HomeMy WebLinkAbout76581D - Kennedy,CAMA / ❑ DREDGE & FILL N9 76581 A B x,19NERAL PERMIT Previous permit# 'e ew ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued ized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality oastal Resou es Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC les }ttached. Name� e" Project Location: County � 6Q Street Address/ State Road/ Lo #( ) State NC- ZI P 17 - Ob E-Mail Subdivi 'on :d Agent N �� City % ZIP_ ❑ CW *w 'A PTA ElOEA /❑ HHF ❑IH ❑ PWS: yes / PHA yes / Project/ Activity :k) length_ itform(s) _ Platform(s) distance i x distance annel iic yards ip oatli 2 V 7— illdozin Length not sure yes no um: n/a yes no yes no kttached: ives/— -n-. ❑ ES ❑ PTS Phone # River Basin ❑ uBA ❑ N/A Adj. Wtr. Body ��G/►^ A Sc na Closest Maj. Wtr. Body 0 v A W.5-1 (Scale: I ; J ig permit may be required by: }�F ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin r� -ocal Planning jurisdiction) 6VIIA -11-a� Co-r� owf-v� AQz4ll2.i= . . i DfVLS.ION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICAT"MAIVER FORM zgiam-m'- - I & ]I'Le-61 id i��Amlliwmml a KOM* T' *)ey are proposh-4 6 desgrtqjon qr draviing. wM dirr*nsjgn�, must be prowied with thi$ leW -L", VIC no objections to fts proposaL - I have ol�cctiow to this proposai- If you haw obpcdmn to **at is bang pnWosed, yom amst noW ft Dr#ww af Co a&W KamagameW (DCAQ m writing withm 10 days of wejW at Ws norm& C=mspomkiwe should be maftd to 127 Ca %&W Drtv* &t, KNO*VW0, NC, 284OS-384. DM nVr*s*7b&~ can also be cDnUcted at (W796-7"2 & Mo msponse is canskiered the same as no 2bMtiion 9 you hwm been no~ by CerWed Kmd. WANER SECTION I understand that a pler. dock, moring pkxjs. breakwatef, boatmuse, lift, or groin nuist be set back a mirimurn distance of of nparm accew uniess wamd by me. (If you wish to warve te settedr, i itial appropnate blark Ww-) I do wish to, %wai:ve 16 setback reqtirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement (Property Owner In firm) S-wture Prw or Type Name ea &x JyF Um" Ad&sss CcdvP,-zllqC, 4 CJy/SWW;PP 115. — -- — . — r7. -P DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONrWAIVER FORM they an,- proposing A descnp0Qn 5t rovikd with N I have no ol,�ccfions to this proposal- - I have *ectioas to this prolx)sal- ►f you h*m objecllam to whW is btfg proposed, you mast notify the DMisim of GvasWMans9wavrwt axAQ it M•ri dag *Wr in id days of rwaoc of 1W autice Cornmpaadarrce avomW he nftAld !d 127 Cwd%W On" Ext, Mndngfan. MC, 28 84& DCX nU&,rw can also be cophicsad at 016) 796-7211 MD response a conskiemd the same as no agjaEtw iyoo .have bow m)~ by CartTmd JW WAIVER SECT I underst" that a pier, dock, mooring pdings, breakwater, boathouse, Fd� or groin must be so #• wish to waive 7 15'sed)ack requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner InfonTtation) Signature EM Nr. e.. Nf Cw.Lf.. 8...s.t t Name of Permit Holder Vendor Clank Numb- Clwok —1 Pamlf M.OWMMYnMp -Ro/und/Reallocafed m,9 C.1-4 _ Coarmns _ _ Colum" Column] CMMms Co#Murs Marvin Smith_ _ _ same _ same Gilbert Morton Cynthia Vogler Michael D Biggers Rodney Whitaker John Rankin Jurney IRobert Noble IV Burton Chris Karshner Coastal Southern Bank USAA Federal Savings Bank BB&T BB&T BB&T _ BB&T-- - BB&T _ BB&T _ BB&T _ _ _ BB&T _ BB&T 3190 200.90 GP #76582D ._ _ 15878 = 200.00 GP#76581D _ _�JD _ 4625 S 600.00 GP#74828D 13941 S 200.00 GP #76192D — _ _ 13939 $ 200.00 '.GP #76191D _ _ 139M $ 200.00 'GP #76%80 _ -13942 = _200.00 GP #76571D 13943 $ 200.00 GP #76572D _ 13940 $ 200.00 GP #76570D _ 13937 $ 600.00 GP #76569D - - _ 13937 $ 400.00 GP#76190D 7697 $ 200.00 GP #76195D Jig Mt 10804 ret. 10801 JD roll 10843 BB let. 10212_ -_ BB rct 10211 BB rct. 10210 BB rct. 10215 BB rct. 10216 BB rct. 10214 BB mt. 10209 _ iBB rct. 10213 {BB rct. 10218 skins lswick County Inc mvick County Inc lswick County Inc lswick County Inc _.Phillip _ _'William ads Inc.