HomeMy WebLinkAbout75863D - Gammons>-- M �i F1 r map, man FLOW �1 rrrrArM ►,■r�rr ■►�rraar+�yasi li me s Nardi Egrif 1; rl Ow"Is p s,lr *-.W GENE WCAMA,+ DREDGE & FILL Ii4L PERMIT New _Modification El Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue No. 75863 Previous permit # Date previous permit issued OJ As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC 7 ►1 ')'- Rules attached. Applicant Name m r' on Project Location: County B r u n S wl L�I— Address / L/FarNlLAV, Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) /Pq S w a 5 S+ City I+ Mpuh�aih State ZIP Phone # (3 i;14/ 03E-Mail a'M�0&'\4" 6� Subdivision/-^ / Authorized Agent M (� r01'1 Mar I►1;t,­ 10 City-0- ^IC _l._ �I G►% ZIP Affected ElCW >4W )�CTA )(ES ElPTS Phone # ( w River Basin 1"'I b ElOEA ElHHF ElIH ❑ UBA ❑ N/A a V i S AEC(s): Adj. Wtr. Body nat an unkn ❑ PWS: now. .1-1 ,Z--"A DATA r'1 Closest Mal. Wtr. Body - - Finger pier(s) number prap length avg distance offshore 0 max distance offshore ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■i■■■■■i��w�iii■■�■■■■i■■■■��ii�■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■r■■■■■■■■■■■■l7�1%■1� 1�:■■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�OJ'r'riir■■■■ rrnrirrrrrrr c..rrr�rrrrr•��r rd�r�rr��rrrrr�rr•�r�r�rrrrr�r�r��rrrrr�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�i cubic yards NMI ■■S17■111�■■■■■■■I �ilr■■i■rl■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ''kliiM ■1i�[��i%R''' '/�L'-Ms1■iiiarii■■" " ,MlaT7�■■■■■ leach Bulldozing- Other ■v�■t`1C'�■■:'11%iif��!!l �fi+ili►ill■ir!►»:�r■■■■ SAV: not sure yes- 11oratorium: (QLa) yes no • • • .■....�.....■...■...�■L .............. 011MI■■M11101■S■ ■I:■ ■�N���■■■■ ■RVttJ■[■■■■■■■*!ZihfCTZ�u1■■■■■■(i■■■■�:rL`SLW J■■■■ ■Vi�IR�` �Ilr•JJ■■■■■■■■Iti�iiil�■■■■■■v7,1■■■■■■■■■■■■ . D_.._ _. ..ram..__.._ .....___ .._... Signature Please read compliance statement on back of permit ** I+tW* of PP0PSrty Owner Reaquivirling Pwmt: Tim Mailing Addree: 144 Foots Farm Larne Mountain NC 27041 Phone t4umuet: e twtl Addnew, Owlify VW t twve asfortted �,�.p�, .dos RMMt ►Cw*odpr to act bo"If, fcx the pufpo" of appi bV for and a$ CAMA "'Y for the tailovwinp WOP,Md dawekipnttent; NO2 dock at my RraP" toted at 109 Southwest 25 street, Oak Island N.0 in - Rn in4,.,.. County, 1 twthermore cartify that t am aUthOlt' W to pr4VK grid do Ja fact grant pamssion t o division of Cvastet hfenageow)nr SW, Ot:aJ Fbtioi t and their an the afarementioned tends in corms ,Ykut wgh s b or►ter Pennif eppkcatop blibrnfdlir�n nateted to this Pmpwy 0"wr lafornwow attxN Tim moons �Ktt a rya Mw7e --1-0 ._� 2019 o�,re This csrbVicaWn is valid tArou®h uoms" a -M NOMM&WOW f v.ay x++w� t,00dns IM—kN AGO U6040 "PAIS4 owm sI"x70—'dW4 ■ f i ( � { , � ■§§;!®§®,�@§ E�■�zE�Ek|�k §§§`f\%%\\! .! �■■■##**#laax 2■■■■§■■■k.!@® ||§ 9A ! , 60o-DM,ZE +(/3 ! ! .! k k 7� \}t £ y} ii\{{{{{\\\a | � ' rarecy @i(il +t�i • ,nSik +.t arYf c +: h• _. TOM ammnxm Joe x3 sMtiil. M tywtitr► Dt iR! CmAI lot, BfocN, Dread +Nt.j — _ _ t he t y Ives cFe.. �►t ec a-� 1r se,o ,WOW. ft �+ea fit ' +wwe tt earo b WMOw R tinaY4++a11p1 TM AIMIM ORAWWCI OF PRO OSEU DLv i_nPMEra ��JMtt t hit i�► rle cr r� guar W 4twh .t %fro t#.nrr lovk"04- �e+w a � z sock S"Y'CI"Cr 101at : * p� ` its r 11 � bM Mt Y ' . . of t ! ;1 to*f6tEf:1� ii yet. rettesf Rut oft woo � ty ru to fie Miui1 M talta!IR h� -- _ 3 +1If7 y►.{« kt M�:Yi 1'tiF id` �tV *� t do nal rl►ep b *WVO 0,0 IS iA�iaa�t :�rcr�nttty Own" Eo" Farm KWOU 36 429 W36 1t�1Gi�#119 5* toz 0 ih+r 04+wz:*d eflfll4 w'" Aft M�lg p 1 Vw. 4" 04MM4 14 — Tun Olson David CwW iwm� — OeLft C Wtv-" NIS dmuvv�o4 00 ter, f owe" md��rj I Move A I AlOPIC11" we, --WWWMMANWM -- amdw^w 7POO�POM o"*000" 400*0" 6 oftlo f ear Of . s umm MOM M* 4000 Amolls '4404d -1, 1, jf *dm ado, In wow (10 *V� le *4 ft ft #if mom * �Mwomn I JU Wr"c man" 46