HomeMy WebLinkAbout76413D - Cobb�CA0%0-1MA / ❑ DREDGE & FILL N9 76413 q g 3ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit #TP /+ ew ❑Modification El Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued )rized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality V Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC 1 to ❑ Rules attached. it Namey V� Project Location: County Ir U r i w 1(, AA p Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) S S�ai State NC'ZIP 0 a� S ( ) Q �9 IE-Mail hex (��'.3�Ico,� division zed Agent Jal n%tA-k-0 MwY'lY%( CO AC CAAb �- City 94 \/ 1 A ZIP_ I ❑ CW )EW IXPTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS ❑ OEA ❑ HHF ❑ IH ❑ UBA ❑ N/A ❑ PWS: yes / no PNA yes / no f Project/ Activity Add T 1 Qab nc )ck) length 1 latform(s) H 1 Platform(s) 3ier(s) :ngth ember id/ Riprap length ,g distance offshore ax distance offshore :hannel ibic yards mp use/ Bo"N 3ulldozing ie Length not sure yes n® rium: n/a yes no Phone # ( �� River Basin Adj. Wtr. Body-aLj�S Creek (natty; Closest Maj. Wtr. Body LOGkwoS ��l h yesIry .... _ a....-. Attached: es no I L._........�...__..I r� ._._.�....._.� ling permit may be required by: ✓ r�''I t.�� Gby Local Planning lurisdiction) C (Scale: I ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin I . i I A i Name of Pgm'tp Omw Requoftg Pandt J69ey 601313 Abaft Ad*ms. 1404 ?w % f "T L4149 G w�neee�*nee n � s e� 679M Addressdr 4� p d t t % h0f rt,1= aer* Vial ! have suttWOW -Pkx" i i Aw tt4,�Ia�aT1Qi?�C t"lG1v, i1�G AgW ! Cw*sclor b aotan MV bdliK. for VAR purpose of appft for ar4 fA cAmA wm b rAKma y rorfiN blol.dlq prgoow T ttKlr, u ?6e;44AL, U�A► Clt?PtFi Awl I�wen el my PWPWV fuWAd el f - 'r4'l -klp4#3T LA, CG {� /������_��y� �� ell 1 ■ I R ►ASYy 1 Aadfanncm cw* that 1 ano aerftnOd la bW and do in fact pr+W PW ieaW AD DAB of CosriN Aiw$&OWMW SOW NiO Janet Pw?ni Oftsr w)d their ap" to ~ ore OV a WEnerifted Am* v corwwctio r %*h ev&#Ua&V kdc+rrralmn rebted !o bra app#=ODn. Ptio" ty Oiwr abnN w: rrr.�r Adnt or fypa mb Me CO- ,�3�. o I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to 11 Fj V (0 B 's property located at J-41 Z5AY /N�'-� �f of9�rty Owner) on (Address, Lot, ck, Road, etc.) inO Mlaterbod j (Clty/Town and/or County) ' N.C. The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location, 1 have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) J( 107 w I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the'setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) _ I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) (Adjacent Property Owner Information) Signature Signature t or TyPame Print or TN e Zit. �c Dab Rs W-d I Dara Deposirad Chock From (Name Name or Porm/r No/dar Vsndoi Check lyrankar anwwrt I Pkvm/t likesb llC011aM/lra Colarnnf Column2 Cakeir Counns cakNma CoWni CoksoM 6/11/2020 8n v2020 8/11/2020' Loons Bryan _ same FCB Jerry Ennett Andy Darden Coastal Bank and Trust_ Lighthouse Marine Construction Inc. Doug Jackson Coastal Bank and Trust _ Weekend Dance Party Inc. Sherman Sandiin Four Oaks Bank Charles Fox Homes, LTD Patrick and Claire Joyce Branch Bankingand Trust AMW Docks and Marine Construction LLC Charles Campbell BUT CLTMC Inc. Jo L ons FCB Palmeto Marine Construction Je Cobb First Palmetto Savings Bank 8020 $ 200.00 GPPOND 3121 200.00 GP #76504D 3118 200.00 GP/75884O 1622 Z00.00 GP 976297D 27042 { 200.00 GP i74582D 5890 3 200.00 GPt78510D L15:1111111111 1082 S 200.00 GPi78422D 5350 S 200.00 GPf76413D Coastal Marine Piers Bulkheads LLC Meyers and Cameron Wells Fargo 23359 $ 200.00 GP i76525D oastal Marine Piers Bulkheads L C tlliam Rhett Taber III Wells Fargo 00.00 1 Glo A