HomeMy WebLinkAbout71894D - Dyson t) to❑CAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FIL NO 71 894 GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# A B C D >� ❑New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality 7 ii. j, Uc_ / and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC . s attache i�c Rule Applicant Name jetty q '`Gr l!rt Set. D 1r f 61,1 Project Location: County Y IA h SLv I Address ',)-0"7 I v C. 60 rt do Ind 4 t c_ Or.ve Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) City C a r State /J L ZIP a7 s/�3y, 1 'j tD (, t vh S �`d LA) Phone#( 9/q '//y -78 0E-Mail I;v c t'`ld`f ro''i ?`--�`au/�Cubdivision Authorized Agent V V{it Ia/k otrd�011) City /1f old est g4 W1 Q ZIP ;3'1 , 2 J. Affected ❑CW 'E PTA WS Pti TS , Phone# ( ..--r.... — River Basin G U ,-r4 Le - AEC(s): ❑oEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body Ca t\4 I (nat an unkn) ❑ PWS: ORW: yes / no PNA yes / no 1 Closest Maj.Wtr. Body A / w t Type of Project/Activity efI aLe 1 A1Kkad 1Ih >_xLiii`'�q - r'prt''‘4-/ 14Ce- do G`l'A��' 1 J i\ -*'((GI tit f - (Scale: ' = z(� ) Pier(dock)length ,�/ ���� 1 1 Si Fixed Platform(s) 1p)(I ID r Floating Platform(s) I C�X I(a �l,�J�41 ' ` Finger pier(s) / ( ;� _ �F Groin length ��- �la' k, ---\ number j BulkheglLBe�rap length y q` ITN( ) I I p 1.e Y �P " N avg distance offshore O\ '� _/ max distance offshore ;41j,- �iBasin,channel7'r -" ct 01Y`O)cubic yards h'1' y 44 • _ \ (--) Boat ramp i I t . \,,-. . 1 r Boathouse/ 1 3 X j 3 1- 1 I at ift 1 t . Beach Bulldozing - 2 y ] I �,,�t peg f Other V, la•� , t ��n, � •{ iecP E.k{,�/101 p ,i le..4,4d jl 1)<<+.� dar � ��" «u1111' , C, v ff I /�a/dam• 7 Shoreline Length � `I'Q �� l ; r � �ILt0Lio- SAV: not sure yes no S Moratorium: n/a yes no _ 1 '3 yco., ( �jt 1y Photos: yes Il } no7f l/,t "S � caffsc. Waiver Attached: yes no 1 j i [ ' '"�A.a�� A building permit may be required by: 'I 0��ei1 ee4c.1) . I See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) t Notes/Special Conditions I 1 r to\e 5 Ot-/� 71+ Roc)/ /zoo I o c-41/ II *l-P,iX/hd dt x e I 11-e t-1 t 441 on J „IflAy , y„ `. -, it U - GGCcfirkk weA4hdI, 2 Sit erMtrnd A /!4.-e. 'r,4-, ar/ ( ,r(_) 1. i ( '2. . , 1,, .. ____ 6e,,,n 13(1 n ic Agent or Apple Printed Name Permit° er's Printed e (A) i i% S' nature *`*E Please read compliance statement on back of permit*. Signature C0 DU• 7 g�0 11V17/702 0 y/7/2021 placation Fee(s) Check# Issuing Date Expiration Date 11/10/2020 0(3300x2550) . 1 � __. 1 1 t1 10x16ft i i i 10k lift i li j OFT �� ! I.•• . 1 OFT II 1 ! • I �— \��\S I I It 11 1 . t, '1 b 1 I 1 . I; 1 - _ I!' I I 1 4ft .�I 10x 16ft I< 10ft 1 i 1 i 1 ; „.Y.,s,...9G5T^.�Lf'.:F.::�f=f. __ . . _ _... . _ _ „-... .4.,2,' +.'$"r.5°'_.•".;.",..9.v..e� " 'T.sR.Z!G,,-....,,,-, r-:..-_,._z. 135 Lions Pau} k-ls. ic. D wr .. hops//mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/t./Orki=2&ik=a8284d411 f&view--att&th-175ad995fc21 a5ed&attid=0.38disp=in line&safe=1. . 1/1 ti to to Lion01141 MBA s, tiortgoiliVe3 SRO,. aGea 8(pl i)l.LSst7 a/Neu uo�two�ui JawMQ 4.18dald uotjeargckie pturad sly) of pomp) uor;euioJ1Jr nu errreAe cape uorpeuuoa ur spuet peuoquetualoje eta do raJua a; slUODO POLO put; Javo Ptwad 1eaa7 ate ; e1s ruatuafreueyy pt?tseo J4 worst+ Q Ql uofssiwuiad }ue 5 }aej in op pue 7ue.16 0} pazuo rine we ! Jew Appea efouueLaindt #tlunop ri+n:ctrrug ~ut wry/ suorl 8£C le pe)e o1 4adoid AID )t? ;ueutdolartep pasodoid 6utrNo11o; ay; JO, fuessooeu suu,t ad V A1V3 Ele 6u!uielyo p:re Jo} 6utAidde }o asod;nd ay; Jo} '}ieyaq ALU uo lay► al ,ope4 ;3uaft' u4>�E"E'4'�2t [[i:t� pazuvylne aAey ! leyl A t ie0 I �. ,u��: lr<:•itt ► uc�s:ip, url :ssaipl� (4Pwg 8L fiI h! ;.twn 4u'4i 4 ►watt 3Irl►ti�,l,ir,- � N,tit?� }Pisb' Ir,liey� Ito,.t(I ti.ur t rfi itu:Jad 6u4s;anbsa8 14UMO AJAidoid to otkieN NOI1VW WdY VWV3814I NOLLYZMONAM IN3OV 8p1ACENT_RIPARJAN PRQPERIY Q 114LR STATEMENT t hereby misty that i own property adjacent to lc11 & I ilt5cy 1)1(sc)1. (Flame of Property Owner) propertyl:KateCI at 138 Lli)))b 1/.4W (Address, Lotr Block, Road, etc.) gallsi , inI to.den t j 1) __ , N C on (watsrbady) (CityfTown andlar County) Th acalrcant has described to rre. as shown below the development proposed at the above 1ocat'on I here I nave Po o cttCr to this proposal I have ooiectioris to th s proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in d.acrrptron below or attach a srte drawing) Installation of bulkhead wall WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings. breakwater. boathouse, oft. or groin must be set back a rrtir►i• urn drstar)ce of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me (If you wish to waive the s • i• -ck, you must initial the appropriate blank below )err al& I do wish to waive the 15 setback requirement Ir I do not wish to waive the '5' setback regLlrement. (Property Owner Information) (Adjace 'rope - , rmati• id , mpletc Signature +'rture Will Richardson 3 0 (CI Intt Prot or Type Marne 'r►nt or Tope Name 3235 Seacrest Ave Sw tit 0 k_k v\,s lea , Making 6? halng Add `0 ckN d _ t CityfStatei7ip ; J 7O335 `4,t Y 04 Tel'ePho ie Number Telephone Number November 9th, 2020 ,k r ) r. •a` v naff Date IPa,/6mA F1i I/nf at . ApJA4N1 RIPARMN E'knN TV t! I�t4 &[ M Ff r 1 h.'ret;y C.eatrfr .le.�t I :rti�r.rrap:uty .uit.V:enf 10 t tt:�: I r r..,�.',•�..,.0 - --. {Narna of Property Owner) ?rrh„rty located at I IS : r4Nlti ')._`— — .. - - ._ {Address, LiA, 61Iv4M, PY dd,etc.) —rn l t o i t'r t I't t._t i \t. '-1 -- (Waterbody) (Cityr(City/Town and/or County) aporrant na'_:rir.o. :sirrlx'�-t to mo, :•1.1 Olowt beloed, '►te d n&-eveloprr11 prnpc.nd t+u at the avµ Icca:;on r� !lave ,,,, nrgrCtI3n tt)MIS croposal r iv oat ,tlarrs tfj the p+opo:,af DESCRIPTION ANU:OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ;End vidua!proposing dpveloprneot urusr fit ire JJscripuvn below cr attach a sit drawing} installation of locking facility. Please see a:tac-ecl drawing WAIVER SECTION I u de-stand that a pier, dock, rroorirg Dilirrgs, breakwater, 3oathou;c I:ft, or groin mast be set Sack a mi urn distance of 15' from try of riper ar access fr1!ecry waived by e. (I' you wish to r.ar� ti- se. .a:,k. you must initial the appropriate blank below.) illI do rv:sh to waive the 15' setback requirerneit. i do riot w;sh to waive the 15" setb-,3c, req.werneni (property Owner Information) {Adjacent Property Owner information' '.Ei'uJ:r.�liJaGi.224+94- I_,C1rTo f t i jr#. �l;i'lt4' cic lurr I., 1 ,<ictijrd,t}n` Aath,triz«1 Agent PrIr o• T,pe Al3�r P r 1) ;J . ars r,} 323 ticac rest Ave SW 9`,C )tr! .--i" Ma,1 na A jdr.sa M�g ..dcr s q C.',!yIStcte.;Zi - crt •sidle; ip v prune rlirrrbe- TetiAEton+~ �'J inter NI.,'T(rlhcr 961, ?WI) �/— � - 1''! C' r. — ...__ r r,lr, (Raised 6r18/2012) ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Jeff&Linsey Dyson .s (Name of Property Owner) property located at 138 Lions Paw (Address, Lot Block, Road, etc.) on Canal , in Hoiden Beach (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. to A I have no objection to this proposal, l have Objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) t e2tT ' � 7 ;� WAIVER SECTION understand that a pier; dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, rift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access_unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) . 1 clo wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirernent- (Property Owner Information) (Adjacent Property Owner Information) d� 1 L,l w t.A.. �11....zr�� u. � ,r Signature Signature Will Richardson Elsie Currie Print or Type Name Print or Type Name 3235 Seacrest Ave Sw 1814 Norment Road Meilihg Address Mailing.Address Supply NC 28462 Lumbertonta NC 28360 _ City/State/Zip C O 73 7425 910-367-0335 Telephone Number Telephone Number November 9th, 2020 11-13-2020 Mae _._ Daze. (Revised 6/18/20t2) ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT i hereby certify that.I own property adjacent to Jeff 8:Linsey Dyson '5 (Name of Property Owner) property located:at 138 Lions Paw (Address, Lot, Mock, Road etc.) on Canal in Holden Beach NBC ,N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. �j d-, I have no abjection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal: . DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill In description below or attach a site drawing) Installation of docking facility. Please see attached drawing " WAIVER SECTION 1 understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 1.$'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you.mustinitialthe appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setbacic requirement: (Property Owner*Information) (Adjacent.Property Owner Information) 1i llir�i Sign atur P i c artison/ Authorized Agent Elsie Currie Print or Type Name Print or Type Name 3235 Seacrest Ave SW 1814 Norment Road Ii1siIir�q Address Maitin Address Supply NC 28462 Lumberton NC 28360 Ci /Sfato,7Jp City/StateZip 10-367-0335 910-733-6025 Talephdrne Numtfer Telephone Nurnber' November 9th,.2020 11-13-2020 Dare _.,.. Date K_ (Revised 6118/2012). Check Date Received Date Deposited Check From(Name) Name of Permit Holder Venda 11/ amount Permit Number/Comments Receipt or Refund/Reallocated Column) Cdumn2 Column] Column) Column5 Coumne Cdumn7 Columns Column9 11/17/2020_ Richard Penny Construction,LLC Chet Willis/Jeff Durham NAVY Federal 1172 $ 400.00 GP#775320 JD rot.11665 11/19/2020 Davey Resource Group James Wegener United Bank 2117 $ 200.00 GP#764570 KE rot.12418 11/19/2020 B&B Coastal Construction Corp Akins,LLC Wells Fargo 5011 $ 400.00 GP#77699D BB rct.12444 Minor Mod#121-15,NC Dept of Cultural&Natural Resources, 11/19/2020 Scenic Consulting Group PLLC 1Dept of Cultural Resources BB&T 1183!$ 100.00 Winnabow BRCO Ben rct.12459__. 11/19/2020 Willie Clarence Richardson/Richardson ConstrucirJeffray and Lindsey Dyson BB&T 7840 $ 600.00�GP#718940 Ben rot.12466