HomeMy WebLinkAbout74653D - Peelle<CAMA / ❑ DREDGE & FILL pENERAL PERMIT yNew [-]Modification ❑Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue rized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality :oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC �11 No. 74653 / B Previous permit # Date previous permit issued i 1H Ia"1oO t Name A V\ ' I e- Project Location: County ❑ Rules attached. PD rHn CIJI C,K q S q or --ODd Or S 6- StreetAddress/ State Road/ Lot #(s) >011y'lo" State NL zip q2Z Dr. 00H (P ��OE-Mail :ed Agent y-,^ r- ex f q 10 - Ny3 - 7w S ❑ CW �EW )(PTA [IS ElPTS ElOEA HHF ❑ IH ❑ USA ❑ N/A ❑ PWS: yes / no PNA yes / no ' Project/ Activity LLR ck)length _ atform(s) 1 1 Platform(s) 2 x 1 y ier(s) mber — Riprap length dis offshore uc distance o ore nel )ic yards - C ^P----- sgj Bo-aaflift ,x e Lengthy_ notsure yes pi r Subdivision tr` C e-i 440 r City bol IVI G zip Phone # ( 70 V)g1 3 (' yy River Basin L u w Adj. Wtr. Body LoG400cdS I II-/ R►��i++ li Closest Maj. Wtr. Body-161-O S F1114 ' r'� UD V ^: . Aor l I {' (Scale: ) - �i■�lR,■7 i�,'.11�!".'i►7.�■■■i■IJ►[Ziil,�.7!...:�'■■■ !��■Caliif '■■■Ll'J■fir■■�®■■■�Iri■��il■■■■■■■■■■ i ■ 4:55 { p ,Jan Peelle permit .a U E W y 5� .Y ms Fa�' S 0 0 IFj C.� O �`y• �oX �� � �oS2`�-l�Sl *'t ,� c-h Qe ,.L I— t Name of Individual ��g Fac Penait~ Address of PrapeM ct Cr or Street 4. Street or Rosd1 'City and County} Y� hereby certify that T own property sdJwAM to the above-referencea propcn,. The individwi applPag for this po mit has describW to me a shown on the anscheo draw ttne days _ ... are praposing. A dexriatien-or drawing: with dirt► tta 3;� cro��?deg+ w4h tMs k " have no objections to this propose; tf You have objections to what is hstng proposed, pisass ►vr►re the D,•;,i+.,n of CoesillL h+iscagement, 117 C hrdtsial Drive Exam vo, WllminQton, NC 28405 r,r c:111 910196-7Z1S wirbio 18 days of rscalpt oi-thb R0 ice. No respcate is considered rho some as no ohict6nif YOU hove bsen noriiied by Certified Mali. W AMR SECTION i understand that a pier, dock, =oring pugs, broakwatar, bout #iouso or boat Lift VAVObe set bcka minimum distance of IS' from ray area of riparian access - unless wai•ea bti nk. tlireu ti�is5 to K'aive tine setback, you must initial the appropriate blank betov., do wish to waive the i 3' setback reouire,._.. t do nat u'sn w vaive the 1 S' setboci; Sm 574 ��1 I AGd= of Prwem' L L ) Lot or Street * Saut or Road1 iry and Gotmty i lereby certify that : owa Property adjacm to the above-referencea oroptn'. The individuat appi�7ng for this permit hat describ4d to me as ebown on the anachco drawing the devew" putt " are proposing. A descrimian or drawing, with dimensions. should be cro\.idec! with tip k 4er have no objections to tms propose; °.ou have abjections to whet ;g being proposed, please write the D+•t,,,1n of C*4*%40_ Anagemaor, W C12rdinul Drive EACO Wn. WilmingTon, NC Z8405 or cni, 91' _796.72_jS wirbin 10 days of receipt of Mis notice. Na responee is considered the so me as no otiectan if you hale been norliied. by Cerdfied Mail ` kIVER SEC'riC% i understand meta pier, dock, =oritsgp1hup, breakwater, ooar roust or boa; lift mtistkSet bCi: a minimum distance of i±' from my area of riparian access - umoss en bti . tityeu ro "'give !"e satback, yocs mast iaitici the appropriate ►Munk beto%% CO wish to waive the 13 se:68CK reovrep--" i do n2t U Ian to waive the 15 MOO'►; ea_:re Pk�S i r °rint Name ��- Telephone Number with Area Code nk, Benjamin m: MacPherson, Tara it: Friday, May 15, 2020 9:09 AM Brink, Benjamin )ject: FW: [External] Jan Peelle a MacPherson mington Region District Manager Division of Coastal Management )artment of Environmental Quality 1796-7266 office 1395-3964 fax i.macpherson@ncdenr.gov ' Cardinal Drive Ext mington, NC 28405 ail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be dis, hird parties. -Original Message----- m: Jan Peelle [ma ilto:janpeel le@aol.com] it: Thursday, May 14, 2020 5:14 PM MacPherson, Tara <tara.macpherson@ncdenr.gov> eject: [External] Jan Peelle JTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an ichment to report.spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> a, ve Tommy Perry at Atlantic Marine Supply permission to apply for a dock permit on my behalf at 459 Ironwood c)u need further information, please contact me. Chock n rrN Name o/ Pamir Noldw Vendor Check Number amount Pi —it NumDw/Com—b Rocelpt a Refun&Rw11—tad ar7 ColumM Columns Columns CokarwA Columns Column$ Gary SamblelJonathan Riley BBBT 6563 400.00 GP #76101D _ _ _ JD mL 10195 in LLC Simon and Adrienne Medley Wells Farqo _ _ 5491 200.00 GP #74656D _ _ _ PA MIL 10761 _ y same South State Bank _ t _200,00 :GP 0765271) _ PA rcL 10764 2.3 Mark and Carol Tallon First Citizens Bank 3155 f 200.00 GP #76197D BB rat 10473 »# LLC Debra Eichom PA Elsie Cumbee FCB _ 3158 200.00 GP #7642113 Bbrink rct. 10441 Jim Jordan Bank of America ., 6190 f 200.00 GP #76417D Bbrink rct. 10443 ra LLC James Mmett FCB _ 3156 200.00 GP 076406D Bbnnk rct. 10442 IncJan Peelle FCB 89002 3 200.00 GP #74653D Bbnnk rct. 1