HomeMy WebLinkAbout77692D - Hardee e4&b 11.1 -7J)?C)-tr a w
six LAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL N° 77692 B C
GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit#( Q , P 5cj r(f
�� ►4New E Modification ❑Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued JU/2GfZ (Q oo
As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality - 11 /
and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC c5 t .Z`-o V .
\\ ❑Rules attached.
Applicant Name e r`d c.--.`\ 1--\U a‘'---9-' Project Location: County (vr-5....,i cAe....,
Address U V 1 k\c.( (, \v, ,.V i-( Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) /(7ce0
City C hc.\�4L. State N C_-ZIP 2`-�` 1 /t //U Sc �)),., cl 5 JV
Phone#(S) (j2(l L((_ E-Mai k,L1.145SCPkMc.,./u j 1 Subdivision
Authorized Agent .CAA— jJ r n S City S ,hc l 10 ZIP 2S,-10
Affected fj3tCW ❑EW f PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin I",�
❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A AEC(s): Adj.Wtr. Body , i'.,; I I�, (�1v-.i � ', /unkn)
❑ PWS: .5h4.(laf-JL
ORW: yes o ) PNA yes no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body �e
Type of Project/Activity ev.( ,k c.Mc.so A jA-(,,,c k1r_ > k„ S c ram. i,c,‘T Fq r
1,•. I\'h S4 (,k:.ti___c_ 01^s (1 S Qr t- Ski,i Tr (Scale: "0 TS )
Pier(dock)length (0'`f.'V•10
Fixed Platform(s) "K lU . pi , ; L _3�(,{.\\v �e-,V/k ...„.......),
Floating Platforms) N�T _ `M }
Finger pier(s)
Groin length ,
I 1
number j
Bulkhead/Riprap length _ \� 9.f (..t_ S.1tto;i�nres�( Nat _..
P P gt } ` I �C,n )
avg distance offshore i f et,c,,
max distance offshore f POI fBasin,channel ��'�S
. 11/4 :
�`'' �� I. � i CI
cubic yards ...L,...i
Boat ramp , 4 ` }
Boathouse/Boatlift --- i.._....._..........._.._.._�. ._.._._._..._... —._..... lc
_.j i ..
Beach Bulldozing
Other__ G r
Shoreline Length (00 }
SAV: not sure yes no t- -. n
Ad C1 __ (�(O
Moratorium: n/a Yes Q� , - 1 01 c
Photos: yes 0 , '
Waiver Attached: yes 40 1 I I . ' . l
(.,A building permit may be required by: n)._„ /
,Ac.. ( G,..n1-3.___ . See note on back regarding River Basin rules.
(Note Local Planning Jurisdiction
Notes/Special Conditions \ c..3 r,k ,r c a cjL ,,,. t \\\ (., .- t. cA SC..t j,L.- lsi A AOf <<(kr cs-�r,,:-St
Vr\c S /5 ' l'�G.t4n t,vU\vt - iS tblto..tX on ��(( r (?/(o`'�(u Vl(Ii P� 14I I t4.rSF- feri&C.P_
E10(1'•� 1
.A . LA (; e �G-- \ OCk
Agent or Applicant Printed Name Permit O c intetk Name
.......< tv..\----._ ,\'( _
Signature **Please read compliance statement on back of permit** Signature
N k- t`aki. I l 2020 5 zo z(
Application Fee(s) ChElck# Issuing Date Expi io ate
11/3/2020 Mail-Brock,Brendan O-Outlook
Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: l7 ten. 2,4 1 i /-44'c r
Mailing Address: / 72e, cJ, I/ o /-d/.; e1Cd.
L...5-4A/4/ iv'C, 2s y-7 e
Phone Number:
Email Address: /9 a- 4- ) I C.
I certify that I have authorized �cST�BL..t/C/v!le /C ig/. i
to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits
necessary for the following proposed development: Rt ,127e. Zit/, /
.RYtie 7= - AA/I) Jealin,
at my property located at Z.', //7 ri.,,
in s4 . c County.
I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to
Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter
on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this
permit application.
Property Owner Information:
�� Signature
�,,Fi, d„l l 1-. S-4=4--
Print or Type Name
OLaive lz
This certification is valid through 0 a I /b I al' 1
https://outlook.office365.com/mail/search/id/AAQkADVjMzg3NTMyLTIIMTMtNGM5Yy1 hNzQ4LThiOWM2NWZhNjc5YwAQAHnYwESAu6h%2FTCMYP... 1/2
11/3/2020 Mail-Brock,Brendan O-Outlook
/ 640 V_r_..2' c PT )
514,-ttCrrE .)41 ea 4�
r—, — 11 `(` 1,
a 4 �
s p'7
https://outlook.office365.com/mail/search/id/AAQkADVjMzg3NTMyLTIIMTMtNGM5Yy1 hNzQ4LThiOWM2NWZhNjc5YwAQAHnYwESAu6h%2FTCMYP... 1/2
LAMA/ ❑DREDGE FILL .)1 -1 Np 77692 B C
GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# r4 q
New CModification OComplete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued
As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality
and the Coastal Resources Commission In an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC . S O
Applicant Name + ��sttat hed
App i e �1` 1\6.,�tr¢� ` Project Location: County. /lN•i�„,��C�
Address-a,O \)k&,:k(, �.,E t� S� Street Address/State Road//Lot#(s) A(tCe0 -
City Ste,\\a State N(-ZIP Z(G`110 V t11G� P0,-1-4 2 S‘Al______
Phone#( ) (yII' 5ij()E-Mai -icuti,cceA\Am.,JLA-A- Subdivision
Authorized Agent ,)f^ S City S h41(o fL ZIP_ --
Affected t_21CW ❑EW PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# (_) River Basin t .. -r -
AEC(s): ❑CEA 0 HHF 0IH 0 USA ❑N/A
C PWS: Adj.Wtr.Body k I l 1v..-..- \ /unkn
ORW: yes PNA yes no
Gosest Maj.Wtr.Body J h.llaf� .>w�
Type of Project/Activity K-1° `C-lit Ac.N.C., c1 S?1...0" e t., c nr-4._ o rr 4
I.r,h•. S�.ti t\t.,......t,u.•S n.S ?II'-5V.,t ne. (Scale:t J TS
Fixed Platform(s) i)'t It i 11_ 1-- 1 T'� cat ..— -,—
Floating Platform(s) �.a `_1f'� IV' o— `,��� �" ' I
Finger piers) �� F' «�Lttf _ I
Groin length All
I f t ! y ,
uIII number , i I, - - -- --•-i- 1- j ' ,
Bulkhead/Riprap length f �V I 4e{>1st t,_9 x�V_ 1r � a
avg distance offshore
It l I i ' rt r:^
max distance offshore {I ���
�-1 i --Yi Q a n..,C e.. I Basin,channel i I
Boat ramp Y ' - - Ii; /_ i I ! i,.
Boathotnd Boadift —_1__ /_ 1p�X��ap �-F-1 j
rBeach Bulldozin • 1 ---•l ' : . ,
Other g i r
( ��
Shoreline Length I I I 1 _ i
il ■ M.
SAV: not sure yes no PO ;- - i 1 l I _ t ■
�� f _✓_._ -' �S .?ram I -4 ., `-
Moraronum: n/a yes l�pc(/C,,�Pf �Ep -V��� �ZS f ,� I ll��'•
Photos: Yes I�J W-.._-
Waiver Attached: yesI ——_.__.-—-- _ --,_ I r-..jsi I _ ° , = _
no ( 1
A building permit may be required by: V-2)(..^3._t.o`t, ( G.,rj-3,..--- ❑See note on back regarding River
(Note Local Planning Jurisdiction,, 1 Basin rules.
Notes/Special Conditions Q p cs c,�t•• s,,i. l..r,\\ f e n4•. Strt. V, 11 a ^‘111.\1-
AaSS lSt r Grt4n t t ,.. 0,. S Vilk ri la
1., I,A �` /c e t ^ s a,r,L, of/ei n
A ,r 1!A Permit int Name
-.gnaa,re N "pi read compliance statement on back of permit Signature /
tie I I 312vZC� 'A
A ��� Ch Issuing Date �-t.1
Pd ate