HomeMy WebLinkAbout75871D - Goldenberg^r CAMA / _ DREDGE & FILL No. 75871 A B C Q GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit # ?New i Modification Complete Reissue uPartial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authori7td by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC K V l ' ❑ Rules attached. Applicant Name ,� ° lGQ\"tOLr Project Location: County ►V e •11 �'� �nc,yc ✓ Address 2 (A L 1- `' Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) �( City A V�c_ c,- State GA ZIP 3U'�2 <�"0.^ � D' �' r Phone # ( E-Mail 41 1 °' & ^b�'� �3�o CwS� „.'f Subdivision Authorized Agent nn , T c L LCcity �' "" °� ^ ZIP Z�S' Affected ❑ CW ikEW 9 PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS Phone # ( ) River Basin W �^ a AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ HHF ❑ IH ❑ UBA ❑ N/A Adj. Wtr. Body C ;� man /unkn) ❑ PWs: , � ORW: yes / no PNA yes Closest Maj. Wtr. Body___ _- Agent or Applicant Printed Name Permi t ' Printed N 1 Signature "Please read compliance statement on back f permit ** Signatur Applic ion ee(s) Check # Issuing D to fflpiration Date IPCAMA / X DREDGE i FILL No. 75871 A B C GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit # New -Modification ❑Complete Reissue - iPartial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality �'�f C and the Coastal Resources Commission In an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC (� / � 16 o _. l , Rules attached. Applicant Name_ . 0. Gcj\"toe r� Project Location: County__ Address 2t\\py r � \\ `�-4 Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s)_ Z� City A�b, �. o- State GA ZIP Wz'2+ ��,� Phone #{l7��O M�G� E-Mil _QU .��° AA��Q:a 1i t ubdivision — Cty IWJ'\ ^" ^1 }v ---- ZIP- _2g4Authorized Agent r ,1�.• Affected ❑CW 9kEW 39PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone # ( ) River Basin U AEC(s): D OEA 0 HHF ❑ IH ❑ UM ❑ WA Adj. Wtr. Body< <�o-�^A.man �unkn) ❑ PWS: ORW: (// no PNA Yu � Closest Maj. Wtr. Body W — Type of Project/ Activity nu rr<A-c- ji,4, MLW v Pier Fbced Floati Finge Groin Butkh Basin Boat Boa Bea Othe S SAVI. Mo W n (Scale: P 'TS ) L pier(s) lengthij■MM�i�liW■■ii■■e iumber ENE ■■r�■■ ■q■P ■■ ■■■■■ ii■����■ice ■■■= ■■�■ `� ■■■■■■■OEM MENEM !ON ■■■■ �■■■■■■■■■M�fjj =�t■/r■f■,■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■+rssee�ees ME■EM ■■■■■ distance oIt r ��■ WNW ,NI/111010OWi4111W. 10MMINW.WaffM l ONE M04%1I MINE W4/00 'INV, 'B.A141 I A MEN ■a!1 M■ n�■■ ■■■IN■�■M m ME �■G■■� ■■ No WISH ■ ■MINg■ ■ ■r. RIM111111 NNMANIM gn O EM■■MIN■ NONEN ■2lri �■■�a�■■1►�W■►-4 WOMEN MEN E■■■ ri rir■ i■rErrrlINMMM■ ■ MEEEM M ■M■M■ M■ ■ IN [�Sis'L'MIN■■■■ M■■■■�■M■MMMME■E■■ ■no MIN■\�'�!+!i�'�t�ea■ MEN! MENEENEIN��mmomom I■M rRIP-1iEMf�■E■ A building permit maybe required by: s tN r10.1a ✓ ca" ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin- ( Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) Notes/ Special Conditions >` 1 A11o�,-L�c rt�t "`Yy" �,1� "k 'DI lstp•. .. (wt W M^ 1N — c c l Adam Knierim "W—nl Printed Name Digitally signed by Adam C. Knierim Leda m C . Knierim DN cn=Adam Knierim, o=Maritech, US ou, email=adamknierimphotmaiLcom, c=US swoo re "Phase read compliance staoNnentoa bac f p�e}rmit `� VCheck M �- Perm I� < r� � Printed Signat/u� aj)' Z l �f2O0 Issuing o to lration Date` Ak MARITECH INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROPOSED AREA OF MAINTENANCE DREDGING 80' x 40' x -6.0' MLW (250cy) m -9.1' 71 Canrl T •1 I rA. • Y .. i f- Existing Docking Facili 3. •' -2.8' -6.8' -8.7' -9.3' 'ater depth ' • 1__- L I.E-mvw■ �P �P 4 �P hP h V ` EXISTING PRIMARY ACCESSWAY Approximately 170' within USACE Easement Area . l •� USACE DA 228 196 PROPOSED AREA OF DISPOSAL Private Property — Northeast New Hanover Conservancy Approximate Area - 200' x 100' i� _ as �0 .. L4Q Google Ear#h- Ak MARITECH //�rwvvn rive Sacuriona roa r�+r MaaiHc Enviaorvrrcivr AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CA VIA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: �ce/ i'L+t� r Mailing Address:0 0'"'�'' go AAGA.Ijl) Phone Number: �� 1`7 S .� S Email Address: t lr-t'lc CO�cad Niel I certify that I have authorized�'��� Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits 1 -cor� PXjs4rN necessary for the following proposed development: ►ire-c rr'C CiLC L Ci '6010- i { at my property located at a S At, ko ! I�: ire`) T Vj r 11.41 jvr/ A%(- in County. / furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: Sign Print or Type Name Title l 19 r au Date This certification is valid through �.'� ^'^�^��i� F?ZC3P'CRrY aWNER STATEMENT /1V Gregg Golden 6 uaov certiry That I own orooerty adjacent to (Name of Property Owner) orooerry coca==- (Address, Lot. Block. Road. etc.) Middle Sound, BANKS CHANNEL inNHC N_V. on lWaterbody) (Cih►lTown and/or County The applicant has described to me. as shown below. the develooment DroDosed at the aool:- iocarlo,- I have no objection to this pr000sa, i ha.,e obiections to this or000sal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual proposing development must fill' description below or attach a site drawing) WAIVER SECTi- I understand that a pier, aocK, mooring pilings. Doat ramp. oreaKwater. Doamouse. im. or. =- must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of hDarian access unless waivea D. .ne. of you wish to waive the setback. you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. t do not wish to waive the 15' setback reauirement (Property Owner Information) YY� r Y1 p W1 Digitally signed by Adam C. Knierim Adam 11 1 I/ 1 1 I` r 1 1 1 1 DN: —Adam C. Knit, urn, o=Maritech, LLC, �,J K ou,email=adamknierim@hotmail.com,c=US _— . Date: 2020.03.30 15:03:00 -04Z iqlmattffe Gregg Goldenberg Print or Type Name 21 Sandy Poini Madinv Address Mlmmglon, NC COIStat6fip Televhone Number/email address 3 3020 Date *Valid for one calendar year after signature' (Adjace AA C-sf Intotmationl , Print or Type Name r �a ° g M iM Aa &1; City/State/Zip q lo, 3 t 9- 7 Televhone Number email address ao Date (Revised Ate. ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT 1 hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Gregg Goldenberg rs property located at 21 Sandy Point (Name of Property Owner) Figure Eight (Address, Lot, Block ,�RRgd, jetc.) on . in VVVI minwon N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above locat R I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) x I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) 0 '9rt1 1 1y Signed by Adam C. Knienm Adam C. K n i e r i m ON cn=Adam C Kmenm, o=Mantech, LLC. email=adamknierimeihotmaiLcom, c=US Date: 2010.03.30 ' 0:59:00 -04'00' Signature Gregg Goldenberg Print or Type Name 21 Sandy Point Mailing Address Wilmington, NC City/State/Zip Telephone Number / email address 3/30/20 Date (Adjace ro erty Owner Information) Signature Mr R.Newcomb Print or Type Name Mailing Addres1 9 Sandy Point City/State/Zip NC 28411 Telephone Number/em7il address Date* 03/30/20 *Valid for one calendar year after signature" (Revised Aug. 2014) Date Received Date Dp,,ttd Check From Nuns Name of Permit Nokhr Wndor Check Numbu check amount Pump NumbuXommente Race ( or RNund/RwHo-ted Columnl Column3 Column3 Colu-4 Columns Columns Column? Columns Columns 4/1/2020 4/1/2020 Maritech, LLC Fredericka Goldberg Bank of America 2411 $ 400.00 GP #75871 D BB rct. 10858 4/1/2020 4/1/2020 Grice Construction of Brunswick Cow James & Ann Casey BUT 13703 $ 200.00 GP #76236D BB rct. 10857 4/1/2020 4/1/2020 Grice Construction of Brunswick Cow Twiford Family Trust BUT 13705 $ 200.00 GP #76234D BB rct. 10854 4/1/2020 4/1/2020 Grice Construcion of Brunswick Coun Kenneth Johnson BB&T 13706 $ 200.00 GP #76109D BB rct. 10853 4/1/2020 4/1/2020 AMW Docks and Marine Constructior Bob Branan BUT 5770 $ 200.00 GP #75854D BB rat. 10852 4/1/2020 4/1/2020 B and B Coastal Construction Corp Longleaf Pines Wells Fargo 1131 $ 400.00 GP #76279D BB rct. 10914 4/1/2020 4/1/2020 B and B Coastal Construction Corp Jill Marie Ronnion Rev. Trust !Wells Fargo 1128 $ 400.00 GP #76281 D BB rct. 10917 4/1/2020 4/1/2020 B and B Coastal Construction Corp DaVID Tendler & Sausan Pratt Wells Fargo 1130 $ 400.00 GP #75803D BB rct. 10915 4/1/2020 4/1/2020 B and B Coastal Construction Corp Tatiana McCuen Wells Fargo 1129 $ 400.00 GP #76280D BB rct 10916 4/1/2020 4/1/2020 Allied Marine Contractors LLC Alex Simpson First Citizens Bank 8794 $ 600.00 GP #75864D BB rct 10406 4/1/2020 4/1/2020 Allied Marine Contractors LLC Bryan Beddingfield First Citizens Bank 8797 $ 400.00 GP #74648D BB rct 10407 4/1/2020 4/1/2020 Allied Marine Contractors LLC Jonathon Adams First Citizens Bank 8793 $ 200.00 'GP #75861D BB rct. 10808 4/1/2020 4/1/2020 Allied Marine Contractors LLC Randy Moffitt First Citizens Bank 8798 $ 200.00 GP #74649D BB rct. 10405 4/1/2020 4/1/2020 Allied Marine Contractors LLC Lisa Moulton First Citizens Bank 8795 $ 200.00 GP #75859D BB rct. 10403 4/1/2020 4/1/2020 Pattishall Construction LLC David Pattishall & Kim Davids BB&T 2180 $ 600.00 GP #76222D JD rct. 10328