HomeMy WebLinkAbout76461D - King \Iv:�C.�NA - 'DREDGE & FILL 1 j9 L� 1N 76 6 A B C D iGE L PERMIT /'� Previous permit# f ONNew ation "_Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued / As authorized byNorth Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Rmmission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC e ZS v� ❑Rules attached. Applicant Name_'*A VO Ji \ .k-=1 Project Location: County lq.Q,(A) k%I I O V 1 Address l L) \5 Cii 1"-a \�- ,,v11/� _ Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s)9 k!.t ice!C/'� ' City V�vt V '\,\1U. y�} � - 1 (.I�•• State i L1 ZIP?-`&4 O ` Phone # i i E-Mail - Subdivision Authorized Agent NJ Ik CityI\iw 3MS\`1 t)€-C, ZIP Cre}ro �7 CW V,PTA ❑ES I]PTS Phone # ( ) River Basi �,,J\,i+C.," 0 Affected OEA D HHF ❑IH ❑UBA N/A AECs Adj. Wtr. Body G4✓4 ie-' (i� �`+ na)/man /unkn) ( � H. PWS: Closest Maj.Wtr. Body 14,1 W w ORW: yes no PNA yes no Type of Project/Activity P i>'Ga LL kL (.„ kv' j -co ct t t • 40 v"1v r v ,LG 640 fro cl()� ^' 0 (sue j ": , ) Pier(dock)length It 5 X ' CC �(� ,i r 1 +�' „7 i t_, Fj 1 1�1 tv l'J l� I Fixed Platform(s) %^y: I . I i i {s (IV '4.a \,y.)---- Floating Platform(s) I i Finger pier(s) 1 j _ i 1 i I 1 1 I ! — I Groin length / i ! 1 j number -----I: ----- t. ID-K 1 -- ---- I f I . -- -- Bulkhead/Riprap length 1 1 I - avg distance offshore I 1 I .I 1'1� ' max distance offshore_ i ! i 1 } Basin,channel I i ! 1 I ` - It"g I i 11 { I cubic yards j i j 1 Boat ramp I I II K. I �' I`�., 1 1 I I I Boathouse/Boatlift / I I i I I ! j I i i 11 Beach Bulldozing I I — _— —- r I �.� Other I I �, I 1 I\j I +�' i I I I I , I I 1 I Shoreline Length+!- ,()r no �� t) il �`�i� ti �^V^+ G+. 1 SAV: not sure yes . I Iy - 1VN `v 4 . A�-•'. - _ I I f -- ' �p M.5C� Moratorium: n/a yes 4IL'7 I ('o'L,,.�' c -. #p Icy J I. _ J I ` 1 — Photos: yes I Ij.3i It+l"� 1• Yf T t I i } — Waiver Attached: yes • 1 ' 1. I I I 1 i 1 1 1 1 A building permit may be required by: Jf\i' '--C A\V\\\Q- i eu ;See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) - -'1 Notes/Special Conditions t-((,t 1 1 t `y tG`k 11'Z.. '/tg(7kU ail_ ko--r� sG' pAv ,i7-- c v Jc�-'- VVv4V6A 1 i - P(11 3- ( u v,.` l j )- E I i 1CC t vi Lr 1 _ 4 0,-E4'r a't C 1\‘-r- Agent or Applicant Printed Name i, ` Permit officer's,Printed Name Signature **Please read compliance statement on back of permit '* Signature N1 NJ i ik 0 4 )a q I- ' I Application Fee(s) Check# Issuing ate Expiration Date ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own r4operty adjacent to/0.T 5/a�cf./' t 1,/, 3,i< NC' 's (Name of Property Owner) property located at /2 S4Nci CAR C,,,/, 3 /`/C (Address, Lot, Block Road, etc.) on , in , N.C. (Waterbodyi (CitytTown and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual ilr sing detielopment must tint inmiesctiption beiowor atiactlt l diawing) 7'c Tale /2 x t C. Pt.)71-ruf-,.,, 1 o Tc i,ie /z .11.)Nei DR . �( WAIVER SECTION�S i 0 Is/A.4,1 O,2 I understand that a pier, d ck, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minim distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive t setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) l I I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish iio waive the 15' setback requirement. !(Pro rty Owner Informa i41i . ) (Adjacent Property Owner Information) iitra L . ., -----// /d�.... f Sitore ,1, W. ., ry . /</ , L tkt'Nf Pri t 5r-10 ype ame Print or Type Name �G 1 � ��i'�rda Way /� f�/.7/.,� �(? . M ib g ddres 4 ! Mailing Address ku 11rn P 2345 7; , /3,/, ,r , z sio C' tate i i City/State/Zip '� 9 S/v- -2-5-6 - z 87- Telepho Nu ber/email address Telephone Number/email address 1 L 2? 22z0 ; / v - 6-- - z-v Date I Date* (Revised Aug. 2014) *Valid for one calendar year after signature* y Elks, Katharine B From: Harold King <looprat@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 10:49 AM To: Elks, Katharine B Cc: Rachel King Subject: [External] FW: Pier repair at 9 West Atlanta St. and 10 Island Dr., Wri. Bch.,NC Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Harold King Sent:Tuesday, October 13, 2020 8:52 AM To: katherine.elks@ncdenr.gov Subject: FW: Pier repair at 9 West Atlanta St. and 10 Island Dr., Wri. Bch.,NC Katherine Elks Yes, an s on Elk was my mistake. Sorry. Thank you for calling this morning. Below is my original email on the subjects. Please issue me a permit to go forward with the repair. Also, if you have a reference to the Governors order I would appreciate a location for it so I could reference it to Tony. Thanks in advance, Harold King Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Harold King Sent: Wednesday, October 7, 2020 1:44 PM To: katharine.elk@ncdenr.gov Subject: Pier repair at 9 West Atlanta St. and 10 Island Dr., Wri. Bch., NC Katharine Elk, Thank you for talking to me this morning. My wife and I are the owners of 9 W. Atlanta St., and have owned it since 1970.The pier was built in the late 1970s. The storm we had a few weeks back destroyed the decking on the pier, and broke one piling off. I was able to rescue the floating section and the ramp. We have since gotten the old decking out of the water and have started rebuilding the deck. We found 4 pilings that were soft and had to replace them. We are putting everything back in the same footprint. I would like to apply for an emergency permit to cover the rebuilding of the pier. It has been difficult getting someone to work on the pier because everyone is so busy working on storm damage plus they don't like to take their equipment in between the bridges. :.e'CLC—L_l /(-(YI�C 0 .CAMA / DREDGE & FILL' 44") N° 76461 A B C pa GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# )G New Modification [-Complete Reissue ❑ a is elssu • - Date previous permit issued / As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC •I- 00 ❑Rules attached. Applicant Name L V O\C( l I'Ill Project Location: County NR.A.tJ l%t''• LV'.'V Address 1 v \SIG v.c.9 Ov V Q Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s)'1 W , 24-4(a i,"'FU ' City V\J V1)\' 1 U- i StateK1 v ZIP c-El-i Phone# (RIO);j5L'-3P S E-mail Subdivision 1 , +- Authorized Agent TJ/A Cityvvi V9 CkS V\, J t er C,V" ZIP D- r4 Affected ❑CW /W &TA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) "River nW0/man ' AEC(s): E OEA ❑HHF IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body VIIl- l..,k4;i 11 /unkn) ❑ PWS: ORW: yes no PNA yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body 1N VV Type of Project/Activity 14 Q v ;J c._ -W't -cc, , 'i) c'A.)Q 't) ilk C) V t CO ctA WI C43(2.-- (Scale: 1 ' 3 v ) Pier(dock)length I r �{ (`� Fixed Platform(s) 1 O X , l �- y `' (� I ' xb • CA(IV 1 ` moft � VYQ.. Floating Platform (s) ' ' / Finger pier(s) -�. I i Groin length i ' 1 _ i }: number j -i- I / IJ K�� __ t-• j — Bulkhead/Riprap length `. -_ ______ ( --- avg distance offshore • 1 1 max distance offshore XD i • ! Basin,channel p( i cubic yards i I i 1 Boat ramp i 4 �)( (p �...- I Boathouse/Boatlift i } i Beach Bulldozing` i 1 �,. �^r=--�- I , Other / � GA00 6EA ; / i ' J ` i +� U i - .-- Shoreline Length , I A v,' *-C' SAV: not sure yes 0 i9v4 isiGV4.` Moratorium: n/a yes 1 Co l U y '-., I f` , I I Photos: yes _ Waiver Attached: yes m A building permit may be required by:by:VJV� 'n'4c A\\e. aea.61 . n See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) l f j -O Notes/Special Conditions I-RCA 114 S y c 11 k \/ep1c,L6 IV\-CY SCOV1 41)4 •N ,;.1-' fit1n Sv Ct L;1.,u-in tan 1 x j - iN R l f c(..e>,,- t i SIT"-fit 1 1 OCR.( AA,h)( G '6• 1 /-, l ./ j , Ka. M C V-&+ tI E I\i- - Agent or Applicant� � Printed Name PermitQfficer' •Rri ted Name .-�"' ,�';� ..-1 // ( c ' C k Signature **Please read compliance statement on back of permit** Signature tNi Application Fee(s) eck# Issuing ate Expiration Date