HomeMy WebLinkAbout76969 Doyle_50258 Freebotter Ct. Frisco�CAMA - DREDGE & FILL NY 176969 GENERAL PERMIT A o /New --Modification _ Cornpfete Reissue Partial Reissue previous permit # Dare Previous Permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental ty and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant rsuiant to I SA NCAC 0 Applicant Name _T r; —L'J' � Rules attached, �i Project Location: County �,c�� Address �) city t1�� 4 E.L — — Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s O LF�v1 State_ Zip Pfl0fllr # Subdivision_ �Elt, p� (0 Authorized Agent _ i? �ZI `�'— A�- Cicy�ISCd zEP.7 Affected - CW VtW §rPTA - E5 = PTS Phone # _ AEC(s): OEA - HHF - rH _ UBA J N/A �— -) River Basin 17K-PAMGE cv - PWS: Adj. Wtr. Body �_;PeKs ��k (nat man unkn ORW: yes is PNA yes ( Closest Maj_ Wtr. Body m%iG6._.&in Type of Projectf Activity t,,, Ti � Lt- ASoVE rJ W L Ce R] Pier (dock) length _^ Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) Finger piers) Groin length number____._ Rulkhea Riprap length Avg distance offshore 0 ' max distance offshore 01 _ Basin, channel ��oPaSF� -- cuf5ic yards � Boat ramp Boathousef oatlift - V1"tff�F_21:,p Beach Bulldozing Ocher- a ota OF D yCo2o JCF� ! o(�M ry WcAlTrN i "' I" fFfscale: ii1CC? SoUr� --o°kS_____.-- jig, *91 of Nw,L a Shoreline Length - SAV: not sure yes -- Moratorium n/a yes no L1 �j�: tAstr v [ Dl�t3r ; i.oT lq� I Photos: yes - Waiver Attached: - ye5 A building permit may be required by: p - -- - - ( Note Local Pfanning Jurisdict�i, n.�) F-� See note on back regarding River Basin rules. Notes/ Special Conditions l i 107-h S a &L.wrFJ5 {.J Nr.,v><atr, �Vlf W—Eliccr Agent orAp, I' ant Printed ame Sign tore Please read compliance statement on back ofpermit Application Fee(s) � Check* 6w� � � PermitOfficer's PrintedNagme Signature Issuing Date =i Expiration Date XJCAMA / !L DREDGE & FALL GENERAL PERMIT New Modification LComplete Reissue r Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Applicant Name r Address q j j 0,1`. I U RD City S LeA State ZIP oZ { Phone # (510-)_ E-mail Authorized Agent r-� Affected i CW WtW oV, PTA ES ❑ PT5 AEC(s): OEA HHF ❑ 1H ❑ UBA ❑NIA ❑ PWS: ORW: yes / 0 PNA yes / Type of Project/ Activity Jtw $T4 t,,, d?t,,j O Pier (dock) length — Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) Finger pier(s) Groin length number Bulkhea Riprap ler avg distance of max distance c Basin, channel cubic yards Boat ramp Boathouse/ oatlift VwGtNf_2 Beach Bulldozing_ Other Shoreline Length SAV: not sure Moratorium: nla Photos: Waiver Attached: N° 76969 A OD C D Previous permit # Date previous permit issued 15A NCAC O o 11b0 Awo . 1 aoo ❑ Rules attached. Project Location: County DAIZe Street Address/ State Road/ Lot tdl-s 1 1 I Subdivision City�ISt� ZIP 7 Phone # (, } �' River Basin T4�JFANil GD Adj. Wtr. Body�Fu-"5 G k nat /man unkn Closest Maj. Wtr. Body wL_ CeT1 aw OF. o Ao2o' OxF+� `f1 �M w 40GAI% UPA1a,IISf'((Scale: A building permit may be required by: T--��.A S ( Note Local Planning Jurisdicee note on back regarding River Basin rules. tfi �n,) Notes/ Special Conditions �10Tf�y 5 �,� P pO nam Vf f� S;Ay, L1 F1 S Aer Agent or Applicant Printed Name Sign rare Please read compliance statement on back oof� I permit O Application Fee(s) Check # 6w, V4 Permit Officer's Printed Name r Signature , 11107 dojo Issuing Date Expiration Date AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner(s) Applying for Permit: Phyllis H. Doyle Jenna L. Doyle Mailing Address: 1914 StonemillRd., Salem, Va., 24210 Telephone Number: 540.798,3856 1 certify that I have authorized Gary Price & Jennifer Price, agents to act on my behalf, km for the purpose of applying and obtaining a CAMA General Permit necessary far the proposed development of: bulkhead and dock replacements My property is located at: Lots 191 & 192 (50258 Freebooter Ct.) Brigands Bay, Frisco. NC, 27915 I further certify that I am authorized to grant permission to the Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer anf their agents to enter upon the aforementioned lands in connection wit evaluating information related to this permit application. This certification is valid through 06/30/21. (Property Owner Information) Signature I-'�- �� (r, Print or Type Nam L // / 'Z' (-) Date 7 Telephone Number —� Email Address DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION FORM CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERED 7, A/A/ jr- DiyyL T I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to FHYLLis 11. D,0-y[_C 's (Name of Property Owner) property located at LD-T-i l21e1/9Z. BR/G41Vi)S 64j�� FpC:C-E30,0,7e/Z.rr (Project Site: Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on F &MI,I Cis -&'VLiAh-- in FRISLo N.C. (Waterbod LtjifrE M i'iZJLE (City/Town and/or County) Agent's Name #: C7&K'iPP-JCE Mailing Address: 1779Se MF-AVE7727 94 Agent's phone #. 2sz'36s:63417 S -7ull e T Flp, xY-q-4 7 He/She has described tome as shown below the development he/she is proposing at that location, and I have no objections to the proposal. ------- ------ ------------------------------- DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT -..S'� 4TT4e-14E1J RR4WIING If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DCNI) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice, Correspondence should be mailed to 1367 US 17 South, Elizabeth City, NC, 27909, DCM representatives can also be contacted at (252) 264-3901 _ No response is considered the same „as no vhjection /f you have been notified by Certified Mall. (Property Owner Information) Signature :S&VN11 L: D D yL C P�AVLi..S S Ll: Z7t�Y�E Print or Type Name 191i4.37LWEMILL DIET, Mailing Address ShLC--M,YA, z4D�10 City/Statelzip -Y7VD t -7-9B 3t3SL Telephone Numberl Email Address Date 'Valid for one calendar year after signature* (Adjacent Property Owner Information) Signature* Print or Type Name Mailing Address City/State/Zip Telephone Number/Email Address Date* DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION FORM CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERED 3 AhV ri- Du yLiT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to 1'HYLLk(' i4. DQ y[.0 's (Name of Property Owner) property located at LDT.S 12i-1 /9Z. B9ic54A16-S �A�- GO E3r�i TE2 CT" (Project Site: Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on F /Ault L-V SOUkil , in PP, ISLV N.C. (Waterbody)cli,�iir^-E!Z PI�'1L� (CitytTown and/or County) 7 Agent's Name #: C74 Y 11RICE Mailing Address_ /79-75e L4FAVE7i i 94 Agent's phone #: 2 Z'-k1-s: k.-g4 i -! T-raIET, FIA, -;r159 7 He/She has described to me as shown below the development he/she is proposing at that location, and I have no objections to the proposal. _„ _ DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT T S2 --iEE QT /W 1166 12R13 L4r ING If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 1367 US 17 South, Elizabeth City, NC, 27909. DCM representatives can also be contacted at (252) 264-3901. No response is considered the same as no ob-ection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. (Property Owner Information) Signature :Ir-JOV4 L.iDdYLC Pn'VO5 a P. tDil YL C-- Print or Type Name 191q ViC., Mailing Address -CA LC-M - YID x Z q i 0 City/State2ip Telephone Number/ Email Address Date (Adjacent Property Owner Information) Signature* Print or Type Name Mailing Address City/StatefZip Telephone Number/Email Address Date" 'Valid for one calendar year after signature" Postal CERTIFIED oRECEIPT a ts- Domastic Mail Only Ln m1:3 g IT rq t cet-fiW MO Fee 13.55 > Ir $ lit ,,y Extm �t� Smices& •dt,AWd� '1,p ' •� x ,�, rq teten�«ura s i' l u` y Qp p aer Slut ._ certirtBd road rev �aea oelway s —'! _.• �fl -- B p []PAUt S4neum Reciumd = — p nmm SWMU a aamz+ed oeln xy 5 OOF C] Postage. F c e a Total Postage and Fr ul Er 12 f "— � Street &rid.�t �' :, rir Eax No. Kiln i 1iP!' ------------------ UNITED STATES J� POSTAL SERVICE June 10, 2020 Dear gary price: The following is in response to your request for proof of delivery on your item with the tracking number: 70191640 0001 4910 3606. Status: States Date / Time: Location: Postal Product: Extra Services: Weight: Signature of Recipient: Address of Recipient: Delivered, Left with Individual June 6, 2020, 12:29 pm CHESTERFIELD, VA 23838 First -Class Mail" Certified Mail TM Return Receipt Electronic 1.0oz 16001 BEACH RD CHESTERFIELD, VA 23838 Note: Scanned image may reflect a different destination address due to Intended Recipient's delivery instructions on file. Thank you for selecting the United States Postal Service for your mailing needs. If you require additional assistance, please contact your focal Post Office TM or a Postal representative at 1-800-222-1811. Sincerely, United States Postal Service 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW Washington, D.C. 20260-0004 uAUTED STATES J POSTAL SERVICE June 10, 2020 Dear gary price: The following is in response to your request for proof of delivery on your item with the tracking number: 70191640 0001 4910 3590. Status: Status Date I Time: Location: Postal Product: Extra Services: Weight: Signature of Recipient Address of Recipient: Delivered, Left with Individual June 6, 2020, 2:21 pm HILLSBOROUGH, NJ 08844 First -Class Mail® Certified MaiITM Return Receipt Electronic 1.0oz Note: Scanned image may reflect a different destination address due to Intended Recipient's delivery instructions on file. Thank you for selecting the United States Postal Service® for your mailing needs. If you require additional assistance, please contact your local Post OfficeTM or a Postal representative at 1-800-222-1811. Sincerely, United States Postal Service° 475 L`Enfant Plaza SW Washington, D.C. 20260-0004 ro § { \ o 0 0 b m = 2 & ` 2 % k % — \ \ . \ / u g ` $ # \ £ - - _ \ } 2 / / eu e / M'I \ r) ®\§4) �d+14;\ ¥lp m{![®Ea2a;)) f2}�\{(\}§7§