HomeMy WebLinkAbout76902A_Tipsea Turtle, Inc._20200624/CAMA /,, DREDGE &FILL W 76902 (A—) s c D 9 NERAL PERMIT Previous permit * C11) 5'w i 11 Modification I Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued 11411 e As &Ahorized by the State of North Carolina, Depart/ t of Environniental Qualtry and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC-- Proiect Location: County"CZ ........ . . Applicant Name Address PO-(—'OX Street Address! State Road/ Lot(s) i3av City'-A.INJ5r. klx-4 state Phone # (?,� 4, E -;� ) '6 -A3 ?Y11 M ai 104 Authorized Agent City J'�,nty&—TISICI<!, ZIP --r Basin 11"0- Cw AW -PITA ES PTS Phone* Rive Affected OEA HHF -, IH USA N/A V Wtr. Body hat Man, /q*n) - Pws.-- OR* yes e-nt>) PNA yes Gw`} Closest Maj. Wtr. Body Type of Project/ Activity t (Scale, I Flier (dock'} leri&i, fixed Flol" F=nger G;-c4n i,-ng& m;mber Buikhems RiprAp WVth, avg distance offshore K Ar may distance offshore 4� Basan, 7rannel + cubic yards Boat ramp 4---,--- V, . . . ....... Beach Bid ld ----- Other 4J Shoreline Length- ------- SAV: not sure Yes '--D ".-n: 'Oratonun il, kit/ rVa yes I C' C Oyer Waiver Atwi-ed: yes C- A building permit may be required by! C.L111 -4Lc Ic See note on back regarding River Basin rules. ( Note Local Planning Jurisclfiction ) Notesl Special Conditions A7�P �iritod- TNV' C-- Signature ** Passe rend 'corn'phance"s'tatemwtt Appkauoti �ee(s) Check Per, in CAficer's Printed Na" Signat, irp L"uft Date Expiration Date r- May 20, 2020 The Tipsea Turtle INC — PARCEL ID - 007700000350000 112 Bay Villa Lane Knotts Island, NC 27950 Meredith McCoy — George Vakos Currituck Builders Boat Lift installed at existing slip In the area that is highlighted with the blue rectangle there is currently and existing boat slip with 4x6 poles to tie to and 10 ft x 3 ft existing finger pier to the west of slip. We propose to replace 4x6 with marine grade double dipped salt treated 8x8 pilings and reinforce the finger pier for updated poles. Nothing will be moved or change location; we are only replacing what is existing with the proper size poles. Received DCM-EC qw Meredith McCoy - Tipsea Turtle INC [R:e�dlineequals NWL 1 112 Bay Villa Lane Knotts Island, NC 27950 Parcel ID no. 007700000350000 - Purple dashed line is 75' AEC Yellow end slip is where we will install boat lift U -- — ,a FLANAGANN/PARKER 25' from closest structure 1 KITCHkN - DINING ROOM 1 i Tipsea TurtTd' sk Property ` 1 t W t _ y 1 r- t i 1. Z KARR /PARKER May 24, 2020 Yellow line equals Property Line Blueish trapezoid is boat/boat slip - Green dashed line is 30' cama buffer "rs and slip$ gceived k N A 1" = 50 feet DCM-EC Val i l l � �' � of c�Xt �ei-i c,�s � ece a�t� U.S. Postal Service" CERTIFIED MAIL" RECEIPT Dornestic Mail Only to W- For delivery in I formation, visit our website at wwwAJsPsX0m', U see Reverse tot Instructiolls PS Form 3800, April 201 S PSN 7530-02,()OO�"7 Of 6/2b/2U20 fu1929/uuuul9uu522111 - Uoogle Search We've detected you're using an older version of Chrome. Reinstall to stay secure Google 70192970000190052811 X Q q All Q Maps El Videos Images Q Shopping E More Settings Tools About 0 results (0.24 seconds) Track your package Tracking number 70192970000190052811 Delivered) June 01, 11:02AM Corolla, NC 6) View details on USPS Call1-800-275-8777 ft Track another package Elizabeth City, North Carolina - From your places (Work) - Use precise location - Learn more Help Send feedback Privacy Terms httns•//www_annolP.cnm/cParch?n=7n19297nnnn19nn52R11Rrb=1C1GCFR Ant 1S861HSRR1Rnn=70192970000190052R11Rans=rhromP.0.R9i59.R151iOi4&,otirnP.ld=chmmP&iP=l1TF-R 1/1 fir. all LTE CERTIN�D MAFL RETFtRN REG��'T f!£-QUEStEU DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROKRTY OWNER NOTWICATION,WAIVER FORM t, a Adrrxxxrtr�— .: Ar�enrS Names f .. �xnr's t�'�-*tt • _ -}bz..`� �; ; J r'•.a. iL � �a +` � r .. -,-as '. . :r'at - rw>' I»rex np rst;-nett• "It., M[w9 rN6@mrr eA Prop" Tr* oto"(iral r anry am m dsex+;enn A assmoNon ar �In�84..+.Y tta^_ etf,�it Ile etcviaia wrlfw 4� bg�gr. a ,�� ,.. +�r �xbpra..art.:a, 5€3as �:�xr,.i. 1 haxc s+isyeCitarart ra tyro- ��rail d ynu Mve abr.cfw�+• b wI itr,>>M@Vr pu rrtu.I rtddyal.OlYMiw/dGWffif 11f.:pirint tOCMt wr wmrFrexp ww.- to aft, of'0."04 M 9" rwucti C wwef Mien ar *C*.0... M M&YOW" I40110480 "T. Nv rraponse rs rona.aend Hts firm .p tta o-O/ecgore d you hive bewe w,fitod by I+MYIIIIEM.IL WAIVER SECTION umersiano to a£ a tom, dock, tnlRoivV £I mqn MW r—P ty"Aw'aw [k al%avw, or gift MKM be seq. bwa, .a rtxnHrwpm deg m m o s area at rOva am aocte% unw" wietr;,9 by rM (aF YOU wtStl V) w4m,, 1h. SeM11(* YOU [nUst Frdtiil trw aWttK-'flaw 15431%fl brAaw.j 1 do wlv. tC wwrv'. V* l', >eRtac#r rc uremtrr:t. I do not wtsh to war", I"e if, setback rer{esrvrx. m owner tr> Trwltwn9 intgo im PmPart, owfys�lgpernatllrltii ${grrslrJsr der Firvar Tit how y 1,7 a 3 te,t��,Of f f .S .. i4 F, ' E. $ ill r f fMA �C ,.m. A6 S ;r c 2, Aug, MAg Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Reply Currituck County GIS Online Mapping — v a Addresses a Communities Avdiall w , } Be Ro i k f d Coiniock �_']]♦} ' •�' R' h. �4r�,� ;�'6. .�{, tY �. r:IL�;( C:OIUII3 Currituck G IbbB WOOgC 'it69'1• P' r� e•. -- Grandy goo Ha rbl nqa r Jarvisbura 112 Knots: Island r �# Made :3` 1 moyock Point I larbar jr f. I 4 Poplar B rant h rtwclla %int { t # 5 hawooro t ' s Sligo IHOferllly Gos nt Boundary1 — — C„unty Streets sr _. Major Streets Arterial Mmipol Artenal_Ua)0r Colkxfor hlaior AR �1 L� Currituck County ,, • � - Aerial Photography (2016 I' ERed: Band_1 Oki R �Bluo: Band_3 Currituck County GIS This map should be used for general reference purposes only. (252)232-2034 Currituck County assumes no legal liability for the information www.co.currituck.nc.us/Geographic-Information-Services.cfm shown on this map. y W,