HomeMy WebLinkAbout76455D - Edwards x c f. 1 C,_11 X, a aitg _ o-)j. - h l' °t=1 Kt o►K ;e- cr0-°) 4.-0.11 - el I-bC= htI 6-ot-‘11 i _4-4r•AA CO-7 D f; 31.07�an.ueH ,k iiiiii - ` `',. uopes ia!d pax!j ,bZx,9 anouaad . uo!}eaoi awes ui saoa 6u!Tebi- aaeided . ... 0 - 141,4 S _ .k Ni '.4. e, - Z .4, t aaeid u! ,1!l ieo8 anea .‘111 •''•� 4hh.CJki3 1* - ,Obx,9 oT Jeleog s!y4 jo az!s aanpaj A...---xli_ .4. 4 -1440. ... 3 sai!d u!ydlop anowe i 4P \• � fi. 8z5 c..�N o xbi 2.bt=z.fx71 -A ^a1\Q c. `Q'e ' C�9-c nt1i.5 71-)\M I CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner: BILL_ e'S Address of Property: /22 k N1k jwvS_ C 'f (Lot or Street#, Street or Road,City&County) Agent's Name#:Overbeck Marine Construction Mailing Address: PO BOX 462 Agent's phone#: 910-386-8883 Wrighstville Beach,NC 28480 I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing.t4 description or drawing,with dimensions, must be provided with this letter. t` 6flf I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed,you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices Is available at http://www.nccoastalmanagement.net/web/cm/staff-listinq or by calling 1-888-4RCOAST. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, or lift must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waivethe setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) C M I4 I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Pr Owner In 'on) ' (Riparian Property Owner Information) >1)2iu4A/C‘A -14ti-/ gnature SignatureHah )e /�ttrr GAu44As 6(0'1 c e `i2 1 na Fe Print or Type Name Print or Type Name /22- 4- s L244.-k,,A P o 4° 30� Mailing Address Mailing Address GkPr) , 22VO W , aea6L, Tt) City/State/Zip City/State/Zip 9/0 -5-2o - /700 ��� - �s� -� rso Telephone Number/Email Address Telephone Number/Email Address /0/Zo/202rc> 'RECEIV7r `o .2o.20 RE'"7!VED Date Date O C T 2 7 (Revised Aug. 2014) DCM WILMINGTON, NC DCM WILMINGTON, NC AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: 73/U_ nii./4/2A5 Mailing Address: /ZZ 5, Lec,,,-,,,vA— 44 'C ____A✓£3 AIC 281RO Phone Number: /0—S-ZD— /70 O Email Address: I certify that I have authorized pvEnr gent/Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: 0 CI at my property located at l ZZ 5 L A-4-- Ave- in IJEk) /ftfrioviefc County. l furthermore certify that l am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Prope Owner Information: ignature Print or Ty e Name RECEIVED J)0(t-, Title NOV 0 3 2020 1 J / l l Zoio DCM WILMINGTON, NC Date This certification is valid through 1/ / 3 f 'ZO Z4 AICAArtA/ 0 DREDGE•nil 6_50t‘ct-3) N9 76455 A B C 0 GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit It )1New Modificaoon Complete Reissue L.:Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued I As authorized by die State ol Nor*Carolina.Department of Essalrenmental Quality . ..4 S and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of envemmosed concern purulent to I SA NCAC .. 0 Digit otadiat Applicant Name 05%\k. CAV•iffAV6- Project Location County NI ay Address Vt 1. A S• Lvin.%*AG\ kie, Street Address/State Peed/Lot 0(s)_ SMIekE ..... CitYWNItt IltigIStatet NJ- ZIP 2'914i1) Phone#(iii)52-0-Ilra0 E-Meil Subdivision --...—..--... Authorized Afoot 1C)OoVMect 4.1 SIONA4A1 Clty IP - ed 7_CW OW Om -sgus c PTS Phone I i ) River Bailist'4A4E 4004S/4- RF M 0 USA -114/A AEC ONI O (s): Adj Wtr Body V-_,7‘"‘ 4.S LI,Ac4,4,..3. Allphictionisn) a Mt ORW. yes P Closest Mai,Wtr,Body Pt list V‘i — ,e, HA yes /8 Type of Project Activity 12.t 04 UL 41%)fie‘m,t_ C )( - ArA.(AV Y t..• IV% 4 . satinA. 4i11.74:ww,+- wv t4h i teu- dorefreNSvons I.s4 tri 1,,,,,(vsms./. (Scam N T5 ) PUr(dock)MINA . „,/ Feted Pheforrn(s),//' ' , .. . le - INIMNIMB • . 'it / - 111.1111171k. 'ti, li NE L. ' 111111111MINI OR Fic`eing Pbd°70)41$2•41') l . •41 • Al '. _ ',WINIPIIii i . . leanormensit Finger Pieria) • - le Ire .0.0 _ . 01, _ 1111111111111111111 _ .. . .._ u.. , "Williell=1 Groin lived, Al , mu aliall.111 • .!olip' , .1 .GSA numb.._ AR -- - - . Aiim. . imapiaratii_ . . , .• •(-ALA:3= Shithead/11213reP WW1 __ __ :4-441:01• ' _ 7'riii 0.i I° I sammtiwismadiesigmes116111111 . ws dame• • iiaisit& ii it. „. iiiii.Miiiianaikeli OR 111111111111111.1 Basin.du".- . - *CYrdiCAS-II .. 1 '10111/P Vill111111111111 1111 --- !G Al i":L7,111111 GI 2i. 1 ...41111111111111111111111111 ' .or:iii yards • ' ' assimarri . Boat ramp 11111111111111114.1.1 littital 11:11C11=1:::= -i (1°at±"issi ---111111111111.11111111.11111.1.1=MI= II OillillIMINIIIII SIN , , i Bea&&Monne__,_ _ i t */ 1114).:Pl. . I-' _ i il i 1, _it li f:i , .,..,_ . #._ 1 t 'i - -I- i 1 ' ' ' _ = r...- _...._ $1 -- _ WWII ilial Shoreine Limphtf-5°' ,k. ,'"41,1.116111101111M...111raffin ' sAy Rae me ris €4114011111111M111::. is 11111,... Me I 1 f -6 ., , - . asammiume Moratonum: nM yes 1 mr-irz..... "1-3-011... ----* c , 111111111111110111111111111 "aims yes ..v=3 * - ' , • ./ 111, . , ; .11 1•:04"0. ' '' ' : , 4--, - -14 , •44•1•W, 1 Warver Attached1>4. € .. , ' A bowing porma may he required by.•-rovuv‘ iiii- V`JvillfASVilie_ 9,ctsCAri . __See noes on beck myrtle,River Been miss. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) Note w Special Conditions 1 }Oilili bogy,.4 ekLEILI 916.44Y AA, 14_-tu lac favv,V4A •Nel 0 )214:044.11_0'{‘ (ii0itkAtid ittrj . AU catvi..I) Pir.4 f, avS ooi_ V kAtkr A f)i-A-i Daniel Shirley V,..Ck-tiOf01$14_ Elia-- /fps sr Affkamt Poised Mins Perrnitallkies Primed Mom • 46J14•A‘ 1-. ay.-- sirsuirceirsii"--statemeireentiodkaipenriemr Amit. t'll 1". tO o t151a-I _. Fes(s) sewr4ria Nos Emir/don Doe air (7i/1 7/' /Y4 0 _ CAIVIA / DREDGE & FILL yL N9 76455 A B C C) GENERAL PERMIT r - Previous permit# _iNew Modification El Complete Reissue III Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC (` ❑Rules attached. Applicant Name 7 \\ EC\WLAVAS Project Location: County kJ (;n./ t--t h uV CA Address 1 L L. A 5 . Luvv tN C kit Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) Sip m City i\JV\Lr 'c\SVV\\-t beG State N 1, ZIP (dt) Phone# (11 i.)) 52 v- 1 }vO E-Mail Subdivision Authorized Agent D y\, r SOikv\t1/4.1 City ZIP 1_ Affected El 1 EW I�PTA {ES OPTS Phone# ( ) River Basin V4v-k--C (Dc V... ❑OEA HHF ❑IH 0 UBA ❑N/A AEC(s): Adj.Wtr. Body .'9 i° ^V.-S C V\ iai)/man /unkn) ❑ PWS: ORW: yes / no PNA yes / no' Closest Maj.Wtr. Body I d `NI w Type of Project/Activity .c H',u,,,..x- ,,yt5 C OC. _ SiYI“�M Y e_ to -I-tiv,.. SCS NV1 CQ7t"pv‘04 w 1 i i t r v-\-� ,x Rf7liA/• (Scale: NTS ) Pier(dock)length _� so Fixed Platform(s) / � V ' ( .-----"--"' Fl!It2 Platform(s) ' 14-vit'A440 t 1 o I I o 0 _ i avg distance offsho floVeti,N� ♦ J Basin,channel cubic yards Al ' Boat ramp ( !'��t- I 1 i 1 Boathouse/Boatli --- .__ Beach Bulldozing j et 1 1 I 'II- ' X 114 I Other I �e_f V v T I Y i I ` Shoreline Length+/— 50' I 1 -,�' ',�-- cx t s-h V SAV: not sure yes e — —..1.,_ - G ,_.5,,v 1 _, , _ . . _ __m Moratorium: n/a yes Q , 4`1v‘Icl� Photos: yes (od -jP �.l rJ hi F El -"r 1' E Dp/�'t l2 }--�I t a v_Yu7_` v\,�Y+ Waiver Attached: Q no I 1 12 2 v, ='l 1l t ►• ' 1 K- 11..1 ! s A building permit may be required by:l'u1Nv\ a(- VJv% VASV., Q., ' , c,CV . (1 See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) Notes/Special Conditions - I Oail 05 b Ja4 Li Q. IS k 1 pIG-1-cov rt-% t 5 it. gil V F.1M)V1 CX . NJ 0 -Q C-PC°c' '''`in‘, , , NI r,C 1 , A e , Ot,-S koUl Yuit-ec- a erAl Agent or Applicant Printed Name EJ PermitOff(iccer's,Printed Name V Signature **Please read compliance statement on back of permit** Signature YJ� r-11 A 1D a- � I a 0 815 1 -1 Application Fee(s) Check# Issuing Date Expiration Date