HomeMy WebLinkAbout76468D - Tammaro (2) 4CAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL N° 76468 A B 'ENE • L PERMIT Previous permit# ew . .!:-.1ii - % Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued rized by the St. e of Nort'1•ate'ina,Department of Environmental Quality (,L O :oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC 0 lk` ElRules attached. t Name Y\, �t,it nn of 0 Project Location: County Al(,-)A SW C.k ‘t O `nn I, `l'U5 Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) 'f S?A( bNAJASon Stater( ZIP 2 (-.53(D Avt (P) 722. m lQ E-Mail )\nn P, Sin OA,'t .t oM Subdivision :edAgent City SCQ(1.- ZIP 2Sylo ,F4CW ❑EW PTA ElES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin L.)N ❑OEA ❑HHF IllIH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body Alw W1 at ❑ PWS: A 1 yes / qQ PNA yes / Closest Maj.Wtr. Body I'-\\K1� ` 1/ �y�_, \ b,,\a I Project/Activity Q N4Aki.. Sk4r C • jti Li \.,k h S L fl -c re 4- l\\I t_ G r,C Ne�-, C`bk`1 Cc^(iV LA- ,,,1r1/4,k 2 t1O‘P Cc c. kokk (Scale: N T ck)length kti V ill, 2 I /MA\ �Otitl1e� _. I atform(s)NJ tit� li' l L Platform(s) — ,�% �— —1 i~f �� �� - ,ngth I I be .� "�..c mber : —. “ '�-. t . \ #�_ i d/Riprap length ...__... ._ __._� C. os.�1lC.ev k p f g distance offshore . . d '�� !,. em.�'+t! t C ax distance offshore - jr \ hannel % C a ( i `z sAtes bic yards I a h ' s� se/ oat 71 ValI _._.._..__ r Qf^ t kV -).._`K2' -—i — /t �j ,`�� iulidozing ' �� _ C. 1 ie Length ,S o Trr "y` �In not sure yes : ,__:-__ \v)°'. r ..__ '. -- iPP►dAft� ill. rium: n/a yes g--3 f'324\ : C--f .P - ��QV`:-- yes � �X1AC re 11 322 � ge Attached: /G' no _. i ' R e. ._ ‹-L. ing permit may be Iequired by: t u.S.,.kc\(-- C 6 JAVy . I See note on back regarding River Basin jz„a_t ,. .is 4/• Zu2.0 _ Lam. g !qi ZO 2O ocuSi3n Envelope ID:C3522DEA-FA74-4002-BC99-5762241A61A9 Pm7_ J lcAMA/ 0 DREDGE a FILL p 64Lp EN ERAL PERMIT N Previous permitt# A B C ew ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resou Cornmission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC 014.12 o e) Applicant Name �.. 1 El Rules attached. N�"M q'/O Project Location: County c v I"-Sw't Gkc_ Address p0 Q04( n4145 Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) (r &(Xe 5 City ..,.i s e A State 0 C ZIP 7 5t D3(P &y.t. Phone#(IVO) n2 Ill VD E-Mail 4.. L+1'1_C_SION fin,F% .tor+ Subdivision Authorized Agent — City sie lf. ZIP 2 4//s 9 la_ Affected $Cw ❑EW in PTA ❑ES ❑PTs Phone# ( ) River Basin L.)es lace‘ AEC(s): ❑oEA ❑MP ❑IN ❑LMA ❑N/A .trw ' Ad'. ❑PWS: 1 44•1 V.I )RW: yes / l Q PNA yes /49 Closest Maj.Wtr Body �V.1J WIe d Pt/Activity t'V4\1.4_ S114rr(i- Gi r`d U..,,- v S(L�G1 Cf 4 r veal--� Aq t c-r,6 fMP.w Pe (dod()laud, �!lt,c c3 n� k\ a. JQ,14A-T (s.,•ta(--- _fi V C. c 44 (Stale: N T S "JCc 105 r Fbasd Platform(s)Civ to Io �I - Roaring : Xii / c ` Finger Pir(s) ' , n _ 1.1*-- Groin length num � ber ■■ ,--- — _ w Build/and/Riprap length ' 611111 ,ava distance o4 hor d max distance offshore p l Basin,channel • I - i cubic yards : 1 il , Boat - t + Boathouse/Beadift `3. X t V . ----- — --— -- - Geed,Bridoairg 1 ? 1 _. - V Pill i I Other S . 1 p • SAS sure Length ')lSO ® ,— ilk� Q, f v.)st..4 oe% ii?-.14---,.----- —________71-„A-a„.. i.e_._ Moratorium: n/a yes g 32_‘‘ -41 6.4 4JRr - - --- I , `mod _ U+ Photos: ria/ I �' -' �je,r~c�c S _hCVc� Waiver Attached: /ee� no 1 - - n--- 1- - - I i - y it." A building permit may lbe aired by: ( u _tc.' 1..�Jnt' - ❑See note on bads regarding River Basin rules (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) (1 Note/Special Condidoe((a O �OC\1 ^` `"I`+‘•L wA\_ nel -1(u4A (�O✓ V.i\t. 04 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit:JAA✓ r G r►1 l-vt ru Mailing Address: Jw L3 GX I 7-69S vtd S 44-1/ N L €J 03 Phone Number: ' 0 9-D - MLR Email Address: tflnJ 6? .5/w/o,v i.vi ea.-) I certify that I have authorized Agent/Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and,obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: t1/r,..,, u L-k j pt-rr, L_,#: - PJAr- at my property located at 5e r--rCr- S..e p J IV/L in County. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: Signature `,3 cA7 ,- - c Pr,.-N Print or Type Name Title • ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to �c.�,,, /d-ar►,r►c 's 7 (Name of Property Owner) property located at 3 i ? Sir C✓Y1 1j4.4 rS v1, tiC-d$ 4G7, (Address, Lot, BiocRod,etc.) on /v vA-Jr / in 1 N.C. (Waterbody) I (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. / i I nave no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill In description below or attach a site drawing) • WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must Initial the appropriate blank below.) ✓ I do wish to waive the 15'setback requirement I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) (Adjace Property Owner Information) Sf ahlrer Sign _ rJ` f c+t39,�dG✓11 �'(1( 'y rn 66 f S n or Type Name Print or Name /� , Bo>< 1 ?Q�* St'�,C r t% /7V /? AI I.., ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERLY OWNER STATEMENT hereby certify that I own property adjacent to -4r / `j r;r-,,,►o,� _s • (Name of Property Owner) property located at 3 0). 17- C "PeS C 4/C,4718 y63, (Address, Lot, Btocl, Road, etc.) on T<vL,"4-st'a 1 , in S L ) , N.C. (Waterbody) �I itityrrown and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill In description below or attach a site drawing) WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) ' 1 I do wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. P erty Owner Information) (Ad'acent Property Owner Information) [ Anaiun(n Si nature"sr 19- GI}?ritGvai WNe I"or Type Name Print or Type Name B oX I r" 7„211 (eA ref r Az/ Medina Address _ .. _ Mailina Address DocuSign Envelops ID:72639085.A8FB-4792-A5FC-0FC2A134206E )ocuSit t Ereeope ID.!,46C.531 J 41•- •2.9:85-/SCSFp_AE1•: OFFER TO PURCHASE A\n CONTRACT ICoasult"Guidelines"(Form 261 for,:tuidancr in compktint this form' For vatuabk comideration.the receipt and kcal s-ulhciene} of stilli;h arc hcrt:hy a.krtosiedgcd..Buser offers to ixtrhave and Seller upou xcepl.ui a avrtxs to sell and convey the Property on the tennc and.ondttione of this Direr to Purcicrse and Contrict and any addendum or rttodifi Lion made in accordance with its terms(together the"Contract': t. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS: lice 1cni listed below shill hoc the r specuse meaning £n•cn them ac set forth adjacent to each reran •i, "Seller": Kcsin John knuernsthild,Hammil Kn icrnschild Kendra "Raver": JohnTammarn, lc) "Property":The Property shall inched&all that real esu.c described bolest together with all appurtenances Ihcrtto uLlr'.hrE the r.npw%enients 10‘.tted thereon and the fistnres and personal property listed ut Para niphc•'•and hclnw NOTE: If the Proper will include a ir'mnfactuned titiobi c) boatels;. Royer and Seller should coraaler alai itnlinit the Manufactured(tiipbilct Tinme pmyisicn in the Additional Provisions Addendum'Standard Fern,2A;1-Tl with this offer Street Address: 37.11 Seacr cst Avenue tiVl Cits Sappy Zip 213142 Coma). fir_nsr N G North Carolina NOTE:Governmental authority m-cr ewes 7nninc.school hs:.-tcts.tuMues and nia ;delis cis m.•tv differ from address shown I.ei~al Dec;ription•1 Complete.1;.i.applicable) Flat Kefererix Lot,l.int 311 ,Rlock,'Ser:ion .Subdnrsion'Contktautuum Tait ki•aod sips it on i'lnt R.'nk'Slidc i at Pa;e s r i131 The PTN.P:T)or other identification number of the Property is. 230N111853 Other descnpuou Lr311 S-1 "iANGI.EWOOD Pi AT ir131 Same or all of the Property may the des rb d in Deed Book 31016 at Page 149 os //4 4 " rdriic Price": 41�J C CG %L ` r S 1 , (NI f paid in L.S.Dollars upon the fuliosvutg tern=1�IMt,(Nt BY L)LL• DILIGENCE FEE made pas able rind delivered to Seller by the LITccuvc Date. S 3.00IU00 I3Y INI11AL LARNL.iU MONLY DL:POSII made payable and delivered to F crow Agent muted in Paragraph !(f)by Lash persona;e}cck [official bank sheet Evart t.rualer. electronic transfer.F.TTT TFR s.it this offer OR X within five(5)days of the EtTxrive Date of this Contract. HY l 1f)t)T T O •\l.l F.ARN'F.ST hMONFY DEPOSIT rnnde payable and delivered to Escrow Agent named in Paragraph 1(1) aisb utfutal bank check. wire transfer in ekeuvnic transfer no taster than 5 p in on TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE. 5 BY ASSUMPTION of the impaid pnncrpai halancc and ail obligations of Seller on the evisttttg luarefs) secured by a deed of :rum vu the Pr.,pery to ac.-enlatlx%silk the attar,:Iced Loan Assumption Addendum(Standard Form 2A(--T) S RY SF.I.I.F.R FINANCING in a=_ordin:e wirh the attached Seller Financing Addendum 'Standard Form 7.AS-T) pus $ _ BY BUILDING DI PC)St t m accortitnec with the attacned New C ottctnsction Addendum 'Standard Form'_A3-Tl S 7 L3.1LANCL of the Pun hose Price nu cash a:'Settlement t seers or all of w titch rn.r) be mud with the proceeds of a new;oast Should 13ln-cr fail to dein er either the Due i)ilipenec Fee or any Inina1 Earnest More) Deposit by their dee dates.or should am check or other Raids paid be Buyer he dishonored,for any "son,bs the institution upon shish the po.rient r;drat.ti Rvn Der shall have one(T baitkir>i;day after written notice in deirver each, official bank chock.s.ire transfer or ctxironic transfer to the pasce Tn the es tit Buser does not timely deliver the required funds Seller shall hn c the right to tcrmirsttc this Contract upon is riven notisx to Fins et , • v a V I - #111,t1tAAI V I 1 h "Al t4A I cy 2.3 4si a 1 I re T—, N I tI VS' dk4►ktZ „! I' }1-,M (21-TO) .P�ti v-fi- Chuck n(Name) Name or Permit Holder Vendor Check Number amount Permit Number/Command Receipt or Refund/Reallocated 1 ,n3 Column/ Column). Column6 Column? Column). Column). White Kehaya Bank of America 2424 $ 400.00 GP#76472D KE rct.10785 rust same Fidelity 1022 $ 400.00 GP#76519D BB rct,11532 David Butts BB&T 10146 $ 200.00 GP#76464D BB rct.11527 GP#76518D(one check written for$800 split between two Gary and Martha Pope BB&T 7461 $ 400.00 permits) BB net.11531 GP#76517D(one check written for$800 split between two ;Gary and Martha Pope BB&T 7461 $ 400.00 permits) _. BB rct.11531 dson/Richardson Cc James McMillan BB&T 7757 $ 200.00 •GP#76462D BB rct.11530 oil same Aquesta Bank 1593 $ 200.00 GP#76468D BB rct.11529 o II Judy Garst Aquesta Bank 1592 $ 200.00 GP#76549D BB rct.11528 __ stmction,LLC Shepard Broadfoot ,CresCom Bank 3201 $ 200.00 GP#76463D BB rct.11534 lion,LLC Daniel Clements FCB 269 $ 200.00 GP#76560D JD rct.10821 Nathan Faulkner BB&T 8835 $ 200.00 GP#76559D JD rct.10820 Construction Co. Diane and Dave Rodgers 1South State Bank 11849 $ 200.00 GP#76470D KE rct.10783 _ _ same BB&T 6495 $ 200.00 GP#76586D .JD rct.10819 _ s,LLC same South State Bank 1857 $ 200.00 GP#71873D JD rct.10847 xoj G cj a? 1 • I ' 2% 1' • t' 1 ADJ CENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to property located at - I ���c,�;�— (Name of Property Owner) on ,, (Address, Lot, Block, o d, etc.) (Waterbody) In..� ), l N.C. It Ity/Town and/or County) The applicantU has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. ___________ I have no objection to this proposal. —_____� I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) I understand that a pier, dock, mooringWAIVER SECTION minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access r�unless waived itby me. (►fm to waivea a the setback, you must Initial the appropriate blank below.) youwish } \A-' I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. (P erty Owner Informatio ) • �� (Adjacent Property Owner Information) i nature VQAoJSnature Pant or Type Name . i ' o e v 4: c Print or Type Nance Mailing Address --�-- .2I I ce r1f/2--;