HomeMy WebLinkAbout78622A_Goodwyn, Sara_20200831a " / ).LAMA / KDREDGE & FILL No 79622— CA B C D RAL PERMIT GENItat Previous permit # Modification : ,Complete Reissue L'Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by eof North Carolina. Department of Environmental Quality n and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC t <'� C7 �� d ZOO Applicant Nam �a_�6 t.� n -- -- p6mmes attached. Project Location: County_ �_o -_---- Address l `�`ff _ ,� a y n n _ r !i _ Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s)__4_. f (p - City— _� -� 1c� ci'- -! - - State__V* ZI P PSy (-- Phone # (O` f) A` LIV ?_ E-Mail q� ea od W y ao • Subdivision �on �_.i J /o st ----. / ' Authorized Agent o Ci ; T,_4 yrt t� t_ M - _ _ _-_ _-. - City N a t op.� ZIP % �fS --- - Affected I-)CN b" 7kA � QTS Phone # ( �) - --- - _ River Basin � s Lk 0.441< AEC(s): OEA t.' HHF L IH = UBA L7 WA Adj. Wtr. Body—1 o aC a /�L S a.... nat man /unkn) ORW: yes / PNA yes no Closest Maj. Wtr. Body °� n u ---- - Type of Project/ Activity Pier (dock) length�� Fixed Platforms) is X r�K Floating Platfartn(s) o w Q f Finger Groin %rahBulkh avg distance offshore _ max distance offshore Basin, channel -- - - -_ _—_- - cubic yards__ Boat ramp -----_ - _--,- Boathousel Boadift — Beach Bulldozing Other-- � 1%-a-� ant (��Q� R06 CL�AL (-- QK1-S ram. (scale: _ �' ) 4y�n 7 � r ! 3'.1 mod 104a Shoreline Length _-t SAV: not sure yes . Moratorium: n/a yes no Photos: yes no �\ ( C!r a b Waiver Attached: yes A building permit may be required by: o, szo�� ( Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) Notes/ Special Conditions 19 V..- - I I j -- Agent Applicant Printed Name nature e* ease read compliance statement on back of permit" ApCheck # t f Ar 'ra I ( `i'See note on back regarding River Basin rules. Pe t Miter's Printed Name % Sijogre Issuing Date Expiration Date i AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: 5nm ri i)M vJw i1 Mailing Address: 1/1411 P 131014�+CM F lO Yl 1C- 0i rI M11 ifq- a3W+ l Phone Number: `d 04 r 6{1 - 3-73 7 Email Address: GI G�xx;(w vtn� v1 Gi 1'1(i . C O I certify that I have authorized 11OY I M . ► bl'J S , Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: 91A1 V 10 e n Cl (f,1)1_0CtM-P,rr� 4V i Z S at my property located at -7 % 2 0 'ROSL S h91-2( , in Q(211, County. ! furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: �l Signatur 5,rA &o ojW ✓j Print or Typ6l Name 0yVar- Title V / 5 / Zo2() Date This certification is valid through / / M Lori M. Gibbs DBA Croatan Contractors Po Box 39 Manns Harbor. NC 27953 Certified Mail - Return Receipt Requested August 17, 2020 Richard & Susan Peterson 110 Tradewind Terrace Huddleston VA 24104 Dear Mr & Mrs Peterson Sara Goodwyn is applying for a CAMA general permit to replace her pier and install a bulkhead located at 7720 S East Shore Rd in Dare County, North Carolina. The pier and bulkhead is a replacement of the previous that was damaged during a storm. The specifics of the proposed work are in the enclosed drawing. As the adjacent riparian property owner to the aforementioned project, I am required to notify you of the development in order to give you the opportunity to comment on the project. Please review the attached drawing. Should you have any objections to this proposal, please send your written comments to Yvonne Carver, 401 S Griffin St Ste 300 Elizabeth City NC 27909, within 10 days of your receipt of this notice. Such comments will be considered by the department in reaching a final decision on the application. No comment within 10 days of your receipt of this notice will be considered as no objection. If you have questions on this project, please call me at 252-473-2365, or email me at CroatanContractorsOy-ahoQ cam_ Sincerely, Lori bbs ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. A. Signature ■ Print your narrie-and address on the reverse X so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by (Printed Name) or on the front if space permits. ❑ Agent :SULT OF NATIONWIDE CO... ❑ Addressee C. Date of Delivery 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No i Ghar�1 � SO -COY) Pf+eYSo VW - Sion , Or a/4► oy- FAQs > ! 3. Service Type ❑ Priority Mail Express® II I�IIIII I'II l�l l lI I I II I I IIIII I lI ill I I'll ❑Adult Signature ❑Registered MaiIT"' ❑ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑ Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 3815 8032 4259 79 ❑ Certified Mail® ❑ Certified AAaa Restricted Delivery Delivery El Return Receipt for ❑ 611ect on belivery Merchandise Article Number fTrancfpr firm �� L k-� - __ _ — [ r ItgGEbn!DylWery Restricted Delivery ❑ Signature Confirmation"' ...2- 7 014 0 510 0001 8845 3 814 "�^p Mail 1=11 1stricted Delivery — -- I 1�r ❑ Signature Confirmation Restricted Delivery IPS Form 3811, July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-ID.", �1i — Domestic Return Receipt Remove x Tracking Number: 70140510000188453814 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 12:33 pm on August 20, 2020 in HUDDLESTON, VA 24104. -n (D rD Q. G Delivered August 20, 2020 at 12:33 prn Delivered. Left with Individual HUDDLESTON, VA 24104 Text & Email Updates Select what types of updates you'd like to receive and how. Send me a notification for: Text Email ❑ ❑ All Below Updates ❑ ❑ Expected Delivery Updates (D ❑ ❑ Day of Delivery Updates iQ n ❑ Package Delivered ) https://tools.usps.com/go[TrackConfirmAction?tRef=fullpage&tLc=2&text28777=&tLabels=70140510000188453814%2C 112 Lori M. Gibbs DBA Croatan Contractors Po Box 39 Manns Harbor. NC 27953 Certified Mail - Return Receipt Requested August 17, 2020 Peter C Kleine 261 Brook Farms Rd Lancaster PA 17601 Dear Mr I{leine, Sara Goodwyn is applying for a CAMA general permit to replace her pier and install a bulkhead located at 7720 S East Shore Rd in Dare County, North Carolina. The pier and bulkhead is a replacement of the previous that was damaged during a storm. The specifics of the proposed work are in the enclosed drawing. As the adjacent riparian property owner to the aforementioned project, I am required to notify you of the development in order to give you the opportunity to comment on the project. Please review the attached drawing. Should you have any objections to this proposal, please send your written comments to Yvonne Carver, 401 S Griffin St Ste 300 Elizabeth City NC 27909, within 10 days of your receipt of this notice. Such comments will be considered by the department in reaching a final decision on the application. No comment within 10 days of your receipt of this notice will be considered as no objection. If you have questions on this project, please call me at 252-473-2365, or email me at CroatanContractors yahoo com. Sincerely, v �6�0 Lori ebbs ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. A. an Xre ■ Print your name and address on the reverse / Agent so that we can return the card to you. 11 Addressee ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B• eceived by (Print CDV y or on the front if space permits. (V�` fD Uy1. Article Addressed to: Is delivery address different from item 1?If YES, enter delivery address below: 1,50 S LUYt CC(Ste-Y, P/t I1 Lp 0 I f1 II I IIIIII III III I I I III I II I I Iilll I (� III I III 9590 9402 3815 8032 4259 62 11 Service Type ❑ Priority Mail Express® ❑ Adult Signature ❑Registered Mail"^ ❑ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑ Registered Mail Restricted 11 ❑ Certified Certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑ Delivery Receipt for CI Collect on Delivery Merchandise ❑ Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑ Signature Confirmations"' sured Mail G Signature Confirmation wn sured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery ver $500) _ _.2... Article Numbff grr nnsfer from service f) 7 014 0 510 0001 8845 3807 PS Form 3811, July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Proposed repl,r storm damage IT,. Proposed replacement of 103' of vinyl bulkhead due to storm damage l a M m Ln For delivery information visit our l �h �.site at u` U } . co pashes _ 55 CerlHled Fee (10 p O Return Receipt Fee (EndorsernentRequired) S d HM *� �' 1 C3 Restricted Delivery Fee Required) o L l (Endorsement t O Total Postage & Fees Sent To ChA_ d �- uJa n + r5ar� Street Apt No.; Orr ao P�X i�rid �,nr�- ---------- —.Q - Q'y, State, ZlP+4 -- ---- — ,.. 't !� PS Fa-i r rr Postal CERTIFIED. RECEIPTr` (Domestic Mail Only. No Insurance Coverage 0 m Ln ;^ co Postage $ co Cued Fee O� C3 Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) s Here db O Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) r9 Ln Total Postage & Fees O Sent To - --- - -- eY----- , YUe- _ ---W-YMS ri Street, Apt %�o.; or PO Box Noa I rN 1_.__.... KSl -�__-eYq City, State, ZIP+4PS ----- Y Fo,rn d Lori M. Gibbs DBA Croatan Contractors Po Box 39 Manns Harbor, NC 27953 CONTRALTO Certified Mail - Return Receipt Requested August 5, 2020 Peter C Kleine 261 Brook Farms Rd Lancaster PA 17601 Dear Mr Kleine, Igece.iv � ... ALIG U, , OCM-EC Sara Goodwyn is applying for a CAMA general permit to install a bulkhead located at 7720 S East Shore Rd in Dare County, North Carolina. The specifics of the proposed work are in the enclosed drawing. As the adjacent riparian property owner to the aforementioned project, I am required to notify you of the development in order to give you the opportunity to comment on the project. Please review the attached drawing. Should you have any objections to this proposal, please send your written comments to Ronald Renaldi, 401 S Griffin St Ste 300 Elizabeth City NC 27909, within 10 days of your receipt of this notice. Such comments will be considered by the department in reaching a final decision on the application. No comment within 10 days of your receipt of this notice will be considered as no objection. If you have questions on this project, please call me at 252-473-2365, or email me at CroatanContractors@yahoo.com. Sincerely, u - (ZI �ltbb Lori . Gibbs .� � : i : .. ' 1." _ � - i i # � I - :� � CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Received /BUG 1 n 2.020 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORI�1 CM -EC Name of Property Owner: BUY Address of Property: (Lot or Street #, Street or Road, City & County) Agent's Name #: LDI I C-71ighS Agent's phone #: 0rj1_2 - 413 - R&.P5 Address:Mailing e/ BSI ►I 0 10 1 �/. I.I I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing_the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, must be provided with this letter. I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices is available at http://www.nccoastalmana_gement.netlweb/cm/staff-listin_q or by calling 1-888-4RCOAST. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, or lift must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I ono to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Pro rty Owner Information) Signatu �aV-0 G M 1A) I,, ,. Print or Type Name 1-4/41 Lp &A cl f) PIa n K Pd Mailing Address f)ir,W;C(d►e, v a3 1 City/State/Zip 5ay,pU1ApnQryy4iA a n U a co. c Dm Telephone -Numb r/Email AWess Datel I (Riparian Property O n r Information) Sign ure y-2fiie 1- V- I i rvQ_ Print or Type Name Mailing Address Ln n CG((� ±ex , 1 "hp City/State/Zip Telephone Number/Email Address V/D�Lv Date NG (Revised Aug. 2014) r1 I. I 7, _ Q- m ca Postage s ZO Certified Fee t Return Receipt Fee M (Endorsement Required) O Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) aN � C3 %� u1 Total Postage 3 Fees $ - C3 Sent To � 0Ar ri S7ietet i3Pr �[1 Ala: ----- -- ---- - - - - City, Sfete, ZIP+4 PS Form :Ii AuguSt 2006 Peter C Kleine 261 Brook Farms Rd Lancaster PA 17601 Dear Mr Kleine, Iori M. Gibbs DBA Croatan Contractors 'o Box 39 Manns Harbor, NC 27953 1- Return Receipt Requested Sara Goodwyn is applying for a CAMA general permit to install a bulkhead located at 7720 S East Shore Rd in Dare County, North Carolina. The specifics of the proposed work are in the enclosed drawing. As the adjacent riparian property owner to the aforementioned project, I am required to notify you of the development in order to give you the opportunity to comment on the project. Please review the attached drawing. Should you have any objections to this proposal, please send your written comments to Ronald Renaldi, 401 S Griffin St Ste 300 Elizabeth City NC 27909, within 10 days of your receipt of this notice. Such comments will be considered by the department in reaching a final decision on the application. No comment within 10 days of your receipt of this notice will be considered as no objection. If you have questions on this project, please call me at 252-473-2365, or email me at CroatanContractors@yahoo.com. Sincerely, D, IW - �.►� Lori . Gibbs 71 r M �rop�5e�i � pa �a r� This map is prepared from data used for the 7720 S East Shore RD Owners: Goodwyn, Sara Lynn -Primary inventory of the real Nags Head NC, 27959 Owner property for tax Parcel: 029096000 purposes. Primary Pin: 070905190473 Land Value: $336,000 information sources such as recorded deeds, plats, Misc Value: $15,200 wills, and other primary Building Value: $245,400 public records should be Total Value: $596,600 consulted for verification of the information contained in this map O Tax District: Nags Head Subdivision• Pond Island Lot BLK-Sec: Lot: 6 Blk: Sec: 3 --- Property Use: Residential Y Building Type: Beach Contemporary 9, Year Built: 1984 } k � 1 � t��.rr�r��rr.�„Fn�err. rw.r.�rx-nrtrrr.�.r CO [` For delivery information visit our website m ,n�' L CwU.aPN 3� S pFlatten Fkoalpt Fee i o t , cE 0 'n m ToW Postepe 6 F ma $ T 0 Char-d-4..-SaSspn. aFbBox . �10---Tt.Jatu i I ■ 5 ,ori M. Gibbs DBA Croatan Contractors Postmark Here'o Box 39 Manns Harbor, NC 27953 .�ii!Y1GQ, i - Return Receipt Requested Richard & Susan Peterson 110 Tradewind Terrace Huddleston VA 24104 Dear Mr & Mrs Peterson, Sara Goodwyn is applying for a CAMA general permit to install a bulkhead located at 7720 S East Shore Rd in Dare County, North Carolina. The specifics of the proposed work are in the enclosed drawing. As the adjacent riparian property owner to the aforementioned project, I am required to notify you of the development in order to give you the opportunity to comment on the project. Please review the attached drawing. Should you have any objections to this proposal, please send your written comments to Ronald Renaldi, 401 S Griffin St Ste 300 Elizabeth City NC 27909, within 10 days of your receipt of this notice. Such comments will be considered by the department in reaching a final decision on the application. No comment within 10 days of your receipt of this notice will be considered as no objection. If you have questions on this project, please call me at 2S2-473-236S, or email me at CroatanContractors@yahoo.com. Sincerely, cx"�U_- C >�� Lori M. Gibbs 2020-08-19 2020-08-19 2020-08-19 2020-08-19 2020-08-19 2020-08-19 �e 1 r CONTS&CTORS September 2, 2020 Peter Kleine 261 Brook Farms Rd Lancaster, PA 17601 Dear Mr Kleine, Lori M. Gibbs DBA Croatan Contractors Po Box 39 Manns Harbor, NC 27953 Certified Mail - Return Receipt Requested Sara Goodwyn is applying for a CAMA general permit to replace her pier and install a bulkhead located at 7720 S East Shore Rd in Dare County, North Carolina. The pier and bulkhead is a replacement of the previous that was damaged during a storm. The specifics of the proposed work are in the enclosed drawing. Please note that this is a revised drawing and the property owner has now added a 6' x 8' step down platform off the right side of the pier. As the adjacent riparian property owner to the aforementioned project, I am required to notify you of the development in order to give you the opportunity to comment on the project. Please review the attached drawing. Should you have any objections to this proposal, please send your written comments to Yvonne Carver, 401 S Griffin St Ste 300 Elizabeth City NC 27909, within 10 days of your receipt of this notice. Such comments will be considered by the department in reaching a final decision on the application. No comment within 10 days of your receipt of this notice will be considered as no objection. if you have questions on this project, please call me at 252-473-2365, or email me at CroatanC ontractors[a)yahoo.com. Sincerely, Lori M. Gibbs Lori M. Gibbs DBA Croatan Contractors Po Box 39 Manns Harbor, NC 27953 CONTRACTORS Certified Mail - Return Receipt Requested September 2, 2020 Richard & Susan Peterson Dear Mr & Mrs Peterson, Sara Goodwyn is applying for a CAMA general permit to replace her pier and install a bulkhead located at 7720 S East Shore Rd in Dare County, North Carolina. The pier and bulkhead is a replacement of the previous that was damaged during a storm. The specifics of the proposed work are in the enclosed drawing. Please note that this is a revised drawing and the property owner has now added a 6' x 8' step down platform off the right side of the pier. As the adjacent riparian property owner to the aforementioned project, I am required to notify you of the development in order to give you the opportunity to comment on the project. Please review the attached drawing. Should you have any objections to this proposal, please send your written comments to Yvonne Carver, 401 S Griffin St Ste 300 Elizabeth City NC 27909, within 10 days of your receipt of this notice. Such comments will be considered by the department in reaching a final decision on the application. No comment within 10 days of your receipt of this notice will be considered as no objection. If you have questions on this project, please call me at 252-473-2365, or email me at CroatanContractors@yahoo com. Sincerely, Lori M. Gibbs (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com i - MCI PS Form 3800. August 2006 See Reverse for instructions (Domestic Alad Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) jlivery Information visit our website at www.usps.comQ r i 9/10/2020 USPS.com® - USPS Tracking® Results USPS Tracking® Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70140510000188453944 FAQs Remove X Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 11:16 am on September 5, 2020 in LANCASTER, PA 17601. C✓ Delivered rD September 5, 2020 at 11:16 am ° Delivered, Left with Individual °1 LANCASTER, PA 17601 Get Updates u Text & Email Updates u Tracking History u Product Information See Less /\ Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. u WpiyNooWLwps ooWgotTreckCon i 1 884539"%2C 112 9/10/2020 USPS -com®- USPS Tracking® Results USPS Tracking® Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70140510000188453937 FAQs > Remove X Your item was picked up at the post office at 10:26 am on September 10, 2020 in MERRY HILL, NC 27957. G Delivered T ro ro September 10, 2020 at 10:26 am Delivered, Individual Picked Up at Post Office MERRY HILL, NC 27957 Get Updates u See Less /\ Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAcfion?tRef=fulipage&tLc=2&text28777=&tLabels=70140510000188453937%2C&tABt=false 1 /2 15 Proposed replacement ofpier &C to xs Xstorm damage 6' x 40' with 1 S' x 16' platfotm Proposed replacement of 103' of vinyl bulkhead due to storm damage 0"--_. --7