HomeMy WebLinkAbout76422D - Lyons�CAIVIA / ❑ DREDGE & FILL �ENERAL PERMIT ew 7Modification El Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue N° 76422 A B Previous permit # 1 Date previous permit issued rized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality —7► j . 1 �o :oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC n ❑ Rules attached. t Name �o� c-� irk i yo r S Project Location: County o ►r Un S 1-11 L ,% 'k CA l V I ✓�' L ,Q,. Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) ..� o v Cx State�L ZIP aP � ) 2 0 U L E-Mail )o L• �`•f o n 5 8 d2 Y4 �6O' C'Orbdivision ,ed Agent alrj S Lovel\ `tjo-M - o-;-qo City b L ZIP a-g4C ❑ Cw LAW KPTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS Phone # ( �— River Basin L-LA Mh ElOEA HHF ❑ IH ❑ UBA ❑ N/A II ❑ PWs: Adj. Wtr. Body ^L' r d�e_,t y C,(olA4h (�Sa"fYi yes / no PNA es no Closest Maj. Wtr. Body, W Project/ Activity ck) length atform(s) Platform(s) ngth mber d/ Riprap length distance offshore nc distance offshor cannel Sic yard!(__ np Oe se/ Boatlift ulldozing e Length + not sure yes no ium: <� yes no yes Pno? kttached: yes (Scale: I = a ng permit may be required by: Local Planning Jurisdiction) �owh 0�- aA�_Iay,\d ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin r AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CANIA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Oviner Requesting Permit: U 05e-Q 4 J. ` c)n/ Mailing Address: /�� � @ /� Atha /Yd l �� Phone Nurn- er: Email Actress: fcl: ei, l certi + that I have authorized —Cl/ iG.OG'e1� Anent i Contractor to act on my beha:f, for the purpose o- appl,, ing for and obtaining all CAPAA permits necessary for the foAe+wing propose: development: at my property located at J f - • �- �CC��n 7�/ `. �C t. I:.',- L lZ, County. furthermore cer;Ty that l am aut.:L. to grant, and do in ` grant permission to D:t.,, ._ of Ceas*ai Nlanagernent sta=.. . _c_ �t rermit Otf.�cerG,�; _':a;ragents to en.e' ,.Jiv. on the aforementioned lands in cc; -ec:.:h evaluating informaton related toms ,permit app icat;on. Property Owner Information: / Yanature pri!lt or 'type Name CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUEST ED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONAANAiVER FORM Nary of PFoo=-rty ii+'I 1 _`..^.dress of Propert �a`c �� �. !/- f i CGS_ �r� 61- ° (/ �� `� /C !i .r Streets. Street or R*:)ad, City C Dj,,j{ '; xgen S ^v8i?Ta it. _ l'� f" 1 1.,r3Uri rwaiting .'�dd; 53. Agent s , hone m. �1/D- a ���I Jos nr;r tvC I h-�reb:' c=rnfv that t C1. PrO er61 a.^. acent i0 tie above :efere..noac orooer y. The Iindividual aorJlVinq for ,I !S perrriit has describe d 20 m& as sho vn on t;,e 8t`tachad dray in.' tf?E deve;opme rit ;iley are Oro. :ng. A descriotiori ordrai-ving. with diniensio,_S. rlust` be1)rovide-d tr f h this ieiter. r LIVC t?u onjei;tu,ns to this t:roI osa. T t i.a.. nn;eciiWT you rave ob-ections to ;:hat is beina proposed, you mustnrffytheDivisias OfCoaS_z" Management(DCffij i Wri:iny isitrin 10 days of receip- of this r+ctice. Correspondence should ba mailed to 127 Cardinal Drive Ext.. .tiiimingt0r, NC, 28405-38 , . DC14 representatives can also be contacted at (910) 79E-7215- No response is considered the same as no objection if ;you 92ve been notified bV Certif�d Mail il',i?AIVER SECTION iltilLrS 2r^td via' 2 pier, joC)i, mooring v:Iings, breakwater. boathouse, ii t- or groiji in u-st be Sot back, a minirl?um distance or 1 Jr� fr m my area of riparian access unless waived b rne. (.it yoU y;igh r0 ::'aiVc the setback, you mast initial the aperopiiate u:aril below.) wai _ e tie si;tb2ck. requii en�zn:. I do not -,wish tc -waive the 15' setbadk require^lant (Pr perty fJwner Information) 4R,n,r _,-�g7lo (Adjacent Property Owner I formation} I LIU _-LCf A jci cc r t�lllr?tl li:it?a -'-VL--27 � AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Properly Owner Requesting Permit: a5� L � If `�c)�JS Mailing Address: f/�4/1 lya Phone Number: Email Address: fc>e I certify that I have authorized ,/I! ,;cent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all `CAMAS permits necessary for the following proposed development: 5,r"N`� C�x, at my property Iocated at J� �� 6 �� (ica� fJr—� (�' K ZS%� �1 t'X— in �(Lcij C;? r C,� Country. l furthermore certify that 1 am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Dii,ision of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection t"iith evaluating information relates' to this permit application. Property Ovrner Information: y gnature A J . k z o Print or ;pe Name 7 WO l /� ! t�5 - - ro tti ti r- tti Ln a a d n 0 1T 1ti Er a n N ��� � �.0�����r, ► e r�tt>*l'1'a�r�fE��l'Itr SvL,f-xY4 NO ^M`FQ J IATfS P. ALf[RN fp 1020 PLACE STTCKEP AT TOP Of ENVELOPE TO THE RIGHT + CF f11F RF.TUi",j Ai!UnE5� f�l'..['AT pOT"TED 11111 — — — - - — — — ' -------------------------- CERTIFIED MAIL =ECM PJPTI F_PA10 30UTHPORT, NC 28461 AMOUNT20 $3.55 R2304E107183-03 w s, •, t � RETURN TO SENDER UNCLAIMED7019 2970 0001 5773 0691 19141 UNABLE TO CORWARCS Date Received Data NpoWtod Check From (Name) Name of Perm/t Holder Vendor Chock Number G: x amount Permit Numow/Comments Coumnl COkNM2 Co1umn3 ColumM Coawm6 Columns Coh~7 Cohen" 6/11/2020 _- Leona Bryan same Jerry Ennett Andy Darden Lighthouse Marine Construction Inc. Doug Jackson Weekend Dance Party Inc. Sherman Sandlin Charles Fox Homes, LTD Patrick and Claire Joyce _ AM Docks and Marine Construction LLC Charles Campbell CLTMC. Inc. - Joseph Lyons Palmetto Marine Construction Jerry Cobb Coastal Marine Piers Bulkheads LLC Meyers and Cameron - .Coastal Marine Piers Bulkheads LLC William Rhett Taber III FCB 8020 $200.00 GP #76505D $ 200.00 GP #76504D S__ 200.00 GP #75884D _ $ 200.00 ;GP #76297D $_ 200.00 GP #74582D _ S 200.00 GP #76510D S 200.00 GP #76422D S 200.00 -GP #76413D S _ 200.00 GP #78525D 200.00 GP #765251) 6/11/2020 Coastal Bank and Trust _ - - 3121 3146 6/11/2020 Coastal Bank and Tout 6M1r= Four Oaks Bank _ 1622 6/11=0 Branch Banking and Trust 27042 6/11=0 BUT 5890 8/112020 FCB First Palmetto_ Sevin a Bank 1082 6/11/2020 5350 8N 1/2020 Wells Fargo _ _ Wells Faro - 23359 6/11l 20