HomeMy WebLinkAbout76124D - Harbecki#7 CAMA / DREDGE & FILL No. 76124 A B C GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit # `!('New Modification 'Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality - 4.26 r • 26 eyQ and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC L {�^ ,Rules attached. , Applicant Name Project Location: County_A /�,- , '( Yam_ Address F l rkr/s Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) S I- City _--- W, h2ch�� State -At ZIP S61rit �''�s Phone #�.(�[Q) fj �'$$ E-Mail Subdivision_' Autho'riYlsd Agent P ��' k S City )fEw PTA CES ❑PTS Phone # () River Basin Affected Cw OEA HHF IH UBA AEC s : �_ ❑ N/A , Adj. Wtr. Body jj i y _ _ ��� �K n man unkn PWS ORW: yes (Do PNA es no Closest Maj. Wtr. Body Type of Project/ Activity b- /Mgt e_,S Pier(dock)length Fixed Platform(s)_ Floating Platforms) Finger pier(s)_ Groin length number Bulkhead/ Riprap length avg distance offshore max distance offshore Basin, channel cubic yards _ Boat ramp _— _ Boathous oa t Beach Bulldozing -s Other Shoreline Length . ^ SAV: not sure yes Moratorium: n/a yes Photos: yes Waiver Attached yes n A building permit may be required by: tVPyt'1 WI-Ceso-i ( Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) ��%%,,�, 1 "� Notes/ Special Conditions , M&S 0779 1210 d/ Il Daniel Shirley Agent or Applicant Printed Name Signature ** Please read compliance statement on back of permit" - nQ= 35 5 Application Fee(s� Check # (Scale: 1 tl 1 _.,7 See note on back regarding River Basin rules. Pertnit0 is rimed Name Signature -Az Issuing Date Expiration Date ®CAMA / El DREDGE & FILL No. 76124 -� � C GFENERA� PERMIT Previous permit# A B kNew ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC Q3 6 d Q ElRules attached. Applicant Name /m Har'Aeck Project Location: County ti / f�Gl�✓t d Vim'" Address ` r f Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) City ��il�G State ZIP ,fC l s �' Phone # (�/D) ifs& E-mail Subdivision — h Autorild Agent hAj t , U ,� �i City Affected ❑ CW �X EW Gi PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS Phone # ( ) River Basin AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ HHF ❑ IH ❑ UBA ❑ N/A Adj. Wtr. Body la 4, � na man Junkn ❑ PWS: tv ORW: yes no PNA �/ no Closest Maj. Wtr. Body Type of Project/ ActIVIV U1� /U ' rYG-' e22Z! 1 /r7'7— Cl ///rJC/ 5 /it- f th, n q g (Scale: AI_T_S Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) Finger pier(s) Groin length number Bulkhead/ Ripraplength avg distance offshore ;Y 4 max distance offshore • • • • • ,'` Basin, channel : s U cubic yards \ Boat ramp Boathous oa & A !_ w NHC Beach Bulldozing � �, R, Other Shoreline Length SAV: not sure yes Moratorium: n/a yes Photos: yes Waiver Attached: yes l:Y I A building permit may be required by: AAyY hkP? Y1 (yr/2!�j ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules. ( Note Local Planning jurisdiction) 4 10% 01 r? I 0 U/^',O Notes/ Special Conditions j(W1 5 ,� ,I-V Agent or Applicant Printed Name Signature ** Please readAompliance statement on back of permit f'A ow Application Fee(sv Check # Pe� r sf rinted Name Signature 3/ 1�0 Issuing Date Expiration Date E7/�9/2939 14:53 51079197�7 K4SCNBMO BNAT YARD pA3E 91 ;1m.n-Rew 12:e1S From: To:9TE45r319So P.3 2,U fJc; �- �- P' �,u n: xb T ° N(D /W Name ofIndiv; dmal applying Far P ezno it: AddTGSS 4��:'o�ti�': �:. ! 1 h _d---• (S.�Y ar 5creei, Stet of RW-d) Zcity and Coup` ) herelsy cerlfy that I propPry ad�ac�t?t io tt1 above-referenGcd p:apeny The individu: applying far -this permit hu descnbQd m me as show:i ;he s�ta�latd dcawin$ flea ticvelopmcnt thr afe proposing. A description or drawin& will dimensions, should be prcviBed -rich this Later. I havr no objections to :his propML If you have objections to vvhat is being propAb$cd, pletge write tba Dlvisiaa of Cossl Management. 127 Cardinal Dri-de Ertenston, ,,'ilmintitOn. NC U405 or Cali 914-796-12 within 10 days of raaaipt of this notkce NQ response is considerad the same as no objection you have btsn ratified by Ce-d ied MaiL 1WAI,aRsn i iON t understand Let*t a ,, Prm pier, deck,, piling breakw2ter, heat Satasa ae boat lift must be bck s min Imnm di of IS, from my arse 0, rlpar. ion access. unless waived by me. wish to waive the seltatk, you must istitial the appropriate bUtttk below.) i I do Wish to waive t.hf. 155 Set', 6c regiuiremenL i isit;a *-gLivt tl;e 15, scthatk requirement. r M Print Name �Cj MCI) Teleph.o%ne Number Wit� Area Code o•'y-•-..••�••••�•• ? MASONBGRO YACHT 91137919777 Page 1 E7/138!2909 14:53 9107919777 MASONE0% 2[V4T YA=SD PAGE A, ItNd-%E�-2C�B la. -OS From: To;91045519% P.3 ADJACOT R2 j& &Q_P : O 's� ti�7 i;hRIZ07�1.�, pORM >ti?ame of individUai Applying For permit: 1 t a Addrm of Propeny: i? f (Lot & Street #, StTCL't or P W) -(City and Co , ) I hereby ccni fy that I proptrsy ad a=t to the abTvs-mAfreeccd p;aperty. 'brie individu: 3pplyiug for this permit has described zc rre us shwa on lie attached dmwiagthe developmentthf are proposing. A descnp�ion or dmwino vvith diman ipns, should be provided 'Mt this Ltter. �i I have no objeGzions to this proposal. If you havo 4bjaetions i9 pha► is being proposed, plessv. write Tht' Divlsinn Of COSS1 laraoemen4. 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, W,ilminglon, KC 29405 or sell 9IN796-12 within 10 days of raeaipt o, this native, t .o rasporse is aansittarod the same as aia abjection you have b.rn.not`if`ced by Ce;�it'ted ll�aii. WAnTR STICTT N t understand t hot n pier, dark, moaring pil•,nns„ brcak- aver, bD2t h004 or boat lift must be treks minicnuni distaace orI5'frote my sros£i rlparian access - urrlesswaived b7 ma (:J! wish to waive t;. a seTbzck, you must iuitial the appropriate bVink below-) I do wis9 td mive ;nor 15' settbac'ic re 14TC cent. rcq:�iremert. 0 �I'rintNamc Telephone NuMber V10h Arcs COdt uJ onuor.n ri v A ruT OVTM 1Q 777 PSgP } AM" a�ScN 60 �n flv1 ajar' OF re, Plq IA- fief e A*-e . h lv vQ rl PDckpm:�p/ w For a J D.I. R—i—d Dare Depowbd CMek F-qn anre Noma Ann it NoMw V—dor CMck Numbcr Ch-k .mount Permit Numbw1Commanta Rcc� t w RNurM/Rwlloceled cok~ CM-2 —+—or Ca/umn3 Colrmnl Co/umn6 CoWmn6 CoWmn7 co —e CoWmn9_ 4/142020 McPherson Marine Services, LLC Jackie Gawron First Citizens Bank 2987 $ 200.00 GP#75865D Bbrink rct. 10413 4/14/2020 Neal and Katherine Forney same State Employees Credit Union 1391 $ 200.00 GP_#74655D Bbrink rct. 10414 4/14/2020 F and S Marine Contractors, Inca Mark Chesson PNC Bank Bull E 200.00 GP #75817D J$7 Bbrink rct. 10412 4/14/2020 Grice Construction of Brunswick County In John Acton BB&T 13 004 200.00 #76108D BB rct. 10855 4/14/2020 B and_B Coastal Construction Corp Palm Cove HokkVs, LLC Weis Fargo 1117 _GP $ _ 400.00 GP #758491D BB rct. 10863 4/14/2020 B and B Coastal Construction Corp Benjamin and Cyndi Levine Weis Fargo 1116 = 400.00 GP #75848D BB rCL 10862 4/142020 B and B Coastal Construction Corp Ann Morales Weis _Fargo 1118 $ GP #75850D ;BB rcL 10864 4/14/2020 Donna and William Beck same BUT 6342 _400.00 $ 200.00 GP #76113D BB rct. 10861 4/14/2020 _ Willie Clarence RichardsorVRichardson Cc Billy arxt Laura Sutton_ BB&T 7877 $400.00 GP #76112D- BB rot. 10859 4/14/2020 Overbeck Marine Const./Daniel Shilfty Glen Harbeck SunTnist 53251 S 200. P#78124D BB rct. 9745