HomeMy WebLinkAbout76484D - Reuhland 'CAMA/ ❑DREDGE,& FILL N9 76484 A _ B
3ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# U0i--O25,
fNew ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued 2
lzed by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality
:oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC O 1-/1. /l c c
❑Rules attached.
t Name ' C 1,-;-:J. kL—, e'er Ii +(,, 1 Project Location: County
21-19 r I- 11y 1)7. Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) l\6k V t
''` 11Jn .:14, - State N C- ZIP 7 7-I O(:P 5c)v,\ ). &c., ( .
('330 'ji 3 2`((,' E-Mail C//rp uh lu,.A E. c. I.Ca- Subdivision
edAgent off{ 1JP r . ,Li I-�e h. I City Or.7.fe., (Pt_ Qea, h ZIP 2.liA/L'(
IRCW ❑EW A)PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin / Ue
Adj.Wtr. Body J‘,. l( ) Ce-�� j /1
Closest Maj.Wtr. Body A 4-1 — (.. Uce..,,
yes /6) PNA yes /417
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ng permit may be required by: O(.,2G n ( S(t to -C k U See note on back regarding River Basin r
nral Plannina li,ricriirtirml
Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit:'charcl �euh(c
Mailing Address: ' '/ r 1-6 1/ ?vp Jr
Imo/ r n S-i-o^- - S� �,ti / ,✓ c 2 7 1 c j
Phone Number: ) `"�/ y
Email Address:
I certify that I have authorized tk1/30—te,,- 6,.v1 r\-c (TeaI-ke(WI
to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits
necessary for the following proposed development: e C g—
at my property located at III YI ,_SOwk5icic OI 6
in�jvur�y ucc lc., County.
I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to
Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter
on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this
permit application.
Property Owner Information:
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n(Name) Name of Permit Holder Vendor Cheek Number amount Permit Number/Comments Receipt or Refund/Reallocated
nn3 Columns Columns • Column8 Column7 Column8 Columns
Bulkheads LLC Dale Ardizzone Wells Fargo 23505 $ 200.00 GP#77858D KE rct.10790
Kelly and Tano Failla Charlotte Metro 1719 $ 200.00 GP#77853D BB rct.11543
ne Construction LLC Linda Weber BB&T 5930 $ 200.00 GP#76597D BB rct.11533
JC LLC Richard Reuhland BB&T 1117 $ 200.00 GP#76484D BB rd.11544 _
st./Daniel Shirley Jordan Messick SunTrust 5365 $ 600.00 GP#76543D PA rct.10267
s1./Daniel Shirley Melissa Hardin SunTrust 5366 $ 200.00 GP#76577D PA rot.10266
LLC Rebecca Ta�rlor Wells Fargo 1025 $ 200.00 GP#77835D PA rct.10269
uction,LLC Kevin Driscoll Navy Federal CU 1167 $ 200.00 GP#76587D PA rct.10264
many Roger Hudson First Bank 1446 $ 200.00 GP#76544D PA rct.10268
ne Construction LLC Alison Marshal •BB&T 5964 $ 200.00 GP#76487D BB rot.11549 __
same The Fidelity Bank 6413 $ 200.00 GP#76483D BB rct.11547
actors Inc. Webster Trask PNC Bank 8787 $ 200.00 GP#76477D KE rct.10792
trvices,LLC Perry and Darlene Mansfield First Citizens Bank 3433 $ 200.00 GP#76432D Ben rct.10299
trvices,LLC George and Karen Brake FCB 3432 $ 200.00 GP#776220 Ben rct.10300
I Gary Godwin .BB&T 2002 $ 200.00 GP#76448D Ben rct.10298
tors LLC Chris and Nancy Sweeney FCB 9243 $ 200.00 GP#76436D 'Ben rct.10297
actors Inc. •Pipers Neck 29,LLC PNC Bank 8788 $ 200.00 GP#76478D KE rct.10791
ine Construction LLC Beverly and Patrick Wright Rev.Ti BB&T 5951 $ 400.00 GP#76485D BB rct.11548
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