type Name i 400 Feesbrook ct. 244 Timothy Rd Meiling Address Mailing Address charlotte NC 28270 Dunn N28334 _ (r04 t s62rZ ip 0420 C+ry/Stalerz,p (9101 214 - 9567 • Teieph Num r Telephone Number 1 Z0 1f. 2A'2O nnrr, Darr _. — i (Revised 6✓18 2012) j 1 l } 5 sib,),,,,,y,..6 Cikowroe.1 Or. ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT 1 hereby certify that I own property adjacent to William J. Ormond 's property located at 1190 N. Anderson Blvd Topsail Beach Property Owner) (Address, Lot, Block, Road,etc.) on Topsail Sound , in Topsail Rearh I Render County , N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) I The icant has described to me, as shown below,the development proposed at the above location. @ ' I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) N Anderson Pier SEE ATTACHED DRAWING Design -Ormond 11-23-2020#7-2 WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) INITK q I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. /'HERE r, NI do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. l (Prope y 0 i r I formation) (Ad' t Property Information) Si_ a -��� tLL.- ._ William J. Ormond Signartrre Print or Type Name Richard Rohde 400 Fr Na ct. Print or Type Name 2820 Glenwood Gardens LN #104 Marling Address Marling Address charlotte NC h NCNC 28270 Raleigh., 27B08 ( 04) 962oa2o City/stateiZip Telephone Number t Y l q Zell .S S-4- 11,24.20 Telephone Number Dnrr (Revised 6/18/2012) aii at. •y I I ._ r 7` 4'2 'let 74, 7�11 7. x 1f _L�_ w sk a . g _V. ., LL .:Lat. -•�1.. "' 3K I i1f �4«as I • ,::',„ -. ' . nw . w. -AJ _ __ r. ,1,‘,,AP: <0L i 1 \ ir�ryg� iyp rg . .� n li }ili . ` y t w eu co F.. « 1 1 s , , YsWmR� �s [1 r nola( ,,.::::- a z p IT,�s LLD 7 •1 1 7 C' .•. r in '71.1-y ". w(ANIL M+Mh ,,r. , .. Yt�' uw- .. .. .. , r e' ., '.44 A,1141r • •f t Ono.Dane** M� 4r • e , iVM a1111��de if- . , ;�q ,::. ! �.No atueur e 1 ;m 6 ..-. •+� • ( �C ; J� • BOURNE _..� ;i1 I '~f 4"x (S. 1M# . OB. 4429, P. 112 2' i4"2`, w•LR Cmq,1�. •i dam. __ . • --,.. .t ,«'fi • s` • #" • �4 ^�1StLL 1 x �. ♦ _ -----yBANKS C�IANNEL CT' r w< X"MM+� x • , � -. Ito ! ¢�. „.: W ;« , ` '� a *� ! ) ' If 411 fP l `.,ate `� i. F+c r 'r1 A�1 r,+ .. t.... .: ,° . I, - - •"". R" >b r nw.. i • a ' •LES ' F� , ASSOCIATES, INC.(c-730) "��..�. = b P.• LAN' -URVEYINC 4� r AL t GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTTSM ry 7 LAND _ & COAIP(Inle YAPPING LOT 47, ELISABE P. E7 ±Af'.�VJIL .rN .• I. .15 802 BRIDGE STREET ' LANcxut.o runty snTE a TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP:: , 'L 1t` ', i k , 3- ii1 - , • ++I''^` (+ `1 1 PO. •1(1570 1213 OTt 4. P9«DRIVE . RICHARO G ��. ..a.Y.F CHECKED BY:1.7' ' ,Mdf801f1F. aB540-IS70 MILMR/CTON. NC 28465 �}61 Ne �•. _ ,»em s«. s . nao BOON_ L•alli r• __.64..__ TELEPHONE (91• 43U-OB77 S^ TE7.fPHONE. (910)B�1 74 4. , "��' ;.• + .A* E-MAIL r erom ,, •! I3Ai[��.X$L�1�1J. , SIr..'AI- ..__._..__._.__._._.:.- AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION if Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: William J. Ormond Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30337 Charlotte, NC 28230 Phone Number: (704)962-0420 !' Email Address: James.ormond@ormondlandscape.com I certify that I have authorized Southern NC Marine Agent/Contractor to act on my behalf.for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: Pier Project as submitted in drawings at my property located at 1190 N.Anderson Blvd. Topsail Beath in pRnr!er County. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and theiragents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: �J/gnature William J. Ormond Print or Type Name --f.2lstnt3r I Title 11 r 09 , 2020 4"--- Date 1 This certification is valid through tp 1 I • cAMA / DREDGE & FILL N . 77514 A B C C GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit # )G Jew Modification !Complete Reissue !Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality l-1( 4 t (/'ZD 0and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC V . tiles attach Applicant Name A/I(4.4 tibt Ut 6 NQ Project Location: County (00 Address 4045 re0' $ -C6X-- Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) CityCl d State NC-- ZIP 71 0 ( ( ( 0 N . - Phone#t164')R41.-1)41-0E_Mall Subdivision Authorized Agent 4(G. -V-6,--tiett `i`Jo�� �, City T 5ci 1— _ __ ZIP 7.4 Affected ❑CW EW )dPTA E ES /`P PTS gG \ e. Phone # ( )--- River Basin ` / . 0 • ❑OEA ❑HHF iiIH ❑USA ;N/A t i p, AEC(s): Adj.Wtr. Body 1/JK•J j�i /unkn) ❑PWS: Closest Maj.Wtr. Body. K- 5,0 V``� ORW: yes /V PNA yes Type of Project/Activity /fc7T -t i- c/E-,0 p/r/1-/ ►" �A-ry9944A / Lt-" I Aid,___ J�OCt` S� Ai(-/ (Scale: 1 W i ) Pier(dock)length ; i► f , _Am LFixed Platforms) q I1U! ' + pr —1 1 } 1 FoatingPiatform(s)I7x2 4� w I 4 i ; I--.- i - Finger ' s i Groin length i I j i — / number { t-I I 11111.!" t Bulkhead!R{prap le h ■ 1 —. ■�. + i -. 1...i, _ — j_ i ; av distance off / A ' II 1 ,t,_ �. . dig` _ max distance offs e _ t Basin,channel -L,..' ""l' i -- Mil X cubic yards_ /'' `-ar/, 4 .' A ,,, �1T . ,r I I . Boat ramp � _ t3 (3Jff 4. _t__, Boathouse/Boatlih Hi-" -- i ■■ 1 i rIII IN Beach Buildoz ■■ ■ ` -I-- ir Other 1 �f ! i { 2 fii } f f { I Y Shoreline Length I'^/�� 111 f : �■ + + - ! j iSAV: not sure es no ti- H ' i t— I ' { ;((_ t-II + I_ Moratorium: n/a yes 47) . } j ■ I , i i I I t ■ Photos: yes o i ' i 1 ;_-Li ` ■■■■ ' _y +_l ■ ._ ■ Waiver Attached: ,..rKr— 4,5 i i 1 I U■U■ • I _ A building permit may be required by: V(I 4-' C4-c . C See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) Notes/Special Conditions f G V 50 i) 4e1'r\ Av. nt piicant Printed Name i Yleig/Perm t•: -'s Printed Name S nature '°"Please re compliance statement on back of permit Sig lif ?AD VA1 - 12' I ' Z0 q- • i • Zc Application Fee(s) Check# Issuing Date Expiration Date Check Data Rawived Date DepoVMW Cheek From(Name) Name of Permit Holder Vamlor 11/ amount Permit Number/Comments _ Receipt or Refund/Reallocated Column/ Column2 Column3 Column4 Column6 column. Column7 Column6 Coumn9 12/72020 12/8/2020 Allied Marine Contractors LLC Randall Leeseberg FCB 9833 $ 200.00 GP/73588D JD rct.12378 12/72020 12/8/2020 Southern NC Marine LLC Wam Ormond First Bank 1349 $ 200.00 GP 077514D JD rot 11727 12/72020 12/8/2020 Harbor Marine Construction,Inc. Eroi Varinca Bank of America 1151 $ 200.00 GP#77518D JD rct.11729 12(7/2020 12/8/2020IJenv Ennett Tyler Redinger Coastal Bank and Trust 3483 $ 200.00 pp#775150 JD rot.11728 112/7/2020 12/8/2020 Land to Sea Construction,LLC Frank Miner FCB 350 $ 800.00 GP i77503D KE rot.12422 12/7/2020 12/8/2020 Richard Penny Construction,LLC Matthew Wood NAVY Federal CU 1176 8 200.00 GP#77517D JD rot.11730 12/7/2020 12/8/2020 12Ifl/2020 Coastal Marine Piers Bulkheads LLC Harvey Allison Wells Fargo 23618 $ 200.00 GP}78189D PA rot.11568 -- 12/7/2020 12/82020 RueAnn Ormand 8 Mark Beesley same Wells Fargo 5029 $ 200.00 GP i78185D PA rot.11557 _ 12/7/2020 12/8/2020 Carolous Building Comoanv Lisa Scallion First Bank 1458 $ 200.00 GP 478168D PA rot.11587