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77613D - Craig
Check Date Received Date Deposited Check From(Name) Name of Permit Holder Vendor Check Number amount Permit Number/Comments Receipt or Rerund/Reallortoted Column* Column2 Column3 Column,/ Column5 Column') Column7 Columns Column9 _10/21/2020 Laura E Adams Laura and Robert Adams USAA Federal Savings Bank 446 $ 200.00 GP#765390 PA mt.10274 _ 10/21/2020 B 8 B Coastal Construction Corp. Clear Skies LLC c/o Charlie Connor Wells Fargo Bank 5009 $ 400.00 GP#77642D Trim rct.11610 _ 10/21/2020 B 8 B Coastal Construction Corp. Martha Spence Wells Fargo Bank 5010 $ 400.00 GP#77643D Tmac rot.11809 10/21/2020 Ronald M.Ake same SunTrust 1393 $ 600.00 GP#76439D Ben mt.11713 10/212020 D.Teeters&Associates LLC James Todd Williams First National Bank 2638 $ 200.00 GP#73584D JD rot.11752 10/21/2020 C *house Marine Construction Inc. William Fred Taylor Coastal Bank and Trust 3428 $ 400.00 OP#73583D JD rot.11753 10/21/2020 Jerry Ennett Bruce and Patsy Jones Coastal Bank and Trust 3385 $ 200.00 GP#735820 ;JD tot.11754 10/21/2020 Clements Marine Construction Edgewater HOA FCB 55061.$ 400.00 GP#76565D IKE tot.10799 10/21/2020 F and S Marine Contractors Inc. Joe Elphick PNC Bank 8863 $ 200.00 GP#77881D !KE rot.10800 10/21/2020 Southern NC Manne LLC Shane Moran,Mark Nunalee,James Ca First Bank 1336 $ 200.00 GP#7.5808 JD rot.11756 10/21/2020' Challis Minton same State Employees CU 1908 $ 400.00 GP#71880D JD rtt.11656 10/21/2020 Willie Clarence Richardson/Richardson Construe Todd Schad BBBT 7808 $ 200.00 OP#71895D Ben rot.11718 _ _ 10212020i 'Southern NC Marine LLC David Garner First Bank 1337 $ 200.00 GP#73581D JD ret.11755 10/212020 Pyramid Engineering,Inc. Sidney Keith Craig _ BB8T 13330 $ 600.00 GP#77613D Ben rct.11714 10/21/2020 Mark Castor same FCB 12272 $ 200.00 GP#73579D �JD rct.11757 10212020 McPherson Manne Services,LLC Ashley Rudolph •FCB 3581 $ 200.00 GP#77610D Ben rct.11718 10/21/2020 F and S Marine Contractors Inc. Eric Rosenberg PNCBank _ 8862 $ 200.00 GP#77882D KE rct.12401 __ 10/21/2020 Carolina Development and Properties Michael Goubran Jr. PNCBank 2911 $ 200.00 GP#77611 D Ben rot.11719 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER �STATEMENT i nereby certify that I own property adjacent to� ( -t I s r , "...AN of Property Owner property located at 551)LD 1', 1 L tI'r - ( (Ad ess, L Block,Roql,etc.) } on 2,l,i it et)/t e/ .-t. ine: i— j, j-) . 14 C (Mlatatbody) (CIty/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below. the development proposed at the above location L 1 nave no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual proposing development must till in description below or attach a site drawing) WAIVER SECTION I ;,r,derstand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings: breakwater, boathouse,lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback,you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15"setback requirement �I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. (Pro. rt 0 ner a formation) (Adjacent Prop rty Owner Information) /0._ "...A. A 'natu a Signature !t _ ILTeary Finch -tin/or Typ. lamer 4 Print or Type Name 1237 willow Oaks frail ' ailing Address ' Marling Aathess y tat N� p C tS &S _4� s NC 281t�1 CtyrStateiZo 2L' sk_I 764-634-1024 rerepriore Win� er Telephone NurnCer . .j..?!l ?_____ _.9122t2p (Revised 8118r2012) / Cam'" ',- 1,30-4il <> ,. _ \fr. Iv- N1 to s,i.' ` / u, \e,\44 4_ )„,__J ,- - - -I ism �-o-�\i ey -' I 3 r>*rr , •n... I I Li. '5CIf k4 1 3U 4e- f (Prax444. 61; rt� '� �- � � ��g r 1r Term E —. 'J� r rq E *CAMA/%DREDGE & FILL N 77613 A B C (7) ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# v eew Modification Complete Reissue 'Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality -7 1 1/�� ,01 1 ZQ� and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC ! Gl ( ) Rules attached. Applicant Name 'el _CA Project Location: County 8rtlh cW_I_ _ Address 5 so C 1" y� Drive Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) City pp(iLTJj A-�D/ State tiG ZIP -2-K%5 _ c /1-M Ell --s5 MaiI ► yr 1I i4 kPc• Subdivision J Phone#( i3 —247 p- Authorized Agent City l6q*- 'i4A` ! zip _ .& 5. Affected E. TA (ES )<US Phone# ( --r-' River Basin C f _ AEC(s): OE/i ❑HNF iH UBA !N/A Adj.Wtr.Body <'p•af excel 400W`P►•T..LJ.'�ftat /man 71 fws. AIG.�(.J ORW: yes i ,• PNA 1 • Closest Maj.Wtr Body Type of Project/Activity &uA1 / l ter L.,/ f;k C°d ,e C. _ / Pier(dock)length TC'�'� N Fixed Ptadorm(s) IZXI yi µ !1" C D AYLI*1�J t j ) _.` I. f Floating Platform(.. �__. t NM - , s ..-, Finger p er(s)- -i/ {�..) ,..1� ; _•••• ram' ", �g - Groin length { ) _r_._ _ number k sa .] or 4. al avg distance olbltore O ' ■ • i __ max .ter �,Basin.donne 1 I - ) . � __ r � "--- x cubic rat . tCa Boat ramp __ Iies42fe _y ��_ _ BoathousBoathouse/ j } (�(�( t ANN 1 Akmiactif : Beach Rolle osin( 3 I 1 i t • C_ I Other O X a, i `tQ'-- - I/21/24D w I t2 is w� S-� _ 1 --++-i, i Shoreline i ength '(jt.CJ t I. � not sure Yesall —�_.. FT Moratorium. n!a Yes s i4 n —i-- - fG► p r ,,k Photos. Yes 'Fa ,•..,.#__.... ' _l. , F' ; so 7.Neg nl ri .y . PArce) 23(r4oI0 Waiver Attached yes /� E� F' -__ I iil/ Z 1 lT' /g� j A building permit may be required by "i 0 a I 0 See note on back re arding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning JunscConditions 7th / ) / ` I _ef� � Notes/Special Conditions �� rat�f rbd" �V�`J� �` D cal rL7!�1//1f//_', `/ / _ l u 1 c.r\ r a/ > > , i?� •' i A s it I 1 YID �i L�CY,�-(Qh CG n C b'c.r C,o rock / �r a}^d r r N v M•,'n' e_1 efw4 C o r- ,. if - -ry,• 'r, Sidney Keith Craig _ _,� _kr11 i 't a 5.c Lc1 r•137,. Permit 's 7 _ ___ 6 ature "-Please-- compliances t ackofpermit" Signature __ it b Qo . L 3 3 3 0 /o/sfzozo 02/V26' pppircation Fees) Check* Issuing Date Expiration Date' - Z27UL 3 !l.fri'%," flCAMA/ 'E,DREDGE & FILL N° 77613 A B C D GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# � 43New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality -7 jj j f and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC / f1 a�G ,Z-OO , A• I t�_ ❑Rules attached. Applicant NameKQ1 T�'1 C (� Project Location: County 6 r R ' ct. I c-I� Address -s S 0(p F' yap 0r 1\/e Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) City Oa(IC�l(' v\C) State 1"L ZIP gg%C. ilIV }.�— Phone#(+'/3 -Z7'O5b tMail f y rar^'d kelp h Subdivision Authorized Agent City 04 __T ZIP .g i. 5" Affected ❑cw [*W TA AirES r1fTS Phone# ( -r----- CP River Basin AEC(s): ❑oeA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UI3A ❑WA Adj.Wtr. Body te),a qI C reek '-" - AI(n'w(nat /man ❑ PWS: - Closest Maj.Wtr. Body _1,4-)L,-) ORW: yes /'�o PNA itiftno j� f Type of Project/Activity VIA`��L�P pi, Ir/ F x e ci L'e C K- A-1' \,) (Scale: I —2.O ) Pier(dock)length (p'X 10 14 i i Fixed Platform(s) I2 XI Floating Platform(s) Finger pier(s) i--- — it y‘ ... i Groin length 111 ' It / T number —. ............. 1 I 1 ';/T'T� -Bulkhead/ iprap length (Q O‘ ___ 1 . _.. • I� avg distance offshore 0' I N max distance offshore 0 I I Z4 1 1�� 1 _ \y'�� Basin,channel ? I p�fOr i I i 1 0 v j cubic yards i I j et9' 1 — yr \\ Boat ramp i �'N Boathouse/ � ------ -- ---� ��� � _.._ -. ..� v 0 ) I }_ — L .._.. ._�_____.._ ._........._�--a-. _ - ...._. 1 I _�t� . Beach Bulldozing ` / 1 f Profq _ g ,,Q ! Other LOX 70 0 i i-k4eo' 1 f ;' 1 S _ 1/71/2oPv- i Io �,,,5 w41S 1 `\ N I ( ' 1 1 I Shoreline Length �I2d i i SAV: not sure yesop Th'ri � -_... - _,_ ,2 ..,_4 , , , , Moratorium: yes n• t / I ( r&L.� __,, , „ 71- 1 , L _.�_r'.`-,_ . -r- c� ran r ,../ Photos: yes 0 :�t_Y- _ ->co 7 .......C. _ t, elfr-p_-)..-�I..1. Io Q,jl ,,`-� tP c.r Waiver Attached: yes4011P to 1 ''� ,j A building permit may be required by:I 1!_rtS t I. O oak__ TE f _1 See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Localpeal Planning Jtrisdiction)1 I I ru t e s b f- WI/I bo //2) ,/ ea)f c �a1-a' 7 14 1 Notes/Special Conditions f� � I ? U OY\ a ' i i I Da S A t ti -c /'�D !r'/ab-- 1Q1^ 6 OV C J C.o.c S/ e, s , NIJ chn, e.1 e c o r- 1,44)/iclio ''tom , -- 11 6e J1 grip,' k Agent or Applicant Printed ' / , - ` 4_4,, Permit Officer's Prin ame 6 Ce /'. Sig nature **Please read compliance statement on back of permit'*'* Signature It(p L�© . ( 9 ( '3 3 3 0 /o/s/Zo zo -5/2-6.2 1 Application Fee(s) Check# Issuing Date Expiration Date