HomeMy WebLinkAbout75483_Kylie Carnford_20200513 5 -,1)4 ceoao7 X eelVSLa III 4.f•r11.L If- f..• llrlI IIrre% _ .-, , : t ,i• „t _ ) New Modr6cauon Complete Reissue Partial Ress..e Date p-ewicJs per----,t ss.ed N /ft A;a_ 'zed 9y the State o' Vo-tr:.artalr. a. C'epar'r-iert C'En.rZrn erta ' t.a'ry art'the Caasta. Resources C'rM>t`MSIO<' n 3r }•£td O'Cr. •:ifl"Pf td car'4k?r 'r. >r' !C l50 N.CAC e, /-1 /4I 0 App►cantNar-re /t !4'ly e./?- /t=tla'-12 -'-ow•.- _�.,;:0r• _ot,t :y %P.-3,*lc,e 4,, Aces 7 agciv,•l Ire g// e!-T- :reef -•L,_.e.s$; 5.re R�ac, A'(..s' C ty Dr e;:3rl.4,. s ,-a:e NC 1 ) !n / -w zr E/•1.,J1 ( c1 r e- P'-ore # =-t-^;t .-b'1r. a.;n / 0-4'.4i 6 r.. Adt-orze:Age': rev 7Y&:mac:Nr1 ;,1,vs,'.-/i' I t, L'ay"re.sJr I L ' P CVO. X E....' 1iA-s Ac 5 l_;-s o..,;g a 11+ i Rwer Bass^//fi t r.i r Arlec:ed OSA c _BA 4_ A ' AEC , .A:.. `rY'. BodyI'/�•rl t' /r�rl,'L',1L t'...; rust lt.r..t . y ,,5 1 • T*,e or'-,.a;ez Act ..f.r. /r 5T a.e t 1 1 i" 13p,--a. ey-e 49 r — ;ate • ;•.e- doc. e,, 1 • :rxedPat 1 2 • 1 \ s 3,J...1esr' .r ap r.• \`j / • .i- - . a/-:S:ir:e n's„,ere z> r 1 r..•tYttz-ce Oh.0-e t 1 3As.'. _ • ._---- 11 . a ' ra-i. • w goat - . r • Saar. I14)7 i1e_ /;. r'1 elri 7r'4 13.red4r-i-t:•k_1 fs.k.s's/r-. t-•, t l• ica: )# _.... . jhorel rc L. sglr. ..ac J \ ..4't c=i'.t L. '\ Po N• SAY ryy s.. rr: s- U. F/a N� r f"c-a:OrIJrr rua yet .�.✓;� L7trS7"' Petri . "hat2.t rest. G'011t;!:.>A0 i-�1/t C. . e' W2ry A::.'11.: ;rt < 17i'�. rD A.. per -e':t:'et '2-.-;-.t0 eic?.--e► ..1 �Scerc•_e ,"r b:'.d. 5•evrlt-,� ;. .Qr8:.s-t-ues t _t, �W'g per'. .. -------- _ .._. f, 'hole _aca a lr:rrg It nsd, . ! 'setts!S ec*Al vor:ta 'to''s //-0 I /'a L.f'_r .Nr.41'Nt_ PL.') I.Al"'v :4 _ EE 1' - — p a tyki ?Ro[elittkr) ,A--,.= '/ _(:)--ei••-•k"-.1 -.y... .r-..•..x7.,rlcd Na.,-c t s F ;etc, •,;are r S .•uture • i-.first:reed cait.i)..+rrt.e stdttNtreit:of tlacA Ji perm,:..perm,: ',, v - . . . 4 ,- _ .- . . . _ 0' •CAMA / DREDGE & FILL No. 75483 r GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# A /A DC ��><New I_iModification 1Complete Reissue l Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued p.I A As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I5A NCAC v 2 • i/OD . ,y ❑Rules attached. Applicant Name A' .'t (i, 1 FDA _ Project Location: County /PM 7e_ p ('cl, . Address —2 /3-e-d wAJ .43,4 A 1L C7 Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) City 2,1-11.-/A/ StateN_G ZIP 2770 7 "2lo G/--1//-M L, v c= Phone # ( ) E-Mail Subdivision 4 Iji,J4 4-rd/c= Authorized Agent a 7/2E54.07 — M/12/i4-r City c,P-ieWr/"1—L_ ZIP Affected 0 CW TN EW ❑fTA c C£S PTS Phone # ( ) River Basin /e=i i. AEC(s): ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑WA Adj.Wtr. Body 14". F �'L'g'L na man /unkn) 0 PWS: Closest Maj.Wtr. Body I ORW: ye �! n PNA yes, no . PL4 e R?L�6YL Type of Project/Activity 1" 5T c /S / v% 13,i t-->c iy-i- ,‘ (Scale:/ 4r 2e ' ) Pier(dock)length Fixed Platform(s) — (—j j I —j Floating Platform(s) t"e�jt" `„tom_ I Finger pier(s) _ ___ Groin length number I Bulkhead iprap length /S.--./ I ' _:,if, — 1--- avg distance offshore D 1 ________Imax distance offshore / Basin,channel ----- - _...' —. — cubic yards I +_. I _._...._._...- I t i I I 1 - - 1 Boat ramp Boathouse/Boatlik y I .- 4e'/ �S 3,-> 4- 1iy �si-E- Beach Bulldozing I 1 1 1 __. _----- - _ . i Il - Other 1 1 IT� bv /� 1 I ��— ` ____f r T /�v � Shoreline Length „.„ "" , I �^?�CL.. � ��L� � `,'P I SAV: , u� a v,yes no j jEp " ' ;;; ' i I h I - _._.- t ..- -- ; I Moratorium: n/a yes ^no ,_& /s-r , Bow- .c Photos: yes �,. '� 1 f=e? r , I I J_ Waiver Attached: yes�� A building permit may be required by: 1. CQ C 3,----1-1'---? . ,See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) Notes/Special Conditions /O r /5 /14A-i r-)T-ichn- - IA ^J . Agent or Applicant Printed Name errnit icer's Printed e Signature **Please read compliance statement on back of permit** Signa e pa&hi_ I' sL�6 7-' S.01 v (?129— /3 r11 Zc)247 /3.Serre^-,A '?saa Application Fee(s) ��O Check# Issuing Date Expiration Date a-w.) Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that I)prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit,the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adjacent riparian landowner(s). The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief,certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: Tar-Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules _J Other: t,}Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules If indicated on front of permit,your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-648 I) or the Wilmington Regional Office(910-796-72 1 5)for more information on how to comply with these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Offices Morehead City Headquarters Washington District 400 Commerce Ave 943 Washington Square Mall Morehead City, NC 28557 Washington, NC 27889 252-808-2808/ I-888-4RCOAST 252-946-6481 Fax: 252-247-3330 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves:Carteret,Craven, Onslow- (Serves: Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, North of New River Inlet-and Pamlico Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Counties) Elizabeth City District Wilmington District 401 S. Griffin St. 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Ste. 300 Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 910-796-7215 252-264-3901 Fax: 910-395-3964 Fax: 252-264-3723 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, (Serves:Camden,Chowan,Currituck, Onslow-South of New River Inlet- Dare,Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans and Pender Counties) Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/17 From: Kylie Cranford kylie.cranford@gmail.com Subject: RE:Bulkhead Project on China Grove Rd. Date: April 22,2020 at 5:59 PM To: Brandi Robertson brandiprobertson@gmail.com I fully consent for Brandi Robertson to have my permission to act as Authorized Agent to Obtain a permit and sign for it on my behalf for the work to be done on my bulkhead at 268 China Grove Road, Arapahoe, NC. Thank You, Kylie A. Cranford Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Brandi Robertson Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 3:20 PM To: kylie.cranford@gmail.com Subject: Bulkhead Project on China Grove Rd. Dear Ms. Cranford, I hope you are doing well and staying healthy. I have gathered the signed Notification Forms from your neighbors on China Grove Rd. In order to move forward with the permitting process I need for you to grant me permission to act as your Authorized Agent. This will allow me to obtain the permit on your behalf and allow me to sign for the permit. I thought when we spoke last week you said you would sign and send in the estimate that I had sent. This would also act as proof of being your Authorized Agent. If you have not dropped that in the mail please just respond to this email confirming that I do have the authority to obtain the permit. Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Brandi Prescott Robertson B Prescott Marine Construction, LLC 252.249.0149 brandiprobertson@gmail.com I q. ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPER*OWNER l !'0l1.414_,,,OkouSTA1 hereby mrityb&Iawn pery aoacentzu t I CAr) 7) A -- _ e' ; jraie 9f Property Owner) plcparty ocated ata 8 p-,17 (Address,Lot.Block Road, PetOt top_. Age, N.c.‘ (Waterbody) ' (Cityn-own andfor COUTrip I no al:113tvdra has basal-bed to rra, st.e..ANI eow. th: devt.s,10prilinit proposed at the, above localmn. nave no object-onR runs mopes-a I nave 0ons ta this ProrA1, 1_ DESCRIP7ION ANIVOR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT garreddwai women g davolopment mast iidmcripison bakwcr attic**siter-dravvin- ci) Crn -gOr-C-1 Woctis tk 1 p ropexty P pe(-h/ p rope frl-•/ Iccd • cko5c. oc-P Re:km p E?cis-Tir3 $0.cvt-?.ary k. OeUSC f ci WAIIrt-SECTION W underr-toild?tat a P.$el-dock- mactlirVpmqs. bOtit ramp. h7wkwatel. boatnome,kIt,Or grcln rnzLct he set hack a inini-nrar;distance of 15'from rny wea of riWian ss=lass watired by n'te- YIN2 5,, baCk,you must initial the appropria'a blank sne-%.w.i I dO wish to waive the 16 Sotbadc 7P..ouirerniat I do not wa to iNnive the 15 setback requirvrent (Property Owner infonnatio- n) tAdjarat Property Owner InforrnatiOM X2'6c t71Z,Lzi K-jJiP Ir .-Pc.74 Addraw -ViIghTSt AddrUSS t-2FiStt*.errip afeotna•mNankterifeenefiaddnass Tokmptr..-ra Number/erneB adcIre. fmeiNU•fiAcr.7,7.zg;.; "Va7-d for are caardar ys-e gt, -signa,a:Te• ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPER Of j* hereby certify f� Cir1!ord Property Owner) property tom at o?LP B r /� /, (Address.Lot,Mock,Road, I /� DTI /`l e ?(�w i'- .al ` h ei. , "'-ni//ed Lam. (Waterbody) (city/Town andior County) I rIC aopla-,t has described tc IT ShOyy teIOx. the Belie a tPirtlt: fro St the above totaLralt. i nave ncrobjecton IC this a 1. have ohi '.s n this prr L DESCRIPTION ARMOR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT f davolOODwitittat in descripStin ieTorr-ttrafbtJt 3:sr�e ci -Palk ( jfcA: S pro erg Prcertj P�� �, _ s P � Pro pore( tt.l V-kfccol• -)o c\oSe o-c-P Bow Rck rn txisTiY' ,oQfi gosne klPufe P l (A% WAIVI=R-SECT1Oht t under tali j that a :-tlCdL r:Cotir a Pm9s, boat ramp. b7ftkiriaW boa louse.ouse.iin,or g in This be set back a irnr•j ritsr distance of 1a torn my arOf is,accass e 1Ms eA ahteb by ma.Of-you with h3 wa!ve the s beat:you must initial the anprop-:ia blank helaw.i I do wish to waive he 15'sCtbadt re:gutra,-; r±t. I do not Rhea to waive the 15 setback rrquirrir^ent • (Property Owner infonnat1on) {A83ace»i • .4.4g2knUre Sign/awe Print ` Ynnf i e `tPJz i,Number fann'i address o..lonl•:^rre`i..bcrferre S7 aricIreas ':a-1 for once C,a a Bar yaw 3K�TLLL£a• MC Division of Caastai Mgt, Habitat Impact Computer Sheet r I Applicant ' I ee'N- >for Date: Sin/ 20 General Permit#: -7Sgf 8 3 3 • Describe below the HABITAT disturbances for the application. Ali values should match he name,and units of measurement • found in your Habitat code sheet • TOTAL Sq. Ft FINAL Sq. Ft. TOTAL Feet FINAL Feet (Applied for. (Anticipatedfinal (Applied for. (Anticipated foal DISTURB TYPE Disturbance total disturbance Disturbance disturbance. Habitat Name Choose One includes any Excludes any total includes Excludes any anticipated restcralicn any anticipated restoration and/or restoratidn or and/ar Sp restoration or temp impact �, temp impacts) j impact amoust) temp impacts) amount) !�L,.„rd _ Dredge❑ FillBath ❑ Other ❑ aa// �!r 41. /c 4 �� � Dredge❑ Fill Both ❑ Other ❑ 22� J�rZ 22$ a z H Dredge❑ Fill❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge 0 Fill❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ • Dredge❑ Fill❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge❑ Fill❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge❑ Fill❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge❑ Fill❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge❑ Fill❑ Both 0 Other ❑ Dredge 0 All❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge 0 Fill❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge❑ Fill.❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ . Dredge❑ Fill❑ Both 0 Other 0 Dredge❑ Fill❑ Both 0 Other ❑