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78772A_Garrison, Carroll & Carolyn_20201022
AL V E GE & FILL N 7 8 '7S 7 7 :' B C D c WMA E DRPERMIT Previous permit # jJew G Modification Ion Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality I SA NCAC and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to ;KKules attached. Applicant Name Project Location: County Dowt, Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) 1524, Hawloo," Address 4 City State 'A/h- zip 15 :3'f" 1 Subdivision C_O'uy-'\q�ov� K"100" Phone # (OH 0) +.-J q51 E-Mail J-0,1/1664VII1_9 Authorized Agent city COvyxl V-V'VN zip 2-+94�3 .."S KPTS Phone River Basin Pht,'+ADkU-*_ CW XEw >(PTA AE Affected OEA HHF IH USA NjA Adj. Wtr. Body a4A- lunkii) AEC(s): PWS:---- Closest Maj. Wtr. Body OW yes (ED PNA yes Type of Project/ Activity in. , IL-AtJ^ A. if,, Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) I(Oix Floating Platform(s) Finger pier(s) Groin length ) ....... ... number Bulkhead Riprap length avg distance offshore max distance offshore _2_1 Basin, channel cubic yards Boat ramp Boathousei Boatlift Beach Buildonng Other Shoreline Length two I SAVnot sure yes no AN Moratorium: 0 yes no Y/ Photos: ( nes no 'War - Waiver Attached: cyes no jl A building permit may Fe required by: Note Local Planning jurisdiction) Notes/ Special Conditions I <�-- 0 - k-o-, � (9)br Applicant Printed Name Le -s Signature Please read compliance statement on back of permit Ito Do - 00 Application Fee(s) Check # APJ Am bl L( ry (Scale: 4F *Q "' N. See note on back regarding River Basin rules. LO Permit Officer's Pnnted Name Signature issuing gate Expiration Date AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: ra.YV0 �-- - C� 6 ✓ �S a Mailing Address: 1 S t V Phone Number: H - -5- zt-0 3 4-7 - L iS-I C - s�-© a2 % 0 oZ Wf-- Email Address: d r r Is 0 n'6 t v/ z 0.1 1,04 I certify that I have authorized iL V L.Qr\' L ,, ),q (V'_' \ -� Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: h 2 �.j .. iy-Le `` I at my property located at u v h ou tv t -GJyr-, f A hj' , in rA v k County. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: Signature Ca Y-j'/o l ( E- &d✓ rI.f v -A-1 Print or Type Name 0 W r -C' Title '�'j I I ! 12 Date This certification is valid through Er co ti Emanuetson & Dad, Inc.Ln Er PO Box "S Nags Need, NC 27959 0 Phone: 252-261 2212 0 Fax 252-261-1115 0 Entail: emanuelson6705(a-outlook.com o CO ru 09/17/2020 ru n- a 0 r- William and Paula Harrell 528 Harbour View Drive Kill Devil Hills, NC 27W Re: Carroll Garrison — 526 Harbour View Drive — Kill Devil Hills We have been requested by the above property owner to do the following work: 1. Install new 8' tag x 67' Vinyl Bulkhead with 1-8' return at end of property. 2. Construct new 8x16 upper platform and 8x8 lower platform. In order of us to obtain the Cama permit for this project, Carts (Coastal Area Management) requires each adjacent property owner to be notified. We would ask that you sign the attached form and return to us as soon as you can. You may scarf and email, fax or simply mail. We are also attaching a sketch of the proposed area. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you do have any objections to the proposed work, you may contact Cama at 252-264-3901. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Jackie Lewis Emanuelson & Dad Inc. ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. AM Addressed to; NC- Z A. Signature X B. ❑ Agent Deltva D. Is deNme address different from item 1? ❑ Yes If YES, errter delivery address below. ❑ No Illlllllllllllllilllllll1111iIIIIIIINIIlllll3. service Type oar D Adt* Slg Ab" 0 Regiela0d MIeii- man Fb*t 9590 9402 5357 9189 3756 48 0 Cw+ilied Ud Reams Ddmy 0 Menv*tbr ❑ coW a, Delway 2. Article Wriber (T/ensfar from service ❑ CWW=t on Dehv Restricted Damy 11 Swab— Confem Wn Mail ❑ ftnedre Confirmation 7 019 2280 0000 7925 1209 Restricted Do" wed DeOvery �ppa Oil 2015 PSN 753"2-000-Sliw I — Domestic Retum Receir RECEIVED 09/30/2020 11:01AM OMSION OF COASTAL MANAGBKXT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICAUMMAIVER FORM r- Name of Property owner f a C*-4rbjt11\ (Ld or s�. jeep or Road. CRY & County) Agent's Name F0��� Agent's *ham 2b I 212 - TAddfta:QS d- r,c4 7 I hmby cagy #W I own property adtacerit to the above refer property. The indmcluai applying for this paTM has desm1bed to me as shown on the aftadied dravvirtig..the development } k they are proposing. A descx�tan er dra�g,,wilh dml:ta *M mrwst be agar gW ■ ith ttu� letter. Y ' I !pave no objections to this proposal- 1 have objections to this proposal. 9 ffyvn hav+s abjeeliotar to w�+pltiS bsiiDPCC YOU M=t M fYM0 Md ri0a 0f0M8W ►t (DCIW in wrfatny wftbs 10 da a of reo*t of this Road ConWA irdaws8ftrr far DCM oftw is available at hmR://www.nggwtaimanaaamentnevsyblcmIs 4is6no or by c sM ig 1.888-IRCOAST_ No response is ooreddered fho same as no objecfior! lfy,ou hwo been rrohilied by Cad UW. WAMER SE(MON I understand that a pier, dock, nosing pfings, boat ramp, breallavaW, boathouse, or lit must be set back a minimum disUnce of 1S from my area of riparian ac:am mhns waved by me. (tf you wish to waive the set)ack, you !trust initial the appropriate blank below.) i do wish to waive the 15' seibadc requirement. i do not wish to waive the 1 5'.retbac* raquh'er►tent. (Property Owner tmfon»ation) Pr i fmartlon) _ DID I Signatum Signadune Prnit or Type N j Print or TnwWarrre -L A- � Addiass % Marling Addrmrss � �� K-.b cr/5t 8 CitylStsiwft ° - -3 1 asa - y-t Telephone MmftrlEma Addrass Tekprone N amber/1 Ms6A *9w raw. Dam c0 i`' f (RMrvt&edAug 2014} Al �� Postal CERTIFIED MAIL, RECEIPT m Cr Domestic a Emanuelson Dad, Inc. -� �M�r(oneablo-y. ru • O Ww "8 Er r� FJf7Td Smices & Fees add fe Nags Head, NC 27969 0 0 � - — Phone: 252-261-2212 C3 � 0 certaea M011 ��- d N Ne y $ j_ Postmark Fax: 252-261-1115 Op 0Adu"s „MFeQL,md $ # i _t�fl "ere Email: emanuelson67050-outlook.com a �"°�it °"� 4ed�`°e" $ os tage 09117/2020 ru ru ru L19/ yi ly02,A Total Posta ge any .9_�5 Cr- r-4 Se�M T O t.J - ----- — ` Howell J. Lewis. --- y - -- __�-___ ------ ---- --------------- i-�---- 168 Westbridge Road, Winston Salem, NC 27107 Re: Carroll Garrison — 526 Harbour View Drive — Kill Devil Hills We have been requested by the above property owner to do the following work: 1- Install new 8' tall x 67' Vinyl Bulkhead with 1-8' return t end of property. 2. Construct new 8x16 upper platform and 8x8 lower plArm. in order of us to obtain the Cama permit for this project, Cama (Coastal Area Management) requires each adjacent property owner to be notified. We would ask that you sign the attached form and return to us as soon as you can. You may scan and email, fax or simply mail. We are also attaching a sketch of the proposed area. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you do have any objections to the proposed work, you may contact Cama at 252-264-3901. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Jackie Lewis Emanuelson & Dad Inc. CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONIWAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner. GA i >(U I( . Ccur ' Li i1 ��.(l i SM .- _ Address of Property: (Lot or Street #, Street or Road, City 8 County) r� Agent's Name #. �� �kF1 U ���`� . � GiGA �t'<- Mail' Address: Q C P Agent's hone * 2 1— 2,2 E Z' 2-7- j I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing_the development they are proposing. A desc notion or drawing with dimensions must be provided with this letter. I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. # you have objections to what is berg proposed, you must nobly the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 daps of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices is available athtp-/lwww nccoastalmanactement net/weblcm/staff-listimq orby calling 1-888-4RCOAST. No response is considered the sons as no objection W you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, or lift must be set back a minimum distance of 16 from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) `f 1 do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. T I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) Signature cet V- r-O r -I )P/\ Print or Type NamSdkh?-r-RV-a e115-7C Upft Address \ r We, l'rr ,� V � 2e j fS7 C' /Statemp Telephone Number/Email Address Date (Riparian Property Owner Information) signature +J U0ly�CL 1 : Lk-w i< Print or Type Name Mailing Address City/Stateeo b_ wl _ <8 ( ( Telephone M*wlEmail Address R Die (Revised Aug. 2014) Cbr1\1 �� Loeffler, Sarah W From: Loeffler, Sarah W Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2020 4:17 PM To: Emanuelson Dad Subject: RE: [External] Cama Permit site visit-C.Garrison - 526 Harbour View Dr, Colington Harbour Good afternoon Jackie, Thanks for letting us know and we will keep an eye out for the check in the mail. Also a friendly reminder that at this particular site only one adjacent property owner waived the 15' setback. That was Howell Lewis at 524 Harbour View Drive. So the proposed platforms will need to stay 15' away from the property line of William Harrell. If you have any questions or concerns, just let me know. Thanks! Sincerely, Sarah Loeffler Sarah W. Loeffler Field Representative Division of Coastal Management 401 S. Griffin Street, Suite 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 (252) 264-3901 ext 232 sarah.loeffler@ncdenr.gov "In all things of nature there is something of the Marvelous." - Aristotle From: Emanuelson Dad[mailto:Emanuelson6705@outlook.com] Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 3:58 PM To: Loeffler, Sarah W <Sarah.Loeffler@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Cama Permit site visit-C.Garrison - 526 Harbour View Dr, Colington Harbour External email. Do not click linf;�or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Thank you, check in mail this evening, Jackie Lewis Emanuelson & Dad Inc. PO Box 448 Nags Head, NC 7959 252-261-2212 From: Loeffler, Sarah W <Sarah. Loeffler@ ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 3:32 PM To: Emanuelson Dad <Emanuelson6705@outlook.com> Subject: RE: [External] Cama Permit site visit-C.Garrison -.526 Harbour View Dr, Colington Harbour � V A. 4r A 84 Tkk This map is prepared from data used for the 526 Harbour View DR Tax District: Colington inventory of the real Colington NC, 27948 Subdivision: Colington Harbour Sec S property for tax Lot BLK-Sec: Lot: 67 BIk: Sec: S purposes. Primary 1A,