HomeMy WebLinkAbout71899D - Greening-. i❑CAMA / D DREDGE & FILL Na 71899 A B C • GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# New ❑Modification []Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality ' i �\ h and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC V V 1p Elules attached. Applicant Name �'�' y� V Vl- Project Location: County [ { UUw,-j V (' 1#(s)Street Address/ State Road/ Lot Address City ZVI 1 Statw ZIP b Authorized Agent Affected I -W AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ PW5 )(PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS ❑ HHF ❑ IH ❑ UBA ❑ N/A ORW: yes / no PNA ye) no Type of Project/ Activity Pier Fixe Float Fing Groi i Bulk Basin Boat Boat Beac Oth Shor SAV: Mo Phot Waiv J Subdivision a I�� r City I ZIP b"t Phone # ( ) , n Ri er Basi Adj. Wtr. Body V \� (,at an unkn Closest Maj. Wtr. Body RIVAN�IE ng Platform( A building permit may be required by: ( Note Local Planning jurisdiction) Notes/ Special Conditions �L fiAll M -J) 401 k) _I t� o AA Agent or Applicant Printed Name perm' Sign ease read compliance statement on back of permit* Signi re l Application Fee() � k # Issuirli Date ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules. Date P tttA r R s1 q�'1g� �rNr lVreby cell rY that 1 ewn Pratrty aidjacant to C j"R11�t� WOWY looeled at - i me of Pro erty Own �- —- 283 ____ Oil /� c� 1'1�{ ( re -as, fro 81 ck ARW, ~Q---terb�y �=- �1.0 (Cityrtown antifor County} The 1 I" nt has do tome, as Shawn i'•e-tosv, the ctava krPM0111 tNoposed m tt)e above locaLxr I have no olijeMon to stile r;rvfx,. I hove objections to fts p(Owsal DISC ir, - N ANt2IlJR DF2J�WtN( t3� i+R4F'USED f)t-' l--I t7PM N-r (lndtvfduai f}rriPasirq fjevclo�merJi must fill hI desr:rlptFon 6nlc,w nr"Itrach s s;tn rirAwlrtcy I undoralwKI that a pier, dock, mc►ai "R SECT N MIMM rm d0aixe c)f 15, from Illy »ray otlingo ri (8a c�rRsrun0eeeto ��a vc�ol t' ar r'4tn must the setback, you millet ItIlUal the appropriate tat ial) ac cow. } � � be so! btx�c a b� n:e, (If you wish to waive 1410 wish to WWVe ittrl t sett Ck r0qurrrs1116nt 1 do not \Preen to waive (he 1ci' seti)ack requlit_ c��! CPsty+ Owner Informa(bn) JlRnrrlJrrC -- PAW or cS of ,rl1r/S �IZ'p. Dam (a ent Properly Owner Information) (Rc3MWI fw'11t201 '?) x 14 1 c�,,n., o,+� • rim . vo� y M yl - I - I 4.0-f+ MAMP, VX161 FlxGd DMk l vLO 5h1 3D-t" S-ivca-t- AG 91NLIACaTH Rtzr fit t+ �£D Ai � ti111i + � � �::Nw.ho of Pmwty t water I!oq. aq.- Perm It; rate This cOfMcation ie valid through f�QJACENr RtPAR N aUNIERTY-4WNErl STI NT I hereby cerilfy that I own property adjacent to r � YCQc/R. L11�Y1L Property located [it S1njt me of Property Ovrno =v�- on(ddrOes, b1<ki Rqa d' atc,.._. _ , In .�,. Gb�Z (Wotarbody) - ------ , N.0 (CitylTowrn nndlor County) The app;,cant h0s deaerJbed tome, as shown bela,q, the deve"ent proposod al the above lowban, I leave no objection to the:: propogaE, I have ctOclfoaia to this proposal. uEsCRIPTION ANDIOR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMEiT (Individual proposing dovclopnrent,nust fill in descrlptlorl DO= or attach a site dramnu) . ►�19�CER �kC'tIQN I undersimW that a pier, dock, mooriiul pilings, breaict dlor, haOAPIOUAe, lift, or groin must bo sot boot a miNmtcm distance or 16 from my area of rlparlao OmWts unless wtilvad by ma, (ir yam„ wish 10 the setback, you must initial the appropriato blank below.) waive t do wish to vralve the 15' setback requiremont I do not wish to waivo Ill 15' setback reaukw WrOlWt y Owner Information) slgrarbre Prat or Typ Aloft 2 Addfuss Ldy/5rate/Zip T oeY plwn© hluml�er Informatlonj -14yr%jiulprc�I r � _ ! Q*Wd 9162012) MacPherson, Tara From: Weychert, Curtis R Sent: Friday, January 3, 2020 8:02 AM To: Kara McPherson Cc: MacPherson, Tara Subject: RE: [External] 106 SW 30th Kara, I've spoken to my supervisor and she seems to be on board with it. I would only ask a few things: Can we be informed of the construction process; i.e. when construction is being performed and when it is completed? Can you share some photos with us of the platform before and after, showing how the stop system works? Would the property owner be willing to allow us access to the platform quarterly for the first few years to track the success (with her coordination, of course)? For future reference, if more of these projects come up, a good thing to focus on and to make me aware of is the "no net loss" aspects of the project. What I mean by that is that our guiding legal statute which is the Fisheries Reform Act which states that there should be no net loss of habitat or resources. In this particular case, they are removing a boatlift from the project scope, which would reduce the potential for bottom interactions in that area, as well as making steps to keep the floating dock off the bottom where it currently rests on low tides. Ultimately when looking at the wholistic project, the new construction will remove impacts from lifts and hopefully remove the impacts from the bottom, thus, there is no net loss of habitat from the project. I'd be happy to sign off on whatever permit documentation that Tara or her replacement would need. Curt From: Kara McPherson <kara@mcphersonmarine.com> Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2020 8:47 AM To: Weychert, Curtis R <curt.weychert@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: [External] 106 SW 30th Checking in on 106 SW 30th. Were you able to check with your supervisor? Sent from my iPhone On Dec 16, 2019, at 8:50 AM, Weychert, Curtis R <curt.weychert@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Kara, let me just run this idea by my supervisor to see what their thoughts are, and I will get back to you ASAP Curt From: Kara McPherson <kara@mcphersonmarine.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2019 7:54 AM To: Weychert, Curtis R <curt.wevchert@ncdenr.gov> MacPherson, Tara From: Weychert, Curtis R Sent: Friday, January 3, 2020 3:30 PM To: MacPherson, Tara Subject: RE: [External] 106 SW 30th Hey, they mentioned that they want to keep the lift, and I said that was fine, just with stops. I'm good with the project moving forward. From: MacPherson, Tara <tara.macpherson@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, January 03, 2020 3:29 PM To: Weychert, Curtis R <curt.weychert@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] 106 SW 30th Hi, Kara said there was another phone call about this? What is the latest? Thanks! Tara MacPherson Southern Region District Manager NC Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality 910 796-7266 office 910 395-3964 fax tara.macpherson(abncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 0-. '-,-Nothing Compares . Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Weychert, Curtis R Sent: Friday, January 3, 2020 8:02 AM To: Kara McPherson <kara@mcphersonmarine.com> Cc: MacPherson, Tara <tara.macpherson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] 106 SW 30th Kara, I've spoken to my supervisor and she seems to be on board with it. I would only ask a few things: Can we be informed of the construction process; i.e. when construction is being performed and when it is completed? Can you share some photos with us of the platform before and after, showing how the stop system works? Would the property owner be willing to allow us access to the platform quarterly for the first few years to track the success (with her coordination, of course)? ®Floating Dock6'x16' ...n I ow Tdr frame Marine Fisheries Design for Approval Hinh Tifla Pncitinn Support Frame Front a 0 yr c d., W—. we L.. Wlv lBrxkFEE 5/84+Iv. G�ZBolts Support FrameTop Low Tide Position -i4- M C P H E R S O N M s.wlw[ B[wvv[� -74 CiI1a1:gIliliL • cc Domestic Ln 7LELANDY'NC n451Er ru d Maii .1 j$(1461co , Extra Services & PA9 (clrerar box ed t te�� r u Return a ❑ Return Receipt (o!ectronic) -S Postmark C ! ❑CertlHall ed MRestricted DeiWey $ !A AA _ 142p! j ❑Adult Signature Required $ _ ❑ Adult Signature Restricted Dery O ge f0.55 — 43 i5 M Total Postage and Fees 10/037/?019 $ "' f6.85 r. Sen4-,nl — p b`fret:9*�Ovv o... , (/ 1......��, I IG� -J ------------------ City. Sfalw. 71Pid i"--------------- _------------------- ______'.�.__•__._____ Postal CERTIFIED MAIL' RECEIPT Ln Cr I. u7 Er ru �M $ 0 07 co Extra -services & Feos (cv;erkbaK addt )] ❑ Return Hocept Qiardcopy) $ — --- ❑ Return Receipt (e!ectrunic) $ _ tV •-4V -- Poatmatic O❑ Certified M. Restricted Delvey S �V.VV Here 0 ❑ Adult Signature Required $ A.duit Signature Restricted Deltvey $ p Postage $0.55 `c '$ 10/03/2019 m�Total Postage andg5 $ O o.S__.__-_J_r_________________________.__.____.__. .___.��tafe-zxq;v) ��•�.►PZ + Peat-mk7--tuA 70ca P�^tj Inixtol -A ) µV495 , 0111 al - f - M r � u Ibix,$ . Date R-1ved D.C. DPo~ Check From Name Name CI PMrnit Holder Vend- Cheek Numb- Ch.a anrwrnt Pa It Number/Commenb RCApt Or Rerund?—11--t-d Cbh~11 Cahmm2 Column3 C01-4 Columns C.1-6 callsefty Cdumn8 Ca1umn9 1/14/2020 Francesca Mane Evans & Martin H5 Construction, LLC _ _ Lighthouse Marine Construction Inc. _ McPherson Marine Services, LLC _ Allied Marine- Contractors LLC Grice Construction of Brunswick County Inc Martin Evans Coming Federal Credit Union BB&T Coastal Bank and Trust Citizens Bank 1049 $ 200.00 Go#74826D JD rcL 10934 1/14r2M William Ka _ _ John and Marcia Stavo 2425 $ 200.00 GP f74805D BB rot 9471 1/14=0 3023 $ 200.00 GP 974857D JD rel. 10935 1/142020 Chelse & Cara GreeningFirst 2061 $ 600.00 GP #71899D Tmac rct 9079 1/142020 Holladay Properties, LLC _ First Citizens Bank 11808 200.00 GP i74856D JD rct. 8550 1/142020 Jacob Van rift BB&T 13511 20O.00 GP i74846D BS rcl. 9474 1/142020 Willie Clarence RichardsontRichardson Construa Howard MirktE BB&T 7610 $ 200.00 GP 974850D BB rcL 9473 11142020 Brandon Grimes Money Order Steve Hill Michael Lyons _ SancFirst BS&T 162818M 21650 $ 200.00 S 200.00 GP i74854D GP 974803D JD rct 10933 88 rct 9472 1/142020 _ _ Carolina Bluewater Construction, Inc. McPherson Marine Services LLC_ _ Greaciv J. Darnell 1/142020 Charles & Julia Beidelsddes First Citizens Bank 2039 $ 200.00 GP f71898D Tmac ret 9078 142020 same SunTrust 1054 200. G 4855D JD rot 10932