HomeMy WebLinkAbout75841D - Bufalinit >rCAMA i DAE s No 75841 A a r �� 6LJGENERAL PERMIT . XTtifawa t^e*,r;F+tsk+dxs �' Rhtllse RaOnstint �3iR0 Mt-. H�ciM�d cowwaovft m rsa40 fX+W"V*OaxtwtSA a,3010Cow* itts ,w x � ►t# ��P m js x C—ty Aga 5 ? 411 Fa tos,4 kfW Addr** Soft U0 ,141 Csrr 'v'4`, klka�f i `,*_ zip Wvw VITA $ 0 t, Asti.;t�. "m IN WA SK'A. . 1f � *A Yor Y ✓�t A,W sXYi& 7'diti7N. feWknj opW ._ ►MA t' ...•ti:x TSB.{ a'%'4 '.„ dt7�` f Tro* a$ s "ml Acovky t ir.K*. �,ze rmiry ••••• p 1sdk� �sP S�0 n ti — �� i i SPY Y#: Y>!� AM {� � , ,».w.,'.. ...� +.. �^^.�..w-`-"-.^^ .......,...... p.•........T ws+w. fsastaid tw /q� C"0�6ti�Lj S4 A " ras reaRx tw 1%Y- �`[JR'!. �'�. " --:- ,aF.l �.4' $�'a x cw trei� r C,g b'.v m "Ai, µate l:./A�O1K 2la�a id�C got-4� Pro _CV; CJO( , P'° a C . I kill t"% Ap°ll ry+ Xa -I — (f r in 1 n9n _r CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONIWAIVER FORM Name of Property Own, Address of Property: (Lot or Street #, Street or Road, City & County) Agent's Name #: /r'�i1�/� [,/�ii?c�PA Mailing Address: Agent's phone #: 2/O 6?e I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, must be provided with this letter. k !L I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices is available at G uv�✓ter rat €��a i �tr�dir� do bra aft ,c ti1.;L%i !!. eto 0iiii or by calling 1-888- 4RCOAST. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) 1 do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. Print or Type Name , j eme-le l/r Mailing Address etc/ City/St te/Zip Qzi� Telephone Number Date Print or Type Name Mailing Address City/State/Zip 5qO ? 11 -/ q )_lam 1 Telephone Number - ,L � Date Revised 611812012 11 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONrWAIVER FORM A jjrt.ss I P-:Ve I L t A, I(- iesz, 31 • zxopmty aojacerl to the above r0e.r"r*d proparty the ridividual , - - 0 h - Me aS 5.4jWn rl t e altdchiad drawifigjhc tK.C5�av�lnj lAottl qirren !12r_%, Must bappvido w It -this lettf,-r I kn'v ­ht-, tio: '. I'l fill, if you hj,,* _,cj*cr*o.ns to what is being proposed you mast naldy the DM500" of Coastal ".v"goin"'t ­'>C4f' in wrlol"j with r? 10 days of receipt of this notice. Contact inf0fM800n f0f 0CV offices is a.'aslawe *r ir­ or by calling 1.888- 4RCOAST No re3p*,ns* xs considered the same as no objOction H you have been not1fi*d by coar"000 "I WAIVER SECTION bnainouse 1:11, or g-oiri filuSt 0e. Se' ba,-x a �vam;e 14 15''ron my area of fi.larre1*1 3c04s$' Ul"eSS rawer; by me j &-S.t.1 IID *Lvvc ­,e, vau must initial the appopliAlo- HAn th, * N to t 11 ha'VA try setr.ack 'eq d"enient y.i !�!- do not -, Sh t o *te 15' Sett3C- 1propeny Owner 1r1prmA1j1nl (Adjacvnt Properly Owrl*r InformatiOft) Letter of agent have retained Mark Clements DBA, Clements Marine Construction Inc, to make application for any and all permits needed to start construction on the work requested for our property or properties. By allowing Mr. Clements to make such applications I do understand that this will in no way relieve the of any obligations to perform all work according to the building codes of North Carolina, LAMA, DWQ or any other state and or county ordinances. Signatur t� S--X S-76, 7 date L41 1 � �V Contact information DIO ROC~ MbDopo~ Chxk F— R.me of Pwmlt ft"W V nftr Chnk Mxrbr Cholek . ""mr P4rnw 1*ma onCermn-nb CoNmnf CAUM2 CoWmn3 Cakmm( CokrmB CoWmne Cok-7 CokmnB Y27207D Cknwnb M— C-0--bpi_. Mark Buealinl FM CMzana BNk 5444 200.00 GP p75641 D _. ____ 52]2020 _ F and SS Marina CaNacmra Inc. _ — M_y Jones -- _ PNCBank 8616_ _ _ _ 200.M GP #7W 1 D _.. 51272020 Ma h, LLC James L-WSummer Real Y-M OA Bank of America _ _ 2417 _ _ 400.00 GP N76420D 5272020 Mantech. LLC Ronald Guard Bank M Amerca _ 2418 S 200.00 'GP N76418D 5127- — _-- ach L mer Rest BOA 416 S 400 P A] 19