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76012_Philp Ra_20200601
CRCS •••••i••••••• .ratm • •••• .a[I•• • P41(1)"'gri4 rrevlous permit w h f New JModification L)Complete Reissue [..)partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina.Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to ISA NCAC 7g, /2rx0 Applicant Name ! r Kettesattadled. /�-- v Project Lora ion: County_ lityt�/C L1 Address 71 n&_'Rt ivt-/-Deft_- ✓_ - Street Address/State Road/Lot# s City maxi state_OH ZIP`'/(/ -C )._BJ —/..____ _ -.TC- Phone#(�_1O)._99O.-5•/SO E-Mail ..P.( l3 rl)C,ntiu I•Pc,h Subdivision _ -- �`..- - - ^ Authorized Agent_3 .r b G54„pii f /lisj-.i.e ask,.c/4 - Cityeaci e.,,„-1.4 ZIP 2-ii57 f Affected DCW YEW ill PTA I-ES (JPTS Phone# (,0 )990 Si5'a_ River Basin/ie-tt- C,.-- s JOFA UHHF i iiH I JUBA .]N/A AEC . ``-- O 11 PWS: Adj.Wtr.Body&K.e t__a-44 .K__ _Oman junk ORW: yes 1 PNA yes no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body_Ntt c. _ ✓ Type of Project/Activity ¶p,(49Kg. 4 ''e,Yein.(U (/Xto' 5/ape6-s+4 a"D esc;i4rr•its ?ter (4 4 Side) (Scale: /l/1V ) Pier(dock)length. RI% Fixed Platform(s) � )'o' . "-- _. _ _'_ _ _ . Floating Pudorm(s) ,.�' ' _ 6 (L I. '�:I' • - F�P�(s)_ --- -=—, Par ` ' -K- . ° r Groin length __ _ , number _ r ' i -- --- - ._ - -' -- -- • e. “Mb� Bulkhead/Riprap length_ I p; P, s . vr avg distance offshore 4 '�a®,'K ` U max distance offshore i . . ?. _top5- ¢ --- • i /x'O.f --�-------- • cubic - yards.. yj--P i • Dokr. • Boathouse/Boadift____ ___ . • Beads Bulldozing __-_ I , . , - - -- • ShoraGne Length f ejfr" - --.I . _r /1s-- SAV: eo rCuroo .Yes no . yesate'• $i� f('Qack Photos:Moratorium: n/a Y �'I '�h 1i fµV L itz etta - Waiver Attached: yes no < °IIi ! 1/_PJ- �(•i_ A building permit may be required by: Wtetnit C-Ei us. 0 See note on back regarding River Basin rules.. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) Notes/Special o ditions Afia-lienet-1ei e'-5 & 41 Z iti-heno-v -"lap See, /\gent or Applkant Printed N • --,_ 'frog Name `------ -- ---- -- -- �- �� Pleawread compliance statement on back of permit°O e'- '7/ n/ / - 00 .- e _ - X"CAMA / DREDGE & FILL No. 76012 GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# 4- C D )C ew _.Modification Complete Reissue -.Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality � and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I5A NCAC . /-21V-) tules attached. Applicant Name 7„^ `/1 r 4. Project Location: County /ivy'it Cp Address 7637 R,`,r, /--Otfc i Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) SO5� s 'L City rn4J - - - State 04 ZIP4'W2—S — V(._ $# / 3// — Phone#(130) 99 0'S/SO E-Mail Pr•do4 i 3 eeD ;1'ea"` Subdivision / n Authorized Agent j, �,�� i - Ae -2061.c/ ._ CityOtt-4ti ZIP 1S5 7 Affected ❑cw til EW CB PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone # (390 )gelo S l5'° River Basin,t L (L 0 OEA 0 HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑WA // AEC(s): Adj.Wtr. Body(.�j11 GE rIC ®/man /unkn) PWS: ORW: yes /0 PNA yes no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body N r Type of Project/Activity tFaiD 40 4n5 It c'x/Of 5 p7h-v ed J 2j,('s-4i ?Icy (E / Side) (Scale: NTS ) Pier(dock)length - r i O I L I 1 i_ 1 I i Fixed Platform(s) I j - Floating Platform(s) _5#iV T 7 _ Finger pier(s) 7 ',V I — I s Groin length 1 'i C number — .. Bulkhead/Riprap length avg distance offshore l , V max distance offshore [ (oe � -- — t Basin,channel £I'/0 ' i I - — _. cubic yards_ 61-4 /jam A____ • - Boat ramp 1DO"'^ Boathouse'Boatlift i I f i I Beach Bulldozing — Other i i Shoreline Length+o 41" SAV: o sure yes no _ --_— ///, etyal ri���""" lit Moratorium: n/a yes ® T I Photos: yesI Rae H 1 �l _ Waiver Attached: yes no --.-- ' 1 A building permit may be required by: Wtt..4 'C i (it . . [4 See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) / /�-��(J / � n �/ �� ,/� ®/� �/ Notes/Special Conditions ` 4 u l:' a. 44-� 1 o?/O �"f��,a17^r/�'� -P 'o...je• e4.--1 €- L h )fob . -p.1 1-)-CIA 4L.,...LI Agent or Applicant Printed Name Permit icer'sPrinted Name Signature **Please read compliance statement on back of permit gn ure vier / y mo / 7- - Applica on Fee(s) Check# Issuing Date Expiration Date Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that I) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit,the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adjacent riparian landowner(s). The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief,certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: Tar-Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Other: Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules If indicated on front of permit,your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office(9 1 0-796-7215)for more information on how to comply with these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Offices Morehead City Headquarters Washington District 400 Commerce Ave 943 Washington Square Mall Morehead City, NC 28557 Washington, NC 27889 252-808-2808/ I-888-4RCOAST 252-946-648 I Fax: 252-247-3330 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves:Carteret,Craven,Onslow- (Serves: Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, North of New River Inlet-and Pamlico Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Counties) Elizabeth City District Wilmington District 401 S. Griffin St. 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Ste. 300 Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 910-796-7215 252-264-3901 Fax: 910-395-3964 Fax: 252-264-3723 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, (Serves:Camden,Chowan, Currituck, Onslow-South of New River Inlet- Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans and Pender Counties) Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/17 Spivey, Kelly From: Brandi Robertson <brandiprobertson@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 3:05 PM To: Spivey, Kelly Subject: [External] Ra Permit Attachments: Certified Letter Receipts 2.pdf; Ra Notification Form.pdf; Ra Auth Agent.pdf CAUTION:External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspiciouWINMENEIro I need to get a permit for the Ra Project at 8056 Treasure Dr. in Oriental. Please let me know if you have any questions. P.S. This is NOT the Raper Project. Brandi Prescott Robertson B. Prescott Marine Construction, LLC 252-249-0149 i • MGmaiU Brandi Robertson <brandlprobortson<L'gmall.com> Authorized Agent 2 messages - . Brandi Robertson <brandiprobertson@gmail.com> Tue; May 12, 2020 at 2:16 PM To: pra6913@gmail.00m Dear Mr. Ra, I have sent the Notification forms to your adjacent property neighbors conceding your step down project. As soon as I get those signed forms back I will send all the necessary Information to the CAMA Rep In Washington. He wit]then schedule an onsite visit. At this time the Reps are doing the visits on their own, 1 usually meet on site with them, but they are currently not meeting with folks in person. Please respond to this email confirming that I have permission to act as yourAutnorized Agent. This designation will allow me to obtain the permits from the State on your behalf. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thank you. Brandi Preston Robertson B Prescott Marine Construction, LLC 252.249.0149 brandiprox rtscng'gma ii.co m Phil Ra cpra6913fj�gmail.com> �__ __�_.__ ._ -- Tue. May 12,2020 at 8:14 PM To: Brandi Robertson <brendlprobertsonaBmaii.com> Yes. You have my authorization to request and acquire the necessary permits. Regards. • Phil Ra On May 12, 2020,at 2:16 PM. Brandi Robertson <brard.nrobertsan.9n1ad cam>wrote: Dear Mr. Ra. ',Q001.91 text hcdarl SENDER:COMPLEtE THIS SECTION oaMPLEttirurs sECTJDJ tohDELIVERY ® CCnP24 to ftemr 1, , end t7.. • A. : r}c7iurp /r�^ el Print your narne and ud3 uss• on the re•.-crn X ► -- 8o Mat vn? cs•nn mum th C cud to ynis: _0 AridICSSCO r' Attach !f t. csrd to the bsot: ✓t The mEilpleoe E_ rhaC1 -ed tj:% 1 1;S:C'?Ct eYs**f 1Q.' El& IA DC:'vs:v _ or on to frnr if:pace psmif:.. . `�'Zr tips,"'° 1 _ , 1 :I , 1. A li3e F,).1:•?,c:4,td to: a I:cbt.ertayircre:.dtin-ar,tarn lFam,t 4 ❑ Ye It NC- «a r;gr ritiic:ry tJvT :s telcvr., ❑ r47 , Ca{ I Li_ 1X -1 '2 I�Ntl ��IIEli! lfIII it liII 1 14I, I { I' S '•'I Jy TyJ! _ Ft_ti: Mu;=•.:t:.;"l al .LVt s MIT Fe.+ C::`7'' 0SCCri `:s Ft: f .VY.:frol L.43Rwatrs.ixi 9590 9402i .Cidtl:t0.:i tt.➢.iJ 0:• r.ty i "t:.ttr:.vt.04Ca3 Fksu3-fi^rcl r}aY.ea}. C P.tten Rau-pl Cl Oz{'n:1 cc F,7wf c rf t.1.e;it.rr_a. 2' • • 4 /}' f r:rt . _'CACSxtc4r Dct'tref H:in:ice'.,nar•C"} L::an+tt.n!f:n-±nn.taeat"' f Y✓tl�_r trl:itl'>r-r ,(fY F•✓�.. {1'1�G3Yw�L'�1�.:.1 703-t rt r� - 32 (-�F''�((''i{ yy q a -'ESiI C c::rt:3:Ye'_ce^rrmli:.fi 11 0 D D 6.1 Ld f - j 1 LJ 9-f C ,•__ •61:1.t 1 d».F'rt.xi 1:(4twr Pe4thi::.41 `Uad;vu"/ ._- %'Cr• PS' Fcrrn 3211, July 2015 FSPI e'a?D C_ etc ^C= /Tf1 D r'itn.::.L Fti:irn Scccawz r ER COMPLETE THUS SE'C'Tt taloa7`i!=nos SEQ'RD►lr ON DWJ E'RY A. -ignatt:nd. /f,41,.. itCornpfr4e Itarn. 3, 2, snd 3_ X •� / Ii r-��` +i r�� »r t V ® Prmt ',cur n to and t nd f es3 On (ha 1'?'rrr c. / f�' A. Ls Rcd^,::emu ,e0 tt nt we. can retlJM il-, Cala t- ynu' S. F ei.?+t 3.y{u "t }art:,) [ . Date rd Dck.Vcri ■ &ttax lti t;.I, card t" isle Gk. nF the rnnT +C-'r, J \c_% y� or on :he Iron: if St3w !crfeiits. f /� R. Irt Cf�ir'rflay acF:Jrt'Y' t:FnercTr.t7:ent i 4.m I" V ' • P I. Grtkil:t Adyretc a:il tcc. ' •fl.r diner j, 4Y-d !:C'FS;'N: t] Nu _i t 1 `s '. IfYi. it.• Y ' I (Ci-4r�1`y (CO - G'jtJ��tv„,ito , ' _ l-cj ' L Y _ creh', IyDe °LI Pn n:r tar Ernr.CC-II (k1 t 1II 1 II( 1{114t 1111 , k{ 4 1 j1t 1 I u i Bari m Cs. -ito,t war" Iil It; i t P�'ILIlltLLL t 111 1,11111 '1 ¶1 1 I Itll r J ca=p rxhM ria5L+:1L`'.a•dxxtp 4 I H.ij Si(ST:7 tLl F:ci74.tw: 7 c.crns d kirlre' rirJav't M cn rwic:rn tn: 95 !} 9�t02 5134 9092 1427 6 l Gin-ntaa,Pc c,•dEc�.za ❑ F. t:{ r..e.-r::.a - i:drw:tc ogN;ay . .. `�_'Cp'1.:i!Y/tMxw :JJ'r:/EIfr. I:a+tA`��" V '.:.i:fe1::P?L::e-rafill-li-..nru r2 AR:rla tluirtar,Trfi.rci-ire,'4'w'% CC iafr«ri Mid r_t:l7raJir.,-!1"inil 1 ? 0 13 3 0 2 0 D Q nu .5 E?9 0 9 13 5 d t.<.•s.t1 ti:IPS rag inn.. R .•n..V•i Da*.,-. PS Form 3611. July 20 , t-sCL:; ✓ U l_ 1 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PRO OVeLER STA :beretti=gybile teem XaPetI19"Cr 44��.!:o PhW F(L • (Addreao.Lot.Meek Road. . =I- ei 0..Q-� Crea-k, -Qr.I , '�sd.t l r n _A kez (Wat Cody) .. (ctlyi1rncn anzifor Oowntq too apPa y ha=dew aG mer as she.s1 tfiecr. tr. dtv..ka¢...et i~a{ ra5 at the ebo-, I have Ive: nw trs 1. . IiaredatClialS!flMir.proomml. DESCRBTilON M&%tR DRAWING OF PRoposED DEVELOPMENT potwridOolpiopotfrig: - rode hoe Mimior . aasidedinool \Jeach'J n \-,-....ie ga_ t -t ((4.4t- rye J /� - 77t T�l Pro ( 1L.' .. 5-X1pr .� s+cp qxui% W eF . eciiota I =data! a Stt-r trsetcp pflnz. bc=temit b-oo.kc.ea bcarnuse,!J ,or m t be BE beck a mint-usr-"a--ec le 3cn my area&riparian any,tmless v4i....-ied by rr Of'toe visa s a its mac.) Sio amsi iacirieI EFu awaa blank bedew.)/Gt-�-'': Ido wish EGsnisretn9Sa4tz;rfr k3hs1'. - Ido not v.'abrtboEEC15-s dcr_trsicerera (Propczty Owner I,dmu tinn) using/a J% v:arn• `/ i& t cl.o�.J H LA.e' s---. or rEcy—A,N war y ;77-c*1 a_C `a, ihfa ! - Wires ass _ Ir i i(/C a fry / � ,Yara '^3 :z 3rZS i asoraA •1enbig-""—•- ...-NI6S a..N:Faacr-s•+f+xxtc - — "iaa t Eir nre(merles yam 313si aged.- _ t. e. :I:.4.x Z • rss SECTION.1200—GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PIERS AND DOCKING FACILITIES: IN ESTUARINE AND PUBLIC TRUST WATERS AND OCEAN HAZARD AREAS 15A NCAC 07H.1201 PURPOSE A permit under this Section shall allow the construction of new piers and docking facilities(including pile supported or floating)in the estuarine and public trust waters AECs and construction of new piers and docks within coastal wetlands AECs according to the authority provided in Subchapter 07J .1100 and according to the Rules in this Section. This permit shall not apply to oceanfront shorelines or to waters and shorelines adjacent to the Ocean Hazard AEC with the exception of those shorelines that feature characteristics of the Estuarine Shoreline AEC. ' Such features include the presence of wetland vegetation,lower wave energy,and lower erosion rates than the adjacent Ocean Erodible Area. History Note: Authority G.S. 113A-107(a); 113A-107(b); 113A-113(b);113A-118.1; 113A-124; Eff. March 1, 1984; • Amended Ejf.July 1,2009;April 1,2003. 15A NCAC 07H.1202 APPROVAL PROCEDURES (a) An applicant for a General Permit under this Subchapter shall contact the Division of Coastal Management and request approval for development. The applicant shall provide information on site location, dimensions of the project area,and his name and address. - (b) The applicant shall provide: (1) confirmation that a written statement has been obtained signed by the adjacent riparian property owners indicating that they have no objections to the proposed work;or (2) confirmation that the adjacent riparian property owners have been notified by certified mail of the proposed work. The notice shall instruct adjacent property owners to provide any comments onthe proposed development in writing for consideration by permitting officials to the Division of Coastal Management within 10 days of receipt of the notice,and,indicate that no response will be interpreted as no abjection. DCM staff shall review all comments and-determine,based on their relevance to the potential impacts of the proposed project,if the proposed project can be approved by a General Permit. If DCM staff finds that the comments are worthy of more in-depth review,DCM shall notify the applicant that he must submit an application for a major development permit. (c) No work shall begin until an on-site meeting is held with the applicant and a Division of Coastal Management representative to review the proposed development. Written authorization to proceed with the proposed development shall be issued if the Division representative finds that the application meets all the requirements of this Subchapter. Construction shall be completed within 120 days of the issuance of the general authorization or the authorization shall expire and it shall be necessary to re-examine the proposed development to determine if the general authorization may be reissued. (d) Any modification or addition to the authorized project shall require prior approval from the Division of Coastal Management. History Note: Authority G.S. 113A-107(a);113A-107(b);113A-113(b); 113A-118.1; 113A-124; Eff.March 1, 1984; Amended Eff October 1, 2007;August 1, 1998;January 1,1990. 15A NCAC 07H.1203 PERMIT FEE The applicant shall pay a permit fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00) by check or money order payable to the Department History Note: AuthorityG.S. 113A-107;113A-113(b); 113A-118.1;113A-119; 113-119.1; 113A-124; Eff March 1, 1984; Amended Eff September 1,2006;August 1, 2000;March 1, 1991.. • 15A NCAC 0711.1204 GENERAL CONDITIONS (a) Piers and docking facilities authorized by the general permit set forth in this Section shall be for the exclusive use of the land owner, or occupant and shall not be leased, rented, or used for any commercial purpose. Piers and docking facilities shall provide docking space for no more than two boats.Docking facilities providing docking-space for more than two boats shall be reviewed through the major permitting process because of their greaterjotential for adverse impacts and,therefore,are not authorized by this general permit,excluding the exceptions-described in Rule.1205 of this Section. (b)Individuals shall allow representatives of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to make inspections at any time deemed necessary in order to be sure that the activity being performed under the authority of the general permit set forth in this Section is in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed herein. (c) There shall be no interference with navigation or use of the waters by the public by the existence of piers and docking facilities. (d) The permit set forth in this Section shall not be applicable to proposed construction where the Department determines that the proposed activity will endanger adjoining properties or significantly affect historic,cultural,scenic, conservation or recreation values,identified in G.S:113A-102 and G.S.113A-113(bX4). (e) The permit set forth in this Section does not eliminate the need to obtain any other required state, local,or federal authorization. (f) Development carried out under the permit set forth in this Section shall be consistent with all local requirements, AEC Guidelines,and local land use plans current at the time of authorization. History Note: Authority G.S. 113A-107(a);113A-107(b); 113A=113(b);113A-118.1;113A-124; Eff March 1, 1984; Amended Eff.May 1,1990; RRC Objection due to ambiguity Eff May 19, 1994; Amended Eff August 1,2014;July 1,2009;August 1, 1998;July 1, 1994. !SA NCAC 07H.1205 SPECIFIC CONDITIONS (a) Piers and docking facilities may extend or be located up to a maximum of 400 feet waterward from the normal high water line or the normal water level,whichever is applicable. (b) Piers and docking facilities shall not extend beyond the established pier length along the same shoreline for similar use. This restriction shall not apply to piers and docking facilities 100 feet or less in length unless necessary to avoid interference with navigation or other uses of the waters by the public such as blocking established navigation routes or interfering with access to adjoining properties as determined by the Division of Coastal Management The length of piers and docking facilities shall be measured from the waterward edge of any wetlands that border the water body. (c) Piers and docking facilities longer than 200 feet shall be permitted only if the proposed length gives access to deeper water at a rate of at least one foot at each 100 foot increment of pier length longer than 200 feet,or if the additional length is necessary to span some obstruction to navigation. Measurements to determine pier and docking_facility lengths shall be made from the waterward edge of any coastal wetland vegetation that borders the water body. (d) Piers shall be no wider than six feet and shall be elevated at least three feet above any coastal wetland substrate as measured from the bottom of the decking. (e) The total square footage of shaded impact for docks and mooring facilities (excluding the pier)allowed shall be 8 square feet per linear foot of shoreline with a maximum of 800 square feet. In calculating the shaded impact,uncovered open water slips shall not be counted in the total. (f) The maximum size of any individual component of the docking facility authorized by this General Permit shall not exceed 400 square feet. (g) Docking facilities shall not be constructed in a designated Primary Nursery Area with less than two feet of water at normal low water level or normal water level under the general permit set forth in this Section without prior approval from the Division of Marine Fisheries or the Wildlife Resources Commission. (h) Piers and docking facilities located over shellfish beds or submerged aquatic vegetation(as defined by the Marine Fisheries Commission) may be constructed without prior consultation from the Division of Marine Fisheries or the Wildlife Resources Commission if the following two conditions are met: (1) Water depth at the docking facility location is equal to or greater than two feet of water at normal low water level or normal water level;and (2) The pier and docking facility is located to mninimize the area of submerged aquatic vegetation or shellfish beds under the structure as determined by the Division of Coastal Management (i) Floating piers and floating docking facilities located in Primary Nursery Areas, over shellfish beds, or over submerged aquatic vegetation shall be allowed if the water depth between the bottom of the proposed structure and the substrate is at least 18 inches at normal low water level or normal water level. (j) Docking facilities shall have no more than six feet of any dimension extending over coastal wetlands and shall be elevated at least three feet above any coastal wetland substrate as measured from the bottom of the decking. (k) The width requirements established in Paragraph(d)of this Rule shall not apply to pier structures in existence on or before July 1, 2001 when structural modifications are needed to prevent or minimize storm damage. In these cases, pilings and cross bracing may be used to provide structural support as long as they do not extend more than of two feet on either side of the principal structure. These modifications shall not be used to expand the floor decking of platforms and piers. (I) Boathouses shall not exceed a combined total of 400 square feet and shall have sides extending no further than one- half the height of the walls as measured in a downward direction from the top wall plate or header and only covering the top half of the walls. Measurements of square footage shall be taken of the greatest exterior dimensions. Boathouses shall not be allowed on lots with less than 75 linear feet of shoreline. (m) The area enclosed by a boat lift shall not exceed 400 square feet. (n) Piers and docking facilities shall be single story. They may be roofed but shall not allow second story use. (o) Pier and docking facility alignments along federally maintained channels shall also meet Corps of Engineers regulations for construction pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899(33 U.S.C.403). 50 (p) Piers and docking facilities shall in no case extend more than 1/4 the width of a natural water body,human-made ,canal or basin. Measurements to determine widths of the water body,human-made canals,or basins shall be made from the waterward edge of any coastal wetland vegetation which borders the water body.The 1/4 length limitation shall not apply when the proposed pier and docking facility,is located between longer structures within 200 feet of the applicants property. However,the proposed pier and docking`facility shall not be longer than the pier head line Eatahlithed by the adjacent piers and docking facilities nor longer than 1/3.the width of the water body_ . (q) Piers and docking facilities shall not interfere with the`access to any i pariah property,and shall have a minimum setback of 15 feet between any part of the pier and docking facility and the adjacent property lines extended.into the water at the points that they intersect the shoreline. The minimum setbaeks;provided in this Paragraph May waived by the written agreement of the adjacent riparian owner(s),cif when two adjoining riparian owners are Should the adjacent property be sold before construction of the pier commences,the applicant shall obtain a written agreement with the new owner waiving the minimum setback and submit it to the Division of Coastal Management prior to initiating any development of the pier or docking facility. The line of division of areas of riparian access shall be established by drawing a line along the channel'ordeep-water in front of the property,then drawing aline perpendicular to the line of the channel so that it intersects with the shore at the point the upland property line meets the•waters edge. Application of this Rule may be aided by reference'ta the approved dragian in Paragraph(t)of this Rule illustrating the rule as applied to various shoreline configurations Copies of the diagram:may be obtained from the Division of Coastal Management website at httpi/www.nccoastalmanag'ement,net.When shoreline configuration is such that a.peipendicular alignment cannot be achieved,the pier or docking facility' shall be aligned to meet the intent ofthis Rule to the thea num extent practicable. (r) Piers and docking facilities shall provide docking space for no more than two boats(a boat is defined m 15ANCAC 07M.0602(a)as a vessel or watercraft of any size or type specifically designed to be self-propelled,whether bjrengine, sail,oar,paddle or other means,which is used to travel from place to place by water) except when stored on a platform that has already been accounted for within the shading impacts condition of this general permit. Boats stored on floating or fixed platforms shall not count as docking spaces. (s) Applicants for authorization to construct a pier or docking facility shall provide notice of the.permit application to the owner of any part of a shellfish franchise or lease over which the proposed pier or docking facility would extend. The applicant shall allow the lease holder the opportunity to mark a navigation route from the pier to the..edge of the lease. J - (t) The diagtam-shown:below illustrates various shoreline configurations: a - j . -;:zblz..:::.:s.:-\\ —i.,--:--• ---0- ,. . .;----:,------ r 'a r r, _ •- sib+`- s'' N; r yr i • c EXAMPLES ....J v itt " - r RIPARIAN ACCESS AREAS ac' ':;.1. fi'";S 1;-A ..\' PROJECT r 1 AfiW t°-:• EDGE OF CHANNEL OR f �' - z - " "' —-—- DEEP WATER v^ 'o` ` ------ PROPERTY LINE ——— RIPARIAN WA —� MEAN HIGHH WATER ;y? WATER (u) Shared piers or docking facilities shall be allowed and encouraged provided that in addition to complying with (a)through(t)of this Rule the following shall also apply: (1) The shared pier or docking facility shall be confined to two adjacent riparian property owners and the landward point of origination of the structure shall overlap the shared property line. , (2) Shared piers and docking facilities shall be designed to provide docking space for no more than four boats. (3) The total square footage of shaded impact for docks and mooring facilities shall be calculated using(e) of this Rule and in addition shallallow for combined shoreline of both properties. (4) The property owners of the shared pier shall not be required to obtain a 15-foot waiver from each other as described in subparagraph (q) of this rule as is applies to the shared riparian line for any work associated with the shared pier,provided that the title owners of both properties have executed a shared pier agreement that has become a part of the permit file. (5) The construction of a second access pier or docking facility not associated with the shared pier shall not be authorized under the general permit set forth in this Section. History Note: Authority G.S. 113A-107(a); 113A-107(b);113A-113(b);113A-118.1;113A-124; Eff.March 1, 1984; Amended Eff December 1, 1991;May 1, 1990;March 1,1990; RRC Objection due to ambiguity Eff.March 18, 1993; Amended Eff.August 1, 1998;Apri123, 1993; Temporary Amendment Eff December 20,2001; Amended Eff.August I,2014;July 1,2009;April 1,2003. • 52 IGrnaiI Brandi Robertson <brandiprobertson@gmail.com> Authorized Agent 2 messages Brandi Robertson <brandiprobertson@gmail.com> Tue, May 12, 2020 at 2:16 PM To: pra6913@gmail.com Dear Mr. Ra, I have sent the Notification forms to your adjacent property neighbors concerting your step down project. As soon as I get those signed forms back I will send all the necessary information to the CAMA Rep in Washington. He will then schedule an onsite visit. At this time the Reps are doing the visits on their own. I usually meet on site with them, but they are currently not meeting with folks in person. Please respond to this email confirming that I have permission to act as your Authorized Agent. This designation will allow me to obtain the permits from the State on your behalf. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thank you, Brandi Prescott Robertson B Prescott Marine Construction, LLC 252.249.0149 brandiprobertson@gmail.com Phil Ra <pra6913©gmail.com> Tue, May 12, 2020 at 8:14 PM To: Brandi Robertson <brandiprobertson@gmail.com> Yes. You have my authorization to request and acquire the necessary permits. Regards, Phil Ra On May 12, 2020, at 2:16 PM, Brandi Robertson <brandiprobertson@gmail.com> wrote: Dear Mr. Ra, [Quoted text hidden] = ca.--emeEs atimix.wa em so}par, titela&q10 ,- Ifl tint! tzzacm- gaiustraqmazim outaideloi •L- 1:•rgattiabiegistaNwatiO0Ortil ,7-6-e-rves ciazAvisaft., n1.- )Ll 174 Aittpeasirer; senoya_meepi antix /6r/ • atae31 ;704ici rti9 irtfrCiletuniaitZfiC • ainamatte r>1 OlOttelonlut sorra°ki.teckuCtUctierPV} On-xtyrzinnyq_taunt°ivadatd) — 7.11Z-UalinOW` Vixpas sr.aui maims kiRM IOU Opt Sa4ramispmitos st.eia*P.M%ojEISINt OP I i_ttreq3itmlq -131"4"Iriline-RieiTol3otoo notliouga o-tftorit co Lluyek ac440-out Oomerosmpn sumue tmpacip cam.Km a=at;.o mou.pun Ewoo OQ Mlat 14315 ° teMIXtetc"Maiatatens:Q twat Nti4 rgu-Tra avow.*-4:417-I*a:mg PataPtot Twamas-inAlVitft Ch+g V9-7 r---4-70(1 eice-it A USIXa ul eV-) xiard r .D icakid 21, rot) ,n9.70a± 1CIPAgTL2R 4. 71. *_.siPAszimmspligt!, INatlicith3t0a GaSOcialid 30 staavito _ _ _ - — - in\und spit%SUES aral SFa KRZIONagitetetIt liCrpRZOI singe eta IS PetSdasd wzgaiclopsw r--;11 "Psolcc utleass Sc c PanumaP sag vauudrie out vesunoo itoipue graojarAMI •Kompatem) • C) MNIVA, 1(19c-90!AC) Ins -24-TrailD k-V0a) lc--) LiMiES'Petra 1PoiR IcreStAuppv) kiSotaid_ igaT PRIMOISIDO.d011:1 Apedokup, -0 4:414a321p214C-dalritillUnWta 417.1G3iciami .013113WISE3b040 trillftrattIN33V1,2Y • z"=:r - rM f:2dtlafi@Oi19�.YL'itt'�? 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F: •• NC Division of Coastal Mgt. Habitat Impact Computer Sheet Applicant gi Xc 4O Date: 6/1/2rnA General Permit tt: 76 Ol L • Describe below the HABITAT disturbances for the application. All values should match be name,and units of measurement • found in your Habitat code sheet TOTAL Sq.Ft FINAL Sq. Ft. TOTAL Feet FINAL Feet (Applied for. (Anticipatedfroal (Applied for. (Anticipated final DISTURB TYPE Disturbance total disturbance. Disturbance disturbance. Habitat Name Choose One includes any Excludes ay total includes Excludes any anticipated restorations any anticipated restoration and/or restoration or and/or Imp restoration or temp impact • temp impacts) impact amount) temp impacts) amount) D it/ e! 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