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77602D - Billings
.,f_Qa, I l 7,2O2O-fl'1W 0>'CAMA I ❑DREDGE & FILL N° 77602 A B C �� EN ERAL PERMIT Previous permit# f ��—� �lew ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued ,/ As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality -T 11 ( Z UO and the Coastal Resources Commiss' n in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC . J ❑Rules attached. Applicant Name y..,,A ,t,(( 'K 1a.I� 111I SProject Location: County (,\,. I w,Ce__ Address L\,,3k Z i o". l-k+l\ SE -u'r,`k.-- Street Address/State Road/ Lot#(s) City 601'v`A State ZIP ( 12 Z q`':1 VCC90 ii,R4- Po _ Phone# ( ...)„,:./.. E-Mail k'4A^L;L ll(r S)V knSubdivision w"1°AAVAar J PIVO( 04vtt -IUn Authorized Agent 6 Al I �oW`a S City 1)(),'V% °\ ZIP 2-E L(z Z Affected E CW PTAS ❑PTS Phone# ( r River Basin >+LAmbo- AEC(s): El ❑HHF ❑IH ❑USA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body l�b( -t ad S Fo 1\ I man /unkn) ❑ PWS: 1 ..ll ORW: yes /E. PNAtitj no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body .� IN Type of Project/Activity Ne-w 9rrx j In �a(-' 11� 5 1 - 3 (Scale: U ) Pier(dock)length Le k 2 " l I FixedPlatform(s) IZk��1( (,1x(5 , t i 0 1 i i , Floating Platform(s) )...1L, Finger pier(s) a l Groin length / I number �_....._ �� Bulkhead/Riprap length t -r__ I tV V CJ t t avg distance offsh j max distant shore d1S I O1 o0 f W l I Basin,channel ,,,,�pp , �f"1\ .it �� 6 G�fl 001 cubic yards i , rig, j Boat ramp% , , I !4A M► 1 i l Boathous- I Zy I Z T. ._.... - ._...... .. -- -ter" :.... fib ! it 0 .pied Peck-- .. _-_-�. . �\ gt; v 0� 1 , l �ti - g.C7s �� 2 A Beach Bu dozing� � -;.� `��� -�� Ei�\ 1{ Other M,V ` (fj bell i �-i p l A i 1 I (Dq 1 r (. x Shoreline Length t1�?0 ,'Pit... , SAV: not sure yes no I___... i F — Moratorium: yes noaih 1 #\'tea ---lnr{{i((i V ry' Photos: yes � 7� I�vO�tJ� _. `,l.r '�"i.0..._.. Waiver Attached: yes 4 �� I �� eS note on back re ardin `0 A building permit may be required by:JY tAYSw lt- Go /A) (��y w regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) - ' (a( \ I 1, Notes/Special Conditions A r-tA\e S '�-(- //7 /ZOQ /6 La t, S- 4't , 'e Ej- re5 Li A-7 Gh c jj0c1�L 7 (gip e s . V U'i ci ex 4• (9' bvex c.0.i F-_a . i i Qv,d f , 2 s l If S 11� !r ,..-1- oc. 2-r' 09 611414, „....ifi L2 J f r(V\ i�' t,,ram L'd,ar f'1, Agent Applicant Pint Name , illPermitOffa{cer's Print e / P-a Ai (' ' .4 • 1.,..../.1, A.......... ,....-.---------w' Signature ease read complia e statement on back of permit** Signature 4 2 `00 1(23 I( IZtioZo 3 f z/2.6Z 1 Application Fee(s) Check# Issuing Date Expiration Date • . .. _ ..._] _ . '-•——=z-.7---——7,A g z- 7, ry lvkilT51 55 • scw,v N 9.C... -viol/hi 30;t7 3serNR 1 I1 '1.1.1 9;1/1 Njfil49 i 6.67 . 211/./gifiliPf• WAS 4.7.17,/"42sP,A,7 - : • 1 5S•IV AV-Tel da-V gib lappriclaitl-ThI7 _ . L2 61.tiipsi .14-7-14 - 71 --.0.x1o7 artal 40191°)D2P39/ ; -47 114-4u1c-g I . ,q .4,P.4.hy • -.. 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Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit A 't LI ,5' .: w.,► Mailing Address: . — - /36d4, d W. tP i7i. /h6 47,6 77a I certify that I have authorized(agent) , "//!h )I* , to act on my behalf,for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA Permits necessary to install or construct(activity) + ai Gil- 4-Pi-4Nc./ Co i e C01fie r G PT q k 4 1�,�,j} /� �- :°n� b at(my property located at) V7 C .Yi/Q �c.!r 5 401/ v1A /Lf 289' 2— This certification is valid thru(date) t /6 2 F'jdirty Owner Signature Date SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY • Complete items 1, 2, and 3. A. Si ure • Print your name and address on the reverse X � �11 gent so that we can return the card to you. �. f`.,v ❑cA.ddressee • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. 'eceived by(Printed Name C. Date of D tvery or on the front if space permits. ' (C7 1. Article Addressed to: D. is delivery address different from item 1? ❑ Yes Xz If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No kce an l r,' 5ci't_ 63,x-a-A0/0.70,A74.1 /9g7i Z22 'ki'AiJ w>3-20 3 i I 11111111111111111111111111 0 3. ServiceType Priority Mail Express Adult Signature Registered MaiIT"' O Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 4152 8092 8753 75 ❑Certified Mail® Delivery Q Certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑Return Receipt for ❑Collect on Delivery Merchandise ^' ,mhpr(Transfer from service label) 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Signature Confirmationmi �'91640 7601 ❑Insured Mail 0 Signature Confirmation D 7 6 Q y 4013 D Insured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery (over$500) PS Form 3811, July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 --__. Domestic Return Receipt ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to " .1 `.////,' '" 's /f�r� /}ems (N me of Property Owner) property located at `7 I (J ' j`�l - fir i �q �f% l{ , 'Q PTO/4 /L/tl(Address in Lot Block,etRo etc.) on r��11�ru. , lv.c, (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) • The applicant has described to me, as shown below. the development proposed at the above location. I have no objection to this proposal. XI have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill In description below or attach a site drawing) .3(-4rjed) etease S-ee eitae")/" 4/0 /4ee r.'6cr2.Aesfb4 s e. .4/7 5i aA. a t c tit.. toe vi t, et e -.1 j '' ciGx.k t a to 400 o bj ec.-/ brA 11 C34LY �HS)1eac' o`CI rtp rzte ot''ri-vof/, 49 I' tS rk-a✓ br''�'°--- h•P Pri J[�bN I911s✓r/ Q ,i ct `'f vet LC L. T . /�L e9S4- b�,I rced5 a•" -f"�io ei vwv, hexer '42ir, ce Gbry�rr>•rt.g. ` tD aa4c��.� proeic...4iwg Or ter prop y-it usr fly 13+c�,v.-� •-- - kee&Q . r 7 ref I' r 5 !U.-z ?,. lu ✓�i• r`s•1a't ?vJ YD h more* y �4,744 / WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me.(If you wish to waive the setback,you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15'setback requirement, X I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. (Property_ wner Information) (Adja nt rope Owne nformation) J 5/ 4"; gP anlrR '"""...- fit".- t. ra# Y/ Print or Type Naa Print or Tyra Name /36,1L,( 4u oNsta, 4g l J✓c-�e� Mailing Address Mailing Address ll •-.o Y�'l lbv-cy j , iO 2,077 `Bo)t✓i a� A/C. Z84Zz Ci tat City/State/Zip gio - 754 - -7za3 Telephone Number/email address Telephone Number!email address • r9 7! 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I 11 x G fM- (-7 ,14-444/\4'1 v U.S. Postal Service" C EFs tIFIED MAIL' RECEIPT ru Domestic Mail Only V PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT ru cu For delivery information.visit our website at www.usps.com' Solivi it 2/3 • A ant to k'&/,i£,� S4 )(>; �i///A9 'S tied tAW Fi° $3.55 0462 (Name of Property Owner) ExtraservicesaFeesre++.rxeow.auir. �U_�1�1 04 41 Di- 5//e/A �G `�`l�o?/Z o- $ "' dress, Lot, BI ck, Road, etc.) 0 DRs .sctm ic) $ $0.00 _, in J ii,AN.C. / ❑c«ee.d Mr rtrlrw.y.e Delivery $ Postmark $0.00 ►er. , Anult Swaim Req�'" S $0.90 (City/Town and/or County) Adult Signature tta*ict.d Div.ry S $Postage $0.55 10/20/2020 shown below, the development proposed at the above To Po.tap.and Foes s $4.10 o- Sent To proposal. rI O Sae.tandApt No.,or lsinfoxlia roposal. .3Yare;zll�+ PS Form 3800,April 2015 oSr:'53r..0'r.Ga:asr' See Reverse for Instructions CAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 70190140000020611822 ment must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) Total $4.10 - .. (0j Aci/JV Cr é77I9 :i;ia?) Grand Total : _ ,� $4.10 Cash $5.10 Change ($1.00) Due to limited transportation availability as a result of nationwide COVID-19 impacts package delivery times may be t�l, extended. Priority Mail Express@ service will not change. �� < WOMEN VOTE Hu AMENDMEIIT . USA cE62 : 6l0 ,BEN eR/NH /077 tX7/V 5/OI J S 14///fisiiv,trAQ , A de8L / Jlo urure'" 1•Sed4, L5/0/1-/5-5— Print or Type Name Print or Type Name /6 '? Z/DA/ hJ/ .'1• PACT.7 Ma •g Address Mailing Address li r//fi' ,4 C 23 y Ci i S at Zp City/State/Zip Telephone Number/email address Telephone Number/email address /O- /5' 2 v'w Date Date* (Revised Aug. 2014) *Valid for one calendar year after signature* Tracking Number: 70190140000020611822 Status Your item has been delivered to an agent for final delivery G Delivered to Agent in BOLIVIA. NC 28422 on October 22, 2020 at 2:30 pm. October 22,2020 at 2:30 pm Delivered to Agent for Final Delivery BOLIVIA. NC 28422 Get Updates u O&#vend to Agent Text&Email Updates v Tracking History /\ October 22.2020,2:30 pm D';ivered to Agent for Final Delivery BOLIVIA. NC 28422 Your item has been delivered to an agent for final delivery in BOLIVIA. NC 28422 on October 22. 2020 at 2:30 pm. October 22,2020 In Transit to Next Facility October 22.2020.9:02 am Arrived at Unit BOLIVIA. NC 28422 • October 21.2020.7:02 pm Departed USPS Regional Facility FAYETTEVILLE NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER ANNEX • From: Denise Jenkins To: MacPherson.Tare;Brink.Benjamin Cc: bill(@maritimecoastalconstruction.coal;enndawson13@ YAHOO.COM;RETROSUSIE45(aYAHOO.COM; BHORNING(aICAMSMGT.COM;CPERRY(a)CAMSMGT,COM;FROBERTIE YAHOO.COM;ALOEPPaATMC.NET; CNEEL(a1CAMSMGT.COM;Denise Jenkins;GREG.WELLEN(@GMAIL.COM Subject: [External]CAMA PERMIT NONCONCUR FOR VINYL BULKHEAD 493 DEEP WATER DRIVE SE Date: Wednesday,October 28,2020 2:34:08 PM CAUTION: Dear Mr. Brink, Ms. MacPherson, I would like to reiterate my strong opposition to the proposed bulkhead by the adjacent property owners.Just as the previous owners of my residence indicated to CAMA their strong opposition to the Billing's proposed bulkhead, see attachment A, let me add our voice and reiterate that opposition.A bulkhead would do irreparable harm to their property, my property,the river itself, as well as the ecology of the river. This is not idle speculation as you are aware. We have discussed this with other dock builders and they have advised the same. The erosion on the adjacent property was already bad, as the previous owners of both our property and the adjacent properties can attest.A bulkhead would magnify that damage by destroying the existing root and earth system that is retaining the earth from sliding into the river. A solution to this problem that addresses my concerns,the Winding River HOA's, the previous owners of my property, CAMA's (see attachment B), and that meets the desires for the property owners to have a dock and protect their riverbank does exist and has been presented to the Billings repeatedly, rip rap, not bulkhead. Further, it has been the understanding, given by CAMA representatives to many of the property owner on Deep Water Drive, that bulkheads are NOT approved for our Deep Water Drive properties. To make this as simple as possible, I would be agreeable to the same riverbank construction for the Billings property that CAMA directed for our property,the properties on 498 and 501 Deep Water Drive and the Winding River Plantation River House and Marina. Otherwise, as an adjacent property owner, I non-concur. Further, if approved, please advise who assumes legal responsibility for any damage that the proposed construction causes to my property?Would that be CAMA as a permit provider,the Winding River HOA as an approver, the construction company as the builder or the adjacent property owners who have paid for the construction? Thank you for reaching out to me. If there is further information that I can provide CAMA, please let me know. Sincerely Denise and Sam Jenkins 804-869-8880 Attachment A Dear Mr. Brink, As per our conversation, I can not emphasize strongly enough how very opposed I am to a bulkhead being constructed by our new neighbor, Mr. and Mrs. Billings adjacent to our property on Deepwater Drive, in Bolivia, N.C. Unfortunately, there was no room on the form which was sent to me, to do so, other than the addendum which I wrote. As I stated, I have absolutely no problem with a dock, and wish all the best for the Billings as they make Winding River their new home. However, I am very opposed to any and all bulkheads being constructed on the Lockwood Folly River . This area is the nursery for our ocean, and rip wrap provides not only a sanctuary from predators for fry, or small fish, but provides a feeding ground for them. There is no better protection for erosion than rip-wrap, which I, numerous other neighbors have mentioned to the Billings. Unfortunately, they come from the north, inland, and I do not believe they are familiar with our tidal rivers, currents, and destructive ability of our beautiful river. The neighbors on this street who are fortunate enough and blessed to have riverfront property, all take this blessing with a tremendous amount of respect as well as responsibility for all flora and fauna that abound on our shoreline and river. It is simply not a responsible, or environmentally sound idea to use a bulkhead instead of rip-wrap. I do not believe there has ever been a bulkhead built here that has not failed and caused problems not only for the owner, but to those adjacent to them. I am especially and vehemently opposed to an "inland" bulkhead! It does not take an engineer to know that once our currents pick up speed along the bulkhead wall which is approximately 15 feet from the shoreline, that once the river current hits my property with force from the side, it will erode my land and then do the same to the property on the other side of the Billings on the reverse of tidal flow. Again, I have spent a lot of time and effort reinforcing our shoreline with additional rip-wrap over the years, but most of that was done to protect the land from erosion from the FRONT of the property,not the vulnerable sides which would be exposed due to the inland bulkhead. Not only do those things concern me, but an inland bulkhead would destroy the soil in front of it, and any tree roots close by which also aid in helping to stop erosion. We can not afford to lose ANY shoreline, nor can we afford to have that land fill in our already compromised depth of water, as we all know the chances of having the Lockwood dredged are nil. Our river is already besieged by a tremendous new influx of boats causing erosion, and by hurricanes and storms which show no respect to man-made edifices like bulkheads. As a heads up, I have also contacted our ARB (Architectural Review Board) about having an "inland" bulkhead, and they will be bringing the issue up with the Winding River Attorney. Although I am going to be moving from this beautiful piece of land, I believe with all my heart and soul that these native hardwoods, this river, and this magnificent marsh belong to all people, and no one person should do anything which causes it any harm. We each have a responsibility to foster the health of this beautiful gift of God. Should you need to speak with me further, I will still be living in Winding River, as I will be moving to a condo while a new home is being built for us. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Please keep me appraised of any developments regarding this important bulkhead issue. Attachment B This is the line of emails I sent to ARB & response. Arlene From:fred robertie<frobertieCEyahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2020 3:33 PM To:Arlene Loepp<aloepoPatmc.net> Subject: Fw: building next door/Billings Arlene, Per attached we have nothing as yet on a dock or bulkhead for the referenced lot. I researched prior dock/bulkhead requests and found a CAMA permit is a must. If CAMA approves the plan our involvement extends to the walkway from the house to the dock as well as approving a roof or other structure requested on the dock. Fred Forwarded Message From:Cyndi Perry<cperrykvcamsmgt.com> To: Frobertie<frohertie@yahoo coin> Sent: Sunday,August 30,2020, 10:28:07 AM EDT Subject: Re: building next door/Billings The office has nothing about a bulkhead, a dock, or any communication from CAMA. The builder needs to update the ARB... Cyndi Perry On-site Community Manager for Winding River Plantation Community Association, Inc. CAMS (Community Association Management Services) , AAMc On-site Office: (910) 755-7020 i Fax(910) 755-7025 1640 Goley Hewett Road, SE Bolivia, NC 28422 From: Frobertie<frobertieCEyahoo.com> Sent: Sunday,August 30, 2020 9:55 AM To:Arlene Loepp<aloeppCEatmc.net> Cc: Cortney Neel <cneelPcamsmgt.com>; Cyndi Perry<coerry(@camsmgt.com> Subject: Re: building next door/Billings CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization.Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Arlene The ARB has not received any request for a dock or bulkhead at that property,unless the office has one that we have not seen yet. I do not believe that the homeowner can simply"move"the bulkhead inland as to do so would necessitate removing the shoreline that CAMA has authority over,however this sounds like a question for our attorney. I will check this out. Fred Sent from my iPad <!--[if!supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endifJ--> On Aug 29,2020,at 6:21 PM,Arlene Loepp<nloepp@atmc net>wrote: Dear Fred, I do hate to bring up another issue with the home next door,but feel it is important. Several weeks ago we received a letter from CAMA informing us that our neighbor was requesting permission to put in a dock and bulkhead. Since they were within their riparian rights,it seemed a mute point. However,I noted in the comments that while I had no objection to a dock,I would be very concerned about a bulkhead as they are environmentally unsound and,to my knowledge,every bulkhead in Winding River has failed over time and then caused subsequent damage and erosion to adjacent properties. I know that the people on this street,with property on the water,are very protective of the banks,marsh,river,and all flora and fauna adjacent. We all believe,as does CAMA,that rip rap is far more effective in stopping erosion as well as providing a feeding ground and a protective sanctuary for small fish. With Rip rap,tree roots are not impacted which adds another level of safety for erosion.. Last week I received a phone message from a Mr.Wm.Thomas of Maritime Marine who wants to build the said dock/bulkhead,and said he would like to speak to me about our objection and"allay"our concerns. He mentioned that the bulkhead would not be on the water's edge(where Cama has control),but inland. That info really alarmed me. One,because it seemed to circumvent the Cama authority,and worse,as it would be up to 10'on ether side of adjacent properties,would be causing a very fast current from the wall to hit and erode our properties. I informed him via text that we were very busy with packing,but did indeed wish to have a conversation about the bulkhead. I got a return text that they were meeting with Cama on Thurs.and he asked what time would be good for me to meet. I texted back that Our movers would be here that day,and afternoon was possible. I did not receive any further communication. This morning I noticed a stake in the back of the property with a pink flag&sign indicating bulkhead about 10'or so from the bank.. The reason I am writing is to see if the ARB gave or is giving permission for a bulkhead on the property. Again,it is my impression that CAMA does not have jurisdiction anywhere but the shoreline. If away from the shore,on land,it would be up to our ARB. Please let me know if that is not the case. Who can authorize an"inland"bulkhead which would destroy tree roots and could have a tremendous impact on property on either side of that bulkhead? It does not matter if I live here or not,as I have stated before,Winding River is near&dear to my heart,most especially the trees and the river which make it unique and one of God's gifts that belong to all people to be cared for and cherished. Unfortunately,that home building process has had,and continues to have,a rather negative effect on many of the residents,and we would hate to see that continue. Please let me know about the legal ramifications of this"inland"bulkhead. Thank you Fred for following up on this. While our movers have gone,we will be here until our Sept. 18 closing and then we will take up residence in one of the condo's until a new home can be built. Take care,Arlene Cheek Dab Revolved Date Dapo.IM Check From(Name) Name of Permit Folder Vendor 11/ amount Permit Number/Comments Receipt or Refund/Reallocated Column./ Column2 Column3 Column4 Column. Columns Column? Column. Colima 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 Davey Resource Groups Inc. 'TP1 LLC United Bank 2107'$ 200.00 GO#7877D KE rct.12410 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 Christian Gibson Chris Gibson Corning FCU 101 $ 400.00 GP#77678D JD rct.11659 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 American Marine Construction,Inc Bill Fitts FCB 89155 $ 200.00'GP#74651D Ben rct.12452 _ 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 Holden Docks and Bulkheads Mark and Crystal Brenner CresCom Bank 3611 $ 200.00 GP#77601D Ben rct.12463 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 Kenneth aand Susan Billings ,same SunTrust 1123 $ 200.00 GP#77602D Ben rct.12461 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 McPherson Marine Services,LLC Robert and Susan Behr FCB 3680 $ 200.00 GP#77631 D Ben rct.12464 __ 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 Backwater Marine of NC LLC Wade Brown Jr. BB&T _ 1164 $ 200.00 GP#77615D Ben rct.11725 __ 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 North End Builders NC LLC John and Maribeth Scanlon SunTrust 1029 $ 200.00 GP#76496D PA rct.11560 _11/16/2020 11/17/2020 Brett Gurkin same Bank of America 1252 $ 200.00 GP#76495D PA rctr.11555 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 Kenneth Cavanaugh same First Bank 1254 $ 200.00 GP#77677D JD rct.11663 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 Lighthouse Marine Construction Ron and Denise Stumpo Coastal Bank and Trust 3484 $ 400.00.GP#77832D JD rct.11662 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 Lighthouse Marine Construction Randy Blalock Coastal Bank and Trust 3488 $ 200.00 GP#77833D JD rct.11661 _ 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 Lighthouse Marine Construction Martin Coastal Bank and Trust 3487 $ 200.00 G#77679D JD rct.11660