HomeMy WebLinkAboutHarborside Club @ 70 West. , I . _ .. - .. : . " ......, '- �' _ . . . I ,I �.. . . I I . I . ,.,. - ' I . 1 � € i.-:. i. . 4I , !- . - C CAMA DREDGE & FILL - �.'.. ,--" ., -.,., ,­�` .'- I� .. �I. .,. I' .,.�.- .:. .. .II, -I.._1 ..�t...o .. ..I.. I.._ II..I I I . I -. I � -1 I . : � , I . I.III . ..4 .' - I . a - .I .-. ..I. �. N, ��.I .,, .- .., .: �..I­� ..II. :t;. .' 1i.�i,.1I',;1..,.,1IIIjIi;,,i!�1:I,.- I.k. I... I, t . z t , GENERAL Pg R M I T q B' C D : u - 1,a1 t ' > r �....,x _ , Previous ermit # 1...- - . .,F I . I I - ;t' : '.... tl:' . E". ❑ ❑ . ❑ ❑ Date revious ermit issued r ,. , r¢.� ` New Modification , Complete Reissue Partial Reissue p p N -. �' ` �- .. ',,, .-I ..1I �... ..­ ,,.�­, .II ,-,1i ,-,I ,��.I. 1Irl. ._. I--.4-. . ._ r . -.., . .,., . I LI t .,. �: :. -. , , ; , ,,;w 1" • 7A 'Authorized' - the, State of North Carolina, De artment of Environmental Quali . " :, Y . P tY I . 1"1 I,II �. ;" I1_ .: 11; ._, �- -. .. .,I 1]. ,.k' ": „' .. J , E >.. and the. Coastal ,Resources Commission in an area of environmental concernpursuant to.15A NCAC- , � - ,., f, .. P 1. .Y, III ., ,I, FT I.I�. .J...� , . ,'. s . Y t > - 3 : . Y . 1. *-, _.I,..". ul . Res attached. ' , � ,. , _*. 1,w. I ­ ,' - ' ` licant Name ,' { 3 PP .. ��. .. :, 1�,�. :� .1 I1..;: -. .II � . - IIk. Pro'ect Locatio n CO un '. . 1 tY . ,_,, ., _ "-' _. .I 1_ ­, -I ,I.� .,.. ._.I ,1 ���. _iI G�1 "I.I. t , � ti �' 1 , - 'ai Y., r.' >'..• 1. . - ,t Address T) r, .. .I ,�- I_ .11 . . 1 ,€ tate Road Lot # s Street Address/ S / x� j A a �� tl' �. � } 1 .:. I �-. ,:4, i ., .I .+ �' I :I. ..t S 1 - _ ­ 4 e f i:' - i , : V Y .' - Y . f.i. '" ' t, :J 1''!.. :L .�-� l +cif C. h. i ,� p, - _., 1 t' qQ ¢ :` ,e.. F .C� 4 t Y .. . ll a a',..1. . .� • , y. ' 'Z t• A' ' is .. " 1 1 .. s C 1: -- '{ t ZI P CI �� 9= Sate ,. , I '� I _ . j - ,..1. -. ,: ­; .-,: ...: "�1.I- ,--,: I.I ." i_ �t .� ��. -��' �II.._II -..' � ! . 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F �t. ,4 1 _ .E Rules attached'. L. ��. t; ; � J` { r .,: `' � { 5 e j 3 _ t = ; _ �'� f '; ' 'y PjLocation:County �>J �-- ro1ect . - .wr<=;•a �:.N- j !-..a•.^S�+Q,tsWl+M :3Y � ....;� ^.. 3 -.,<� A � I .sue � . 3..�• ".� J Street Address State Road/ Lot #(s) € v s x ' _ State ,F ZIP z_ E-Mail Subdiv 2# -�, .,. 'f ent. ity •'.n ZIP x�'4-s �e •sf_�s.. - '� - r T ., i '��� •� � �q`�.`�X '� 1=� - a 4 •rp�'� l ES ��'s Phone #4 =t< j g R er Basin g f s f C] oEA 1-1HF El LH" ❑ UBA ❑ N/At F } -,vnc- y..<� f. Adj. Wtr. Body _ £v nat Jman /unkn): c ❑ ■♦ • V . ! ,+•'mot. r Y 4y I !'» jo Closest Maj. Wtr. Body, ., a QRw: yes no PNA yes / njo _ - f• •�� - T � : � ��- •-• � :�' 1 i- I' � ) ! y ! 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''t ? - rj V •7''' ;r ':,r, +-€ - :� € ° Y?� 1 i : It 5, t i 3 - ,.�.:. €. t € } �€ La'. r` i f •r' i } _ Al � �;,€ .,t. `- 1. t € � - �_ t. t jjt C � .�✓..` wtv?Sl,�:i-ri7ia.' _+n'Y 1 IT �.� t ~ ..s_�%1 f.. �. 3t _ T ; ? j. 0.<�•'sax "' € 3 S � I a ; .R T• � s : � �.; �•�' t I I 21-t itil ��,.(t y � t � � € j il. :i :c' rF AGENT AU RIZATION FOR-CAMA PERMITAPPLICATIGN operty Owner Requesting Permit: de i certify. That f have. authorized . Agent 1 Contractor Jo act on my behalf, for the purpose of: applying for and obtaining all CAMA*perm its _. necessary for the following*.proposed, development: An� Y�v,4� 6 � 4 at my property located at . in (.ih�f�'T County. . i furthermore. certify that. l am authorized- to grant, and do in fact grant `permission to Division of Coastal Mana.goem* ent staff, the Local Permit Officer and. their agents to enter on. the .aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. � s Property Owner information: 17 2,0 Signature' j � � 2, 2/ z 3� Z y 2 (ol 2 7/ Z Print or Type Name mom 271' 3 01 311 3 Z- Tine 3 � � .37` 3 9 '1 /` q 2-1 Date RECEIVED This certification is valid through / � ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT 49- -761 4AeX7-- s certify that I own property adjacent to V _ = (Name of Property Owner) ��� �/� located at (Address,. Lot, Block, Road,. etc.) artfil Caw , N.C. =� , in (Waterfbody) (City/Tow and%or County) The * applicant has described to me as shown below the development proposed at the above e iocatio I have no -objection to this proposal. _... -----=---- --- -- I h av_e_o b j � c��o n��to_t �t'ts�. p rQp o s_aL___- __._-_-:-.-..-------.------ .___ �._ DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) l��w--�' �-,�r� s .>v� �c � s�-�� 5 do, c.k S o� �-�o�t5� cLL /u�lNH� �.D�t'Uk PPALA A-0-EN WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be'set 'back a minimum distance of'15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (if you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) l do wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) Print otType Name P.o.i�vx' .3j Z, Mailing Addres =! 40"RaA�� CitylStatelZ-- 1p Telephgnq Number FrOM (Adjacent Property Owner Information) Signature t TVZ Print or Type N17n Y P 0 .r SC/ Mailing Address --- /v,<_ City/state/Zip 7 Telephone Numb r R$:C . D Date (Revised 6/18� � `�j� CTY c7 I ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT b 's certify that I own property adjacent tod - (Name of Property owner) rt located aty2�" - _p Y (Address, Lot, Block, Road,: 2ec.) inmo/�MiO�C, N.C. (Waterbo'dy) - (City/Tow and/or County) ff The a licant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above pp Io.cation rn I have no objection to this proposal. es _. I ha j e cf n_s t_o�th Ls_: pr_o p o aL_^ _. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) ,�in�T�t'T,� wj �if�-✓f �oc,�s 17�g�..b���' Lb le, e_0 - WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you roust initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. do not wish to waive -the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) Si40� A�� ature 409#U:e 4z Z"4_1_,__ Pr►nt or Type Name Po. e� 39 Z Mailing A Tess City/State2ip Telephone Nuliber � zlsr� Date (Adjacent Property Owner Information) I>C JAAV�Vk. 5 Signature Print or Type Name -7 4&kE 6�c �r�g, dress Ci7"y/VG c�dv�� City/Sta%/Zi 25Z—l2G - ?6 S5 Telephonq N tuber Date l a (Revised 611812012) "�-- .: T) `r . a C A ,