HomeMy WebLinkAbout76460D - Cruz , eill.►SiCAMA/ DREDGE & FILL N9 76460 A 8 c 6. 110 c ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit#t 8—%2, ' flaw DModISaitien CcmpletO PANSS4A ,Puttlad Rowe Date previous permit issued As authorized by the Stag o North Caroline.Department of Entdre sttentai Quaky and the Coastal Qnou+ces ComrtMaion in an area of*nen:vermeil cenoern pursuant to t SA NCAC . ZOO(7 "Rues MIAOW Applicant t nne` NOWw a S C 1-._ Protect LOCIlti011: County ta.-i Agikisty _ _..,....e. _. Addnees ?DL %hIA s) Street Addresst State Road/Los#(s) _. City 11 AYv►tkl Seats 14t-7JP j'(01 $ tOf a- Photn#(IL. )ati)--4`1+0'.; E-mig Subdivision_ —. Authorized Agent --- City __..._ _ Affected O CW maw COM Jos errs Phone 0 ( �) Rleer ilasin (,._5s AEC(s) OCU `'* .'a4 USA ORM PUSS Adl.Wee.Body�'1�M►�Qw*4` . 6%i.^a t t ORW eta l no MIA / no Closest Me.Wtr.Body 10 ti Type of Project/Activity(Intl k � [z'� P.�LV S-IN"/t C Cc'� t1 VTf 11 +t-4 kt aLLe is .' to - cAA1atr}adc '3 4A- ark.% pics.4 W Y' (seal« t' 3 0 ) put,tdodi idle, , , _ .,, ftssod st- t 7: �" IIII .--, RoamsPiadorm(a� Groins As J o _ ,:�... , number �"•_ Saws 4inraulaistiters ' i as+'em MIX dame }}io ' rho . . i w &- il'}-s t Bate.drawl a ,___giA it -1,c •• 1 OAS 04. UM _ __ — e eta a u Bormp __ .,a _. a n._. i O 1s f [ M O Beach d '. other -, Y �� 4,- 110- 1 i -4 --- _ , _, , amen SAv not tore yes N9 ' `� * .. - Morita-turn tva yes ( J u "1h A es4 42I / Photos Yes nn• 4.. wafter a no . _ 4 Y1 Vi Nov assci x C�.,N f u4 �Mt i A txnir�permit may be r by: ''1 � Sea note on bath rrpedit>j Never axon rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) Notes/Spade!Cooditiors VI Qi ha►_m Sltucl\ Vhgr} .es.ktrd WA-iv vVAa-d a(- 4A•14.u.....1- Sxdt1,0- —1 vs - tync.4LtS Si tin Oft molt/wit/itC'.�b- e+k t4khP)-42rsiNvs Dia cn.r..?C'e % 24 aorY GsA,clo�1444. c1r+v; ]CANIA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL N9 76460 A B 3ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# 6' 1 4 New ❑Modification E Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued D I�-. •ized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality :oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC ' ZOO( ❑Rules attached. t Name-`Uvv1U S CA/LA-L— Project Location: County ►J CA,--/ Haul oV C V 6(-)t- 11^l v k t,vJ Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) \Yv"v“)-\tan State t'-)C- ZIP a 8t4 01 6\v\A L ("1i' ) j)_L4 clk'3 E-Mail Subdivision ed Agent -- City ZIP ❑CW NEW c.'PTA LIES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin WVN\Tf ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body S.- Pv,1,+ Cava i (nat 4 ❑ WS: `` es / no PNA ® / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body MU.SLv\ 0vD -LOU„C\ P 'Project/Activity oG v1Cf. A\k WNi O- 6 S+'13 f t Oc-41, -1 ;Di 1/1/1 PG VU u•Ct t S. v-itAi -1-v y c1 k cA .1Av+ y .4. <. vN`s" (Scale: 1 : S :k)length / / `� Platforms / , ier(s) / - �! 4- —. _eJ- L5,4 NN PO ngth / - 1 Cl VAASOWeiCi40 ..... , , CAS L. Tiber _._— Sh J i/Riprap length T -.—... --._.— —_-..-... f�. — 44 1�Cti OW1(41� ( ;distance offshore bIlt8+c>w' S - N 1 l - PX `1* \�T 1 x distance offish a Pv.:A >JEW eAL ‘`. 1 64(c Y1 c) i1 cannelVX � *h N. I 14 rt 1 k j )ic yards `} 0 io D Yly Sw i C f se/Boatli f.__ _.._._.. ........_ _ - st. IIII k i i , ,--1-l. ! 1_ 1 : : ulldo •' g .+i +_. i 1 i‘•-•I y / : cJ e Length /— 1�10 S A S -v/ not sure yes n�0 - -� _a V_`' li ;.._ _-- ; -- V�. -� \._- ..... r 1... ...... 1L •cum: n/a yes �Ny�4r s s _ ' yes no — ! i...... ! I `-1 4ttached: j no I i i A;'n N VV qt 1` r ng permit may be required by: CCNI 04. 11MY1A1Vn ❑See note on back regarding River Basin r Local Planning lurisdictionl ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to / `, '►G1414.S [_ /t4 Z 's � / r ( ame of ropertyo " ?neg� property located at goi L' i°� W� rM,n py) 2? on SA: 12 1 dconel Address, Lot,,elock, R d, etc.) in A/C-(t/ oi�tc��'r (Q.tn , N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or Cou The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above locatioi I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) /1 ( 417C ( RECEIVED SEP 0 4 202 61.6 A DCM WILMINGTO Li Jef shi L7P PC— WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to wai' the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Pr• ; = •wnz a •'ation) (A• . :n P-•pe fnf- ation) , 0 r Signature %' trGvuG 5 CIS 1e \U 005 141int or prAlre cciz Print or Typ Name ifs prf ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to. r4,44 c 5 (..� L4 Z 's �G I (e1 (Naraparty eyGproperty located at I t' _ , �, (A dr sins, Lot, Block, Roa tc. on fieii&21 C wl-,c .n(IV- / nv KchG, , N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above locatior '/ i.0 I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) hti VI 11 G- / ��.--- RECEIVE gcf441- ri I i 00 1 • fr S E P 0 4 20 DCM WILMINGT1 ��erJ WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to wan the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) ✓ I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. /7 ( �`-do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (prcilie 0 r Information) (Adjacent Property Owner Information) (1%_-___.-- &LA.) _„ Siur Sign re l `(�'/Le��i S �1rC� ear i L UCrt S Print or Tipe Name / ' Print or Type Name �1 �O_lg .L 1I(" (J6e(4/ Ko1 $�i in 1Lw$[ST) 1(�-a 1•14k., 44.04 , ;eel } ' 1. • li, A , -. k A i f .'' \ . n 4. ':a orF m ' x . . ...„ * ,,,,,ril 4...,.,, . ... . . , 4 �. A 1 Jetski Dock Jetski •111. Floating Docl. II( - la 2 Jetskis Docks= 1 Jetski Dock= 10'Wide x 12 ' Long 5'Wide x 12' Long Floating Dock = 8'Wide x 17' Long The edge of the floating dock WILL NOT pass the end of my boat lift pilings. +►;:.,,. I.74404•54444,A V .STY,A4Y)O?806 4:•C c r}4 mit Class Permit Nur 8-12 —`— STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Coastal Resources Commission ermit for X Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concern pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 led to Scott Stephens,305 South Front Street, Wilmington,NC 28401 thorizing development in New Hanover County at adj. to Shinn Creek Canal, at 804 Inlet in Wilmington , as requested in the permittee's application dated 10/11/11, including iched workplan drawing (1), dated 9/29/11 s permit, issued on February 22,2012 , is subject to compliance with the application (where coi h the permit), all applicable regulations,special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these tent >ubject to fines, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. Docking Facility Unless specifically altered herein, this permit authorizes the additional floating dock and structures and uses located in or over the water that are expressly and specifically set forth i permit application. No other structure, whether floating or stationary, shall become a permanen of this docking facility without permit modification. No non-water dependent uses of structures be conducted on, in or over public trust waters without permit modification. The additional floating dock and associated structures shall have a minimum setback distance of feet between any parts of the structure and the adjacent property owner's riparian access corridor This corridor is determined by drawing a line parallel to the channel, then drawing a line perpendicular to the channel line that intersects with the shore at the point where the upland pros line meets the water's edge (See attached sheets for Additional Conditions) Chis permit action may be appealed by the permittee or Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DENR er qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. e. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or Itinuance as the case may be. [his permit must be accessible on-site to Department -sonnel when the project is inspected for compliance. -j- `'' ;9 " r / l-4-1y47.44+4•64+4+44yy, 'A45'P9.5-0?'i ?4'Y4ii'Ki4 �Y.-i+Yfr}Y Py?•?Y.M�0+4(•6'r+i+fhv0.09G•0•S�i?l4r})•/iCY'Ni Ott Stephens Permit# 8 Page 3 of ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS DT E: This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional state, federal or local pi approvals or authorizations that may be required. DTE: Future develooment of the permittee's property may require a modification of this 1 Contact a representative of the Division at (910) 796-7215 prior to the commencement such activity for this determination. The permittee is further advised that many non dependent activities are not authorized within 30 feet of the normal high water level. 3TE: The N.C. Division of Water Quality has authorized the proposed project under General Quality Certification No. 3687 (DWQ Project No. 11-0948), which was issued on 11/17/1] DTE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorized the proposed project under General Per] SAW-2011-02044 • • DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT APPLICANT'S NAME:J. Scott Stephens do James A.Maultsby LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: 804 Inlet View Road,adjacent to Shinn Creek Canal, in Wilmington,Nf Hanover County. Photo Index-2006: 22-7422: 6,M 2000: 22-271: 6,L 1995: 22-253: 10,L State Plane Coordinates-X: 2353545 Y: 163853 LAT: 34°11'40.11145"N LONG: 77°49'51.34440"W INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA ROVER FILE#-0-102014A INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit- 10/20/2011 Was Applicant Present-No PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received - 10/14/2011 (completed) Office-Wilmington SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan—Wilmington/New Hanover County Land Classification From LUP-Resource Protection (B) AEC(s)Involved: EW,PTA (C) Water Dependent:Yes (D) Intended Use:Private/Community (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing-City Sewer System Planned-N/A (F) Type of Structures: Existing-Fixed pier,rip-rap,boatlifts and floating dock Planned-Additional floating dock (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion:N/A Source:N/A HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] DREDGED FILLED OTHER (A)Vegetated Wetlands(Perennial stream) (B)Non-Vegetated Wetlands 48 sq. ft. (Open water) (incorporated) (C)Other(Highground) (D) Total Area Disturbed: 48 sq. ft. (E) Primary Nursery Area:Yes (F) Water Classification: SA Open: No ;colt Stephens ge 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project site is located at the intersection of Inlet View Drive and Shinnwood Road (NCSR 1513), bet Lot 18 and Lot 19 in Shinn Point Subdivision, in Wilmington, New Hanover County. The property is la adjacent to the Shinn Point Homeowner's Association (HOA) community boat ramp. To find the pro starting at the intersection of U.S. Highway 76 (Oleander Drive) and Greenville Loop Road, travel soul Greenville Loop Road approximately 3/4 of a mile to Shinnwood Road. Turn left on Shinnwood Road and t approximately 0.5 miles to Inlet View Drive. The property of interest will be on the right. The applicant's pl property is approximately 211' wide by approximately 250' deep. The tract averages approximately 6' a normal high water (NHW). The majority of the tract is vegetated with coastal wetland species which prot accounts for the fact that this area was never platted as a lot within Shinn Point Subdivision. An existing mosquito ditch, which connects to Shinn Point Canal bisects the property from northeast to southwest continues under Inlet View Drive. Coastal wetlands near the ditch and around the existing spoil pile: dominated by Smooth Cordgrass(Spartina alternora). The areas higher in elevation adjacent to lot 19 and View Drive are dominated with Sea Ox-eye (Borrichia frutescens), Black Needlerush (Juncus roemeria; Glasswort(Salicornia spp), Sea Lavender(Limonium spp),and Salt Meadow Grass(Spartina patens). Existing man-made structures on the property consist of a private docking facility into Shinn Creek for prof owners within the subdivision that obtained assigned slips. A fixed access pier, measuring approximately 3C length by 6' in width that appears to originate from the adjacent riparian property to the east, which is owne Shinn Point HOA for their landing area into Shinn Creek. The access pier extends approximately 123' tom Shinn Creek, which is elevated over the existing coastal wetlands. The pier turns 90° to the west and extent additional 177', which runs parallel to the Shinn Creek. An elevated portion of the pier spans the mosquito d aforementioned. There are currently four (4) boatlifts, each measuring approximately 11' in length by 11 width, and one (1) floating dock, measuring approximately 20' in length by 5' in width, which runs parall Shinn Creek. There is a small wooden retaining wall on the most western end of the property that is located landward of the access pier. The shoreline along the property is currently stabilized with rip-rap material. 1 is an area of exposed filter cloth that appears to have been placed under the rip-rap material on the western ei the property. The application states that the existing docking facility currently accommodates five (5) vesse water depths of approximately—4.0' @ normal low water(NLW). The existing pier on the property was originally permitted to the previous property owner Mr. Robert Ern 1998 under CAMA General Permit No. 18372-D on 1/8/99. This permit authorized an access pier, a boatlift, (2)floating docks and four(4)mooring pilings. CAMA General Permit No. 20434-D was issued on 3/8/99 n previous property owner for re-location of an existing floating dock and the installation of a guide piling t< existing docking facility. The previous property owner then obtained State Permit No. 122-99 on 12/8/1999 for the installation a additional boatlift on the most western end of the access pier, which would allow the facility to accommodat to four (4) vessels. State Permit No. 122-99 was then modified on 10/12/2001 for an additional boatlift a with a 6' addition to the existing access pier, which would then allow for the facility to accommodate up to (5) vessels. The application stated that the floating dock was to be used only for loading and unloading vessel. The original application proposed a total of 6 slips (addition of 2 slips at the existing facility); how this application was modified in process due to public concern over the project and to eliminate the need I J. Scott Stephens Page 3 PROPOSED PROJECT: The applicant is proposing to add an additional floating dock(6'X 8')to an existing docking facility within c Creek. An access ramp would lead onto a floating dock, measuring 8' in length by 6' in width, which wou located at the most western end of the existing pier and would extend approximately 8' into the canal. floating dock would run parallel to Shinn Creek. The application states that the floating dock would be us load and unload the vessel currently occupied within the boatlift for the slip owner. The application also that the proposed floating would be located in water depth of approximately-4.0' @ NLW. 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS: The project as proposed would result in the incorporation of an additional 48 sq. ft. of Estuarine Waters P Trust Area. The proposed floating dock would extend approximately 8' into a waterbody that mea approximately 60' across. As proposed, the structure would not exceed the '/< width limitation. The prop structure would be located within the applicant's riparian access area and would not encroach into the adj riparian property corridor 15' setback requirements. The proposed docking facility could potentially prc mooring space for up to six(6)vessels.Further, based on a file review of State Permit No. 149-95 issued to S Point HOA for maintenance excavation of Shinn Creek and the provided soundings received on 9/16/2010 to their last maintenance event,the proposed structure appears to be located within the dredging limits and vw not encroach into the established channel of Shinn Creek. Minor increases in turbidity can be expected di construction. • 3commendations for State Permit—J. Scott Stephens 10/24/2011 is the staffs recommendation that the construction of the proposed and existing structures is CONSISTENT w Iles of 15 NCAC 7H.0206 (d) Use Standards for Estuarine Waters and Rules of 15 NCAC 7H.0207 (d) Use Sta r Public Trust Areas. appears that the project is consistent with the use standards set forth in NCAC 07H .0208(bx6), including the 'A le, the eight square foot rule and the pier width rule. The proposed floating dock would be located entirely over Lter. As proposed, this office has no objection to the proposed project. Any permit issued should include the foil editions: This permit authorizes only the docks, piers, and other structures and uses located in or over the water tl expressly and specifically set forth in the permit application. No other structures, whether floating or stati may become a permanent part of the structure without permit modification. No non-water dependent u structures may be conducted on, in, or over public trust waters without permit modification. No attempt will be made by the permittee to prevent the full and free use by the public of all navigable wa or adjacent to the authorized work. The authorized structure and associated activity must not cause an unacceptable interference with navigatic shall not exceed the established pier head line. The permittee must install and maintain, at his expense, any signal lights and signals prescribed by the U.S. Guard,through regulations or otherwise,on authorized facilities. In order to protect water quality, runoff from the construction must not visibly increase the amount of susp sediments in adjacent waters. This permit does not authorize the interference with any existing or proposed Federal project, and, the pen will not be entitled to compensation for damage to the authorized structure or work, or injury which m caused from existing or future operations undertaken by the United States in the public interest. The permittee will maintain the authorized work in good condition and in conformance with the term conditions of this permit. The permittee is not relieved of this requirement if he abandons the project w having the permit transferred to a third-party. The authorized structure and associated activity must not cause an unacceptable interference with navigatic shall not exceed'A width of the waterbody. This permit authorizes a maximum of six(6) boat slips. At no time shall more than six(6) vessels be mooi docked at the facility. The restriction of the number of vessels shall apply to all marine vessel types, incl but not limited to motorboats, sailing vessels and personal watercraft. The pier/boathouse and associated structures shall have a minimum setback distance of 15 feet between any of the structure and the adjacent property owner's riparian access corridor,which is determined by drawing ..n.nllnl ♦.. d . .1...«. .1 aL « 7� ....- .. 1:-. - i....1....4. .-t. L ««..1 1:«.. .L... . .a 1.. ....aL aL. L_-- Katharine B n: Bob Kronengold <bobk@merchanttechnologies.com> Tuesday, September 8, 2020 12:27 PM Elks, Katharine B ect: RE: [External] Gazebo Plans )w Up Flag: Follow up Status: Flagged iarine, do I make the check payable to? send it to the address below? tide at Wrightsville Beach on Friday is at 8:25 and we typically are run about an hour behind. Let me know if w on for Friday and what time. iks n: Elks, Katharine B [mailto:katharine.elks@ncdenr.gov] t: Wednesday, September 2, 2020 8:44 AM Bob Kronengold ject: RE: [External] Gazebo Plans d Morning Mr. Kronengold, plans look consistent with our regulations. To move forward with a new permit I'll need a few things. 1. Neighbor notifications—I've attached the form(s). I'll need one from each neighbor if you need to mail thei can use the certified mail form. Since your proposed work is not within the 15' setback they just need to be notified not waive. 2. Check for$200 3. Site visit- I'll need to schedule a site visit. You do not have to be present, I just need access to the docking facility. I could schedule this for next week or we can schedule it when you have the neighbor notifications check so that we can write the permit that day pending my site visit. iks, iarine Elks Chock Dab RSCSNad Dole DspoNbd Chock From(Nano) Name of Permit Helder Vendor Chock Numb., amount Permit Number/Commonts Calmer? Cokmm2 Cohonn3 Cotumn4 Co/umn6 Coi uinl Column? Cok mnl 9/15/2020 McPherson Marine Service,LLC Marguerite Grimm FCB 3314 $400.00 GP#78434D 9/15/2020 Anthony Carr Money Order Chad Hock United Bank 543577 $200.00 GP#71896D 9/15/2020 Emily Pace and Mary Starcher same Cadence Bank 836 $400.00 GP#71882D 9/15/2020 Donald and Melissa McVickers same State Employees CU 1870 $200.00 'GP#77620D 9/15/2020 David Bilotti Carroll Noone Bank of America 580 $400.00 ,GP#77828D 9/15/2020 Enchantment East LLC same TD Bank 1242 $200.00 GP#77830D 9/15/2020 William Kozel same Bank of America 7103 $400.00 GP#71877D 9/15/2020 Robert Kronengold same PNC Bank 1233 $200.00 GP#76480D 9/15/2020 Thomas Cruz ,same Wells Fargo 1291 $200.00 GP#76460D