HomeMy WebLinkAbout77611D - Goubran Check Date Received Date Deposited Check From(Name) Name of Permit Holder Vendor Check Number amount Permit Number/Comments Receipt or Rerund/Reallocetad Columnt Column2 Coumn3 Column/ Columns Column6 Cdumn7 Column8 Column') 10/21/2020 Laura E Adams Laura and Robert Adams USAA Federal Savings Bank 446 § 200.00 GP#76539D PA itt.10274 10/21/2020 B&B Coastal Construction Corp. Clear Skies LLC Go Charlie Connor Wells Fargo Bank 5009 $ 400.00 GP#77642D Tmac rct.11810 10/21/2020 B&B Coastal Construction Cam, Martha Spence _ •Welts Fargo Bank 5010 $ 400.00 GP#77643D Tmac rd.11809 10/21/2020 Ronald M.Ake same SunTrust 1393 $ 600.00 GP#76439D Ben rd.11713 10/21/2020 D.Teeters&Associates LLC James Todd Williams First National Bank 2638 $ 200.00 GP#73584D JD rut.11752 10/21/2020 Lighthouse Marine Construction Inc. William Fred Taylor Coastal Bank and Trust 3426 $ 400.00 GP#73583D JD rd.11753 10/21/2020 Jerry Ennett Bruce and Patsy Jones Coastal Bank and Trust — 3365,$ 200.00 GP#73582D JD rd.11754 10/21/2020 !Clements Marine Construction Edgewater HOA FCB 5506',$ 400.00 GP#765650 KE rot.10799 _. 10/21/2020 F and S Marine Contractors Inc. Joe Elphick _ PNC Bank 8863 $ 200.00 GP#77881 D KE rd.10800 10/21/2020 Southern NC Marine LLC Shane Moran,Mark Nullities,James Ga First Bank 1336 $ 200.00 GP#7.580D JD rot.11758 10/21/2020 Challie Minton same State Employees CU 1908 $ 400.00 GP#718800 JD rot.11858 10/21/2020. Willie Clarence Richardson/Richardson Construe'Todd Schad BB&T 7808 $ 200.00 GP#718950 Ben rd.11716 _. 10/21/2020 Southern NC Marine LLC David Gamer First Bank 1337.$ 200,00 GP#73581D JD rut.11755 10/21/2020 Pyramid Engineering.Inc ISidney Keith Craig BB&T 13330'$ 600.00'GP#77613D _ - Ben rct.11714 10/21/2020 Mark Castor •same FCB 12272 $ 200.00 IGP#73579D JD rd.11757 10/21/2020 _ McPherson Marine Services.LLC Ashley Rudolph FCB 3581 $ 200.00''GP#77610D Ben rd.11718 10/21/2020 F and S Marine Contractors Inc. Eric Rosenberg PNCBank 8882 $ 200.00 GP#77882D .KE rct.12401 10/21/2020 Carolina Development and Properties Michael Goubran Jr. PNCBank 2911 $ 200 00 GP#77611D Ben rct.11719 1 . , \. CAMA/ DREDGE & FILL INC 7 76 C GENERAL PERMIT Previous permtt New Modification Complete Reissue )(Partial Reissue / H it \ ( 3 4.1,B Date previous permit issued Vii.a/2 As authonzed by the State of North Carolina.Department of Envtronmental Quality2-°() and the Coasul Resources Commesion in an area 011111AVCOrnerstal concern pursuant to ISA NCAC Rules staidett Applicant Name M 1 C-1`"1 G`'.4jura-K 3r ' Protect Location: County i3. KO Address An C ,..reit,4-. _ Street Address/State Road/Lot*(s) City flea-t1.41._ _._.,stateSc. ZIP ckl 0 11.1 criaC,stOr,_ _ ...... __.......... Phone#(764) *PT°I -Ill WI E-Mail , ClirvISsibdivision Authorized Agent ......----- CitY 1-1.44ve-, . vi.._._______ ZIP 9 Licl 1.. cw N EW "‘ TA ISPTS Affected Phone# ( . ___ River Basin i "°••140.- OEA W IN USA N A AECIS) N Ad1 Wtr,Body 64.V.I. A G !N.II.L.ehrligi PWS , ii•-•k......) Closest Mai Wtr Body- i , iIk ORW yes ,4,:wo) PNA yes /glIP Type of Project Activity ReJFIACe c:X e_ri de cY-- aid adick rc,oic , (Scale: 14 l'-'-2.0 ) Per;dock)length — r- rr- needPlatiormtl 1 2:"if t(Si.. . ._-.... . . - 1 I %sung Pladonsysi ' 1 • 1 1 . Green pith _—.1- . - __— -_ _ _____...- " number .... --- ,--r - i ---' • .i ---------•-'"--------4- i--- - - -- : -4 .......) . 1 Bulkhead Lora()length ...... _ ....— avg*stance - 4--EV-7" oboe 1 I l%T-- E. ,.i. faoat hra_a_Amuk,_Cp___)Bd14a . oat oatf/ „., eteda_am , - — 14r--"-j-ke"7- -- Oise — f . 4 roaPA 4edeck- _ t0.5 L--'-1Ff- ----.--S—I 44- )1IG Shaming Logo%.__.7 S. . .. & )r et_ ,,,.: ,.., 03 ,ci.vOf 4.0\ Or• 1 Morsexeset E) ref et) n 1 . 7401/4K PhOtOS" l'es ) leprisrearif _ -.-- Warier Aearbed yes no See note back regard%River Basin rules. A building permit may be ftclueed by 1°`""- QC- 1+1A-luv' fe-c`''''It' on (Note Local Planning junschcoon) re lo oc- 7H. - o Ilk c cilSigt. D-k cit 1 lAt°kw"f cspfl . Notes/Special Conditions A.tt f tr, Lab , 6;411'CJ1 4/ Z C4A - C" 1 till= otz7Xinteistiiiii. T'Sranwit @- - c --- g Oa, CO 4,1111 Ibills3/2,0zo ,.//'324.20_ Wig Explosion- k )/NCAMA / . DREDGE & FILL N9 66363 A B C a _nE iFRAL PERMIT Previous permit# �' slew Modification —:Complete Reissue .Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources u ` and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to ISA NCAC 01 ` 1 , 1.00 • •I M'��`',1� i ❑Rules attached. Applicant Name-7 I k� 1 (7o V WAh �t. Project Location: County g r Address t 1 /1�0P1 1\I e\I .e, 6-}. Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) City itiN - 1 , State S C zip 1113 0 11; S vJ-o rl c-IS VA t(. t cL ,v (,l Phone#(ZDy) U 1— QUOi;E-Mail Subdivision Authorized Agent City i+0 6(-At h ZIP 1(Q— Affected 0 CW Xr'A DES ❑PTS Phone ("" ) River Basin LAP/A ❑OEA 0 HHF ❑IH ❑UBA O N/A r I qFr `s); W Adj.Wtr. Body __—L�VIA ) A (nat unkn PS: VV ARW yes ( � PNA yes / Closest Maj.Wtr. Body_._------- --- Al V v/_.- 1 Tyne of Project/Activity �P\� Q.Ic,c'6�V CIO C c Vt V1 k F 1``-1 °.v A,i 1 �`v.6 k`' ir- - 1 1 - VtA .) to oa..t1'4-, CoN-e,✓' c. Pi`01- v r"'l• (Scale: k . lot Pier(dock)length I Fixed Platform « /�,s) , v 1 (CD"c"141)•- -• . _ . fFloating Platform(s) g r X I til 1 ! i 1 Finger pier(s) f_._ . j ; Groin length - .__- - i number t _ -, , - • IBulkhead/Riprap len • _ l I - avg distance shore [ {1t �� f/ !� max d• a offshore 1]_ • 7 `l, � at I - . -- - ; i i 4 , 1 i Basin,than n�(1� /� -_ {. - . t . y� Boat ramp ' 60 at h°USW@ 1 3 i 3 I -- .-.► -- Beach Bul • lqA f .4 - -_ - :10041+-1- Other 4GtivK P X UV 0 � —..- - i / . t 1.0.51. �� • Shoreline Length ,5 -- - SAV: not suresureYes 6 1 ._. ._ i _._ _ a r. . . _ . - - 14 i � i Moratorium: n/a yes 1 L., W 0�p1 Photos: yes >o . .__ I cur a. -T'~ Waiver Attached: 0 no - - --- -- - - --- ------------_- --- - -----------------__— A building permit may be required by: TO',',An 0 07 \IGO t ekt k\• ❑See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) } 07 n r G 11 S L ` �, 1 Notes/Special Conditions P'"V k'C.s kI - Roil A 0 , \ 0- "-vt t oCc `- 1rA I-L 1 I a vi ct c-c, \ (-trio t a1-1-auk..S cil 7 t_, M o�.�C.vIko J✓N o cti� d..31�Att, = 4,s ` f l ik. 6 0-1'a-A Se A.+V'- f ok i I Agent or Applicant Printed N PermitOAOfficer' • ted e "#Pleas read corn • ._ statement on back of permit" Signature 100. 00 __11/1 olit_kal.ptk_ . Application Fee(s) check# Issuing Da c• 'ration e DocuSign Envelope ID 4FBDEA07-D19E-4085-9AA8-514886FFC00F ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Michel Z Goubran Jr 's (Name of Property Owner) property located at 113 Swordfish Dr, (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on Inland Canal , in Holden Beach , N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) ?I-iesapplicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above loon. I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT We propose to rebuild the existing dock, not to exceed 400sgft approx 12x16 and add a roof . The existing dock will remain in the same location. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) os I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. itPtityptirtrOwner Information) ' cent Property Owner Information) hi(fit Gt O 5K1 N M;.[du 1 S. Teac �AE5384D21B0C4F5_ c QCQQ dn F7FrLAAdIF Signature niNdtr§* Tate Michel z Goubran Jr Print or Type Name 12132t3038-ype ad 1170 Iyeye St Mailing Address IVEVrAddkegg4 3 5 Rock Hill, SC 29730 City/State/Zip qtaitiftgif / tatefarmsi nc@gmai l 704-201-4966 TJl�rp6lumber/email address Telephone Number/email address 10/13020 Date Date* (Revised Aug. 2014) *Valid for one calendar year after signature* DocuSign Envelope ID 39FA75B3-BA17-42DA-A541-4C19B5AA2861 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Michel Z Goubran Jr 's (Name of Property Owner) property located at 113 Swordfish Dr, (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on Inland Canal , in Holden Beach , N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Indivia al proposing development must till in description below or attach a site drawing) We propose to rebuild the existing dock, not to exceed 400sqft approx 12x16 and add a roof . The existing dock will remain in the same location. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by m . yo ii to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) h to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. lybpwner Information) (Adb���g�na�roperty Owner Information) hiCA-f( 0�I.0N [-kk. V-(-trAz -- AE538402180C41-5OA8 2094014C9ignature igiarure Michel z Goubran Jr e Kosterman Print or Type Name P4r1(j4g4egjVame 1170 lyeye St Mailing Address mwkagn, t .corn Rock Hill, SC 29730 City/State/Zip CitVatVPgiii/fish drive Holden beach NC-12 28462 7n4-7014gAs Telephone Number/email address Tel/ 2eNmber/email address 10/12/2020 Date Date* (Revised Aug. 2014) *Valid for one calendar year after signature* I .•. tt ft NM 0 NIMPIP , .21 4 .*. .... .1..... IP ' 4*". IR. .„ ....:iir iir SW irs47041.100.4 , • 4. ... , . ,.,, • ,..,„ i .. pill 4. fig...- • .. I illi 111-04, . . . . apt r N?. 66363 A 8 C C:-.) . ik 0 I 111 oll beaus �PareWRasmusa Rasmus ore promos porn.!mod _ AAA d Erwi and NruN Resource" .. -`.-itit ``:'�'1c+" e, n� - ,. rreoronennol concert puma.to I SA IICAC_Sej_32 17 Y‘ .V. P Location. b LNiZ< .acn�F .3 hp,..r :;- ,---... ---. , ,, "1T�" 0,ar ..a•: ax i - - ....Aatrud Sate hood lot a(el_-- 'Y' ss•- •-� -- ,r' ,•pro • 't`N ziP 11130 _L3Sy.r°411At..- ' �d..v..-g 4' ,c. ,, ,,_ . .?r.s+•T' x 4!' „ �NU1 Jydj.YNr.bedl�- - --/ ,r- Oorar Mal.WV eod1. I =r f ' ...ft.....:".1 i ce16' . ' '\!!Zt .X�x 3�.4 ' n • ,T R a -fl�42.(' `''�rl�'��^ A `fir.7 ° �,. 1 I `t .>&t om. ^a ' • "t 'o •• •f't 5 . _ W a . ;µme . it - ; .. L.- -01-11 rol I • - � !• ',,,: .. fi y k,.. Y. y t 7'6 h 1 F= as l _. £nk d.!,vr q�la. ,rt 7 _ j _ i / ,e_CALt-D II.R 2,020 / -yku CAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL N° 77611 A B C C.--)---..) GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# ; ❑New ❑Modification El Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued '//(p/Z .11 As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality -.(L 'G and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC /IoL) . _ ❑Rules attached. Applicant Name M I Ch A el Gou 4VA1" r Project Location: County ' r !-�;_ t-... i`1 t Address 1110 1 Ney� (Jr, Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) City RoC,I� bill / State SC ZIP °It) 3U \‘ 5 `�i.-e/iJ(-IS1.\ Or . Phone# (70'1) 1.0 I -"141(Q(p E-Mail ►i Wt>c.c rcAl v‘okottv,c o►."Subdivision Authorized Agent . City \ e Ge c ZIP 9-v-1(.0 2 Affected ElCW gEW 1'TA LIES ❑PTS Phone# ( --y------' River Basin L t - Lei' AEC(s): ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑WA Adj.Wtr. Body LA-NA (- (nat )unkn) ❑ PWS: Closest Maj.Wtr. Body A5 U-'L..) ORW: yes / no PNA yes / no / Type of Project/Activity 'RP{ACC c e d d P c Ai/VI a di cc r c o-2 (Scale: 1‘I =Zo ) Pier(dock)length I. I I I ! I j Fixed Platform(s) 1 ZX ((a ' I I I Floating Platform(s) I Finger pier(s) rt Groin length I , , number - i._.._._L.._..__......_._ _._ . Bulkhead/Riprap length / '-1 - avg distance off re ? 1 ' max distaneeoffshore , i ' I { Basin,channel I I ( i cubic yards 1 I Boat ramp I j �iIXt t`r� .r 1" I Boatho Boatlift ,+ - . -- ar� A t;fit- --- ---- Beach Bulldozing I I I i F Other I 1 I 1 1 I i Shoreline Length 'J S SAV: not sure yes ( ! i I i I Moratorium: h/a yes no _. -.-_ - ---- - - Photos: yes 67 Waiver Attached: . no �Qy14py E 2\ - I L - 1 A building permit may be r�quired by: 'TOwv O c" I}Ol Jt)r\ gCACI'^' . ❑See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) /� 1 Notes/Special Conditions /1 I r r<I e S 0 7H , ci-ou l Uc i I1 c id-e 0.4461t-el1�J'A( reia(Ahoy r q/)v1 / r' Y I . A-4 et. rid" �c,4" Biln� Agent or Applicant Printed Name Perm icer's P' Name 9 Sce A4-1--tidA, Signature **Please read compliance statement on back of permit** Si ature $. ?bo, COD Ipst11 Ib/i3/2o20 4 3 a°20 Application Fee(s) Check# Issuing Datb Expiration ate