HomeMy WebLinkAbout76534D - German !41ACENJ F iA ' 3E TY Cyr'`»rPv tri 5�� .r ! a:frittany (; rr1t< r - s of t certify that own p ropettr €t��►c�nt to .� � _�--_u� ---� owner) ^ (Nern of property property located at 100 11 � _- (Addresi, t gat, Black, NC. on (rkv (Watl�-rhody) __.. w .�_..� • - `icityyiTown andtor County) The applicant has described try are, as sh(-wwa bejr)w, the deYN,i'apnrent F,roposed at the above WItion, i haver no ch,ec;tjon to this PrcpOsal. _ t hay° 3 objech :;rts '10 t s MOPt sai. DESCRIPTJON AND/OR DRAWING OF Ppo'PO ED DEvELOPMENI (Individual proposing develo rraent must fill in d,,,Scei1vVor below or attach a site drawing ,. F { 1 #u3 .,.:n .0 WAIVER SECTION ;�0T �['t'i.�t�``ABLE t unrter�tara:l that a pi: r. dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, 'Oft, or groin must be set back a rninirriui.i, distance of .t,Y friar my atea of riparian access � Mless war red by me (if you wish to waive: the setback, yW must initial the appropriate blank below.) l do wish to waive the 16 setback requiremen', i do not wish to 3fvaive the 15' sektback requirern> nt. (property Owner Infor(n ation) �Adjaci�,nt Property Owner Information) ram% �►nattir El duany .�,. _ _ Bdl74i.w.-4-,— Aires 0Ah'7 : . i a r Aw � tJ%-Tf) rr -2R 14 r) ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Brittany German s property located at 100 Hooker Rd. (Name of Property Owner) (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on Bradley Creek , in Wilmington N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. X I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) Y. . T WAIVER SECTION NOT APPLICABLE I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. X_ I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) (Adjacent Property Owner Information) for Benjamin T. Hughes Signature" Signature Brittany German Angela Hammers Print or Type Name Print or Type Name 100 Hooker Rd. NCDOT Div 3 Dist 3, 300 Division Drive of proposed dock NORMAL HIGH WATER LINE FLAGGED BY PAfRiC AUICO, NCDCM. D7-08-2019 PRQOIERTY LINE IS MEAN / miGH WATER LINE PER US 3& PC N51'17'15"W 135_57' (N51'22'48-W REC) �MEN �■ ■■ ice■ dp H■■�� mom■■r■■r ■■■ ■■rAlam■ l ' feu■■■■� ;r■■r ■■�■� u prp .[fr .ia■ Y,T.. Lrs M-WKA.Ynv£M COUVrr F.000NA,KYAKASFYFK, r 27 Ri 1156 ncnY cY x1u e 1 • . i v,1(1- .as-li0 • ]•.�)!•, J.Of' q✓�isKAL�, MKKK AAIO ,M wrE}(Y rKEs [', // \ 1 a OGNa v[R-. 3.t-319 : 530-331 N•N'J9• t 12.8 FY3lrEl.vl ACC [ cfYVP .M LMl A A)[.Ywr Ilk R �'! [IOuiS 159-350 35•^=,• a.).' // 21 _313 Sf' .'33• a IN: PSTAIE OIA---r0.Y pscLOSEs n4) IMC s[WEc, xCA[ c L.c�S 3S0_251 3•.]'00' e.6>• y� ui-aa a avau• t 9. 9` p� r19•m > \\I.]]• �+ ,13-3U 9 a9'01.1T• isle• l t7LwnMAFIOPO K.lAKOA �AKo) IT n/C IUw<`w �/ L i xc a [::J xc i!i-i�i g s•x• 3]. 113 • Sl'N•I'' t 1•.l]' n3Fr n•. A.93q]SIWIS Il/E nnr / \ S 9 09.11'S1• r II. N' O f• lf.N• �IM"I-- •A,Y./F lKFRt,ArMws lr0/4)•a rME f.N• 33.-1]f °>f•]I'iJ•¢ ]. il' YAKCEFCA1t.TMK'nOY KA.w/R �/ \\�•, � � � :xa-ss9 a N•si•If• a f.6a' % ai- 4T OPEN NMOf :w-xN . 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RU55ELL own•En asl_,69 • 03 ti' � !9/OI )99-oKOs I 9 H . % 1afR a •�YnT[R Ll¢. ax W.. rrz.1 .0 •\ `41 1 la0•I62 a 0]•N 4>• � 1.1N s :.•N•u• [ Q u•:I •Is• , f 4 0A. ls] as 3N-a6> 3]•0]'16• , s.5r1• E x SS \ , .TlPZI U• [ 3l.a ff r 3N-369 37.79' f� � ♦ � d's�4 •^4y, �6$ 3w-no i ie•i• ]]]-0f. [ InN'.T r f.ef• I aaa —______ ....�r... `~ N1. $ LOI I ...... G� I �~� Z 3! •••r.•• }��. 0..SI AC Q I wP, � } •'+, , 41 NOQKER /ROAD -� ..R. 14" u!solo rr cac — — aAEIrE ccws .......... re EKwrKw l —_ iiwieKE.vE --•— cw cw a9AZKEr G�Ex ra,eK 3.9n= iswu•E.wPrcwr C[•[iT/ds MK.is Check n Name or Permit Holder Vendor Check Number amount Parmlr NumbWComments R wRerund/RrmNbc td -3 Colu-4 Columns Column8 CW~7 Cok-8 col-9 instruction, Inc. Cameron Ward Coastal Bank and Trust 3284 $ 200.00 GP #76579D _. _ JD rct. 10244 same BBBT 8298. $ 200.00 GP #76580D _ JD rct. 10245 struction, Inc Carolyn Coqdell _ FCB 89001_ S 200.00 GP #74652D _ Ban ra 10420 I PA rct. 10774 0000 Same Consumers CU 5022 200001 GP #76534D