HomeMy WebLinkAbout76195D - KarshnerI CAMA/ ❑ DREDGE & FILL IhENERAL PERMIT New ' ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue rized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality :oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC No. 76195 A B Previous permit # Date previous permit issued ❑ Rules attached. it Name o/ r, 5 U C J 1 r1-_- ✓ Project Location: County Z 5 S Q�(Street Address/ State oad/ Lot #(s) 2 3 ll � — 1 State � ZIP '2cc'' T ` ( ) )05 � I O -Mail Subdivision ++ :ed Agent h n w City d ciR -� e c c k ZIP * CW ❑ EW A ❑ ES ❑ PTS Phone # ( ) River Basin L"1 ❑ OEA ❑ HHF ❑ IH ❑ UIRA ❑ N/A ❑ PWS: yes K no PNA yes / f Project/ Activity ( A 0bc1v.��, AA Adj. Wtr. Body , / (natal Closest Maj. Wtr. 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The individualpermit has d io me as s they are i�Posing. hown on the atlacled dMWIng-the development A d � . with ciim Mons must be ided with this letter. I have no objections to this prDPosaL I have objections Ctions to this proposat. ffyou h re objec&M 110 whatdsbeh;gprvPosed, S^Umust wrfting whkin 10 abys ofrec*t of this no*& noSFytheDivisionofCo��ent onderrce should be n abed to 127 ca Ea' Cam' eCOW cr � can also be rdirra! tMve the same as no obieeBorr ff TU- !rave beau no h . � ��179f .72i5. No r j, 1 understand that a pierdock WAIM SECTION back a minimum distance of 15' from a of�r; boathouse, t#ti orgroin_must be set wish to waive the Y riPanan a ur*W waived by me. (if you setback You rraust initial the appropriate blank below.) . -Y f do wish to waive the 15' setback requirerr9erzt -- l do not wish to waive the 16 setback requirement i'roParty OW er ir,% Sivxtve Print or Type r �9at7ing Add%ress p �Y/Siate�rP refephone iVumber (Adjacent Proxy Owner in€orma ) zgrtatzcre rrr-,yy -2, Pant or Tme dame �IO�p Gc�R�,6.ryg,Qpo K �P,p. l4�rng An6dress 126W��F,�� Ajc AZYc7 34 -o'kI arse ?elephone Number CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT STED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT "ADJAC11 NTRIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM Name of Property Oyy Address of Property: 'I d e n eenc 11 (Lot or Street #, Street or Road, City & Cowty) Agents Name # �i� rA rA , r Ma ingAddrew—LE24-Meas+,er- Agent's phone # `� i � `t't 3 4,� �� �S f'S cl tic c2g (P 1 hereby certify that 1 own property adjacent to the above referenced ro The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached d awing a development they are proposing. A description or drawing with dimensions must be provided with this letter. +✓fI have no objections to this ro P posal• I have objections to this proposal. ff you have objections to what is being proposed, you must nobly the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 127 Cardinal Drive Ext, Wilmington, NC, 2840&3845 DCN reprasentatives can also be contacted at (910) 796-7215. No response is considered the same as no ob ection if You have been notified by Cert W Mail L3 Si- 5 WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin -must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (if you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement ( Perty Owner Information) Nignatwe _%y A- q %Gr /I P/- -rmt or Type Name (Adjacent Property Owner Information) 'i. sigmenre Pnnt or Type Name 3: 5 5eiJe J eal NIMd W MaRna AMrn,— 7, IF NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Achael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director 'XII;1am G. Rcss Jr.. Sea-etar� Authorized Agent Consent Agreement 5461m' Va!nayn is hereby authorized to act on nay behalf ;Printed Name otAgent; order to obtain any CANNA permit(s) required for the property listed below. The authorization is limited to the ecific activities described in the attached sketch. )CATION OF PROJECT: 3 Vden 6eac h �C- ;OPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS: i ,S /s- A/PHONE NO. '%/O— -S_`r� ^� 'THORIZED AGENT MAILING ADDRESS: > 79 Mo!s e'er euc k Es tC,%PS 7 nature of Property Owner: PHONE NO. _11 D ` 4-7 — q, �� nature of Authorized Agent: l )( � 4 erqoe a boa-Ht4 dock ,ex l,41-5 o-x v, 0 Check ,gym I _ Name of Prrmlt Nddw V&Vdw Chet* Numfw .mounf Permit NumbN/Comnrrua R— r or Rof nd/R-11 ..f d , CafllmM / ColumM CoWmm7 Columrre C01umn9 Marvin Smith COaUaI 3190 $ 20_0.00 GP 076582D _ _ _ JD fd. 10804 _ same SaMem Bank 15878 $ 200.00 GP#76581D mt.10801 :askins same USAA Federal Savings Bank _ _— 4625 $ 66O.W GP #74828D _ _ _-- -- JO ret 10643 vnawiok County Inc Gilbert Morton _ __ 13941 $ __200.00 GP #75192D _ _. BB rot 10212 _ vnswick County Inc Cynthia Voqler _BUT BB3T _ 13939 a 200.00 G.P #76191 D _ 86 rat 10211 vns_w_ ick —County Michael D Biggers BB&T _ _ L_ 13938 $ 200.00 GP #76568D _ _ BB rat 10210 Rodney Whitaker BUT13942 $ 200.OD GP#76571D BB rot10215 unsvnck County Inc John Rankin BBST 139431 E_ __ 200.00 GP #76572D 'GP B6 rcl 10216 _ Phillip Jumey BUT 13940 $ _ 200.00 #765700 - BB rct 10214 Robert Noble IV BuT 13937 $ 600.00 GP #76569 . _ BB rct 10209 '- William Burton BBBT _ 13937 $ 400.00 GP #761 _ leads Inc Chns Karshner B 7697 200.00 GP # 95D 18