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74655D - Forney
iCAMA / - DREDGE & FILL No. 74655 A B C GENERAL_ PERMIT Previous permit # " -----� kew DModification ❑Complete Reissue DPartial Reissue Date previous permit issued l As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality / e ' aO Q and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC / 7 1 — L]Rules attached. Applicant Name_-�_ 6r Project Location: County_ R ru V"i w iC k ` Address `d��N t �^' Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) 169 City1✓ kar State_ , ZIP-/#" 2 Phone # q E-Mail `r'+.«M Subdivision � -- - --- — ----- --- - -- - - Authorized Agent F— rAZ i C City . Qak ZS� _----_- _ zip J-SL .{J S Affected CW lltM A DES 0PTS Phone # ( River Basin 6Q" ' El OEA HHF D IN D USA ❑ W�� A ° A.EC(s): Adj. Wtr. Body_ - _ _lnat m unkn yes y,, Pw5 / no PNA ®/ no Closest Mai. Wtr. Body --- ----- -- — Type of Project/ Activity P t tX / DQ Gk — (Scale. Pier (dock) length i Fixed Fiat(orm(s) � Floating Platform s) Finger pier(s) Groin ! number Bulkhead/ Riprap length avg distance offshore max distance offshore Basr ` T nel — cubic yards Boathouse/ Boa Beach Buhdon Other Shoreline Length :t too` SAV: not sure yes no Mo.-atorium ti a yes no Photos: yes Waiver Attached, yes O Z MI, a! Mom 0■■ MOMMOMMINEW2 ■� %■ w■ ■■■■■rn■r;■�;■u ,� �.ui■■.■....■■..�..I.PM.� .■�i�ii��ii ■■■; .' Mol I.■P f..37,:r1■mom �:L'�rilF�■.�7N I ���o��■■ ■i �l� �■■■■ (lui�i.■ ■uw■���ai-slaw ■b-�■■�n ��■ o ®�i ■ua�:i�e i�u OEM so ■■■■■■■■ OEM Moll ■N■■■■■■■ ■■�. No ENMNNI�E■ ■■■■■■.■� A building permit may be required by: ( Note Local Planning Jurisdiction's �� Notes/ Special Conditions pock- r16-4-4b excel (co' Oak T-SI.,rd r,Ak,5 0.c-1i ,(Zop IOCA1IS Kcs. �ent licant Printe Name signature * a Please re cornpliance statement on back of permit ' Application Feels') Check # s t �� See note on back regarding River Basin rules. po n e,ilGraa(,h 15 t Permit cer's Print me Signature Issuin Date Expirat on Date 'XCAMA / DREDGE & FILL No. 74655 A B C gENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# / ANNew ::]Modification::]Modification❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous perm„it issued�/� As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality 7 rf and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC County nn El Rules attached. F-1 Applicant Name 6,r Project Location: ru IGk J 1 �-3 N�7z' A, Address / r Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) City C, N't (off e StateZIP /;- � 2 I Phone # (1-(19 E-Mail �or__� z ®Td'C0M Subdivision Authorized Agent f 7r e q � ra Z i fief Or r �r ey� City dak Z S� d _ ZIP a-S11 b ❑ CW )<PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS Phone # ( River Basin L U M 6y- Affected ❑ El HHF ❑ IH ❑ UBA AEC(s): El N/A Adj. Wtr. Bod ° C0.n A (nat� ) ❑ PWS: A=W W ORW: yes / PNA ©e / no Closest Maj. Wtr. Body Type of Project/ Activity � ► e-x- I l o G Scale: 111 1 ) - "'is�J■■■■■■■�■il�llllCA�iii�1■■■■■■■■■■I, OMEN ■■!!*!R,HOME.gi1WNN/MEW TE,2— ii■1Namw.s■■INIMEN Mvgdistar ■■Gr=7■■1:1�!'�!.■�;�!!!'�t':�■�:■��//■■i'�!! ■■■■'i'�ii!iiili�i',!TJ14`', ore =ceoffshmax distance offshore ■■!C]ii�■■[��it+:�i�i�f��.�l►.■■!II■■�■■■■ILjafi�:�ilr■■■■■■ ■'�iunli■®■■!�`�■i■■ �.ri�/■■■■■■I■■■■■■I��iiliCi■■ ■tll�■■■w!■■■■�■■■■I��1■■■■■■■■!■■■■■i■■■■!■ ■t IIY�■ ���■■�� iEI■1!�I�,i��!!/■1��1�'ir�■■■■ ■■11i■Ct■■■l14■■■�■■■■I■11{�i�■i�l■■I■i—.■—■■■■!■■fl■■ ■i;1■■■■■■■■■®■■I�■I�i��■llN9l�!■i!�■■E111■■■■■ ubic yards ■■sal■■■t■■■C■C,■�■■■I►11■■111�1!'■■■■■■i�■�■■1�■■■ ■fit!!■■■■■■■■1■�i■:9■I%11■I�f�l�■1�!■E►!■�ii�l■■%■■■ Beach-13—ulld-32�1 iff ■wR■■ ■■■ Other■��■■■■■u■■■■■■■■■■■■■��se■�■■■■■■■■■■■ i WO■■i■i■EE■■■■i■■■REM MMANERM�ui■■■■■■ Shoreline Length • r�:r�»■■■u■■■�■R!��ru�R��■■�■urn■■■■■u■ SAV: not sure yes ■ii■■i■■■E■'0TRFnl`1i ■■®■■■n■iUaONG" i■ Moratorium: yes noPhotos: yes ■■■■■■■■■■■■®■l�■■r�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Waiver Attached: yes A building permit may be required by: yak - s Ind ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules. ( Note Local Planning jurisdiction), % Notes/ Special Conditions " A ( t r uke- S p-C 7M- l Z oC� l ate`r , Ste, and Tom. C (d� u A Pr.6� �o r�e�C ecq � (c' �row� ��,i mot- ►1 � lid tom, ci�'r war° IJo ny� P-NCT 66-C �'St r i nb (\aY` b ICC2r nX ilA l\ nreY� nrnper. g e.r S cc, A -if u-d Xgent or Applicant Printed NamS / (-c %�}-�al a/ Signature ** Please read compliance statement on back of permit* f'tloo•oo _ I I Application Fee(s) Check # Permit Officer's Print Signature ZOZD Zo ZO Issuin Date Expirat on Date AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: Nt-# G -1-4DR41,,w Mailing Address: ;� 3 % 11VW T GN _ G'h1*z G6TT7r /VG .2S2-1/ Phone Number: -76)V :S 4, � y ®19 Email Address: fO �>,/jl r Y Y02 ® 6104I G . CDA4 I certify that I have authorized (;Z4W A04S / ,9-a &(z 628-G P8-044r� Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: PLO),- l,--- at my property located at ! 10 q S4!5�- '� 2NO 57, 07�K in R 2 JNsw IGI,-- County. 1 furthermore certify that / am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: 0 �f' Signature Print or Type Name Title Date This certification is valid through 1 I ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to _I Val LT[C_�`f (4 �61��p ¢O+(nQs/ 's �� S a �2 sme of Property Owner) property located at (Address, Lot BI ck, Road, etc.A ) II on j�QUI S Ccc,ti7� L , in � . -5 (� , N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applic has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above locatio I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill In description below or attach a site drawing) WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. operty Owner Information) (Adjacent Prope Own Information) S na Si ure* Niatz. &-t ez �S Print or Type Name Print or Type Name q(enl G < D2 L Zs- (csin Mailing A dres 1�rlr g Addres C c ro?TP. 'q C 2 !! Cat -TS �iz ✓i c� . N C 2 9 City/Sta-tel7ip aAJVY C'�State/Zip ?og (0 qb QIn - a +- SOS- z Telephone Number / email address Telephone N tuber / er11ail address . 2 . ozb 11�1�✓t c,2 22-d 2 O Date Date' (Revised Aug. 2014) *Valid for one calendar year after signature` a A� � %del. - �(a z1o�9 Fv/z.v6v ya ® GRoIz,, aa, \v V Y n�. tl• w-. I, 4 ( •6/, of, 9 •hoL I � � I 14 Ap 0 1A �(VI W x S� 1 I BETnAcrs fRO//i:CAA4 51Ut:0' REAR 2b Wf TCYAJ Or IONIC. BEACH fARCR ID r2351G022 MAT BOLY. 15 PAGE 12 DEED.fQ"h. 1,4 FAGL •I I .'nAe aCS❑ E- c I a� 10.0 `\ 3.76 cF 41 213 If fly `�n•D I CIA11 l NOTES: ^ I MS PWPC'tTy b SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL CA5AND CO DIT5. IOMT NS Of RECWAYORD COVENANTS, ACSTRICTI _ AND TITHES EA Of RECORD NFECTWri ON PR[NN9C5. 2. A, TITLE SEARCH WAS NOT LAAANT1[D ON'HE PARCt15 O 20 40 13D SnowN, TnL'i Ptwr o NOT A GUARAIReC OP r:rlE. LOT 9 PARCEL ID f235NG012 r'IAr eoa I I FACE e7 W u LOT II Zry We C./ WF TO" OF LOVG BEACH p_O PARCM IC a2351GoI L- O PUT BOOR I I PAGC 07 p Wc0 CD BOOK 1244 PAGE A I 20 N T O �gN m f CO II•cI .-r :v x 7.98 C-R.rc•°53 TA 98 5 7�2 f SS 20.0E 3/ 3'?5p.�" . Irr ::•:: /9• F t x 7.54 1 N.r /we9 cNARuS R I MENUA M 7x vAxCE. IJ I.`3}N"O'UO3 .7E YUl OOJC Ili PAGE 12 DEED WOR 00'J PAGE e59 6.68 5.98 n GI �5040 f C•2iC4.Ca• AT s� r i u O 11OKTN CARDONA BRIIILWACk COUNTY 1. L'AULAU. MANwA. Cr is. r.1.S. CERTIFY TnAT Tn15 IF AT ,VA, D,.Ui UNCCR NCI' mu FROCI NI ACTUAL SURVEY MPOL UNUCx NIY SUYtAVl51L71 ICRCO DC9 iD!T�ON RECIXDrD .N OECD AT FGf REGIS0� _7TMI CRLIyVICR COIRm OFCf•t 90uNDARC5 NOT SURVMD ARE CLCAkt 1HD.CAT!D AS ORAVA4 MOV INFO1I.4104 FOUND IN BOOK AT PAGE - -FAT THE RATIO Of FRECISIOii A,T��A;C�,AT[D ET�OCrUfER D I :I O.OJO4: -HAT Tnb PUT 4A9 PREPARE➢ IN ACCORCIMC! WITH G.S. 47-30 A5 I, %OUTAM W. PELANCY II, P.1-5. CERT W TO OI! Or T-1 M1,1 .N'G: o THAT THE SURVEY CREAT15 A SLPW VS10N OF LAND LVInYN Ent AREA CP A CCUm OR WMQ-AUTY THAT M5 AN ORDNAVC! THAT RCGLAATCI PAR.CCL5 OF LAND. Is THAT THE 5URVCY -3 OF AN CXI571G PARCEL Of NANO, YJAT TYC SURVEY V Of ANOTHER CArMOKY. 5LICH AS KCCOMDINATION OF D� PARCC.5• A CARRD T OCRW 5URVEY. OR OTHER TO THE CXn/$104 a 9UMV61C/1. \/ 6.68 5.98 n GI �5040 f C•2iC4.Ca• AT s� r i u O 11OKTN CARDONA BRIIILWACk COUNTY 1. L'AULAU. MANwA. Cr is. r.1.S. CERTIFY TnAT Tn15 IF AT ,VA, D,.Ui UNCCR NCI' mu FROCI NI ACTUAL SURVEY MPOL UNUCx NIY SUYtAVl51L71 ICRCO DC9 iD!T�ON RECIXDrD .N OECD AT FGf REGIS0� _7TMI CRLIyVICR COIRm OFCf•t 90uNDARC5 NOT SURVMD ARE CLCAkt 1HD.CAT!D AS ORAVA4 MOV INFO1I.4104 FOUND IN BOOK AT PAGE - -FAT THE RATIO Of FRECISIOii A,T��A;C�,AT[D ET�OCrUfER D I :I O.OJO4: -HAT Tnb PUT 4A9 PREPARE➢ IN ACCORCIMC! WITH G.S. 47-30 A5 I, %OUTAM W. PELANCY II, P.1-5. CERT W TO OI! Or T-1 M1,1 .N'G: o THAT THE SURVEY CREAT15 A SLPW VS10N OF LAND LVInYN Ent AREA CP A CCUm OR WMQ-AUTY THAT M5 AN ORDNAVC! THAT RCGLAATCI PAR.CCL5 OF LAND. Is THAT THE 5URVCY -3 OF AN CXI571G PARCEL Of NANO, YJAT TYC SURVEY V Of ANOTHER CArMOKY. 5LICH AS KCCOMDINATION OF D� PARCC.5• A CARRD T OCRW 5URVEY. OR OTHER TO THE CXn/$104 a 9UMV61C/1. \/ 11OKTN CARDONA BRIIILWACk COUNTY 1. L'AULAU. MANwA. Cr is. r.1.S. CERTIFY TnAT Tn15 IF AT ,VA, D,.Ui UNCCR NCI' mu FROCI NI ACTUAL SURVEY MPOL UNUCx NIY SUYtAVl51L71 ICRCO DC9 iD!T�ON RECIXDrD .N OECD AT FGf REGIS0� _7TMI CRLIyVICR COIRm OFCf•t 90uNDARC5 NOT SURVMD ARE CLCAkt 1HD.CAT!D AS ORAVA4 MOV INFO1I.4104 FOUND IN BOOK AT PAGE - -FAT THE RATIO Of FRECISIOii A,T��A;C�,AT[D ET�OCrUfER D I :I O.OJO4: -HAT Tnb PUT 4A9 PREPARE➢ IN ACCORCIMC! WITH G.S. 47-30 A5 I, %OUTAM W. PELANCY II, P.1-5. CERT W TO OI! Or T-1 M1,1 .N'G: o THAT THE SURVEY CREAT15 A SLPW VS10N OF LAND LVInYN Ent AREA CP A CCUm OR WMQ-AUTY THAT M5 AN ORDNAVC! THAT RCGLAATCI PAR.CCL5 OF LAND. Is THAT THE 5URVCY -3 OF AN CXI571G PARCEL Of NANO, YJAT TYC SURVEY V Of ANOTHER CArMOKY. 5LICH AS KCCOMDINATION OF D� PARCC.5• A CARRD T OCRW 5URVEY. OR OTHER TO THE CXn/$104 a 9UMV61C/1. \/ ATM IN m q 4L i-TTq 1K Dtx'� N N h In P ,Q r, BIG DAV15 CANALv VICINrrY MAY - NOT TO 5CALE Surveyed and Mapped By Tide Water Land Surveying P.O. BOX I 1 5OG 602 North Howe 5treet Southport. North Carolina 25461 Phone: 910-457-9550 NOTES: I NO GEO'VIC IAOIIUMEI.T LVA5 FOUVO VAIIIIN 2000''. 2. SURVEY DATE, PCOADNSY 13, 2020. LAT 4. ALL DISTANCES AK ORIZOFnAL GROUND. 5. 1HE LAND 5IND41I 01, Tn15 FIAT 19 IN A FLOOD JJA•ARDAFfAAC 11• ACCORDING TO FI LM MAr f372020GCOOk. G..ONCD: It'. 7. C. R.1):c"STING Pt - BAR. B, r.1 Y• •O0"Z IKON Mpr. 9. L9.9. -IRON STAAE SC 1 O C.P. •• CALC POINT. I P. - 905TI14 �aON I'ICM MT I2. C.x. x.-MSTdG NAIL. rlEC11RC BOf. ~OLC 15 ® TCLC RD. I C N.n. V,. - NORMAL Hy^'1 V/ATCR SE 32�ND 5T. LOT 12 BLOCK 168 SECTION N4 PLAT BOOK 15 PAGE 12 DEED BOOK 1678 PAGE 1221 PARCEL IDN235NGO1004 11667.54 5Q.rf 0.27 ACRES Surveyed and Mapped for: N EAL FORN EY Town of Oak Wand 5mlthvllle Town5hlp BrunSwlck County State of North Carolina 4/14/2020 Neal and Katherine Forney Isame 4/14/2020 F and S Marine Contractors, Inc. Mark Chesson 4/14/2020 Grice Goristruction of Brunswick Counly In John Acton 4/14/2020 B and B coastal Construction Corp Palm Cove Holdings, 4114/2020 B and B Coastal Construction Corp Benjamin and Cyndi L_ 4/14/2020_ B and B Coastal Construction Corp Ann Morales 4/14/2020 Donna and William Beck same 4014/2020 Willie Clarence Richardson/Richardson Cc Billy and Laura Sutton Check Permit Numtw/Comments Citizens Bank 2987 $ 20000 GP #75865D Bbrink rct. 10w Employees Credit Union 1391 $ 200.00 GP #74655D _ Bbrink rd. td Bank 8521 $ 200.00 GP #75817D Bbrnk rc 1W r 13704 $ _ 200.00 GP #76108D BB rd. 10655 Fargo 1 1117 $ 400.00 GP#75849D BBrct. 10863 r Farm 1118 $ 400.00 GP#75848D _ BB rct. 10862 c Fargo 1118 $ 400.00 GP #75850D BB rct. 10864 r 8342 $ 200.00 GP#78113D BB rd. 10861 r 1 76771 S 400.001GP#78112D- IBBrct. 10859 Subject RE [Non-DoD Source] E-Mail concerning 109 SE 32nd St. From Beecher, Gary H CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Gary. H. Beecher@usace.army.mil> To: glennfrazieroki@att.net <glennfrazieroki®att.net> Date Today at 9:16 AM Mr. Frazier, We met at 109 SE 32nd Street on February 12, 2020. The purpose of the site visit was to view the property for the existence of 404 Jurisdictional Wetlands. The outcome of the meeting concluded that there are no 404 Jurisdictional Wetlands on the property. The end of the property abuts Montgomery Slough which is a Section 10 Navigable Waterway. A permit from either the Corps or CAMA (maybe both) will be required to instalUbuild a bulkhead, dock or pier. USACE Project ID: SAW-2020-00348 Please contact me if you have any questions about this project or about the USACE Regulatory Program. Respectfully, Gary 81odi '- gIenn i-azi^rr a4- .corn 1ri--va 1-nore N012AW, fah W"(2- C , 3-0465 NO& /o Cl s z $I� DflJJs cq�vq� � I TIO ON G g�9crf al g' x 1 o' 0 �F (,,vA ,N b pock a 79 ��1i✓f�'y lfvZ � Coil9�7G G®� r v ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to 1(Lk3!L z&rR /cam; ,vim TZ,e vev s (Name of Property Owner) property located at l D� SE �� ti S7' (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on ,g/6 DJ�(%/S C4¢Z2,o9'L , in d2z*5;� f:5Y7�,D N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above locat' n. ✓ 1 have no objection to this proposal. have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual proposing development must flll In description below or attach a site drawing) WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If yo wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I h t w ' do wish o waive e the 15 setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (P = ner Information) SigIrtu —I nWe; �V Print or Type Name -237•�rrF G.t� Mailing Address City/State/Zip 7D K I G Z yQI�2—&&a)Ay y z ® G•ti-f, Telephone Number/email address • C-014t Date (Adjacent Property Owner Information) C anature ,t,k / t S a �oti�s Print or Type Name W- :5A 732 57" Maill O/9K ddS Telephon Number 7 g 7111 Zo ate 'Valid for one calendar year after signature' (Revised Aug. 2014)