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77678D - Gibson
raCti IL- 1.L ) L) Ill r ►Li_j 0 CAMA / ' -DREDGE & FILL N° 77678 A B C GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# )� _-New El Modification ❑Complete Reissue III Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued (- As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality (� and the Coastal Resourices Commission iR an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC V-) F ' r 5 O ❑Rules ttached. Applicant Name - �� 1/) eii,�711'1n Project Location: County r� C Address �' V to 4 l (a I o4 baAL, ...d,, Street Address/State Road/Lot# s) 6 City _,v�,� State N ZIP7 l .Z06\ (V i! Gt to PJ Phone# -J t E-Mail Subdivisio rt. II AA-CI- ? ,' :1 Authorized Agent N, 4-- City S 1'6-0,--A ZIP k 7_-b' Affected ❑Cw EW ``JI PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) I River Basin 1 V" ' 0 AEC(s): El HHF LIJ IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body 1 f( l WI 6411,a -A t � r`a /unkn) ( n ❑ PWS: o na Closest Maj.Wtr. Body I-°1 ,U"`�-r - ORW: yes /-fio % PNA yes / no h� Type of Project/Activity • ✓�'` /A A \ '14` . �` y ) ,,,,,, (Scale: N Is ) Pier(doc)length Fixed Platfo (s) Floating Platfo (s) 1 I ; Finger pier(s) \ _.-...._ Groin length \ 1 �� 1 j j number '.. t _f � � i Bulkhead/Riprap length a __ avg distance offshore ` ,_ . max distance offshore t11611661911111MNIbill- : 4, I OP Y�' i EIsinl�annel X "7 —I I 1 - ©4 '1! rlry cubic yards t/- ' S Cod 31 ��, , i I Boat ramp \ NIIIIMIMBoathouse/Boatlift\ ------ M� I 1 _ ■ t......_._ _..-- -- '-- -_ +sue ...1`_ _1�� � IN illi Beach Bulldozing Y — ; I I �1- ---__ FA ' ri.��., OtherCf., D y Clil V 3 0 1(Cr,I I I 1 1 �`• I { i ErI I; R Shoreline Length 1-1- i 66 l I 1 �� � 4 I j E SAV: not sure yes - ; Moratorium: n/a yes id, I ' I _ Photos: yes g42oIXiII' &1--- ---50-- ----± Li -L--, : i i 11'''0... Waiver Attached: es -rib I A building permit may be required by: --f''r/4 `L#A-. . ❑See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) ' _ Notes/Special Conditions 6 o.1,, 'I � NO v. f S 2C> ---C--) , j - -� PitL Lt./ FfA4 PL /►J d N ; f 1E PFT- c7 b� t'V� l i 6 1 i�S !4 ent or Applicant�rinted Name P rmit ffic r Printed Nam ignature **Please read compliance statement on back of permit** Sig ure Z ' l'f 00 ONi� /Z- . J Application Fee(s) Check# Issuing Date Expiration Date • Jason Dail Field Representative NCDEQ Division of Coastal Management RE: General Permit Application for Dredging, Dock Construction, and Boat Lift 1209 Mallard Bay Rd, Hampstead, NC 28443 Jason, I hope this finds you well. Please find enclosed the detailed drawings for: 1. Proposed dredging of approximately 150cy of material that will be disposed of onsite. 2. Reconfiguration / Rebuild of the docking facilities 3. Installation of a boat lift Also enclosed are the riparian owner permission slips and a check for$600. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call or email me at 910-51-3096 or clqibson@ticoastal.com. Sincerely, Chris Gibson, PE RECEIVED NOV 0 6 2020 DCM WILMINGTO , t4C • U . At t . _., , . . ii„,, ,, \e'ir ,-,. ... ... „„) :...,., . i . , T�It:0 1-- . R .., ,r ,,,, 'ir r4/11 o uo 4 l 8 m o OD• � Pk. ; • -o l 0 (D ' S 53 WX 0 11 0 v. Q o A "ao oa(TN S Js -� ' K _ ,! 'rJ 7 tf Ar yi # l w -' + 9 rotb ... „ .. ., . . , 40.400 . ,.... . - _. , . . , . =..,. . ,,. . .. . , ..„ .. . . i . )111kK . "'-ki , , , ill. , „. i44 ' A>co ' ti - . i i .............. • .. ...-3-* 4' 011ip 0' .#' Il k .....0 . a. ''" • . . . . ! iik 0- \ .. . . . . 1 . , „. . ... lc. ...*.41 • - , ' V s • , .. .. . .., 4 i -k M: . . , , -, l. .... ii_ A ., .. Gibson Property 1209 Mallard Bay Rd Hampstead, NC 28443 ECEIVt Lbosed Dredging Scale 1" = 40' Page 1 of 2 NOV 062r DCM WILMINGTON, NC RECEIVED NOV 10 2020 CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT DCM WILMINGTON, NC ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner Christian L Gibson Address of Property: 1209 Mallard Bay Rd Hampstead, NC 28443 (Lot or Street#,Street or Road,City&County) Agent's Name#: Chris Gibson Mailing Address: 1209 Mallard Bay Rd Agent's phone#: 910-512-3096 Hampstead, NC 28443 I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing_the development they are proposing. A description or drawing,with dimensions, must be provided with this letter. J I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. C'.. 6 If you have objections to what is being proposed,you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) In writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices is available at http://www.nccoastalmanacrementmet/web/cmIstaff-listing or by calling 1-888-4RCOAST. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mall. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse,or lift must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) C i. I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) (Riparian Property Owner Information) pdt.6w. Signature Signature Christian L Gibson Chris 1 r r- Print or Type Name Print or TypeName CJ 1209 Mallard Bay Rd // ,f,9/(a / ELF y Mailing Address Mailing Address f Hampstead, NC 28443k A/C "YYJ City/State/Zip City/Stale/Zip \� .910-512-3096/clgibson@ticoastal.com 9/0- Z77 - 0/ �I?jh7.% CAr*,r/ hone Number/Email Address Telephone Number/Emai Add s l 1 /0.5'/2 t !/ s /Z.o Dare (Revised Aug. 2014) CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner: Christian L Gibson Address of Property: 1209 Mallard Bay Rd Hampstead, NC 28443 (Lot or Street#, Street or Road, City&County) Agent's Name#: Chris Gibson Mailing Address: 1209 Mallard Bay Rd Agent's phone#: 910-512-3096 Hampstead, NC 28443 I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing_the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, must be provided with this letter. I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed,you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices is available at http://www.nccoastalmanagement.net/web/cm/staff-listinq or by calling 1-888-4RCOAST. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, or lift must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived I you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) f � IED I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. NOV 0 6 2020 I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. DCM WILMINGTON, NC (Property Owner Information) (Riparian rope wner Information) e/f.A.4:2-/eXd.zw, Signature nature' Christian L Gibson St) AA Nii/t44/g/53 Print or Type Name Print or Type Name 1209 Mallard Bay Rd L ZZ 7 MEAL/ v9 OA Mailing Address Mailing Address Hampstead, NC 28443 -443 I9L2 ,Q ( City/State/Zip City/State/Zip 910-512-3096/clgibson@ticoastal.com cj/D-J'L0-/05) 5mmtp19k@ OA4A-11. ,C D/ A Telephone Number/Email Address Telephone Number/Email Address 11/5/2020 1 1 3— Date Dat (Revised Aug. 2014) r r ... ...4ors.. .. . . , , • 'Nit A • ...„. \...4410;• ,..t .. .-_ . A . , ,.....4 0 vi. • rpte -0 1 3..0 t. '-" --- 4t, w cri co II ... •4_ '' ILO ' 14 ''' .F e-1-K . V'• 4151, 11..‘ 111 - ..t up Ln b • —0- qs *. 0 ,<. • . / e..p -0, .. golly"-- ,--...,.. % i A • • . . 4 ‘.. . , , . r ,A...- i • ' ,': 4 , , • ..,.tiiii._*.a41/4,. • • . f4l'i;* mirt. ...... IIION • - Ir ' 44. 4 . . . ..- i '''- • .. . .. ' .. . , is ... .T.,.. / , -.. . j . 1-.•.:.-...*:-..:-..*:" ." , • ' to 0. 4 , .....•••••••••••• n ,, '• 4.•4.•••• i••••••••••• •• '. ,, , ______ ' . . .. •, 4 111/ k ite Ilia II e 16100°. , Illi illik 4 i 11 1 kt.', • • 411,,,. it... 4 (4 • : II 41.111:0„ 4 „v. ,, ... ., • • :,,, . • --e . WM 1 ,y , . . , 4 ', . , . , . . ... . 1.* IN, , a , 7 IS, ligitt Ad& A . • .. GibsonProperty1209MallardSayRdHampstead, NC28443 — Pwed Dredging RECO Scale l" = 40' Page 1 of 2 NOV 0 :3 .) DCM WILMINGIG6., i',ic I f r .. _ oh ii„..„4, . '. , _ co N n o o 0) C a Q ° o 0 o O cy i o o `D 1 1 • • 79' afi / • S-1-,S., /0 �� N N o` 0 �r • . - -.. . f:,'/, 6'/-7 7 of A, ,., .0 . 411kk- ''-'''-. — - . . ...__ . .3 24 Gibson Property 1209 Mallard Bay Rd Hampstead, NC 28443 — Proposed Dredging RECEIVED Scale 1" = 20' Page 2 of 2 NOV 06 ter. DCM WILMINGTON, NC CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner: Christian L Gibson Address of Property: 1209 Mallard Bay Rd Hampstead, NC 28443 (Lot or Street#, Street or Road, City&County) Agent's Name#: Chris Gibson Mailing Address: 1209 Mallard Bay Rd Agent's phone#: 910-512-3096 Hampstead, NC 28443 I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, must be provided with this letter. �I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed,you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices is available at http://www.nccoastalmanagement.net/web/cm/staff-listing or by calling 1-888-4RCOAST. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, or lift must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) / I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) (Riparian Property Owner Information) �?fZ/LG2/4,&tow., Signature Signature Christian L Gibson Alr Print or Type Name Print or Type ame U' 1209 Mallard Bay Rd 1/0 i 1iq/'4 d A'a ,f c Mailing Address Mailing Address / Hampstead, NC 28443 tY$' City/State/Zip C ity/State Zip 910-512-3096/clgibson@ticoastal.com / /� _ 7i7j - / h71(&P74/7.Co ti Telephone Number/Email Address Telephone Number/Email Address 11/5/2020 RECEIVED /1/41 z-o Date .pate NOV 06 <'J (Revised Aug. 2014) DCM WILMINGTON, NC ..,- . ktilill . \44111.'llik' i . CD ,, X . to CO II op cm - -1" • ,t, CL "to P• -, 0 -' . I I 4' . CD ...,,,.. ,-.- (I) ' 4, 44 illi Iil . ,c, Cn b e -'0. * < D- .2 4 .> ir - 68.'8, • rib ' a .4 . • . ii . .' 1- •iiip _ 7 ,..-... r.., • . . .... .._ : _ • , 60,12r"Illeliht a'01 • , :, 't . • ' • rib - -• . ..„ . .. .. . ,„.... :. •• s.,...... . .. . . . . • .4. '. F,:., -4 . '. -: , . . k r ,ii, . -.• '•, " .. .. . .,.r. 4-i -.. ....33.-_....i 1_.•.-.33-.4.._- .•.3•, .3i7.. .3- ...3-..l. .i t.,"..,..4 ,.: qif' ' :',.A ir,.- .•4 .'.... .1'. . . . ,. . ,.... II% .. . Pil '.,.. 4 ....i ,B, Nib ' • . .. 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'TP1 LLC United Bank 2107 $ 200.00 GO#7877D 'KE rct.12410 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 Christian Gibson Chris Gibson Coming FCU 101 $ 400.00 GP#77678D JD rct.11659 _ 11/16/2020'. _ 11/17/2020 American Marine Construction,Inc Bill Fitts FCB 89155 $ 200.00 GP#74651 D Ben rct.12452 11/16/2020', 11/17/2020 Holden Docks and Bulkheads Mark and Crystal Brenner CresCom Bank 3611 $ 200.00 GP#77601D Ben rct.12463 11/16/2020. 11/17/2020 Kenneth nand Susan Billings same SunTrust 1123 $ 200.00 GP#77602D Ben rct.12461 11/16/2020' 11/17/2020 McPherson Marine Services,LLC Robert and Susan Behr FCB 3680 $ 200-00 GP#77631D Ben rot.12464 _ 11/16/2020 11/17/2020,Backwater Marine of NC LLC Wade Brown Jr. BBBT 1164 $ 200.00 GP#77615D Ben rot.11725 11/16/2020 11/17/2020:Nor h End Builders NC LLC John and Maribeth Scanlon SunTrust 1029 $ 200.00 GP#76496D PA rct.11560 _ 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 Brett Gurkin same Bank of America _ _ 1252 $ 200.00 GP#76495D PA rctr.11555 __ 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 Kenneth Cavanaugh same First Bank 1254 $ 200.00 GP#77677D JD rct.11663 _ 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 Lighthouse Marine Construction Ron and Denise Stumpo Coastal Bank and Trust 3484 $ 400.00 GP#77832D JD rct.11662 _ 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 Lighthouse Marine Construction Randy Blalock Coastal Bank and Trust 3488 $ 200.00'GP#77833D JD rot.11661 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 Lighthouse Marine Construction Martin Coastal Bank and Trust 3487 $ 200.00 G#77679D JD rct.11660