HomeMy WebLinkAbout75835D - Brianc kh" ; DREDGE fa 19LL No. T § 1 3A � C LZ�MENERAL PERMIT Moa Pero" 0 t+t w Mod tw~ CmWO a ewe rUVW Rk+laW Due pr.~ pNu.wd.,_— J1. arMr►wt y ++�• h.l. d ►+� t..n►+,. O�.pn+e+� w Enwan�ewt� Qw�r ..rw.t,�..owcan.�,�+.r.�.�r....��.���s�'+�"►+�ISAnCIt '��.1ZO�+ +w" Av WW t+irme jK.�lttrt. '^ Am � rr r -' a h ►.geee lor~ C-Al r 9 for S ► Cv. j A,ft t 3 1. k 7E s, r , E Saws I *Mfrs S� Rwdl talc *4, 11 S i�t � # � S � an c.,, L-rws jc*c suf. W, zw 27401.0 D Svc A-Awe#t Y'' t.M.0 u**..n . , /4n 4*dAae �tk-�s lu s G , M O�,rj �wo,i�� OAK Z Sterd zv U41i S Aflecult CW /('" )&A Es tii � it # �r "'••� Pkww a,., i-,,-La Ata+; a" MW $4 A4 WWr bo* pwV4S Cat,4 � + ..rs OIhM r HiA e+ n.. Crocco Ma+ Wtr bd/ kT k l w Type of project Aar#ay � k k ►t•� �i' 1tTf Doi cav-14 w � tort► es,• � �' ` f If Ty e it�j w :i;l ► t t'! w.,m Auto*#t ,r• ,w it i� A per'm "or by � See narte as t 'VWO#-A 144e. user IJO, f 14W tat! 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Beacl Othe Shory SAV: Mora Phoa n Subdivision City ya k= s (n►�d ZIP )-S H U S Phone # ( It River Basin LLAt— L er Adj. Wtr. Body Q AV t S Cao 0. 1, (nat�an /unkn) Closest Maj. Wtr. 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Ow vuraoee of apP#V"V for ,nd abhirw +d CAFM aermfra fie"" tar the ProPosed davMopmant 8 my PMP" bcabd et incowtY t h'�tt191►t10119 Olvtr7y ph&f 1 dttf Qrvla►cun f: p Aftwoomw &AP"Ved to grant ad ab in tact � peftsworn to on the � st9!! ftb Local Pemut pttltZd aper>fs 0 evnter P*"TW &AMOOML cwtnect8on w7h evMi"ng w4bmm6on Waled to this P1 it or 7wm Abm — Lt OVA T'W c6ta11an is vaia OvvQh — f Date Recohed Date Deposited Check From Neme Name of Permit Holder Vendor Cheek Number. Check amount e Permit Number/Comments Column! Ccllomn2 Column3 Column4 Cokmrn6 Column6 Cok~r ColunrM 4177=0 _ _ _ castle branch I oak island tek, LLC lighthouse marine Vance Morgan Morey Order Harbor Marne Construction, Inc. McPherson Marine Services,_ _LLC _ Keith Popkn WiIGe Clarence RicherdsoNRidierddon Corstuction McPherson Marine Services, LLC Carolina Marine Conshue6on, km.— H5 Constructon, LLC _ McPherson Marina Bsrvloee. LLC St -en Na I oak island tek, lIc BBBT Larry Lakks II _ Coastal Banc and Trust-- _ JM Hansel _ USPS Steven Pasguardorlb Bank of America Denns True _ _ First Citizens Bank same PNC Bank_ james and laura cain 808T Michael and Amy Brian _ Fket Citizer_w Bntk Joseph R Starks _ Fkst Bank Kenneth Keels Jr. _ BBBT Tim Gammons _ Firm Ciozers same Coii,tal Cred Unbn 99379 3147, $ 200.00 GP V?lS= S . _ 200.00 GP i74875D $ 400.00 GP e75837D $ 200.00 GP a75876D $ 40D.00 GPf745836D $ 2D0.00 GP s762580 $ 200.00 GP N758550 S 200.00 GP e758350 S 200.D0 GP Y75816D _ 200.00 rGP 076116D 6 200.00 1 GP 07SW30 _ S 200.00 1 GP 0755050 4I17I2020., HIM= 26583354077 1058 2365. 1817 7886 4117=0 411712020 4117/l020 4/17/2020 4/172M 30171 41170M 4117MMI 12542 2491 411712020 MAN 2M41 33461