HomeMy WebLinkAbout77845D - Putnam 1\1 cco , - 6r614,[c:. T 2 Viram,\ 1r 'I 64,fa.11 r1 LA �\ t oN.sege 01454-tLb i S Lo 4 7 10/20/2020 Mail-Brock, Brendan 0-Outlook il '-'.,..'1A14'i‘,1t : S r-� a ,,,. .., . 4 w .; CI 5 pt.. — 540r r"'"\ .1 -' 4-0 .... .. . . i -,.., ,, .. .. & fix ' \ . i / 3 )4/6 504.034-4-4(.../ .... .. ,. r .,....,.. ,... , , ... _ cx_pcit-o‘ . � ! � -new ; ,.., — _ d ,fit - W"1 <......,.::- ""''"^ww'www'-'-'"'""""--'"* 1 -- c r ` e. https://outlook.office365.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADVjMzg3NTMyLTIIMTMtNGM5Yy1 hNzQ4LThiOWM2NWZhNjc5YwAQAFrjZpwnzyZAngNdUboA2oo... 1/2 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: 40WA 4.STA 3 NA V sAN%Nif Mailing Address: P') . 'D x SO /ne.7 St' 1PASJ NV VIsk3 Phone Number: C �L� '??S • G,3 Q - I S-O S Email Address: AQui141r11 ?Al'?Av.. 10% fl1Q`i )• C I certify that I have authorized Carolina Construction V � Agent!Contractor to act on my behalf,for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits #T necessary for the following proposed development: 1�1� % w RQigs. R QpIq ce g } %Tbe :RA iko►ce Wwg6a 6s4444 t.�-. R is lDar/i$uii4 toc k t R1,= at my property located at 471 S . p 1(i Q.� R!V e i a 4 PR �in S4+g,KCounty r 1 furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner information: Signature Ake$‘AAP•b lit+ • Print or Type Name Cv - QwNJ EVLS Title e i I9 1 2.02.0 Date I r 10 R 11 til ill q i I Eli fyilti, 1 _ 1 its4 . f 1,10;.. u , , 1 l 'i ia: : te . .. . 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Applicant Name �, ., Project Location: County �.,; c'ir. Address C),...) R v,c 37-0- ►no Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) c/S ),,-, I,(..,- City )Qc:..lc 7., State'.. \/ ZIP �S 9 t12S 6/ . Phone#(11. 'IC=0 (c-- I E-Mail - ,. r t-0,,1/4 • "-'i /Subdivision Authorized Agent <-. . I ( tA v \\ City asz - (c t 3,,, ZIP 7%r'{ ( ( Affected ®CW ❑dEW C3PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin L„ l-j> r AEC(s): ❑oEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑ueA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body )% (< ; (v-,,- L( a an /unkn) ❑ PWS: Closest Maj.Wtr. Body /1 (l '— i"'<- ORW: yes /`no,% PNA yes / pa ( lI i r Type of Project/Activity Cy:c9� ,\, ►7.,I�c.�,., _ 1crkc,, ,,,‘ , �-"1 (�'< iA„ , J s,,., -1^, ``r, \�, (Scale: tJ T S ) Pier(dock)length 7011 1 I! Fixed Platform(s) I '• I Floating Platform(s) S )t ((11 ' �_ , ./1 (; ;-- : Finger piers) ._ .`.. } ^_....__— ,c- j..... Groin length i f N 1 .....` f4K number _ ._.._._ __—_—. . ......... .._._..__�_.. ............. t i................. . Bulkhead/Riprap length SV — i ,+ - avg distance offshore i y,;1Z i•5,,,t.f.y 5.\ w,\M ' max distance offshore i ' 1111 l(i, Basin,channel r I - T { cubic yards Boat ramp { ..„;.-Li , Jul' , , 111 i , , , , , Boathouse/BoatliftvU ; c _. -- Beach Bulldozing i v 1t . , -�- ���/ ri, �v.�/ : Other P h ..—�-- . /L , / \� �L Shoreline Length ^ co' Cy ,1 S6 ri.,/ L , fit. 1- 1- ,--- ',r r sic SAV: not sure yes _.1. f� — — nF' ' ,._-__ - `I Moratorium: n/a yes ) .� _ 1 . .._'..mi -- a_i eiop___ r ,- ,__. — I Photos: yes no 1 _—i_ _. ............ ......_..-- Waiver Attached: yes ' j J �`�"1 (14e A building permit may be required by: 0 CQ1--. \ i1 q F c. L • See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) Notes/Special Conditions ;" (-) (`L• .,\ 16. \, ( `^\ t-D,\W-,.. c `—,`i\ 6, , \4 c 4.1-4 - ( 4 \ , ,, ,... ,.....>3 ,,, \f-- Agent or Applicant Printed Name Permit Of s- N me . \ ' "' ,_ \/‹. ._ Signature **Please read compliance statement on back of permit** Signature '`' (,1207 0 21ij1ZotI 4 Application Fee(s) Check# Issuing Date Expi r�a ti Date