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Oliver, Joseph 76789C
CArAA f C^ DREDGE ,& FILLW li 6 789A B COD GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit#_ ew Modification Completo Reissue ;Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued_, As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Env&onrrental Quality width* Conic tl Rmourtus Contmlaalon oNtAniaor envitofii taf <DrK*rn pursuant to i $A NCAC„ /()9.',�a 4pPl rant Nanto Project l,ocition: County Addressip` " a e {, 2.. i f�f'_ Qi"�� / C t if , Street Atlttt'essf Sato Road/ Lot Ctry, 56: {# ]�_P� PEtono # ['-:% ;�• _ ...Mat) . .�. ... Subdivision I4i --P t Authorized Agent ! _ .. (1.4.._ fk . City Ale W ZIP Afk:rted CW „ —rd `,St %TA VS PTS Phone # ( } khmr Basin .�/W AEC(s) FA HHF .;IH r uoA NJA Adj. Wtr. Bod 1 .. C,11_El .. j snatctazun �„ a PWS �y r�rn7 PNA yes (i Q% Closest hki QRW: yes j, Wtr. Body._ E E Type of Projectf Activity (State: ` ) draxf P;rzia i�{s) +'r r�^'tq , _ t jY t 11 ( j�y�ry+SS r St tar l 1�Y SAY rx,.aas 7 fY.,, �'�p'i�i`; rf (' �'`iRi s�.1'f' ,it Wansr Atcn�+�•.il yw1 rw t y A bukbrg pnrnut nt.ry be req,Jmsd by: r' ,j ? <, f`� /+ si*a rate on back regarding River Basin rubs. t Not(,' IXXx11 PWIfut'g jur sdxdnnj Note"! Special Conditions ..,..1 Lii,{ } }.{'\j--E. r 00 c: tNnpbance statematit on back of pet mi"tj"ja( ..-1�4�rr/45z'et' ( 4d Ucu Cyr, Pfm"off,,w S@t hi9fi�gt 1 y f ,?'i I I✓1 Stgnat re - r ESN ngt e CAMA / +-V DREDGE & FILL V " N9 76789 A B ffP D "GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality /�--pp�� y �J / and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC (97J�f l e J 1 f_-C.� �f 0711, 1% i/ ules attached. Applicant Name S . ) 7 0 Project Location: County (1 Address �� � ne-1 V' © C I V't� Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s)� t Phone # X,112 _Mail Subdivision 1 , Ae, AT 6of Authorized Agent B & •I City n6 �_ ZIP ❑CW �p rTAES OPTS Phone O River Basin Affected ❑OEA AEC(s): ❑HHF ❑IH El USA ❑N/A Adj. Wtr. Body iA (nat nkn) ❑ PWS: ORW: yes / no PNA yes /0 �M^ Closest Maj. Wtr. Body F-3-r�� vet Type of Project/ Activity Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) X -- Floating Platform(s) Finger piers) ! Groin length number ^ I Bulkhead 'pray length avg distance offshore max distance offshore Basin, channel cubic yards � I Boat ramp Boathous atli r J (W Beach Bulldozing Other Shoreline Length — — SAV: notsure yes no Moratorium: n/a yes no J I Photos: yes no hd' Waiver Attached: yes no -- r/�•, A building permit may be required by: v ( Note Local al Conditions diction Notes/ Special Conditions .r n _ / r or ADDlicant Printed Name ** Please read compliance statement on back of ICVI (Scale: ) kr4 I �ee note on back regarding River Basin rules. PermitOfficer's kermit** S 5 / lr o 1 Checre Iss ng 154e r E pirati n Date w fee(s) AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: Joseph N Oliver Mailing Address: 102 Pinewood Drive New Bern, NC 28652 Phone Number: 252-288-8993 Email Address: neil(a)tota]open ingsnc.com I certify that I have authorized Bobby Cahoon Construction, Inc. Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: construction of dock and bulkhead at my property located at 1503 Zurich Place, New Bern, NC 28562 in Craven County. l furthermore certify that / am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: Signature CA: 36gw, / l / Joseph N Oliver Print or Type Name Title 05 / 12 / 2020 Date RECEIVED JUL 0 7 2020 This certification is valid through 05 / 11 1 2021 DCM-MHD CITY Postal CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT OOrnestic Mail Only O M1 ErMEI}I }� 'K 3g G l t' i M1 Certified Mail Fea $3. JS ` 06 _ru ru ra s as Oaewma. eat(h- ao 7e 'Iupwto, 04 0 ❑Helurn R—IPI (eiecimnwl 9—�-- .. 0 1 Down MainenikW ,�,, g_ S Postmark C3 Lj tlftsl6ratu.11MAad S �,^ n^ �MWl8lgieMreHeabktetl �eAvety $—wtl - - - Here Pie 80.70 pTOFelPoatageaa Fqv� e Ll.10 05/28/2020 U.S. Postal Service'" CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only M1 Ir Ln M1 ru ti 0 O O O Er 0 O t7 ru 0 M1 U.S. Postal Service... CERTIFIED MAIL@RECEIPT ■ E=l Domestic MO Only Ir Er L Ln r, Uemnea mail Fee $3.55 0687 ru 04 t$j j2u ge ru C3 tQ..ia*0 $1 0 p:eaal Fl 1pt (eaealc) C3 60-00 HOT(, Postage $0.70 C3 M 05/28/2020 TOW Postage and Fe.IO Ml ru ,. N —jMjr ------- Z� ... . U.S. Postal Service TM CERTIFIED MAILO RECEIPT rU Domestic Mail Only Er M1 I Genified! Milli Fee $ruuM � �Hea $ 1rk stmm$ 4C pndansleeuw.lteeetcted Dellv.r $ ) r 0071 Postage -0 $ 17 M 0, C , Total Faaa9*wd"*a8 $ M ru s 0 b� ---- VAJANR --- L 0, . ..... :-y ............. UIVAD" A.Q" AJ C a NEIL OLIVER 1503 ZURICH PLACE HIDDEN HARBOR NEW BERN, NC DESCRIPTION We propose to install a new wooden seawall. Wall will be 110' long with 4.5' +/- exposure. This includes a 10' long wingback on the right side of the property. We propose to install a new concrete pier consisting of a 5' wide x 8' long walkway connecting to a 5' wide x 40' long Tee dock. This will also include a 5' wide x 8' long stepdown platform at one end. We propose to install a new boat lift. This will include the installation of two (2) new 10" x 30' long pilings. c a� a_ ci m N ) o C O r n:m R c o: Q 0 N c N 0 ch v o ch L a N0o C mL 0 � C 3U� f6 O `)Oo N c m _) :a F- w Parcel ID Owner: Mailing Address Property Address Description : Lot Description Assessed Acreage Deed Reference : Recorded Survey: Estate Number : Land Value Craven County Geographic Information System Craven County does NOT warrant the information shown on this page and should be used ONLY for tax assessment purposes. This report was created by Craven County GIS reporting services on 5/15/2020 3:50:13 PM 8-204-A -010 OLIVER, JOSEPH NEIL & CLAIRE M 102 PINEWOOD DR NEW BERN NC 28562 1503 ZURICH PL LOT 10 HIDDEN HARBOR REVISED V1712F 100 X 241.76 IRR Subdivision Improvement Value Total Value : City Name : Drainage District Land use 0.550 Calculated Acreage : 0.550 3601-1285 Recorded Date : 2 122020 H-47-A $145,000 Tax Exempt: No $0 # of Improvements : 0 $145,000 NEW BERN Fire tax District: Special District : VACANT -RESIDENTIAL TRACT Recent Sales Information SALE DATE Sellers Name Buyers Name 2/12/2020 BOWEN, ROWLAND L & OLIVER, JOSEPH NEIL & COURTNEY L CLAIRE M 6/29/2018 THOMAS, JEFFERY R & BOWEN, ROWLAND L & SUSAN M & COURTNEY L 7/21/2005 Z & R ASSOCIATES LLC THOMAS, JEFFERY R & SUSAN M & List of Improvements to Site No improvements listed for this parcel Sale Type Sale Price STRAIGHT $130,000 TRANSFER STRAIGHT $130,000 TRANSFER STRAIGHT $256,900 TRANSFER w r In