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78702A_Baldwin, Alice & Thrasher, William_20201012
YCAMA ! -kIDREDGE & RILL G B C D GENERAL PERMIT Previompetmit# New Modification 'Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Dace previous pawn issued As sutd,orrzed by the State of Nord, Carohrw, Department of Envirorurwral Quaky and the Coastal Resources Conrnamon in an area of errvironmenal concern pursuant to l SA NCAC Q'00 aZRUIeS aMKhed- APP ProjectLotion: Cowrty CC. Address11 S 1 ShcLr�iG c� _ ---• City, r,ro I u.---- Statie� C ZIPS Authorized Agent LW ij& --,.*TA :J ES _-I PTS Affecte OEA HHF 1H _ USA � WA Pros: Street Address/ Stare Road% Lot #(s) -L City Cot a I BP River Basin Adj. Wtr. Body_ Ke,% 7cc4g_d Closest Maj. Wtr. Body Q* OCCAG Type of Project! Actiiviq _l�c� /1�ri..- n.ndF_ Cc,.r• \ (State: Pre (docck) length- RoatkV Platform(s) -- Rn fer Groin 1lHjFlt number &Ad-W Rrprap W M distance offshore — rmm dbwxe of diom _k�d charred .X 2 �x 6y r i__ .7� _ rronwram. ( rye yrx r�. t Waiver Attached o yes Q _ A btdkong permit may be required by: tau; fcreEL si'.AT� ^ See note on back regarding River Basin rules. ( Note Local Planning jurisdiction) ) Notes/ Special Bono/ns e.,,U nest' d t dRpa [r fL,d r,.tcv 7i / , Qjh' - !' 4Ir Mcs� l�C sc� 7 3C� Fra.• Nwt. -i APlease Printed readcompl iancestatenentonbackofpermit'e +Feels) Check# �� vi'� �'l�►a3Ac Penv*Offker's Printed Narne — 1�;a�r�-f' ,c Issuing Date Expk-AbOn pare . A� A North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor James H. Gregson, ©irec or Dee Fr2etnan, Secretary Date t - � Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: Mailing Address: Q d hcuCi c� 1 certify that I have authorized (agent) n, j to act on any behalf for the purpose of applying for and obtaining an CAMA Permits necessary to install or construct (activity) A Y f -o- C'Cl n c at (any property located at) S This certification is valid than (date) 10 ` / " Qya- / r6i Signature Date 400 Commerce Avenue, k4orehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252-808-2808 \ FAX: 252-247-3330 \ Internet: www riccoastalmanagementnet An Equal Opportunity, 1 Affirmative Amon Employer — 50% RagCkd 110% Post Consumer Pier dt9710* OFCOASTAL MANAGEMENT Awlig���PROPERTY M sCATIPH FORM CERTiE:ED MUL - R MRN RECEIPT MQUESTED i hereby oerfify that i own properly a4aceni to l (iiai'a� I propeny 0=sirMr7 property located at a t Sa � h�..�� C. (Address, Lot, Stock, Roan, 9W,.) a"or w;:a ty) Agentsdarns -e 1 �- ' n WMWVAddFess: �PU (3 3 "? Agents phone # � �� ' � QOT-u 11 a He1She has described tome as shown bei 0w � �e aevelopr� �eii� i+cisi � � p"�pa i�a� oi�i k�i�+, and 1 have no obfeclSons to the ptaposaL 0ESCR1iPziaN ANDIORK DREG VMG OF n ;-,:)aEV, a��Li3�Eb�i (5_�7dae°adUGwz praposft development _•'''=Ust fill 1,13 des—cJ'l. tion be#OW OfRftci: 8 site drawir* J-r-,P-49-e- C&',t'4 &r- a(-C-Q-S's if you haw e tias� fps wrhE# Is being pr�paceci, you mist rso4ifp fhe t2ivfsi�� cf Crest �Aelmgernsr2 ,oClfd� in ='?g wiahfu 10 days a_' nece: of this ngf v. COmMParIct I e ��L�lbf tO 1 US 17 South, Etizabef#- CW MC, Z790. DCW re; 'asentavves can also he 264-M!, P� cs .t)iJsv f5 t`�'l f=,f�L�r G £ sr8i SS o2s iL�iiR3s! F i3u aaae been nomwb d W~MN- 't.�rooeCCy Sign l ' —� tom' -Inior re :A dddress - ° ) (6,-,!y��7 Cffy/Staia0p Telephone Number q -/o - 3 0 Date Signature !ailing Address ylStaialzip !ADS_ QS0� t $laphone Number (�i! \ao Date r — DPASiON OF COASTAL biilNAt3ElillENT ADJACEBFT RtPARWN PROPERTY OWNER N07FICA T1pM ApRy CERTIFIED MAIL -RETURN KeC MWESM I hereby t,at i own Property adjacent to propertyfocaledat----,' �r(Add Tess. Lot Block, Road, a r_) (CWrc»m anther Can" Agenrs Name* Address: T c� ��xy i 1 Agent's phone #: kc *. ' r r He/She has destxked to me as sham below the deabpmerd he/she ie Mposhg atOtetbc�on, and I have no objet�ions to the pmposai DESCFWMON ANDIOR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual Fr0A0skg devakp~ mast AN ttt chap* on below oraftch a she drawdW Jraw, r, Ax-ecty -Po< k�,t+ Qcce ss rryo�, a,�n.>r,�ot�►ee� ofcoa 1 wr7zo ath Cit f0days ofrr>a ptatttrlsnotice. C�pMhoWdbemaltedis iT Souih, Qtsabe#h tti[IWUS Y, AtC,279Q8. DC.Jdrepressnistr,es can alsobeaeaictedaf( I f 1YQ response is conskWed ft same as no objecoon if Vou have been r>to f l (Property ow"W aidluffadW4 Pry ar type Address . �Yll Tskphone iVu nber Dale (RIpWIM Property oar kftmatM) MA. Russell Mere Atkins Russell Pft or type Aieme 3508 `A oodmont Blvd. h+tinn address Nasht e 37215 Any 615-456-8418 Telepha�e trumber 0911 112020 hate hwreby CW* t " I own prop" adya0 4 9 10 "s prop" at on (CJtyft"ovn motwor Cou fj ) Agmft Name #7 Bing Address: tie/She has desc it bed to me as shaven below!fie denrebpn a helshe is ptopo*q atthat k=5ort, mid 1 haws no obocbons to the poposaL DESCRUnM ANDM DP I M OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (+xUvk*ni P- oPosbiA devekg t wd must Bit In dle w A sin, oraftch a sft Jtyou here objectilms Ib w#t is bobopmposad; you most ACW HIO Dhisfoe of OWStaf -1 .poweo 1 (DCiq in wn'Gbg mdMh- 10 days ormce*t of tJrls Carrespona om Ssontd b.a.isd SD l3S7 us 17 Soutk 91:abeiA C+iir. NC� ZT9W DCJrtrcm aboboconbicMdat(7" 294.3M. mb response is c onskbred Me some as oo cbjec&w Jtyoa Jenne beep no~ by G dWed MIA (Propelt~y Owner hdmrA*M) Pow ar Type Name Tabphone Mmtor Dab Ipwil ty Owe' / �J/ MA Riussell Merle Atkins Russell Print or Tyj* Ak me 3508 Woodmont Blvd. MaNV Address Nashville, Tn 37215 C40=1111INft 615456-8418 Telephone Ntemer 09/112020 Dale ck3"X-)- a 15 �. 5kCkoc Currituck County GIS Online Mapping Addresses 150 `t 0) J O Communities 'Bo — 1i Aydlett 1 o � aerrco O 1 Coinjock 2157 It `tA 2154 W �� 2155 Corona �, 134.2 Currituck C* Gibbs Woods Grandy 34.2 1 rn Harbinger 1$O —+ 2153 Jarvlsburg 777 1 Knott Island O 1, Maple 215 5 - Atoytoc k 2152 Flint Harbor W �� 3� 9 Poplar Branch PoweIIs Point 162.1 \� shrvboro N Sligo Vdatr3rlily N 2151 County Boundary —,tote S191C 2153 ry� � 2150 O ---'County O Streets Major Streets \ 180 —Arterial Principal V --Arterial Rtajor 2151 t ?� —Collector-Major \ Tt 40 - - Parcels >, i1` Cl " Currituck County Currituck County GIS (252)232-2034 This map should be used for general reference purposes only. Currituck County assumes no legal liability for the information www.co.currituck.nc.us/Geographic-Information-Servicea.cfm shown on this map.