HomeMy WebLinkAbout78664A_Lawler, Timothy & Brenda_20200520LAMA / DREDGE & FILL N. �} ^7 ; 8664 G B C D GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit # ew i. _1Modification DComplete Reissue CiPartial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality Resources Commission 15A NCACN and the Coastal in an area of environmental concern pursuant to . r'�f^� l—Rules attached. Applicant Name_ lid 13iQ 1-.�joWl-L'f__. Project Location: County_.C4,,�t;4C e _k Address 1 ,-3 ��f r,,..0 c KY_f�Lie __..... _._.,..._ Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) City*.c k- --- _ State SIC...._ ZIP S. — i^it-, .c s'%c. 12t i_ _ f L,,4— l Phone # (_—) _ E-Mail ,ibc Subdivision lie 1rG 1� Authorized Agent _A1/1, ._..__ . _ City._GWrLkr,_ , _____. _.._.__ ZIP-a%YA'i _--- Affected rl Cw � 1PTA siES l PTS Phone # (_.,) - River Basin ilOEA CHHF "IH "DUBA 1NIA AEC(s}: Adj. Wtr. Body Cc,,r,(._ir� C,��; f�. k- Sat t rf^�taTdunknl ❑ PWS• ORW: yes/ PNA yes / o r Closest Maj. Wtr. Body �.�CA� _.� Type of Project/ Activity 2e r (r , e (3� i j�i.ecc l (Scale: j r, ) ' 3G Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) Finger pier(s) Groin length number Bulkhead Ri raP length ! ► P gt pr:zCc) Goat , avg distance offshore max distance offshore Basin, channel cubic yards Boat ramp Boathouse/ Boatfift T. I Beach Bulldozing-- s Other Shoreline Length 1 I y SAY: not sure yes 1 _ Moratorium: n/a yes no Photos: no �IC fs Waiver Attached: yes A building permit maybe required by: r_t_rf : Ir.,c `_ i�.w�7 �i See note on back regarding River Basin rules. ( Note Local Planning jurisdiction) f Notes/ Special Conditions Agent or Appllcan ted ame Signature read compliance statement on back of permit e"' Application Fee(s) Check # Permit Oftice�r,'ys�rinted Name P - — — Signature Issuing Date Expiration Date Letter to Adjacent Property Owners CERTIFIED MAIL. RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND -DELIVERED May 8, 2020 Date Anthony & Molly Fostek Adjacent Riparian Property Owner 121 E Canvas Fuck Dr Mailing Address Currituck, NC 27929 City, State, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property Owner: This correspondence is to notify you as a riparian property owner that I am applying for a CAMA Minor permit to Install 123 feet of bulkhead on my property at 123 E Canvas Back Dr, Currituck NC 27929 Currituck County. A copy of the application and project drawing is enclosed for your review. If you do not have objections to the proposed activity, please mark the appropriate statement below and return to the appropriate office as soon as possible. If no comments are received within 10 days of receipt of this notice, it will be considered that you have no comments or objections regarding this project. If you have objections or comments, please mark the appropriate statement below and send your correspondence to the appropriate office. If you have any questions about the project, please do not hesitate to contact the local permit officer at the appropriate office. Mainland Office 153 Courthouse Road, Suite G1107 Currituck, NC 27929 252-232-6026 Debbie. La$homb(a)currituckcountync gov Sincerely, Property Owner's Name Corolla Office 1123 Ocean Trail PO Box 73 Corolla, NC 27927 252-232-6033 Nick. Aisthorpe(a)currituckcountync.aov Telephone Number I have no objection to the project described in this correspondence. I have oobbjecti s) to the project described in this correspondence. L/ _ S—C? -Zi�zo Aclicicent&arian ropOwners Signature Date 9 � , Print or Type Narde (- 9 Qq `"__i!r; H 3 - A c4 Jul Telephone Number l E 79 -2-9 Address City State Zip CAMA M'morApplicatlon Page 8 of 10 Letter to Adjacent Property Owners CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND -DELIVERED May 8, 2020 _ Date Dcnna-%eeagaini-sir Dc ug Ajay t Rparian Property Owner 22 Canvasback Dr Mailing Address _Currituck, NC 27929 City, State, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property Owner: This correspondence is to notify you as a riparian property owner that I am applying for a CAMA Minor permit to Install 123 feet of bulkhead on my property at 123 E Canvas Back Dr, Currituck NC 27929 Currituck County. A copy of the application and project drawing is enclosed for your review. If you do not have objections to the proposed activity, please mark the appropriate statement below and return to the appropriate office as soon as possible. If no comments are received within 10 days of receipt of this notice, it will be considered that you have no comments or objections regarding this project. If you have objections or comments, please mark the appropriate statement below and send your correspondence to the appropriate office. If you have any questions about the project, please do not hesitate to contact the local permit officer at the appropriate office. Mainland Office 153 Courthouse Road, Suite G107 Currituck, NC 27929 252-232-6026 Debbie.LaShomb pAcurrituckcountync gov Sincerely, `17, 4A,-y Lr-t�.,s Lct� Proper Owner's Name Corolla Office 1123 Ocean Trail PO Box 73 Corolla, NC 27927 252-232-6033 Nick.AisthorpeCd-currituckcountyncgov 2E2- 232 - 9 L4.3L Telephone Number K . I have no obbiie_ction to the project described In this correspondence. S� ,icy I have objection(s) to the project described in this correspondence. UIn 1�. ►n qY f20 Adjacent iparian Property Owners Signature Date —Sn VC) tii \,iri-1`A Print or Type Name 75-7 - -7 L�`( _ (.7� .g Telephone Number 12- E C �.t�_s1� < Qom- Q,Lc z79.2f— Address City State Zip LAMA Minor Application Page 9 of 10 Jf `� TATF 'T I10PtN AR0LIW. . ...._-"- t.- �\ t. OF '� aK 'l K.-- LE, EN, ((g I i FryUNp WMWENT41M 4RN,04 RP(. COLPNTt. DINEI NVNUMENTATPMW 01.25' 00 IM.— i < I PEA W Cf'rKTR TO C1P "I. NH tug i Y (ERTiiY THAT THE MA R A' M• , 7,,i %a i,: AFFIXED MEETS ALL '. U ('R' ICAJt!<i ME'NF a� ; ltti, F lM `tt iT' LINE UINES — Ft A i7A FE 1'ESL'W 'liFi:"£.R- ft '. k:''AYki E[Nr I THIS SURVEY PS OF AN EXISTIN(; PAPCEL !' ,Vir:INITY MAP r.A.5. WATERWAY 114'-3" �.� Hvo-------------- _J ---------- s:k-....-.-. O ` ' f New Vinyl Sheet Piles Installed +/- 1 S" in front of existing wooden bulkhead ?'!_T' 1 SF CHAiN-LINK r ENCE: ! SULK (j PROPANE TANKS i )T 11 ' AC' UNI fS LOT Iy cx, 42, ;. a OU c HOOSE v �I u r�_T' CONCRETE:.l..AB LlN CONCRETE � DRIVEWAY c 25.0, (WATERPC L01' 20IRON Rk .. ..1 ....,._. _ 51fi'M14'(i(i'N! 43.00' Sl&'48'00"W 728.03' AS -BUILT SURVEY E, CANV,", BACK DRIVE 6O' rat; TIMOTHY M LAWLER i?., c CANVASUACK EIRIVE PIN O(ltBEtI?UUGU120Ci1 _ ._4URVE - T—RlfNli.� f1t;{NG L.0'f 12E(.TfCiN G, BELLE ISLrSNi), INC REY'ORDED IN MAP BOOK 2, P tr)9 FLOOD ZONE: AE pATE: Ci/21 _`:611 j FILE �! 11 -023 -- -! (",'AINF Kf? Ti7WNSMIP _ r'.LR•M. 7208993il0 .) DEC 16 2(H)5 �1t�1t1/hlN�rytt/iN/i I,, t'FI T-.,;'I,'i,(iUhl Tl-, NORTH CAk(A.ItJA. ^— S � I I $�pQ4oFrGsso,�f•, �' I �, �,{�HDWELL S U',4qyl SCALE: I IN 3t) FT f a' ' Y�.r F7AFPNEPv L. CARDWELL. Pk.S. C,E .IFY 7HA1 'nits a L-4xry '..,E= I AWA:} DRAWN FR(M AN AiTU:AL SUIIVEt MAtlF.vHG!'_R MyAPEAA ION; THATY,E DEED UE`::(Y2Ir-IS RECORDEU IN DEED arbor #112. FACE 260; IAT THE Paco of PR a;tnN I I0000 THAT t may' 1206 f RANC'IS STREET #- AT WAS PPEPAFED IAW NCA;_ TRLE 1, p �i//- "F It56 SECTION 'MTNE>`, MY JP#P:, t1 IELIEABETt-1 CITY NC 27909 f A,h C IP* E UCEN ,E NUMBEP., .AND SEA#. 11,+IS `�tiJti. $ 3ti{I =EBRUARY, T311. I..._...�_r._.�_..._............. - j >TEF'HtPJ L. :`?AW LL. I_-4:'4O I Currituck County GIS Online Mapping W a • .,a� Addresses ,, x' Gnmmunil r. e nydlett 125 i Norco I Goini—k e1� (:Ufi�Il:f : curntuck e Gibbs Woods C;fnn.ly 3. JJfVlaburq Knott Island .y blsplr M�k Font Herbor 123 12swrlls Pulnl 51LWCDI�D � Sigo Waterlily County Boundary Side — f]xa n ty Streets Major Streets 51 ."'—wtbllyi_Pru,clNwl IT - A _.,—Artenal himor — rSnllnrinr_lA J-r f, i f 00 i s� 100 ft Currituck County GIS (252)232-2034 www.co.currituck.nc.us/Geographic-Information-Services.cfm NOR — Parcel Land I -looks 12i''� � ... Parcels ❑ Currituck County Aerial Photography (2016 Red: Bona t �f3rr -n" Bnnd-2 Blue. Bwtid This map should be used for general reference purposes only. Currituck County assumes no legal liability for the informatlon shown on this map. NOW